Data Dictionary or ORM? - database

I am in the processes of replacing the framework for a fairly complex business web application. Our application runs on a LAMP platform and the new framework will be an extension of CodeIgniter. In my research for framework design I decided to look into ORM, I have never done ORM before and I wanted to know if it would be valuable for our application. Then I stumbled on a very interesting blog post entitled "Why I Do Not Use ORM." This blog seemed to confirm many of my worries about using ORM and it also presented a solution similar to what I was already planning.
By "data dictionary" I plan to use this definition from "The Database Programmer" blog:
The term "data dictionary" is used by many, including myself, to denote a separate set of tables that describes the application tables. The Data Dictionary contains such information as column names, types, and sizes, but also descriptive information such as titles, captions, primary keys, foreign keys, and hints to the user interface about how to display the field.
So in choosing a "data dictionary" over ORM I may be exhibiting confirmation bias, regardless here are my reasons for being weary of ORM:
I have never used ORM before, I don't know much about it.
This framework needs to be built rather quickly, my boss has little time and I need to produce a working application that will allow for a smooth upgrade to a more modern framework.
My boss already thinks that I am over engineering this framework (trust me, I am no where close to that) and is paranoid about the framework preventing us from being able to do things that we need to, and creating bugs that we can't solve in the required amount of time. So far I have done a poor job of convincing him that change is good, I am not a very effective salesman and while the other developers can help me the boss still needs a lot of assurance.
Our old framework is procedural, our code is PHP, and our developers know SQL very well. ORM would be a big change.
Our database has dozens of tables, many with hundreds of thousands of entries running on a fairly old server. In the past we have been burned by code that repeated polls the database in a loop instead of doing one query to pull all of the needed data at once. Avoiding this problem with hand coded SQL is rather straight forward. Ensuring that this always happens where necessary with ORM is a huge unknown to me and appears to be risky.
Regardless, the solution of the data dictionary seems very promising to me as this blog post "Using A Data Dictionary" seems to provide a lot of useful features and some that are requirements of the new framework. Here are my reasons for preferring the data dictionary solution:
Implementing access control rules on the table rows themselves would be invaluable.
Auto-generating database changes, documentation, and schema checking would also be useful.
One requirement of the framework is a generic data history/auditing feature that can be applied to any sub-feature within our application. A data dictionary or an equivalent is essentially required to provide such a feature. The history must have detailed information about the structure and data types within the database.
Our systems hold a wide variety of data types that would more properly addressed if they treated as formal types within the application. For one, HTML fragments (of which we have many in our data, they are required) need to be encoded as entities in some cases, decoded as HTML in others, parsed for links and images in some cases, and always validated for correctness. Then there are dates, measurements, currency, and various other fields that could benefit from having a clear definition in the code of how this data should be manipulated.
The data dictionary idea that I would like to implement would be series of objects in separate PHP files, and there will be plenty of OOP, however it will be used as in a manner very similar to the data dictionary concept presented in "The Database Programmer" blog. It would be the single source definition of the complete database schema for the entire framework.
Now my question is, am I overlooking the value of ORM or is this a case where a data dictionary is the right tool for the job?

I think your question would be more interesting if you were making an initial architectural decision rather than refactoring an existing application. I don't see a single assertion in your question that suggests a problem that designing in an ORM would address; but several it would create. If two major stakeholder groups (owner and other developers are more comfortable with a more conventional design, it seems to me that an ORM would be swimming upstream.
I can imagine the (possibly undeserved) approbation that would be associated with the ORM as soon as a query is slow or transaction locking problems start emerging. Not to mention the impact on the development schedule. Why create an unquantified risk factor?

Do you have a framework which supports building applications using a "Data Dictionary"? If so, give it a try, it might solve your problems. If you haven't, then there are lots of good and working ORM frameworks out there which have large communities, which come with source (so you can fix bugs yourself even if the "vendor" refuses to help you).
If you want to get a quick glance at a nice web based ORM framework, I suggest Django or TurboGears. They are based on Python which will be a nice change after using PHP. I usually prefer TurboGears but Django seems to be more smooth at the moment. Both are easy to set up and you should be able to build a prototype in a day or two. That will give you an idea of the odds.
PS: I also don't think ORM tools are TEH SOLUT10N. I use Hibernate or SQL Alchemy when it makes sense but I often roll my own simple mappers.

I think that you have made a very good analysis for you situation. You know why you choose the Data Dictionary approach. So go for it.
Later on you might reconsider. If so, then there should be not a problem to use the Data Dictionary and a ORM for new developments in parallel. Both technologies are not mutual exclusive.
If you don't like the idea of mixing different technologies: Stick to a solid OOP design and separate concerns between domain logic and data access cleanly, then switching to an ORM shouldn't be that painful or at least possible.
Good luck!


Ideal database for a minimalist blog engine

So I'm designing this blog engine and I'm trying to just keep my blog data without considering comments or membership system or any other type of multi-user data.
The blog itself is surrounded around 2 types of data, the first is the actual blog post entry which consists of: title, post body, meta data (mostly dates and statistics), so it's really simple and can be represented by simple json object. The second type of data is the blog admin configuration and personal information. Comment system and other will be implemented using disqus.
My main concern here is the ability of such engine to scale with spiked visits (I know you might argue this but lets take it for granted). So since I've started this project I'm moving well with the rest of my stack except the data layer. Now I've been having this dilemma choosing the database, I've considered MongoDB but some reviews and articles/benchmarking were suggesting slow reads after collections read certain size. Next I was looking at Redis and using its persistence features RDB and AOF, while Redis is good at both fast reading/writing I'm afraid of using it because I'm not familiar with it. And this whole search keeps going on to things like "PostgreSQL 9.4 is now faster than MongoDB for storing JSON documents" etc.
So is there any way I can settle this issue for good? considering that I only need to represent my data in key,value structure and only require fast reading but not writing and the ability to be fault tolerant.
Thank you
If I were you I would start small and not try to optimize for big data just yet. A lot of blogs you read about the downsides of a NoSQL solution are around large data sets - or people that are trying to do relational things with a database designed for de-normalized data.
My list of databases to consider:
Mongo. It has huge community support and based on recent funding - it's going to be around for a while. It runs very well on a single instance and a basic replica set. It's easy to set up and free, so it's worth spending a day or two running your own tests to settle the issue once and for all. Don't trust a blog.
Couchbase. Supports key/value storage and also has persistence to disk. Also has had some recent funding so hopefully that means stability. =)
CouchDB/PouchDB. You can use PouchDB purely on the client side and it can connect to a server side CouchDB. CouchDB might not have the same momentum as Mongo or Couchbase, but it's an actively supported product and does key/value with persistence to disk.
Riak. Another NoSQL that scales and is a key/value store.
You can install and run a proof-of-concept on all of the above products in a few hours. I would recommend this for the following reasons:
A given database might scale and hit your points, but be unpleasant to use. Consider picking a database that feels fun! Sort of akin to picking Ruby/Python over Java because the syntax is nicer.
Your use case and domain will be fairly unique. Worth testing various products to see what fits best.
Each database has quirks and you won't find those until you actually try one. One might have quirks that are passable, one will have quirks that are a show stopper.
The benefit of trying all of them is that they all support schemaless data, so if you write JSON, you can use all of them! No need to create objects in your code for each database.
If you abstract the database correctly in code, swapping out data stores won't be that painful. In other words, your code will be happier if you make it easy to swap out data stores.
This is only an option for really simple CMSes, but it sounds like that's what you're building.
If your blog is super-simple as you describe and your main concern is very high traffic then the best option might be to avoid a database entirely and have your CMS generate static files instead. By doing this, you eliminate all your database concerns completely.
It's not the best option if you're doing anything dynamic or complex, but in this small use case it might fit the bill.

Is an ORM applicable for a non-CRUD database?

I'm pretty new to database development in general and I've never used ORM before. I'm interested in the benefits of using one, specifically saving time writing boilerplate SQL queries. I'd like to use ORM for a project that I'm working on right now, but I'm not sure it's applicable.
This project is more akin to change tracking for very small (<= 500 characters) documents. I need to track edits and categorizations made by multiple users. Not really to see the specific changes they make, but more to see if the users agree with each other. I am using a SQL database for this (as opposed to actual document control) for a few reasons:
The documents are really small; and I'm only interested in the strings, not really in files.
I wanted the ability to perform ad-hoc queries against the data for development purposes, and didn't want an unpleasantly surprised halfway through that a particular document control package couldn't do what I wanted.
From most of what I've read it seems like you need a direct mapping from columns to data fields in an object to use ORM. What I have now does not even come close to this. To create objects representing documents in different stages of editing I have to cobble together data from columns in different tables, in different combinations.
So my question is: Does an ORM like Hibernate apply to this type of project? And if it does can one be added to an existing application/database?
If it makes a difference: I'm using Java, MySQL, and JDBC. The web app users have access to for edits is made with GWT and hosted via Tomcat6. If I need it, I have complete control of the webserver.
Does an ORM like Hibernate apply to
this type of project?
And if it does can one be added to an
existing application/database?
My opinion is that an ORM tool could be useful for you but you really need to delve into it to see for yourself. Remember when you use an ORM tool you are not forced to use only that to connect to your database. ORM tools in general make the most sense for applications that store data in a very object like structure. For instance your user code might be the place to start. Usually you only create 1 user at a time, you edit 1 user at a time, you check if 1 user is logged into. It also makes sense for things where you would return a list of results like Order Lines. Where I have run into issues with ORM tools is when you have complex data that requires multiple joins especially back to the table you started in. For those cases you might want to keep doing what you are doing. Overall, ORM tools are great but they are like a lot of other things in software development. Try them out on a small part of your code and use them where they work and don't where they don't. Ultimately, you are the one that will have to deal with and maintain whatever you make. Just educate yourself on Hibernate and I am sure you will know what to do!
I think that ORM (I would suggest using the JPA standard, probably with Hibernate as the provider) could suit your project.
It is fairly traditional, as you say, for database columns to map directly onto object fields. If you need to keep your existing database structure (which apparently doesn't map at all well to your objects), then you might find that its more trouble than it's worth to use ORM.
While it's certainly possible to use ORM to map to a specific database schema - perhaps because it's used by other systems - my view is that one of the biggest advantages of ORM is that you can almost ignore the schema. Once you design your objects, and tell hibernate about them, hibernate will create whatever tables it needs.

What is the best practice for persistence right now?

I come from a java background.
But I would like a cross-platform perspective on what is considered best practice for persisting objects.
The way I see it, there are 3 camps:
ORM camp
direct query camp e.g. JDBC/DAO, iBatis
LINQ camp
Do people still handcode queries (bypassing ORM) ? Why, considering the options available via JPA, Django, Rails.
There is no one best practice for persistence (although the number of people screaming that ORM is best practice might lead you to believe otherwise). The only best practice is to use the method that is most appropriate for your team and your project.
We use ADO.NET and stored procedures for data access (though we do have some helpers that make it very fast to write such as SP class wrapper generators, an IDataRecord to object translator, and some higher order procedures encapsulating common patterns and error handling).
There are a bunch of reasons for this which I won't go into here, but suffice to say that they are decisions that work for our team and that our team agrees with. Which, at the end of the day, is what matters.
I am currently reading up on persisting objects in .net. As such I cannot offer a best practice, but maybe my insights can bring you some benefit. Up until a few months ago I have always used handcoded queries, a bad habit from my ASP.classic days.
Linq2SQL - Very lightweight and easy to get up to speed. I love the strongly typed querying possibilities and the fact that the SQL is not executed at once. Instead it is executed when your query is ready (all the filters applied) thus you can split the data access from the filtering of the data. Also Linq2SQL lets me use domain objects that are separate from the data objects which are dynamically generated. I have not tried Linq2SQL on a larger project but so far it seems promising. Oh it only supports MS SQL which is a shame.
Entity Framework - I played around with it a little bit and did not like it. It seems to want to do everything for me and it does not work well with stored procedures. EF supports Linq2Entities which again allows strongly typed queries. I think it is limited to MS SQL but I could be wrong.
SubSonic 3.0 (Alpha) - This is a newer version of SubSonic which supports Linq. The cool thing about SubSonic is that it is based on template files (T4 templates, written in C#) which you can easily modify. Thus if you want the auto-generated code to look different you just change it :). I have only tried a preview so far but will look at the Alpha today. Take a look here SubSonic 3 Alpha. Supports MS SQL but will support Oracle, MySql etc. soon.
So far my conclusion is to use Linq2SQL until SubSonic is ready and then switch to that since SubSonics templates allows much more customization.
There is at least another one: System Prevalence.
As far as I can tell, what is optimal for you depends a lot on your circumstances. I could see how for very simple systems, using direct queries still could be a good idea. Also, I have seen Hibernate fail to work well with complex, legacy database schemata, so using an ORM might not always be a valid option. System Prevalence is supposed to unbeatingly fast, if you have enough memory to fit all your objects into RAM. Don't know about LINQ, but I suppose it has its uses, too.
So, as so often, the answer is: know a variety of tools for the job, so that you are able to use the one that's most appropriate for your specific situation.
The best practice depends on your situation.
If you need database objects in table structures with some sort of meaningful structure (so one column per field, one row per entity and so on) you need some sort of translation layer inbetween objects and the database. These fall into two camps:
If there's no logic in the database (just storage) and tables map to objects well, then an ORM solution can provide a quick and reliable persistence system. Java systems like Toplink and Hibernate are mature technologies for this.
If there is database logic involved in persistence, or your database schema has drifted from your object model significantly, stored procedures wrapped by Data Access Objects (with further patterns as you like) is a little more involved than ORM but more flexible.
If you don't need structured storage (and you need to be really sure that you don't, as introducing it to existing data is not fun), you can store serialized object graphs directly in the database, bypassing a lot of complexity.
I prefer to write my own SQL, but I apply all my refactoring techniques and other "good stuff" when I do so.
I have written data access layers, ORM code generators, persistence layers, UnitOfWork transaction management, and LOTS of SQL. I've done that in systems of all shapes and sizes, including extremely high-performance data feeds (forty thousand files totaling forty million transactions per day, each loaded within two minutes of real-time).
The most important criteria is destiny, as in control thereof. Don't ever let your ORM tool be an obstacle to getting your work done, or an excuse for not doing it right. Ultimately, all good SQL is hand-written and hand-tuned, but some decent tools can help you get a good first draft quickly.
I treat this issue the same way that I do my UI design. I write all my UIs directly in code, but I might use a visual designer to prototype some essential elements that I have in mind, then I tear apart the code it generates in order to kickstart my own.
So, use an ORM tool in any of its manifestations as a way to get a decent example--look at how it solves many of the issues that arise (key generation, associations, navigation, etc.). Tear apart its output, make it your own, then reuse the heck out of it.

What is a good balance in an MVC model to have efficient data access?

I am working on a few PHP projects that use MVC frameworks, and while they all have different ways of retrieving objects from the database, it always seems that nothing beats writing your SQL queries by hand as far as speed and cutting down on the number of queries.
For example, one of my web projects (written by a junior developer) executes over 100 queries just to load the home page. The reason is that in one place, a method will load an object, but later on deeper in the code, it will load some other object(s) that are related to the first object.
This leads to the other part of the question which is what are people doing in situations where you have a table that in one part of the code only needs the values for a few columns, and another part needs something else? Right now (in the same project), there is one get() method for each object, and it does a "SELECT *" (or lists all the columns in the table explicitly) so that anytime you need the object for any reason, you get the whole thing.
So, in other words, you hear all the talk about how SELECT * is bad, but if you try to use a ORM class that comes with the framework, it wants to do just that usually. Are you stuck to choosing ORM with SELECT * vs writing the specific SQL queries by hand? It just seems to me that we're stuck between convenience and efficiency, and if I hand write the queries, if I add a column, I'm most likely going to have to add it to several places in the code.
Sorry for the long question, but I'm explaining the background to get some mindsets from other developers rather than maybe a specific solution. I know that we can always use something like Memcached, but I would rather optimize what we can before getting into that.
Thanks for any ideas.
First, assuming you are proficient at SQL and schema design, there are very few instances where any abstraction layer that removes you from the SQL statements will exceed the efficiency of writing the SQL by hand. More often than not, you will end up with suboptimal data access.
There's no excuse for 100 queries just to generate one web page.
Second, if you are using the Object Oriented features of PHP, you will have good abstractions for collections of objects, and the kinds of extended properties that map to SQL joins. But the important thing to keep in mind is to write the best abstracted objects you can, without regard to SQL strategies.
When I write PHP code this way, I always find that I'm able to map the data requirements for each web page to very few, very efficient SQL queries if my schema is proper and my classes are proper. And not only that, but my experience is that this is the simplest and fastest way to implement. Putting framework stuff in the middle between PHP classes and a good solid thin DAL (note: NOT embedded SQL or dbms calls) is the best example I can think of to illustrate the concept of "leaky abstractions".
I got a little lost with your question, but if you are looking for a way to do database access, you can do it couple of ways. Your MVC can use Zend framework that comes with database access abstractions, you can use that.
Also keep in mind that you should design your system well to ensure there is no contention in the database as your queries are all scattered across the php pages and may lock tables resulting in the overall web application deteriorating in performance and becoming slower over time.
That is why sometimes it is prefereable to use stored procedures as it is in one place and can be tuned when we need to, though other may argue that it is easier to debug if query statements are on the front-end.
No ORM framework will even get close to hand written SQL in terms of speed, although 100 queries seem unrealistic (and maybe you are exaggerating a bit) even if you have the creator of the ORM framework writing the code, it will always be far from the speed of good old SQL.
My advice is, look at the whole picture not only speed:
Does the framework improves code readability?
Is your team comfortable with writing SQL and mixing it with code?
Do you really understand how to optimize the framework queries? (I think a get() for each object is not the optimal way of retrieving them)
Do the queries (after optimization) of the framework present a bottleneck?
I've never developed anything with PHP, but I think that you could mix both approaches (ORM and plain SQL), maybe after a thorough profiling of the app you can determine the real bottlenecks and only then replace that ORM code for hand written SQL (Usually in ruby you use ActiveRecord, then you profile the application with something as new relic and finally if you have a complicated AR query you replace that for some SQL)
Trust your experience.
To not repeat yourself so much in the code you could write some simple model-functions with your own SQL. This is what I am doing all the time and I am happy with it.
Many of the "convenience" stuff was written for people who need magic because they cannot do it by hand or just don't have the experience.
And after all it's a question of style.
Don't hesitate to add your own layer or exchange or extend a given layer with your own stuff. Keep it clean and make a good design and some documentation so you feel home when you come back later.

Is LINQ an Object-Relational Mapper?

Is LINQ a kind of Object-Relational Mapper?
LINQ in itself is a set of language extensions to aid querying, readability and reduce code. LINQ to SQL is a kind of OR Mapper, but it isn't particularly powerful. The Entity Framework is often referred to as an OR Mapper, but it does quite a lot more.
There are several other LINQ to X implementations around, including LINQ to NHibernate and LINQ to LLBLGenPro that offer OR Mapping and supporting frameworks in a broadly similar fashion to the Entity Framework.
If you are just learning LINQ though, I'd recommend you stick to LINQ to Objects to get a feel for it, rather than diving into one of the more complicated flavours :-)
LINQ is not an ORM at all. LINQ is a way of querying "stuff", and can be more or less seen as a SQL-like language extension for different things (IEnumerables).
There are various types of "stuff" that can be queried, among them SQL Server databases. This is called LINQ-to-SQL. The way it works is that it generates (implicit) classes based on the structure of the DB and your query. In this sense it works much more like a code generator.
LINQ-to-SQL is not an ORM because it doesn't try at all to solve the object-relational impedance mismatch. In an ORM you design the classes and then either map them manually to tables or let the ORM generate the database. If you then change the database for whatever reason (typically refactoring, renormalization, denormalization), many times you are able to keep the classes as they are by changing the mapping.
LINQ-to-SQL does nothing of the sort. Your LINQ queries will be tightly coupled to the database structure. If you change the DB, you will probably have to change the LINQ as well.
LINQ to SQL (part of Visual Studio 2008) is an OR Mapper.
LINQ is a new query language that can be used to query many different types of sources.
LINQ itself is not a ORM. LINQ is the language features and methods that exist in allowing you to query objects like SQL.
"LINQ to SQL" is a provider that allows us to use LINQ against SQL strongly-typed objects.
I think a good test to ascertain whether a platform or code block displays the characteristics of an O/R-M is simply:
With his solution hat on, does the developer(s) (or his/her code generator) have any direct, unabstracted knowledge of what's inside the database?
With this criterion, the answer for differing LINQ implementations can be
Yes, knowledge of the database schema is entirely contained within the roll-your-own, LINQ utilizing O/R-M code layerorNo, knowledge of the database schema is scattered throughout the application
Further, I'd extend this characterization to three simple levels of O/R-M.
1. Abandonment.
It's a small app w/ a couple of developers and the object/data model isn't that complex and doesn't change very often. The small dev team can stay on top of it.
2. Roll your own in the data access layer.
With some managable refactoring in a data access layer, the desired O/R-M functionality can be effected in an intermediate layer by the relatively small dev team. Enough to keep the entire team on the same page.
3. Enterprise-level O/R-M specification defining/overhead introducing tools.
At some level of complexity, the need to keep all devs on the same page just swamps any overhead introduced by the formality. No need to reinvent the wheel at this level of complexity. N-hibernate or the (rough) V1.0 Entity Framework are examples of this scale.
For a richer classification, from which I borrowed and simplified, see Ted Neward's classic post at
where he classifies O/R-M treatments (or abdications) as
1. Abandonment. Developers simply give up on objects entirely, and return to a programming model that doesn't create the object/relational impedance mismatch. While distasteful, in certain scenarios an object-oriented approach creates more overhead than it saves, and the ROI simply isn't there to justify the cost of creating a rich domain model. ([Fowler] talks about this to some depth.) This eliminates the problem quite neatly, because if there are no objects, there is no impedance mismatch.
2. Wholehearted acceptance. Developers simply give up on relational storage entirely, and use a storage model that fits the way their languages of choice look at the world. Object-storage systems, such as the db4o project, solve the problem neatly by storing objects directly to disk, eliminating many (but not all) of the aforementioned issues; there is no "second schema", for example, because the only schema used is that of the object definitions themselves. While many DBAs will faint dead away at the thought, in an increasingly service-oriented world, which eschews the idea of direct data access but instead requires all access go through the service gateway thus encapsulating the storage mechanism away from prying eyes, it becomes entirely feasible to imagine developers storing data in a form that's much easier for them to use, rather than DBAs.
3. Manual mapping. Developers simply accept that it's not such a hard problem to solve manually after all, and write straight relational-access code to return relations to the language, access the tuples, and populate objects as necessary. In many cases, this code might even be automatically generated by a tool examining database metadata, eliminating some of the principal criticism of this approach (that being, "It's too much code to write and maintain").
4. Acceptance of O/R-M limitations. Developers simply accept that there is no way to efficiently and easily close the loop on the O/R mismatch, and use an O/R-M to solve 80% (or 50% or 95%, or whatever percentage seems appropriate) of the problem and make use of SQL and relational-based access (such as "raw" JDBC or ADO.NET) to carry them past those areas where an O/R-M would create problems. Doing so carries its own fair share of risks, however, as developers using an O/R-M must be aware of any caching the O/R-M solution does within it, because the "raw" relational access will clearly not be able to take advantage of that caching layer.
5. Integration of relational concepts into the languages. Developers simply accept that this is a problem that should be solved by the language, not by a library or framework. For the last decade or more, the emphasis on solutions to the O/R problem have focused on trying to bring objects closer to the database, so that developers can focus exclusively on programming in a single paradigm (that paradigm being, of course, objects). Over the last several years, however, interest in "scripting" languages with far stronger set and list support, like Ruby, has sparked the idea that perhaps another solution is appropriate: bring relational concepts (which, at heart, are set-based) into mainstream programming languages, making it easier to bridge the gap between "sets" and "objects". Work in this space has thus far been limited, constrained mostly to research projects and/or "fringe" languages, but several interesting efforts are gaining visibility within the community, such as functional/object hybrid languages like Scala or F#, as well as direct integration into traditional O-O languages, such as the LINQ project from Microsoft for C# and Visual Basic. One such effort that failed, unfortunately, was the SQL/J strategy; even there, the approach was limited, not seeking to incorporate sets into Java, but simply allow for embedded SQL calls to be preprocessed and translated into JDBC code by a translator.
6. Integration of relational concepts into frameworks. Developers simply accept that this problem is solvable, but only with a change of perspective. Instead of relying on language or library designers to solve this problem, developers take a different view of "objects" that is more relational in nature, building domain frameworks that are more directly built around relational constructs. For example, instead of creating a Person class that holds its instance data directly in fields inside the object, developers create a Person class that holds its instance data in a RowSet (Java) or DataSet (C#) instance, which can be assembled with other RowSets/DataSets into an easy-to-ship block of data for update against the database, or unpacked from the database into the individual objects.
Linq To SQL using the dbml designer yes, otherwise Linq is just a set of extension methods for Enumerables.
