Database Diff Tool - database

As a Java Developper using JPA/Hibernate, I am looking for a will help diff a database that has been generated by Hibernate with a production database.
I've already looked at LiquiBase's abilities LiquiBase which is quite nice... Unfortunlately it is plagued by some weird bugs:
Re-Create Foreign Keys for no reason
Re-Create Indexes for no reason
I'm not entirely sure that it's Liquibase's fault as much as the JDBC Driver Implementation that are not consistent with the specification. I would be probably be plagued by the same issues if I even tried to roll out my own.
I am looking for a non Java-based solution that would support:

I like DB Data Difftective.

Have you looked at ModelRight?

If you just need to diff or "patch" data values (not structure), then Open Source DiffKit will handle this nicely for you:


Lightweight ETL or database Sync - Sybase to SQL Server

I have been doing some investigations into some light weight database Syncing tools to trial. The initial task we want to perform is a simple data sync from a few tables on a Sybase ASE database (15) to a SQL Server database (2008 R2). Timing wise, I'd like to keep my options open, but ultimately, I would like to have the ability to sync every minute or less.
I have been looking at SymmetricDS, which at face value seems to do exactly what I want it to. The drama is I have hit a couple of roadblocks on the Sybase side of things, which is proving to be very frustrating (Jumpmind support are assisting). It appears that Java has a problem with the default collation we have on our server, being HP-roman8. Unfortunately, to change this charset is way bigger then this project itself.
I have also started investigating Talend, but have hit a few roadblocks in relation to requiring older versions of drivers for Sybase and downgrading the installed version of Java.
Without having to go to Replication Server, does anyone have any suggestions on a relatively lightweight ETL or database Syncing tool that will do what I want? The biggest gotcha thus far is Sybase support - I really need something that will seamlessly work without having to hack too much.
You should try uniVocity. It is a Java-based ETL framework that certainly can help you do what you need. You can use any JDBC driver, define your mappings with a few lines of code and have this working faster than a traditional ETL tool.
Have a read through its tutorial and also check out a few sample projects here
Disclosure: I am the author of this library. It's open-source and free (Apache V2.0 license).

when using a specific database such as sql server,do we have to install and configure odbc?

when using a specific database such as sql server,do we have to install and configure odbc?
and my other question is why cant thrift/avro/rest/protobuf be used with rdbms,they are services,why are they just used with nosql dbs?
I am reading professional nosql book,and there is a list of different nosql db access methods,and they are listed as nosql db access methods,but when I googled them I saw they are services for serializing datas and so on(each of them is for sth).
thanks in advance.
These are multiple questions here.
(1) No, SQL Server is accessed best via the SQL Native Client, ADO/MDAC/OLE-DB. Performance-wise ODBC is not recommended at all, although it still may be the most viable option in certain cases.
(2) Thrift is only an RPC-mechanism, which has nothing to do with DB in General. This is a completely different aspect. However, Thrift can of course be used, and in fact it is actually used by the NoSQL database Apache Cassandra
I'd recommend to first find out what kind of DB is most suitable for your use case: It may be a typical SQL database, or it may be a classical ISAM or even something like Cassandra, CouchDB or MongoDB. Once you know that, you'll surely find out how to conect with the DB of your choice - or just ask another question :-).

Way to abstract database schema creation?

I'd like the ability to create a schema for multiple database types such as MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. I know ORM tools such as Hibernate can do this, but I won't be using an ORM to access the database so would like a solution that doesn't depend on one. Are there any tools that can do this?
I forgot to mention that this is a personal project so I'm looking for something either cheep or free.
Take a look at Erwin.
Edit: (Based on question update)
Yeah Erwin is not going to be cheap. I did a quick search and found Toad Data Modeler, which I haven't tried but may be worth looking into:
Entity relationship diagrams - both Physical and Logical modeling (incl. inheritance)
Support for various databases (Oracle,
MS SQL Server, MySQL, Sybase Ase,
PostgreSQL, DB2)
Generation of SQL (DDL) scripts
SQL Power offer a FOSS modeling tool, SQL Architect. It can generate DDL for several flavours of database. It is still technically beta (current release is 0.9.1) but it should be fine for a personal project. Find out more.
I know you said u don't want an ORM but SubSonic 3's migrations might just do the trick for you. You don't have to use the ORM just have SubSonic build itself from your database and have it as a separate class library. Then change the provider say from MSSQL to MySQL and have it rebuild itself.
PowerDesigner is a far better choice than Erwin but it too is expensive.
It took me roughly 16 hours to install the demo of Erwin, lots of failed attempts, incomprehensible error messages, help phone number which were disconnected.
PD will give you 14 day free trial.

Anybody using SQL Server Spatial in a production environment?

I'm looking for some spatial database features but can't upgrade to SQL Server 2008 at the moment. I've come across this open source mssqlspatial package which would provide most of the features I need however I'm hesitant to deploy it without knowing if it's production ready. I was wondering if anybody out there had deployed this package.
Never heard of mssqlspatial, sorry. Have you considered PostGIS though? That'll give you an open source spatial database, and I believe it's quite well regarded. Never used it myself.
This isn't answer...just some additional info.
We just went to SQL Server 2008, but PostGIS would have been my first choice (wasn't my choice). As MarkJ says, it is well regarded.
You might want to checkout SharpmapV2. It's not a spatial database but you've got providers on just about everything including MsSqlSpatial:
And I'm seeing the same developers in both repositories (John Diss looks like a busy guy), so I think SharpMapv2 is more current:

PowerBuilder app with embedded database?

Is it possible to use e.g. SQLite with PowerBuilder? I need an embedded open source database (no additional costs).
Like Bernard said, you'll need an ODBC driver, so as long as you're willing to go third party (if I understand the SQLite situation correctly), that should be no problem.
That said, if you have PowerBuilder, you have license to distribute the single-user SQL Anywhere run time engine. If no-cost is your only criteria, and you're only connecting locally, SQL Anywhere may be an option to evaluate. Not only is it an incredibly solid database, but there's a much larger base of documentation and experience connecting PowerBuilder to SQL Anywhere, so if you run into problems, you're more likely to get some help.
Good luck.
I don't believe that PowerBuilder contains a driver for native support to SQLite. But it definitely has a driver for ODBC, so that is always an option even if it isn't the most efficient one.
I used to use SQL Anywhere, but eventually ditched it for the reasons Joe Landau gave - can't change the schema using the distributable runtime engine.
I switched to Firebird, which has an embedded version, and that seems solid. The only issue is that the ODBC driver I'm using (Gemini), which seems to be the best one available, seems to have gone out of business. (I just checked - it seems to be available on other sites.) And you have to add the following to your PBODB*.INI file:
CreateTable='CREATE TABLE &TableName (::ColumnElement[::ColumnElement]...)'
ColumnElement='&ColumnName &DataType'
DropTable='DROP TABLE &TableName'
GetIdentity='Select gen_id(GEN_&TableName,0) from RDB$DATABASE'
I've been very happy with it. Using it for almost 2 years, with over 1,000 users, and no problems whatsoever. You can also easily switch to the Firebird server version if some users need that.
As noted, SQL Anywhere is available and solid. But it has a disadvantage--you can't change the schema using the run time engine. This makes it hard to, say, add a column to a db that you have distributed.
++ to the comments by DC on Firebird. One of the best free databases out there. I have used it for years for a PB application I sell to Law Firms.
Although I use the server version even if the target is a single workstation. Simplifies the deployment and the issue of adding workstations later if desired.
I use the standard Firebird ODBC driver at
There are two good GUI front database management tools that I hve used - IBOConsole and Flamerobin.
