Why isn't all code compiled position independent? - c

When compiling shared libraries in gcc the -fPIC option compiles the code as position independent. Is there any reason (performance or otherwise) why you would not compile all code position independent?

It adds an indirection. With position independent code you have to load the address of your function and then jump to it. Normally the address of the function is already present in the instruction stream.

Yes there are performance reasons. Some accesses are effectively under another layer of indirection to get the absolute position in memory.
There is also the GOT (Global offset table) which stores offsets of global variables. To me, this just looks like an IAT fixup table, which is classified as position dependent by wikipedia and a few other sources.

In addition to the accepted answer. One thing that hurts PIC code performance a lot is the lack of "IP relative addressing" on x86. With "IP relative addressing" you could ask for data that is X bytes from the current instruction pointer. This would make PIC code a lot simpler.
Jumps and calls, are usually EIP relative, so those don't really pose a problem. However, accessing data will require a little extra trickery. Sometimes, a register will be temporarily reserved as a "base pointer" to data that the code requires. For example, a common technique is to abuse the way calls work on x86:
call label_1
.dd 0xdeadbeef
.dd 0xfeedf00d
.dd 0x11223344
pop ebp ; now ebp holds the address of the first dataword
; this works because the call pushes the **next**
; instructions address
; real code follows
mov eax, [ebp + 4] ; for example i'm accessing the '0xfeedf00d' in a PIC way
This and other techniques add a layer of indirection to the data accesses. For example, the GOT (Global offset table) used by gcc compilers.
x86-64 added a "RIP relative" mode which makes things a lot simpler.

Because implementing completely position independent code adds a constraint to the code generator which can prevent the use of faster operations, or add extra steps to preserve that constraint.
This might be an acceptable trade-off to get multiprocessing without a virtual memory system, where you trust processes to not invade each other's memory and might need to load a particular application at any base address.
In many modern systems the performance trade-offs are different, and a relocating loader is often less expensive (it costs any time code is first loaded) than the best an optimizer can do if it has free reign. Also, the availability of virtual address spaces hides most of the motivation for position independence in the first place.

position-independent code has a performance overhead on most architecture, because it requires an extra register.
So, this is for performance purpose.

Also, virtual memory hardware in most modern processors (used by most modern OSes) means that lots of code (all user space apps, barring quirky use of mmap or the like) doesn't need to be position independent. Every program gets its own address space which it thinks starts at zero.

Nowadays operating system and compiler by default make all the code as position independent code. Try compiling without the -fPIC flag, the code will compile fine but you will just get a warning.OS's like windows use a technique called as memory mapping to achieve this.


How can compilation occur without symbol resolution?

Here is my question. Suppose you want to compile the c code:
void some_function() {
write_string("Hello, World!\n");
For this example, I want to focus specifically on the string: "Hello, World!\n". My understanding is that the compiler will put the string into the .rodata section in an elf file. A symbol, referring to its location in the .rodata section, is added to the symbol table and that symbol is kept in the .text section as a placeholder for the location of the string.
Here is the problem. How can you leave a value like that unresolved in machine code? In x86, it should be easy enough for the linker to do a find and replace on the symbol when the location is known. However, there are many CPU architectures where an address can not be encoded in its entirety into a single machine instruction. Therefore the value would have to be loaded in 2 stages, using separate machine instructions and the linker would have to figure that out. It would have to be smart enough to manipulate the machine code with half the address in one place the half the address in another. Furthermore, somehow the elf file has to represent this complex encoding scheme for the linker later on. How does this all work?
I most programs, this will be in a user space application. So the kernel may load the .rodata section wherever it wants in memory. So it would seem that when the program is loaded, somehow, at runtime, the kernel loader would have to resolve all these symbols in the program prior to beginning execution. It would have to inject into the machine code where it put each section so they may be referenced appropriately. How does this work?
I have a feeling that my understanding and above descriptions are wrong or that I am missing something very important because this does not seem right to me. Ether that, or there is in fact the logic to preform these complex functions within modern kernels and linkers. I am looking for some further explanation and understanding.
Compilation takes place, emitting something like this:
lea rdi, [rip+some_function.hello_world]
mov rax, [rip+some_function.write_string]
call rax
after the asm pass, we end up with something that disassembles to
lea rdi, [rip+00000000]
mov rax, [rip+00000000]
call rax
where the two 00000000 slots are filled as load-time fixups. The loader performs symbol resolution and fills in the 00000000 values with the correct values.
This is a simplification. In reality there's an extra layer of indirection called the global offset table, which is used (among other things) to put all the fixups right next to each other.
The innards of how this works is CPU and OS specific, but in general you don't really have to care exactly how it works, and it could change in the next release of the compiler (and has changed at least twice already). The loader understands fixups at a very generic level using a fixup table, and can deal with new ideas so long as they resolve to put (absolute or relative) address of a symbol at offset + size.
The Alpha processor had it kind of bad back in the day. Fixups had to be in between functions, and relative addressing could be only done in signed 16 bit sizes, so the fixups for functions were located immediately before or after each function, and presumably you got an error in the ASM pass if the pointer didn't fit because the function was too big. I did come up with a clever sequence that would have fixed the problem on Alpha, but that was long after the platform was retired, and nobody cares anymore so it never got implemented.
I remember the bad old days from before the loader could do good patchups. There once was a global (and I really do mean global) table of shared library load addresses, and the compiler emitted absolute addresses and you had to rebuild your application if you changed a library, even though you used shared libraries. That just wasn't the brightest ideas, and no wonder people keps statically linked emergency binaries lying around. Breaking libc wasn't fun.

What is the deal with position-independent code (PIC)?

Could somebody explain why I should be interested in compiling position-independent code, and also why should I avoid it?
Making code position-independent adds a layer of abstraction, which requires an additional lookup step at runtime for certain operations (usually pertaining to accessing variables with static storage).
So if you don't need it, don't use it!
There are specific situations where you must produce PIC (namely when creating run-time loadable code, such as a plug-in module or library), but the added flexibility comes at a price.
The gory details depend on how your loader works on on whether you are building a executable or a library, but there is a sense in which this is all a problem for the build system and the compiler, not for you.
If you really want to understand you need to consider where the code gets put in the address space before execution starts and what set of branching instructions your chip provides. Are branches relative or absolute? Is access to the data segment relative or absolute?
If branches are absolute, then the code must be loaded to a reliable address or it won't work. That's position dependent code. Many simple (or older) operating systems accommodate this by always loading a program to the same place.
Relative branches mean that the can be placed at any location in memory. That is position independent code.
Again, all you need to know is the recipe for invoking your compiler and linker on your platform.
PIC code usually has to be slightly larger because the compiler can't use instructions that encode relative address offsets. Without PIC, many addresses can be encoded with 16 or 8 bits relative to current PC. Sometimes in embedded systems, PIC is useful. For example if you want to have patch code that can run at various physical addresses.

Tools to show spills in a c code

Is there a tool to where I have spills in my c code?
I mean see what block of code potentially make a register move to memory.
EDIT: what is a spill:
In the process of compiling your code at some point you will have to do register allocation. The compiler will do an interference graph ( "variables" are nodes and they are connected if they are alive at the same time ). From this point there is a linear process that will do graph coloring: for each variable assign a register that wont interfere with other variables... If you don't have enough register to color the graph the algorithm will fail
and a variable(register) will be spilled ( moved to memory ).
From a software engineering point of view, this mean you should always minimize a variable live so you can minimize the chance of having a spill.
When you want to optimize code you should look for those kinds of things since a spill will give an extra time to read/write memory. I was looking for a tool or a compiler flag that could tell me where is spill so I can optimize.
I'm aware of no such tool.
Because decisions about spills vary from compiler to compiler, and version of the compiler and even by settings within a given version of a given compiler, any such tool would have to be tightly coupled to a compiler and would likely only support one.
On the other hand, you can always look at the generated assembly yourself and see if a given variable is spilled or not.
Generally either disassemble or compile to assembler instead of an object.
For specific compilers like gcc and llvm (where you have the source and can easily re-build the compiler), modify the compiler to print some sort of output to indicate how many times it had to spill, as you call it, to memory. Perhaps as you find the register allocation routine, you may find that the compiler already has such output. Personally I just disassemble or compile to assembler.
A generic assembler analysis tool is possible, but is it worth the effort? You would want to know where function/optimization boundaries are. You would want to distinguish volatile variables, or hardware registers where the write to ram was intentional. You could just look for stack based writes only. Or look for cases where there is a write to the stack that is not a push, where the register is destroyed on the next instruction. Actually it would be pretty easy to search for writes to a stack pointer relative address, with the next instruction destroying the register, with that stack based relative address being read back in a relatively nearby execution path where the stack frame has not been cleaned up in that execution path. Do I know of such a tool? Nope.

Are programming languages and methods inefficient? (assembler and C knowledge needed)

for a long time, I am thinking and studying output of C language compiler in assembler form, as well as CPU architecture. I know this may be silly to you, but it seems to me that something is very ineffective. Please, don´t be angry if I am wrong, and there is some reason I do not see for all these principles. I will be very glad if you tell me why is it designed this way. I actually truly believe I am wrong, I know the genius minds of people which get PCs together knew a reason to do so. What exactly, do you ask? I´ll tell you right away, I use C as a example:
1: Stack local scope memory allocation:
So, typical local memory allocation uses stack. Just copy esp to ebp and than allocate all the memory via ebp. OK, I would understand this if you explicitly need allocate RAM by default stack values, but if I do understand it correctly, modern OS use paging as a translation layer between application and physical RAM, when address you desire is further translated before reaching actual RAM byte. So why don´t just say 0x00000000 is int a,0x00000004 is int b and so? And access them just by mov 0x00000000,#10? Because you wont actually access memory blocks 0x00000000 and 0x00000004 but those your OS set the paging tables to. Actually, since memory allocation by ebp and esp use indirect addressing, "my" way would be even faster.
2: Variable allocation duplicity:
When you run application, Loader load its code into RAM. When you create variable, or string, compiler generates code that pushes these values on the top o stack when created in main. So there is actual instruction for do so, and that actual number in memory. So, there are 2 entries of the same value in RAM. One in form of instruction, second in form of actual bytes in the RAM. But why? Why not to just when declaring variable count at which memory block it would be, than when used, just insert this memory location?
How would you implement recursive functions? What you are describing is equivalent to using global variables everywhere.
That's just one problem. How can you link to a precompiled object file and be sure it won't corrupt the memory of your procedures?
Because C (and most other languages) support recursion, so a function can call itself, and each call of the function needs separate copies of any local variables. Also, on most current processors, your way would actually be slower -- indirect addressing is so common that processors are optimized for it.
You seem to want the behavior of C (or at least that C allows) for string literals. There are good and bad points to this, such as the fact that even though you've defined a "variable", you can't actually modify its contents (without affecting other variables that are pointing at the same location).
The answers to your questions are mostly wrapped up in the different semantics of different storage classes
Google "data segment"
Think about the difference in behavior between global and local variables.
Think about how constant and non-constant variables have different requirements when functions are called repeatedly (or as Mehrdad says, recursively)
Think about the difference between static and non static automatic variables again in the context of multiple or recursive calls.
Since you are comparing assembler and c (which are very close together from an architectural standpoint), I'm inclined to say that you're describing micro-optimization, which is meaningless unless you profile the code to see if it performs better.
In general, programming languages are evolving towards a more declarative style (i.e. telling the computer what you want done, rather than how you want it done). When you program in an imperative language (like assembly or c), you specify in extreme detail how you want the problem solved. This gives the compiler little room to make optimization decisions on your behalf.
However, as the languages become more declarative, the compilers are getting smarter, because we are giving them the room they need to make more intelligent performance optimizations.
If every function would put its first variable at offset 0 and so on then you would have to change the memory mapping each time you enter a function (you could not allocate all variables to unique addresses if you want recursion). This is doable, but with current hardware it's very slow. Furthermore, the address translation performed by the virtual memory is not free either, it's actually quite complicated to implement this efficiently.
Addressing off ebp (or any other register) costs having a mux (to select the register) and an adder (to add the offset to the register). The time taken for this can often be overlapped with other operations.
If you want to be able to modify the static value you have to copy it to the stack. If you don't (saying it's 'const') then a good C compiler will no copy it to the stack.

Why compilers creates one variable "twice"?

I know this is more "heavy" question, but I think its interesting too. It was part of my previous questions about compiler functions, but back than I explained it very badly, and many answered just my first question, so ther it is:
So, if my knowledge is correct, modern Windows systems use paging as a way to switch tasks and secure that each task has propriate place in memory. So, every process gets its own place starting from 0.
When multitasking goes into effect, Kernel has to save all important registers to the task´s stack i believe than save the current stack pointer, change page entry to switch to another proces´s physical adress space, load new process stack pointer, pop saved registers and continue by call to poped instruction pointer adress.
Becouse of this nice feature (paging) every process thinks it has nice flat memory within reach. So, there is no far jumps, far pointers, memory segment or data segment. All is nice and linear.
But, when there is no more segmentation for the process, why does still compilers create variables on the stack, or when global directly in other memory space, than directly in program code?
Let me give an example, I have a C code:int a=10;
which gets translated into (Intel syntax):mov [position of a],#10
But than, you actually ocupy more bytes in RAM than needed. Becouse, first few bytes takes the actuall instruction, and after that instruction is done, there is new byte containing the value 10.
Why, instead of this, when there is no need to switch any segment (thus slowing the process speed) isn´t just a value of 10 coded directly into program like this:
xor eax,eax //just some instruction
10 //the value iserted to the program
call end //just some instruction
Becouse compiler know the exact position of every instruction, when operating with that variable, it would just use it´s adress.
I know, that const variables do this, but they are not really variables, when you cannot change them.
I hope I eplained my question well, but I am still learning English, so forgive my sytactical and even semantical errors.
I have read your answers, and it seems that based on those I can modify my question:
So, someone told here that global variable is actually that piece of values attached directly into program, I mean, when variable is global, is it atached to the end of program, or just created like the local one at the time of execution, but instead of on stack on heap directly?
If the first case - attached to the program itself, why is there even existence of local variables? I know, you will tell me becouse of recursion, but that is not the case. When you call function, you can push any memory space on stack, so there is no program there.
I hope you do understand me, there always is ineficient use of memory, when some value (even 0) is created on stack from some instruction, becouse you need space in program for that instruction and than for the actual var. Like so: push #5 //instruction that says to create local variable with integer 5
And than this instruction just makes number 5 to be on stack. Please help me, I really want to know why its this way. Thanks.
local variables may have more than one simultaneous existence if a routine is called recursively (even indirectly in, say, a recursive decent parser) or from more than one thread, and these cases occur in the same memory context
marking the program memory non-writable and the stack+heap as non-executable is a small but useful defense against certain classes of attacks (stack smashing...) and is used by some OSs (I don't know if windows does this, however)
Your proposal doesn't allow for either of these cases.
So, there is no far jumps, far pointers, memory segment or data segment. All is nice and linear.
Yes and no. Different program segments have different purposes - despite the fact that they reside within flat virtual memory. E.g. data segment is readable and writable, but you can't execute data. Code segment is readable and executable, but you can't write into it.
why does still compilers create variables on the stack, [...] than directly in program code?
Code segment isn't writable. For safety reasons first. Second,
most CPUs do not like to have code segment being written into as it
breaks many existing optimization used to accelerate execution.
State of the function has to be private to the function due to
things like recursion and multi-threading.
isn´t just a value of 10 coded directly into program like this
Modern CPUs prefetch instructions to allow things like parallel execution and out-of-order execution. Putting the garbage (to CPU that is the garbage) into the code segment would simply diminish (or flat out cancel) the effect of the techniques. And they are responsible for the lion share of the performance gains CPUs had showed in the past decade.
when there is no need to switch any segment
So if there is no overhead of switching segment, why then put that into the code segment? There are no problems to keep it in data segment.
Especially in case of read-only data segment, it makes sense to put all read-only data of the program into one place - since it can be shared by all instances of the running application, saving physical RAM.
Becouse compiler know the exact position of every instruction, when operating with that variable, it would just use it´s adress.
No, not really. Most of the code is relocatable or position independent. The code is patched with real memory addresses when OS loads it into the memory. Actually special techniques are used to actually avoid patching the code so that the code segment too could be shared by all running application instances.
The ABI is responsible for defining how and what compiler and linker supposed to do for program to be executable by the complying OS. I haven't seen the Windows ABI, but the ABIs used by Linux are easy to find: search for "AMD64 ABI". Even reading the Linux ABI might answer some of your questions.
What you are talking about is optimization, and that is the compiler's business. If nothing ever changes that value, and the compiler can figure that out, then the compiler is perfectly free to do just what you say (unless a is declared volatile).
Now if you are saying that you are seeing that the compiler isn't doing that, and you think it should, you'd have to talk to your compiler writer. If you are using VisualStudio, their address is One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA. Good luck knocking on doors there. :-)
Why isn´t just a value of 10 coded directly into program like this:
xor eax,eax //just some instruction
10 //the value iserted to the program
call end //just some instruction
That is how global variables are stored. However, instead of being stuck in the middle of executable code (which is messy, and not even possible nowadays), they are stored just after the program code in memory (in Windows and Linux, at least), in what's called the .data section.
When it can, the compiler will move variables to the .data section to optimize performance. However, there are several reasons it might not:
Some variables cannot be made global, including instance variables for a class, parameters passed into a function (obviously), and variables used in recursive functions.
The variable still exists in memory somewhere, and still must have code to access it. Thus, memory usage will not change. In fact, on the x86 ("Intel"), according to this page the instruction to reference a local variable:
mov eax, [esp+8]
and the instruction to reference a global variable:
mov eax, [0xb3a7135]
both take 1 (one!) clock cycle.
The only advantage, then, is that if every local variable is global, you wouldn't have to make room on the stack for local variables.
Adding a variable to the .data segment may actually increase the size of the executable, since the variable is actually contained in the file itself.
As caf mentions in the comments, stack-based variables only exist while the function is running - global variables take up memory during the entire execution of the program.
not quite sure what your confusion is?
int a = 10; means make a spot in memory, and put the value 10 at the memory address
if you want a to be 10
#define a 10
though more typically
#define TEN 10
Variables have storage space and can be modified. It makes no sense to stick them in the code segment, where they cannot be modified.
If you have code with int a=10 or even const int a=10, the compiler cannot convert code which references 'a' to use the constant 10 directly, because it has no way of knowing whether 'a' may be changed behind its back (even const variables can be changed). For example, one way 'a' can be changed without the compiler knowing is, if you have a pointer which points 'a'. Pointers are not fixed at runtime, so the compiler cannot determine at compile time whether there will be a pointer which will point to and modify 'a'.
