Confusion with WPF MVVM - wpf

I have downloaded the document about MVVM from CodePlex, but I don't understand this diagram.
alt text
In the document, ContactView never sets its DataContext to ContactViewModel, so I don't understand why this diagram has shown that ContactView refers to ContactViewModel via DataContext.
I don't know when it sets ContactView.DataContext, or is the document missing this point?

It may not need to specifically set the DataContext if the contacts are being shown in a listview or something similar.
If the datacontext of the listview is set to the Contacts property of the MainViewModel, then each item's datacontext will be set automatically to the specific ContactViewModel object, which may trigger the items to be presented using a ContactView control, assuming that certain template bindings were set up earlier in the document.
Sorry, I was having problems with codeplex and have only just managed to get the document to download. The block of code just before the diagram confirms my suspicion:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Contacts}">
<views:ContactView />
Since the ListBox is bound the the Contacts ObservableCollection each ListItem will have its DataContext set to the specific object that it is bound to. The DataTemplate is set up to show each item as a ContactView control. Therefore the ContactView's DataContext will be set to the right Contact object from the collection, all of this happens behind the scenes without you needing to actually set the property yourself.


What is DataContext for?

As a continuation of the question Linking DataContext with another property in WPF.
At the very end of the research I was very surprised to find out that when one writes something like that:
<Label Content="{Binding Path=Name}" />
The DataContext against which the Content property is binded is of the Label control itself! The fact that it still works is due to the default inheritance of the DataContext value from the nearest parent.
But if you have this label wrapped in a custom control, and you don't want to bind your data to the DataContext property of that control, you would more likely love to have:
<Controls:SearchSettings Settings="{Binding Path=Settings}" />
And here you are. Now you need to set Settings as the DataContext for the SearchSettings control, for Label inside to bind against, but you can't, because that will trigger re-binding of Settings property.
I can't see the point in mixing binding properties using different sources: DataContext, by ElementName, etc.
So why would I ever use DataContext?
When you write
<Label name="myLabel" Content="{Binding Path=Name}" />
you are binding to myLabel.DataContext.Name, and not myLabel.Name.
The XAML in WPF is just a pretty user interface to display and interact with the actual data, otherwise known as the DataContext. The purpose of other binding sources (RelativeSource, ElementName, etc) is to point to another property that doesn't exist in the current control's DataContext
So suppose you have a Window. Without setting the DataContext, the window still displays but there is no data behind it.
Now suppose to set myWindow.DataContext = new ClassA();. Now the data that the window is displaying is ClassA. If ClassA has a property called Name, I could write a label and bind it to Name (such as your example), and whatever value is stored in ClassA.Name would get displayed.
Now, suppose ClassA has a property of ClassB and both classes have a property called Name. Here is a block of XAML which illustrates the purpose of the DataContext, and an example of how a control would refer to a property not in it's own DataContext
<Window x:Name="myWindow"> <!-- DataContext is set to ClassA -->
<StackPanel> <!-- DataContext is set to ClassA -->
<!-- DataContext is set to ClassA, so will display ClassA.Name -->
<Label Content="{Binding Name}" />
<!-- DataContext is still ClassA, however we are setting it to ClassA.ClassB -->
<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding ClassB}">
<!-- DataContext is set to ClassB, so will display ClassB.Name -->
<Label Content="{Binding Name}" />
<!-- DataContext is still ClassB, but we are binding to the Window's DataContext.Name which is ClassA.Name -->
<Label Content="{Binding ElementName=myWindow, Path=DataContext.Name}" />
As you can see, the DataContext is based on whatever data is behind the UI object.
Update: I see this question so often from new WPF users that I expanded this answer into a post on my blog: What is this “DataContext” you speak of?
From CodeProject by kishore Gaddam:
DataContext is one of the most fundamental concepts in Data Binding. The Binding object needs to get its data from somewhere, and there are a few ways to specify the source of the data like using Source property directly in the Binding, inheriting a DataContext from the nearest element when traversing up in the tree, setting the ElementName and RelativeSource properties in the Binding object.
Detailed example on CodeProject:
In that particular case, you could do:
<Controls:SearchSettings DataContext="{Binding Path=Settings}" Settings="{Binding}" />
Assuming you want everything that may be content of the SearchSettings to use Settings as it's data context. Basically, the DataContext affects the element itself an any descendants that don't explicitly override it.
In most cases you do want to bind to the DataContext, in some templates on ItemsControls it is the only way to bind to the currently templated item for example. Further bindings to the DataContext are nice to write and read as they are concise.
In your example you can still set the DataContext, you only need to modify the binding on the Settings respectively:
<Controls:SearchSettings DataContext="{Binding Settings}" Settings="{Binding}"/>

MVVM - WPF Desktop

Just started learning MVVM. I have a tabcontrol where I am adding multiple instances of same views/pages
Dim tb As New UXTabItem
tb.Header = "Childrens"
tb.Name = "tab" & itrt
itrt = itrt + 1
tb.Source = New Uri("/Views/childrens.xaml", UriKind.Relative)
Since each of the same view will handle different data but since the uri is same so all the tabs get populated with same view and changes reflect on each tabs. Which should not be the case. Should I be using a separate viewmodel for each of those? Any example would be much helpful.
One of the primary goals/advantages of MVVM is that you don't create WPF UI objects in code.
You should be populating a collection of view model objects and binding the ItemsSource of the TabControl that you define in XAML to it. You should have a DataTemplate defined for the data type of those objects and put their XAML in there, instead of loading it at runtime.
The TabControl is a little tricky, because it uses two templates: the ItemTemplate is used to define the look of the tab, and the ContentTemplate is used to define the look of the tab items' content. It's pretty common to see this:
<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"/>
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding}"/>
which populates the tab with a Text property on the view model, and the tab item's content with whatever template in the resource dictionary matches the view model's type.
I would have an ObservableCollection<TabViewModel> Tabs in my parent ViewModel, and bind the TabControl's ItemSource to that. Each Tab has it's own instance of TabViewModel, so adding a new Tab would mean adding a new TabViewModel to the Tabs collection in the ParentViewModel.
The TabViewModel would contain properties for things like Header or Uri, and these would be bound to the UI at the appropriate spots. Each TabViewModel can be drawn using the same View, but the data inside the object would be different for each tab.
My ParentViewModel would also contain a TabIndex property that defines which tab is selected
This is NOT trivial, IMO, and Rachel and Robert are both right.
Think of this task being one of managing 'work spaces", each represented by a tab control. I like to structure my view models into three related layers
DetailViewModel - the model for a given workspace (represented by a tab control)
MasterViewModel - the model for a collection of detail view models (ObservableCollection{DetailViewModel}). You would use this to bind to a list ion our presentation that shows what items may be selected for editing / display in a tab control. This is where filtering of the list would also be handled, if you allow that.
ShellViewModel - the model that actually has a collection of workspaces (ie, ObservableCollection{Workspace} along with the commands to manage them (ie, EditWorkspaceCommand, AddWorkspaceCommand, DeleteWorkspaceCommand). A workspace is a DetailViewModel that has a CloseCommand.
I found Josh Smith's MVVM article on MSDN useful for grokking this design.

How do I bind a generic window to an arbitrary view model at runtime, using DataTemplates?

I have a large number of ViewModel classes. For each of these classes, there is a corresponding .xaml file which is a 'UserControl'. In my App.xaml, I have them registered as DataTemplates, like so:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModel:MainMenuViewModel}">
With the idea being that WPF will be able automatically swap in the necessary user controls at runtime. For example, this works:
<TextBlock Text="SuperApp" />
In that the entry "MainMenuViewModel" is automatically replaced by the MainMenuView, bound to the MainMenuViewModel. Great. My current goal is now this: I want to have a button, on, say, a view embedded in the MainMenuView, which opens a popup window, which will have a new ViewModel inside. The idea is to set it up so that I have a single 'generic' popup form, in which I embed an arbitrary ViewModel, and let WPF handle actually rendering it with DataTemplates, similar to the above. So I have a command bound to a button, like so:
<Button Command="{Binding Path=LaunchInStandaloneForm}" Content="Rip Out"/>
Which successfully creates a new window, sets the dataContext equal to the appropriate ViewModel, and shows the window.
The question is: How do I set up the XAML of this popup window so that it will render the appropriate DataTemplate for the ViewModel which is the DataContext? I've tried:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=.}">
, but it comes up blank. Any pointers?
To set the ItemsSource to the DataContext, use ItemsSource={Binding}. That assumes that the DataContext is an enumerable collection of your View Model objects.
Updating with correct answer:
Use a ContentControl :)
Hope that helps.
The accepted answer here shows how to change templates at runtime. You should be able to dig out the answer from that. Any questions just shout.
How to modify silverlight combobox data display
Hope that helps

Where is the datacontext for the CustomerViewModel in the official MSDN MVVM article?

I speak about josh smith article.
can anyone show me please how the CustomerView.xaml specifically this:j
Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2"
Text="{Binding Path=FirstName, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
Why is there a Binding to FirstName which is public property in the CustomerViewModel.
There is a datacontext set for the MainViewModel, but not for the CustomerViewModel, so why does the binding work ???
Check out the ResourceDictionary in MainWindowResources.xaml. Josh uses the following code to describe what View should be used if an instance of CustomerViewModel is shown in the main window:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:CustomerViewModel}">
<vw:CustomerView />
We've described that when our DataType is of Type CustomerViewModel, we'll create a new instance of the CustomerView. WPF takes care of the DataContext and creation when it sees the CustomerViewModel type.
From the rest of the article:
Applying a View to a ViewModel
MainWindowViewModel indirectly adds
and removes Workspace ViewModel
objects to and from the main window's
Tab Control. By relying on data
binding, the Content property of a
TabItem receives a
ViewModelBase-derived object to
display. ViewModelBase is not a UI
element, so it has no inherent support
for rendering itself. By default, in
WPF a non-visual object is rendered by
displaying the results of a call to
its ToString method in a TextBlock.
That clearly is not what you need,
unless your users have a burning
desire to see the type name of our
ViewModel classes! You can easily tell
WPF how to render a ViewModel object
by using typed DataTemplates. A typed
DataTemplate does not have an x:Key
value assigned to it, but it does have
its DataType property set to an
instance of the Type class. If WPF
tries to render one of your ViewModel
objects, it will check to see if the
resource system has a typed
DataTemplate in scope whose DataType
is the same as (or a base class of)
the type of your ViewModel object. If
it finds one, it uses that template to
render the ViewModel object referenced
by the tab item's Content property.
The MainWindowResources.xaml file has
a Resource Dictionary. That dictionary
is added to the main window's resource
hierarchy, which means that the
resources it contains are in the
window's resource scope. When a tab
item's content is set to a ViewModel
object, a typed DataTemplate from this
dictionary supplies a view (that is, a
user control) to render it, as shown
in Figure 10.
The DataContext for the MainViewModel in App.xaml.cs serves as a starting point for our application.

How to set ItemsSource?

This dialog makes no sense to me
And I'm having trouble finding good tutorials on it. Most of the examples aren't detailed enough, or do stuff via code, but I'd like to take advantage of the IDE as much as possible.
Whats the difference between ItemsSource and DataContext?
I'd like to bind it to just a List for starters. I don't need SQL or databases or anything fancy. Where would I declare my list? In MainWindow.xaml.cs? How do I get it to appear in that dialog?
Think of "DataContext" as the default value for "Source" in a binding.
When you create a binding, you can specify the path and source, like this (I'll use TextBox as an example):
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Foo,Source={StaticResource Bar}}" />
So my TextBox.Text property is bound to a Foo property on an object called Bar (a resource somewhere in the application).
However, if you have a whole bunch of things that you want to bind to properties on Bar, it's easier to set Bar as the DataContext of the parent container. A Binding without a Source will just use the DataContext by default, and DataContext flows through to child controls from the parent. So:
<StackPanel DataContext="{StaticResource Bar}">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Foo}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Fizz}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Buzz}" />
All of the TextBoxes are still binding to properties on Bar, but they're doing it without setting it as a Source explicitly.
So let's have another look at the dialog you posted. It's giving you several options for the "source" of the ItemsSource binding. When you choose "DataContext", you're telling Visual Studio that the ItemsControl doesn't need to know the source - it'll pick it up from the DataContext of the parent container (maybe even the Window itself).
If you chose one of the other options (ElementName, RelativeSource or StaticResource) then you'd be setting the binding's source explicitly for that ItemsControl.
Once you've told it that it's binding to the DataContext, you'll need to drop into the "Path" section of the dialog and tell it which property to bind the items of the control to. In the end, the markup would look something like this (assuming it's a ListBox):
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Foos}" />
So the items in the ListBox are coming from a property called "Foos", and that property is on an object that's set in the DataContext somewhere higher in the logical tree (perhaps on the Window itself).
You rarely need to use the data context of a control outside of the control. The most common use case for setting DataContext(DataContext = this;) is within UserControl's code-behind to make all controls within the UserControl to bind to the control's properties.
When you use a ListBox, setting ItemsSource is sufficient, unless you are doing something funky.
This is a pretty good walkthrough:
Specifically, you need to set the DataContext first to tell it where to look for the ItemsSource. The easiest way is to set this on the Window through the XAML:
<controllers:DownloadManager />
