c code for web pages in rl-rtx - c

we have to work with RL-RTX (RTOS) in our project.in that we have to do some web pages.we have experience in building web pages in linux using "go-ahead webserver".
can we code in c language and store that executable in .cgi extension and call from the browser?

Yes, you can. Almost all web servers can be configured to serve cgi. You could use something like libcgi to handle the interface in your c code. Still, it would probably be more efficient to use some kind of scripting language rather than c.


Running Node.js on STM32

Iam working yet with C program on STM32 microproc, what contains a web server, accesible by the user via web gui(HTML and javascript files). The web gui part became more complex, and it needs higher level operations.
The questions: is it possible to embed a node.js program with some node modules? Does it work with the C webserver, or the node program have to make the webserver, and communicate with the C program?
Or there is an other solution what is better in this case?
This question maybe seems dumb, but i didnt find documentation about it.
After a research I found some solutions:
Node.js for Embedded Systems
The book can then guide you to jerryscript which:
is a lightweight JavaScript engine for resource-constrained devices
such as microcontrollers
You can find there that it's also used with the STM32-Discovery board.
Node.js on clientside
This article guides to Browserify which allows to run node on clientside.
Just make it simpler
You could use HTTPD implementation shipped with LwIP. There is a script called makefsdata which allows to convert html, js, css ... files into c-arrays. This implementation also supports POST method.

How to use c program directly in any web server?

I have a small program written in c and i am planning to convert it to a web service module. Is there any web server(Linux or Windows platform) where i can embed the c program directly. I googled and found some of the web servers which supports c code are Apache, mongoose etc. But i don't know how to implement it?
You are looking for CGI. See the docs for more info:
G-WAN is one of the fastest Web Servers, and it supports running C-programs directly (gwan.com). It's much faster on multi-core CPUs than other webservers.
Basically, you can just run any C/C++ (or many other) files just by placing them in /csp directory.
http://monkey-project.com/ is able to do what you want and probably the simplest solution to your problem. http://gwan.com/ might also be interesting, depending on what exactly you want to do.

I'm searching a cgi lib in C to build a restful web service

I want to build a restful (CoAP) web service which can execute c code to handle events.
Therefore I'm searching a lib which provides me with a rest api in C and cgi similar to
restcgi which is sadly in c++ or CGI-Simple which is in perl.
The server is running on a embedded device so it has very limited resources and the services will be accessed only by machines.
Thank you very much.
You may be interested in Raphters framework and its architecture. It's pretty small, so you can examine the code, the framework itself can be used as a FastCGI backend for some web server, e.g. for nginx.
I have recently came across one quite interesting CoAP library which uses libevent. You will aslo want to check Klone embeddable HTTP server by the same guys at KoanLogic. I have previously looked at libcoap, but it didn't find it very usable at the time. You may also wish to try using either libuv, libev or libevent. But I guess it's probably gonna be much easier to adopt some of the code from WT repository and get your CoAP/HTTP server done.

I want to use Google Translate as part of some C code

I want to use Google Translate as part of a C code I am writing. I understand that Google Translate is used with JavaScript. How do I get it work as part of my C code?
How do I make a connection from my C code to the Google site?
You can use the Google Translate API with cURL.
First make sure you're not violating their terms of service. Just because it's freely available on the web doesn't mean it's freely available to embed into applications.
Then look into a library that lets you "simulate" web interactions from C, such as cURL.

Can you use Adobe's Alchemy to execute a batch file?

I was going to make an AIR application but I need to execute an external application and because of the security restrictions in Adobe AIR... I was thinking why not try and bypass it by writing some C code that does something like System("file to execute"); and then use Alchemy to change it into a swc and us that in my application... Anyone tried this sort, or think it could work?
What you need to understand about Alchemy is that it compiles C into the same bytecode as actionscript, and it runs under the same virtual machine (AVM2) as flash/flex as3 applications.
The reason Alchemy is able to be faster for some operations is that the compiled C (compiled to bytecode) is given access to raw "memory" (ApplicationDomain.domainMemory) via some optimised AVM2 instructions that were added in flash 10.
What I'm trying to get at is that because Alchemy simply runs on top of the AVM2, it is restricted in the same way as any other application. Alchemy in an AIR application can do more than Alchemy in the browser sandbox, but it is still restricted by that sandbox.
If you really need to execute an external application, you'll need to look into something like Shu or Zinc.
Sorry I couldn't be any more help.
This will not work - Alchemy is not really / really not suited for programs that interact with the outside world. I don't think it will support doing a system call, and even if Alchemy would support it the flash/air runtime will most certainly still block it.
If you don't need cross platform behavior you can look into creating an oldfashioned 'projector'. It is possible to launch programs from a projector exe using fscommand- just be aware the executable you want to launch has to be located in a folder named fscommand next to the binary. If that is not sufficient you could try a third party commercial tool like http://www.northcode.com/.
No, Richard Szalay's correct: Alchemy compiles C code into ActionScript bytecode, so the resulting SWF is still subject to the same sandbox restrictions as any other; the AIR restrictions may be looser, but using Alchemy provides no benefit in that respect.
However, you can still "call out" of the sandbox using a socket connection, provided you have an app listening for the connection; check out Merapi -- it might be able to help as a simple solution, if you were open to using Java, although you could certainly roll your own with something else, like C#.
