Relational database design pattern question - Massive Read Only database - sql-server

I have an interesting challenge of building a database that imports data from about 500 different sources.
Each source has their own schema, and many are very very different. However, they all are data about a common entity.
My first thought is a typical entity / Attribute / Value schema, however after converting the denormalized import from one source (550k rows) into AEV, I end up with 36 million rows in the Attribute_Value table. With proper indexes, this is still very fast, but this is just one out of 500 import sources in so far.
I don't think this will scale, however it does make for very nice logical partitioning, we don't need to join across import sources, so we could build out (theoretically) 50 or so separate databases.
I'm looking for people who have worked with massive datasources, and their experience with how to handle things when your row count is in the hundreds of millions.

Have you considered OLAP solutions? They are probably designed for situations like yours. Massive amount of data to read and analyze.

I have billion+ row tables, the number of rows is not as critical as the fragmentation level and the width of the table itself, the wider the table the less you can fit on a page
beside OLAP/SSAS
Have you looked at using partitioned functions (new in sql server 2005)
You could also take advantage of page and row level compression (new in sql server 2008) this will help you store more data into RAM, I did my own testing with compression, check out this link to see how it compared to no compression A Quick Look At Compression In SQL 2008


Choosing the right database engine for relational data with billions of records

My Python application data structure is pure relational.
My estimation for the biggest table is around 10 billion rows each year (all the other tables are very small).
Each row size is about 20-30 bytes
What is the right database engine for me?
You might consider the following that I have used, but of course this will depend on what your data looks like and how your APP/Users need to interact with it. This is not an exhaustive list, it's only the stuff I have used.
Greenplum database is a open source distributed Postgres database.
It scales nicely and supports pretty much all Postgres stuff except for full text indexing last I knew
Apache Phoenix: An open source sql layer on top of Hadoop/HBase. It scales nicely, but the ecosystem is a bit complex (as Per Hadoop). Cloudera's Impala is similar.
Oracle Partitioning (preferably on RAC). If you can afford the license, Oracle partitioning allows for sharding of your data in various ways. If you have it with RAC, that will also provide parallel query execution
Just partition your data (on any RDBMS) and put the partitions on good disk
Those are the 4 ideas I have actually used, and remember, on good hardware, with some table partitioning, 10B rows isn't really all that much, so you might just need to get a better box[s] and hook it to a SAN with SSD of some kind over 10G network or better. ALso think about putting indexes on a separate disk from where the db files are, and always use SSD if you can afford it.
Anyway, HTH
At 30 bytes per row that's less than 300GB, which is a small database, well within the capabilities of Oracle or SQL Server Enterprise editions. You won't need Oracle RAC.
You'll need to pay attention to application design and indexing/partitioning. Query and storage optimization will have a greater impact on performance than the choice of DBMS will.

Best database for multi million row store/query

We have a database that has been growing for around 5 years. The main table has near 100 columns and 700 million rows (and growing).
The common use case is to count how many rows match a given criteria, that is:
select count(*) where column1='TypeA' and column2='BlockC'.
The other use case is to retrieve the rows that match a criteria.
The queries started by taking a bit of time, now they take a couple of minutes.
I want to find some DBMS that allows me to make the two use cases as fast as possible.
I've been looking into some Column store databases and Apache Cassandra but still have no idea what is the best option. Any ideas?
Update: these days I'd recommend Hive 3 or PrestoDB for big data analysis
I am going to assume this is an analytic (historical) database with no current data. If not, you should consider separating your dbs.
You are going to want a few features to help speed up analysis:
Materialized views. This is essentially pre-calculating values, and then storing the results for later analysis. MySQL and Postgres (coming soon in Postgres 9.3) do not support this, but you can mimic with triggers.
easy OLAP analysis. You could use Mondrian OLAP server (java), but then Excel doesn't talk to it easily, but JasperSoft and Pentaho do.
you might want to change the schema for easier OLAP analysis, ie the star schema. Good book:
If you want open source, I'd go Postgres (doesn't choke on big queries like mysql can), plus Mondrian, plus Pentaho.
If not open source, then best bang for buck is likely Microsoft SQL Server with Analysis Services.

Database design: one huge table or separate tables?

Currently I am designing a database for use in our company. We are using SQL Server 2008. The database will hold data gathered from several customers. The goal of the database is to acquire aggregate benchmark numbers over several customers.
Recently, I have become worried with the fact that one table in particular will be getting very big. Each customer has approximately 20.000.000 rows of data, and there will soon be 30 customers in the database (if not more). A lot of queries will be done on this table. I am already noticing performance issues and users being temporarily locked out.
My question, will we be able to handle this table in the future, or is it better to split this table up into smaller tables for each customer?
Update: It has now been about half a year since we first created the tables. Following the advices below, I created a handful of huge tables. Since then, I have been experimenting with indexes and decided on a clustered index on the first two columns (Hospital code and Department code) on which we would have partitioned the table had we had Enterprise Edition. This setup worked fine until recently, as Galwegian predicted, performance issues are springing up. Rebuilding an index takes ages, users lock each other out, queries frequently take longer than they should, and for most queries it pays off to first copy the relevant part of the data into a temp table, create indices on the temp table and run the query. This is not how it should be. Therefore, we are considering to buy Enterprise Edition for use of partitioned tables. If the purchase cannot go through I plan to use a workaround to accomplish partitioning in Standard Edition.
Start out with one large table, and then apply 2008's table partitioning capabilities where appropriate, if performance becomes an issue.
Datawarehouses are supposed to be big (the clue is in the name). Twenty million rows is about medium by warehousing standards, although six hundred million can be considered large.
The thing to bear in mind is that such large tables have a different physics, like black holes. So tuning them takes a different set of techniques. The other thing is, users of a datawarehouse must understand that they are dealing with huge amounts of data, and so they must not expect sub-second response (or indeed sub-minute) for every query.
Partitioning can be useful, especially if you have clear demarcations such as, as in your case, CUSTOMER. You have to be aware that partitioning can degrade the performance of queries which cut across the grain of the partitioning key. So it is not a silver bullet.
Splitting tables for performance reasons is called sharding. Also, a database schema can be more or less normalized. A normalized schema has separate tables with relations between them, and data is not duplicated.
I am assuming you have your database properly normalized. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the data volume you refer to on a single table in SQL Server; what I think you need to do is review your indexes.
Since you've tagged your question as 'datawarehouse' as well I assume you know some things about the subject. Depending on your goals you could go for a star-schema (a multidemensional model with a fact and dimensiontables). Store all fastchanging data in 1 table (per subject) and the slowchaning data in another dimension/'snowflake' tables.
An other option is the DataVault method by Dan Lindstedt. Which is a bit more complex but provides you with full flexibility.
In a properly designed database, that is not a huge anmout of records and SQl server should handle with ease.
A partioned single table is usually the best way to go. Trying to maintain separate indivudal customer tables is very costly in termas of time and effort and far more probne to errors.
Also examine you current queries if you are experiencing performance issues. If you don't have proper indexing (did you for instance index the foreign key fields?) queries will be slow, if you don't have sargeable queries they will be slow if you used correlated subqueries or cursors, they will be slow. Are you returning more data than is striclty needed? If you have select * anywhere in your production code, get rid of it and only return the fields you need. If you used views that call views that call views or if you used EAV table, you willhave performance iisues at this level. If you allowed a framework to autogenerate SQl code, you may well have badly perforimng queries. Remember Profiler is your friend. Of course you could also have a hardware issue, you need a pretty good sized dedicated server for that number of records. It won't work to run this on your web server or a small box.
I suggest you need to hire a professional dba with performance tuning experience. It is quite complex stuff. Databases desigend by application programmers often are bad performers when they get a real number of users and records. Database MUST be designed with data integrity, performance and security in mind. If you didn't do that the changes of having them are slim indeed.
Partioning is definately something to look into. I had a database that had 2 tables sharded. Each table contained around 30-35million records. I have since merged this into one large table and assigned some good indexes. So far, I've not had to partition this table as it's working a treat, but I'm keep partitioning in mind. One thing that I have noticed, compared to when the data was sharded, and that's the data import. It is now slower, but I can live with that as the Import tool can be re-written ;o)
One table and use table partitioning.
I think the advice to use NOLOCK is unjustified based on the information given. NOLOCK means you will get inaccurate and unreliable results from your queries (dirty and phantom reads). Before using NOLOCK you need to be sure that's not going to be a problem for your customers.
Is this a single flat table (no particular model)? Typically in data warehouses, you either have a normalized data model (third normal form at least - usually in an entity-relationship-model) or you have dimensional data (Kimball method or variations - usually fact tables with associated dimension tables in a set of stars).
In both cases, indexes play a large part, and partitioning can also play a part in getting queries to perform (but partitioning is not usually about performance but about maintenance being able to add and drop partitions quickly) over very large data sets - but it really depends on the order of aggregation and the types of queries.
One table, then worry about performance. That is, assuming you are collecting the exact same information for each customer. That way, if you have to add/remove/modify a column, you are only doing it in one place.
If you're on MS SQL server and you want to keep the single table, table partitioning could be one solution.
Keep one table - 20M rows isn't huge, and customers aren't exactly the kind of table that you can easily 'archive off', and the aggrevation of searching multiple tables to find a customer isn't worth the effort (SQL is likely to be much more efficient at BTree searching than your own invention is)
You will need to look into the performance and locking issues however - this will prevent your db from scaling.
You can also create supplemental tables that hold already calculated details on historical information if there are common queries.

RDBMS data-relation burden

Our in-house system is built on SQL Server 2008 with a 40-table 6NF schema. Most of the tables FK to 3 others, a key few as many as 7. The system will ultimately support 100s of employees working with 10s of 1000s of customers and store 100s of 1000s of transactional records -- prime-time access should peak at 1000 rows per second.
Is there any reason to think that this depth of RDBMS inter-relation would overburden a system built using modern hardware with ample RAM? I'm attempting to evaluate whether we need to adjust our design or project direction/goals before we approach the final development phase (in a couple of months).
In SQl Server terms what you describe is a smallish database. With correct design SQL Server can handle terrabytes of data.
This is not to guarantee that your current design may perform well. There are many ways to construct poorly performing t-SQL and many bad database design choices.
If I were you I would load test data to twice the size you expect the tables to have and then start testing your code. Load testing might also be a good idea. It is far easier to fix database performance problems before they go to production. Far, far easier!

What's the best way to manage a large number of tables in MS SQL Server?

This question is related to another:
Will having multiple filegroups help speed up my database?
The software we're developing is an analytical tool that uses MS SQL Server 2005 to store relational data. Initial analysis can be slow (since we're processing millions or billions of rows of data), but there are performance requirements on recalling previous analyses quickly, so we "save" results of each analysis.
Our current approach is to save analysis results in a series of "run-specific" tables, and the analysis is complex enough that we might end up with as many as 100 tables per analysis. Usually these tables use up a couple hundred MB per analysis (which is small compared to our hundreds of GB, or sometimes multiple TB, of source data). But overall, disk space is not a problem for us. Each set of tables is specific to one analysis, and in many cases this provides us enormous performance improvements over referring back to the source data.
The approach starts to break down once we accumulate enough saved analysis results -- before we added more robust archive/cleanup capability, our testing database climbed to several million tables. But it's not a stretch for us to have more than 100,000 tables, even in production. Microsoft places a pretty enormous theoretical limit on the size of sysobjects (~2 billion), but once our database grows beyond 100,000 or so, simple queries like CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE can slow down dramatically.
We have some room to debate our approach, but I think that might be tough to do without more context, so instead I want to ask the question more generally: if we're forced to create so many tables, what's the best approach for managing them? Multiple filegroups? Multiple schemas/owners? Multiple databases?
Another note: I'm not thrilled about the idea of "simply throwing hardware at the problem" (i.e. adding RAM, CPU power, disk speed). But we won't rule it out either, especially if (for example) someone can tell us definitively what effect adding RAM or using multiple filegroups will have on managing a large system catalog.
Without first seeing the entire system, my first recommendation would be to save the historical runs in combined tables with a RunID as part of the key - a dimensional model may also be relevant here. This table can be partitioned for improvement, which will also allow you to spread the table into other filegroups.
Another possibility it to put each run in its own database and then detach them, only attaching them as needed (and in read-only form)
CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE are probably performing poorly because the master or model databases are not optimized for this kind of behavior.
I also recommend talking to Microsoft about your choice of database design.
Are the tables all different structures? If they are the same structure you might get away with a single partitioned table.
If they are different structures, but just subsets of the same set of dimension columns, you could still store them in partitions in the same table with nulls in the non-applicable columns.
If this is analytic (derivative pricing computations perhaps?) you could dump the results of a computation run to flat files and reuse your computations by loading from the flat files.
This seems to be a very interesting problem/application that you are working with. I would love to work on something like this. :)
You have a very large problem surface area, and that makes it hard to start helping. There are several solution parameters that are not evident in your post. For example, how long do you plan to keep the run analysis tables? There's a LOT other questions that need to be asked.
You are going to need a combination of serious data warehousing, and data/table partitioning. Depending on how much data you want to keep and archive you may need to start de-normalizing and flattening the tables.
This would be pretty good case where contacting Microsoft directly can be mutually beneficial. Microsoft gets a good case to show other customers, and you get help directly from the vendor.
We ended up splitting our database into multiple databases. So the main database contains a "databases" table that refers to one or more "run" databases, each of which contains distinct sets of analysis results. Then the main "run" table contains a database ID, and the code that retrieves a saved result includes the relevant database prefix on all queries.
This approach allows the system catalog of each database to be more reasonable, it provides better separation between the core/permanent tables and the dynamic/run tables, and it also makes backups and archiving more manageable. It also allows us to split our data across multiple physical disks, although using multiple filegroups would have done that too. Overall, it's working well for us now given our current requirements, and based on expected growth we think it will scale well for us too.
We've also noticed that SQL 2008 tends to handle large system catalogs better than SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 did. (We hadn't upgraded to 2008 when I posted this question.)
