Easy way to convert exec sp_executesql to a normal query? - sql-server

When dealing with debugging queries using Profiler and SSMS, its pretty common for me to copy a query from Profiler and test them in SSMS. Because I use parameterized sql, my queries are all sent as exec sp_executesql queries.
exec sp_executesql
N'/*some query here*/',
N'#someParameter tinyint',
# someParameter =2
I'll take this and convert it into a normal query for ease of editing (intellisense, error checking, line numbers, etc):
DECLARE #someParameter tinyint
SET #someParameter = 2
/*some query here*/
Of course, the bigger and more complex the query, the harder to do this. And when you're going back and forth multiple times, it can be a pain in the ass and soak up lots of time.
Is there an easy (e.g., macro command) way to convert muh executesql into something more convenient?

I spent a little time making an simple script that did this for me. It's a WIP, but I stuck a (very ugly) webpage in front of it and it's now hosted here if you want to try it:
Sample input:
exec sp_executesql
N'SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee
WHERE ManagerID = #level',
N'#level tinyint',
#level = 109;
And the output:
DECLARE #level tinyint;
SET #level = 109;
SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee
WHERE ManagerID = #level
The formatting of the actual SQL statement once I've plucked it from the input is done using the API at http://sqlformat.appspot.com

I was looking for something similar so I use this in LinqPad, just copy sp_executesql statement to the clipboard and run the code in LinqPad. It outputs the SQL statement.
void Main()
private static string ConvertSql(string origSql)
string tmp = origSql.Replace("''", "~~");
string baseSql;
string paramTypes;
string paramData = "";
int i0 = tmp.IndexOf("'") + 1;
int i1 = tmp.IndexOf("'", i0);
if (i1 > 0)
baseSql = tmp.Substring(i0, i1 - i0);
i0 = tmp.IndexOf("'", i1 + 1);
i1 = tmp.IndexOf("'", i0 + 1);
if (i0 > 0 && i1 > 0)
paramTypes = tmp.Substring(i0 + 1, i1 - i0 - 1);
paramData = tmp.Substring(i1 + 1);
throw new Exception("Cannot identify SQL statement in first parameter");
baseSql = baseSql.Replace("~~", "'");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paramData))
string[] paramList = paramData.Split(",".ToCharArray());
foreach (string paramValue in paramList)
int iEq = paramValue.IndexOf("=");
if (iEq < 0)
string pName = paramValue.Substring(0, iEq).Trim();
string pVal = paramValue.Substring(iEq + 1).Trim();
baseSql = baseSql.ReplaceWholeWord(pName, pVal);
return baseSql;
public static class StringExtensionsMethods
/// <summary>
/// Replaces the whole word.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">The s.</param>
/// <param name="word">The word.</param>
/// <param name="replacement">The replacement.</param>
/// <returns>String.</returns>
public static String ReplaceWholeWord(this String s, String word, String replacement)
var firstLetter = word[0];
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var previousWasLetterOrDigit = false;
var i = 0;
while (i < s.Length - word.Length + 1)
var wordFound = false;
var c = s[i];
if (c == firstLetter)
if (!previousWasLetterOrDigit)
if (s.Substring(i, word.Length).Equals(word))
wordFound = true;
var wholeWordFound = true;
if (s.Length > i + word.Length)
if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s[i + word.Length]))
wholeWordFound = false;
sb.Append(wholeWordFound ? replacement : word);
i += word.Length;
if (wordFound) continue;
previousWasLetterOrDigit = Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c);
if (s.Length - i > 0)
return sb.ToString();

I spent a little time and created a small modification of Matt Roberts / Wangzq solutions without DECLAREs section, you can try it on .NET Fiddle or download LINQPad 5 file.
exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE MyTable SET [Field1] = #0, [Field2] = #1',N'#0 nvarchar(max) ,#1 int',#0=N'String',#1=0
UPDATE MyTable SET [Field1] = N'String', [Field2] = 0
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var sql = #"exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE MyTable SET [Field1] = #0, [Field2] = #1',N'#0 nvarchar(max) ,#1 int',#0=N'String',#1=0";
public static string ConvertSql(string origSql)
var re = new Regex(#"exec*\s*sp_executesql\s+N'([\s\S]*)',\s*N'(#[\s\S]*?)',\s*([\s\S]*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // 1: the sql, 2: the declare, 3: the setting
var match = re.Match(origSql);
if (match.Success)
var sql = match.Groups[1].Value.Replace("''", "'");
//var declare = match.Groups[2].Value;
var setting = match.Groups[3].Value + ',';
// to deal with comma or single quote in variable values, we can use the variable name to split
var re2 = new Regex(#"#[^',]*?\s*=");
var variables = re2.Matches(setting).Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value).ToArray();
var values = re2.Split(setting).Where(s=>!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Select(m => m.Trim(',').Trim().Trim(';')).ToArray();
for (int i = variables.Length-1; i>=0; i--)
sql = Regex.Replace(sql, "(" + variables[i].Replace("=", "")+")", values[i], RegexOptions.Singleline);
return sql;
return #"Unknown sql query format.";

Another solution which replaces the parameter values directly in the query
(not exactly what you asked for but it might prove useful to others):
I goes from:
exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE Task SET Status = #p0, Updated = #p1 WHERE Id = #p2 AND Status = #p3 AND Updated = #p4',N'#p0 int,#p1 datetime,#p2 int,#p3 int,#p4 datetime',#p0=1,#p1='2015-02-07 21:36:30.313',#p2=173990,#p3=2,#p4='2015-02-07 21:35:32.830'
UPDATE Task SET Status = 1, Updated = '2015-02-07 21:36:30.313' WHERE Id = 173990 AND Status = 2 AND Updated = '2015-02-07 21:35:32.830'
which makes it easier to understand.
The console application on that page can be used by passing a file parameter or copying the sp_executesql in the clipboard, running the app and then pasting the resulting SQL from the clipboard.
An SQL formatter can also be added to that solution for easier readability:
newSql = ConvertSql(Clipboard.GetText());
var formattedSql = SqlFormattingManager.DefaultFormat(newSql);

You can use this Azur data studio extension. it based on #Matt Roberts repo.

Sql Prompt got this feature recently (2017-02-06). Select the text and look for "Inline EXEC" in the context menu. Gotta love Prompt :)

I am not aware of an existing Add-In that can do this. But you could create one :)
A few regular expressions and some string concatenation and after that sell it to Vinko and other souls looking for this functionality.
If you're feeling like diving into this, here is some information on creating an SSMS addin:

I faced with this problem too and wrote simple application for solving it - ClipboardSqlFormatter. This is a tray application that listens clipboard input events and tries to detect and convert dynamic sql to static sql.
Anything you need is to copy dynamic sql (from sql profiler for example) and paste to text editor - pasted sql will be a static sql :)
For example, if copied sql is:
exec sp_executesql N' SELECT "obj"."CreateDateTime", "obj"."LastEditDateTime" FROM LDERC
"doc" INNER JOIN LDObject "obj" ON ("doc"."ID" = "obj"."ID") LEFT OUTER JOIN LDJournal
"ContainerID.jrn" ON ("doc"."JournalID" = "ContainerID.jrn"."ID") WHERE ( "doc"."ID"
= #V0 AND ( "doc"."StateID" <> 5 AND "ContainerID.jrn"."Name" <> ''Hidden journal''
) ) ',N'#V0 bigint',#V0=6815463'
then pasted sql will be:
SELECT "obj"."CreateDateTime"
INNER JOIN LDObject "obj" ON ("doc"."ID" = "obj"."ID")
LEFT OUTER JOIN LDJournal "ContainerID.jrn" ON ("doc"."JournalID" = "ContainerID.jrn"."ID")
"doc"."ID" = 6815463
"doc"."StateID" <> 5
AND "ContainerID.jrn"."Name" <> 'Hidden journal'

Conclusion: I note this still gets a little attention so I'll add details here for what my eventual solution was.
It turns out that nothing beats doing it for yourself. I created a simple console app that parsed my stored procedure and spit out what I wanted. By adding it to the list of external tools, and passing the current filename as an argument, I could use the following to strip out and rearrange what I needed.
In use, I'd add a new sql file, paste in the sql, save it, then run the external tool. After it completes, the IDE asks me to reload the file. Poof, no more stored procedure.
I do note that this may not work with every executesql statement, so you'll have to modify if it does not meet your needs.
class Program
const string query = "query";
const string decls = "decls";
const string sets = "sets";
static void Main(string[] args)
var text = File.ReadAllText(args[0]);
Console.WriteLine("File is empty. Try saving it before using the hillbilly sproc decoder");
var regex = new Regex(#"exec sp_executesql N'(?<" + query + ">.*)',N'(?<" + decls + ">[^']*)',(?<" + sets + ">.*)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
var match = regex.Match(text);
if(!match.Success || match.Groups.Count != 4)
Console.WriteLine("Didn't capture that one. Shit.");
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("DECLARE ").AppendLine(match.Groups[decls].Value);
foreach(var set in match.Groups[sets].Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
sb.Append("SET ").AppendLine(set);
sb.AppendLine(match.Groups[query].Value.Replace("''", "'"));
File.WriteAllText(args[0], sb.ToString());
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("S*t blew up, yo");
Console.WriteLine("Press a key to exit");

Here is simple UI that i use to inspect NHibernate queries. Some regex, parsing and sqlformat.org API to beautify sql is used.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#btn-format").on("click", () =>{
var insql = $("#textarea-in").val();
var regex = new RegExp("exec sp_executesql N'(?<command>.+?(?='(,N'$)?))'(,\s*N'(?<types>.+?(?=',))',\s*(?<vals>.+))?");
var groups = insql.replace(/\n|\r/g, "").match(regex).groups;
var outsql = "";
if (groups.types)
var types = groups.types.match(/#[^\s]+ \w+(\([\w\d,]+\))?/g);
for (const typeDeclaration of types) {
outsql = outsql + 'declare ' + typeDeclaration + '\n';
outsql = outsql + '\n';
for (const setVal of groups.vals.split(',')) {
outsql = outsql + 'set ' + setVal + '\n';
outsql = outsql + '\n';
url: 'https://sqlformat.org/api/v1/format',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
data: {
sql: groups.command, reindent: 1
success: (data) => {
outsql = outsql + data.result;
error: () =>{
outsql = outsql + '-- No format happened. See browser console for details \n';
outsql = outsql + groups.command;
<textarea id="textarea-in" style="width: 100%; height: 48%;" class="form-control" placeholder="type 'exec sp_executesql...' here"></textarea>
<button id="btn-format">Format</button>
<textarea id="textarea-out" style="width: 100%; height: 48%;" class="form-control"></textarea>
Test in Fiddle
Note: Will not work, if you have single quotes in query

I have improved one of previous answers particularly refining regular expression in order to support queries without parameters. Here is my option in form of PowerShell script, which uses Windows clipboard both as input and as output:
$regex = "(?s)^exec sp_executesql N'(?<query>.*?[^'])'(?:,N'(?<decls>.*?[^'])',(?<sets>.*))?$"
$inputText = [string](Get-Clipboard)
if (!($inputText -match $regex)) {
$resultBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
if ($matches["decls"]) {
$resultBuilder.AppendLine("DECLARE $($matches["decls"])")
$matches["sets"].Split(',') | ForEach-Object {
$resultBuilder.AppendLine("SET $_");
$resultBuilder.AppendLine($matches["query"].Replace("''", "'"));
Set-Clipboard $resultBuilder.ToString()


Snowflake's get_ddl displays extra single quotes everywhere

In Snowflake, when I create a store proc like so
create procedure stack_overflow_question(select_table varchar)
returns varchar
language sql
select_statement varchar;
select_statement := '
SELECT * FROM ' || :select_table || '
Then, later when I use select get_ddl('procedure', 'stack_overflow_question(varchar)'); function to make edits to the store proc, the result of this function call has extra single quotes.
Here is the result
AS 'declare
select_statement varchar;
select_statement := ''
SELECT * FROM '' || :select_table || ''
Note the difference between the two! The extra single quotes. Also double quotes in the name of the store proc.
Is there something that I can do to prevent this from happening? I am using Snowsight - but don't think that this actually is the problem. Also, I am using snowflake as the language for store procs.
Any ideas?
I wrote a UDF that you can wrap around get_ddl that will convert the DDL from using doubled single quotes to single quotes and wrap the body with $$:
create or replace function CODE_DDL_TO_TEXT(CODE_TEXT string)
returns string
language javascript
var lines = CODE_TEXT.split("\n");
var out = "";
var startCode = new RegExp("^AS '$", "ig");
var endCode = new RegExp("^'\;$", "ig");
var inCode = false;
var isChange = false;
var s;
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){
isChange = false;
if(!inCode) {
inCode = startCode.test(lines[i]);
if(inCode) {
isChange = true;
out += "AS $" + "$\n";
if (endCode.test(lines[i])){
out += "$" + "$;";
isChange = true;
inCode = false;
s = lines[i].replace(/''/g, "'") + "\n";
s = s.replace(/\\\\/g, "\\");
out += s;
} else {
out += lines[i] + "\n";
return out;
You can then call the UDF by wrapping it around the get_ddl function. Here is an example of fishing its own DDL out of get_ddl:
select CODE_DDL_TO_TEXT(get_ddl('function', 'CODE_DDL_TO_TEXT(string)'));
You can also use this SQL to reconstruct a stored procedure from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA:
select 'create or replace procedure ' || PROCEDURE_NAME || ARGUMENT_SIGNATURE ||
'\nreturns ' || DATA_TYPE ||
'\nlanguage ' || PROCEDURE_LANGUAGE ||
'\nas $' || '$\n' ||
'\n$' || '$;'
This only returns body -
WHERE PROCEDURE_SCHEMA = 'SCHEMA_NAME' AND PROCEDURE_NAME = upper('stack_overflow_question');

Snowflake Stored Procedure For Loop

i'm working with Snowflake,
i created this Stored Procedure, it's purpose is to do the following steps:
extract the relevant 'application_id' values from the SQL query
use a FOR loop over a SQL query, with the 'application_id' values that i extracted
in step 1, and delete the relevant rows from the target table.
when i call the Stored Procedure, it runs without errors, but it doesn't do anything ( the relevant records are not been deleted).
i added my SP code,
please let me know if you see any syntax / logic errors,
RETURNS string
LANGUAGE javascript
var application_list = ` SELECT application_id
FROM PUBLIC.my_source_table_name
WHERE my_flag = 1
var query_statement = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText: application_list});
var application_list_result = query_statement.execute();
for (i = 1; i <= query_statement.getRowCount(); i++)
application_id = application_list_result.getColumnValue(1)
var delete_daily_records = `
DELETE FROM PUBLIC.my_target_table_name AS target
WHERE target.application_id = ${application_id}
snowflake.execute({sqlText: delete_daily_records});
catch (err)
throw "Failed: " + err;
CALL DWH.sp_testing();
Are you sure your query is returning data? Also are you sure the target table has data matching your DELETE statement?
The following test works for me using your stored procedure:
select count(*) from citibike_trips where end_station_id=6215;
returns: 14565
Now, I created your stored proc:
RETURNS string
LANGUAGE javascript
var application_list = `SELECT end_station_id
FROM citibike_trips
WHERE end_station_id=6215 limit 10
var query_statement = snowflake.createStatement({sqlText: application_list});
var application_list_result = query_statement.execute();
for (i = 1; i <= query_statement.getRowCount(); i++)
end_station_id = application_list_result.getColumnValue(1)
var delete_daily_records = `
DELETE FROM citibike_trips AS target
WHERE target.end_station_id = ${end_station_id}
snowflake.execute({sqlText: delete_daily_records});
catch (err)
throw "Failed: " + err;
Run it:
Shows NULL as result (expected since it is not returning anything).
But then when I check the table again:
select count(*) from citibike_trips where end_station_id=6215;
returns: 0

Get default value of stored procedure parameter

I have created below stored procedure with default value:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Sample1]
#OrderID INT = 10285
SELECT ProductName, OrderID
FROM Products P, [Order Details] Od
WHERE Od.ProductID = P.ProductID
AND Od.OrderID = #OrderID
Tried to get default value (10285) of parameters using sys.parameters.
Select a.object_id, a.default_value
from sys.parameters a
inner join sys.types b on b.system_type_id = a.system_type_id
where Object_id = object_id('[dbo].[Sample1]')
But I got NULL as default_value, while I was expecting 10285 as default_value.
Is there any way to get default value?
It looks that Microsoft has neglected this topic and there is no trivial way to find parameters default values and even if a default value is present or not on a specific parameter:
As we all know, T-SQL stored procedure parameter defaults are not
stored in sys.parameters, all_parameters, and system_parameters. They
are also not exposed through sp_sproc_columns, sys.columns, or
Feedback from Microsoft:
As posted by Tibor Karaszi, BOL document that "SQL Server only
maintains default values for CLR objects in this catalog view;
therefore, this column has a value of 0 for Transact-SQL objects. To
view the default value of a parameter in a Transact-SQL object, query
the definition column of the sys.sql_modules catalog view, or use the
OBJECT_DEFINITION system function."
We dont store even the bit that indicating parameter is of default
value in Yukon.
I have tested the first code snippet in this answer and it seems to work for your simple example:
, [default_value] = REVERSE(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(
WHEN CHARINDEX(N',', data3.rtoken) > 0
THEN CHARINDEX(N',', data3.rtoken) + 1
WHEN CHARINDEX(N')', data3.rtoken) > 0
THEN CHARINDEX(N')', data3.rtoken) + 1
, LEN(data3.rtoken)
, rtoken = REVERSE(
, CHARINDEX('=', ptoken, 1) + 1
, LEN(data2.ptoken))
, ptoken = SUBSTRING(
, token_pos + name_length + 1
, ISNULL(ABS(next_token_pos - token_pos - name_length - 1), LEN(data.tokens))
, p.name
, name_length = LEN(p.name)
, token_pos = CHARINDEX(p.name, sm3.tokens)
, next_token_pos = CHARINDEX(p2.name, sm3.tokens)
, sm2.[type]
, tokens = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(sm2.tokens, ISNULL(CHARINDEX('SA', sm2.tokens) + 2, 0), LEN(sm2.tokens)))
, o.[type]
, CHARINDEX(o.name, sm.[definition]) + LEN(o.name) + 1
, ABS(CHARINDEX(N'AS', sm.[definition]))
FROM sys.sql_modules sm WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN sys.objects o WITH (NOLOCK) ON sm.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
JOIN sys.schemas s WITH (NOLOCK) ON o.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
WHERE o.[type] = 'P '
AND s.name + '.' + o.name = 'dbo.Sample1'
) sm2
WHERE sm2.tokens LIKE '%=%'
) sm3
JOIN sys.parameters p WITH (NOLOCK) ON sm3.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
SELECT p2.name
FROM sys.parameters p2 WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE p2.is_output = 0
AND sm3.[object_id] = p2.[object_id]
AND p.parameter_id + 1 = p2.parameter_id
) p2
WHERE p.is_output = 0
) data
) data2
WHERE data2.ptoken LIKE '%=%'
) data3
However, it is really ugly for a task that one expects to be easily queryable from system views.
I agree default stored procedure parameter values should be exposed via a SQL Server catalog view.
The T-SQL parsing method may work in many cases but is fragile. Consider using the TransactSQL ScriptDOM. Below is an example using a mix of PowerShell and C#. Not saying this will be perfect for all cases but it seems to process all the parameters I've thrown at it thusfar.
I used the Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll assembly from my SSMS install in this example but it can be downloaded from the NuGet Gallery.
Add-type -LiteralPath #("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Extensions\Application\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll");
Add-type `
-ReferencedAssemblies #("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Extensions\Application\Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll") `
-TypeDefinition #"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom;
using System.IO;
public static class ProcParser
public static List<StoredProcedureParameter> GetStoredProcedureParameters(string storedProcedureDefinition)
StringReader reader = new StringReader(storedProcedureDefinition);
var parser = new TSql140Parser(true);
IList<ParseError> errors;
TSqlFragment sqlFragment = parser.Parse(reader, out errors);
if (errors.Count > 0)
throw new Exception(`"Error parsing stored procedure definition`");
SQLVisitor sqlVisitor = new SQLVisitor();
return sqlVisitor.StoredProcedureParameters;
internal class SQLVisitor : TSqlFragmentVisitor
public List<StoredProcedureParameter> StoredProcedureParameters = new List<StoredProcedureParameter>();
public override void ExplicitVisit(ProcedureParameter node)
var p = StoredProcedureParameter.CreateProcedureParameter(node);
public class StoredProcedureParameter
public string ParameterName;
public string ParameterType;
public string ParameterDirection = null;
public string DefaultParameterValue = null;
public static StoredProcedureParameter CreateProcedureParameter(ProcedureParameter node)
var param = new StoredProcedureParameter();
//parameter name
param.ParameterName = node.VariableName.Value;
//data type
switch (((ParameterizedDataTypeReference)node.DataType).Parameters.Count)
case 0:
if (node.DataType.Name.Identifiers.Count == 1)
param.ParameterType = node.DataType.Name.Identifiers[0].Value;
//schema-qualified type name
param.ParameterType = node.DataType.Name.Identifiers[0].Value + `".`" + node.DataType.Name.Identifiers[1].Value;
case 1:
param.ParameterType = node.DataType.Name.Identifiers[0].Value + "(" + ((ParameterizedDataTypeReference)node.DataType).Parameters[0].Value + ")";
case 2:
param.ParameterType = node.DataType.Name.Identifiers[0].Value + "(" + ((ParameterizedDataTypeReference)node.DataType).Parameters[0].Value + "," + ((ParameterizedDataTypeReference)node.DataType).Parameters[1].Value + ")";
//default value
if (node.Value != null)
param.DefaultParameterValue = node.ScriptTokenStream[node.LastTokenIndex].Text;
if (node.Modifier == ParameterModifier.Output)
param.ParameterDirection = `"OUTPUT`";
else if (node.Modifier == ParameterModifier.ReadOnly)
param.ParameterDirection = `"READONLY`";
param.ParameterDirection = `"INPUT`";
return param;
public override string ToString()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(`" `");
if (DefaultParameterValue != null)
sb.Append(`" `");
sb.Append(`" `");
return sb.ToString();
catch [System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException]
Write-Host "Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
Write-Host "StackTrace: $($_.Exception.StackTrace)"
Write-Host "LoaderExceptions: $($_.Exception.LoaderExceptions)"
Function Get-ProcText($connectionString, $procName)
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString);
$command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT definition FROM sys.sql_modules WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(#ProcName);", $connection);
$procNameParameter = $command.Parameters.Add((New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("#ProcName", [System.Data.SqlDbType]::NVarChar, 261)));
$procNameParameter.Value = $procName;
$procText = $command.ExecuteScalar();
return $procText;
### main ###
try {
# get proc text definition from database
$procText = Get-ProcText `
-connectionString "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=SSPI" `
-procName "dbo.testproc";
# parse parameters from proc text
$procParameters = [ProcParser]::GetStoredProcedureParameters($procText);
# display parameter values
foreach($procParameter in $procParameters)
Write-Host "ParameterName=$($procParameter.ParameterName)";
Write-Host "`tParameterType=$($procParameter.ParameterType)";
Write-Host "`tDefaultParameterValue=$($procParameter.DefaultParameterValue)";
Write-Host "`tParameterDirection=$($procParameter.ParameterDirection)";
catch {
I implemented Alexei's brilliant solution, but one of my variables, and a comment on a parameter both had the word 'class' in it and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why it broke. I finally realized that the word 'class' has 'AS' in it. So the key to avoiding that situation is to differentiate the AS keyword denoting the beginning of the body of the sp from random AS strings in the parameter section. I found a way that works for me, and might work for others. It relies on the fact that the AS keyword is on its own line prededed by CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) and succeeded by CHAR(13) + CHAR(10). So I modified these two lines:
, tokens = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(sm2.tokens, ISNULL(CHARINDEX(CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + 'SA' + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13), sm2.tokens) + 2, 0), LEN(sm2.tokens)))
, CHARINDEX(o.name, sm.[definition]) + LEN(o.name) + 1
, ABS(CHARINDEX(CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + N'AS' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), sm.[definition]))

How to count number of rows in SQL Server database?

I am trying to count the number of unread messages in my DB Table but is proving to be very difficult. I've even read tutorials online but to no avail.
What I'm doing should be simple.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Can somebody please point me in the right direction? Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you
#helper RetrievePhotoWithName(int userid)
var database = Database.Open("SC");
var name = database.QuerySingle("select FirstName, LastName, ProfilePicture from UserProfile where UserId = #0", userid);
var notifications = database.Query("SELECT COUNT(*) as 'counter' FROM Notifications WHERE UserID = #0 AND [Read] = #1", userid, false);
var DisplayName = "";
if(notifications["counter"] < 1)
DisplayName = name["FirstName"] + " " + name["LastName"];
DisplayName = name["FirstName"] + ", you have " + notifications["counter"] + " new messages.";
<img src="#Href("~/Shared/Assets/Images/" + name["ProfilePicture"] + ".png")" id="MiniProfilePicture" /> #DisplayName
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NotificationsTable WHERE
UserID = #UserID AND MessageWasRead = 0;
Sql Count Function
Okay so this is based on what I think should be done. I don't know the underlying types, so it is going to be my best guess.
var notifications = database.QuerySingle("Select COUNT(*) as NumRecs....");
if((int)notifications["NumRecs"] > 0)) .......
I changed the query for notifications to QuerySingle. You don't need a recordest, you only need a scalar value, so that should (hopefully remove your problem with the implicit conversion in the equals you were having.
I would also check to see if your database object implements IDisposable (place it in a using statement if so) as you are calling close, and this won't actually call close (I know it's not dispose but it might have dispose too) if you encounter and exception before the close function is called.
int unreadMessageCount = db.Query("SELECT * FROM Notification WHERE UserId=#0 AND Read=#1",UserId,false).Count();
string displayname = name["FirstName"] + " " + name["LastName"] + unreadMessageCount>0?",you have " + unreadMessageCount :"";

SQL variables; declaring when a parameter is not present

I'm writing a sql script, and I'd like to use Management Studio to develop the query, and a C# program to run it in production.
My query contains parameters, like so;
WHERE id = #id
I can feed in a value for #id in the C# program, and that works nicely. However, I also want to declare default values for testing in Management Studio. So I really want to write something like this pseudocode;
if not declared #id
declare #id int
set #id=43
end if
WHERE id = #id
Is there any way to check to see if a variable name has already been taken?
You can't do exactly what you're after. I'd suggest either:
1) wrap the script up as a sproc and give defaults for the params
2) include a comment block at the top of the script that you can then uncomment when running in SSMS:
-- Default variables for testing
SET #Id = 43
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE id = #Id
I've managed to make some progress by marking out the default variables in the script, like so;
/** DEFAULTS **/
declare #id int
set #id = 43
Then preprocessing the script in my C# program, like so;
script = RemoveBlock(script, "DEFAULTS");
And implementing the function like so;
public static string RemoveBlock(string script, string blockName)
if (script == null) { return null; }
var startTag = string.Format("/** {0} **/", blockName);
var endTag = string.Format("/** END {0} **/", blockName);
var startTagIdx = script.IndexOf(startTag);
if (startTagIdx == -1) { return script; }
var endTagIdx = script.IndexOf(endTag, startTagIdx + startTag.Length);
if (endTagIdx == -1) { return script; }
var endOfEndTag = endTagIdx + endTag.Length;
var beforeBlock = script.Substring(0, startTagIdx);
var afterBlock = script.Substring(endOfEndTag);
return beforeBlock + afterBlock;
So the C# program runs a version without the variables but with parameters.
