C/C++ memory usage API in Linux/Windows - c

I'd like to obtain memory usage information for both per process and system wide. In Windows, it's pretty easy. GetProcessMemoryInfo and GlobalMemoryStatusEx do these jobs greatly and very easily. For example, GetProcessMemoryInfo gives "PeakWorkingSetSize" of the given process. GlobalMemoryStatusEx returns system wide available memory.
However, I need to do it on Linux. I'm trying to find Linux system APIs that are equivalent GetProcessMemoryInfo and GlobalMemoryStatusEx.
I found 'getrusage'. However, max 'ru_maxrss' (resident set size) in struct rusage is just zero, which is not implemented. Also, I have no idea to get system-wide free memory.
Current workaround for it, I'm using "system("ps -p %my_pid -o vsz,rsz");". Manually logging to the file. But, it's dirty and not convenient to process the data.
I'd like to know some fancy Linux APIs for this purpose.

You can see how it is done in libstatgrab.
And you can also use it (GPL)

Linux has a (modular) filesystem-interface for fetching such data from the kernel, thus being usable by nearly any language or scripting tool.
Memory can be complex. There's the program executable itself, presumably mmap()'ed in. Shared libraries. Stack utilization. Heap utilization. Portions of the software resident in RAM. Portions swapped out. Etc.
What exactly is "PeakWorkingSetSize"? It sounds like the maximum resident set size (the maximum non-swapped physical-memory RAM used by the process).
Though it could also be the total virtual memory footprint of the entire process (sum of the in-RAM and SWAPPED-out parts).
Irregardless, under Linux, you can strace a process to see its kernel-level interactions. "ps" gets its data from /proc/${PID}/* files.
I suggest you cat /proc/${PID}/status. The Vm* lines are quite useful.
Specifically: VmData refers to process heap utilization. VmStk refers to process stack utilization.
If you continue using "ps", you might consider popen().
I have no idea to get system-wide free memory.
There's always /usr/bin/free
Note that Linux will make use of unused memory for buffering files and caching... Thus the +/-buffers/cache line.


Profiling resident memory usage and many page faults in C++ program on linux

I am trying to figure out why my resident memory for one version of a program ("new") is much higher (5x) than another version of the same program ("baseline"). The program is running on a Linux cluster with E5-2698 v3 CPUs and written in C++. The baseline is a multiprocess program, and the new one is a multithreaded program; they are both fundamentally doing the same algorithm, computation, and operating on the same input data, etc. In both, there are as many processes or threads as cores (64), with threads pinned to CPUs. I've done a fair amount of heap profiling using both Valgrind Massif and Heaptrack, and they show that the memory allocation is the same (as it should be). The RSS for both the baseline and new version of the program are larger than the LLC.
The machine has 64 cores (hyperthreads). For both versions, I straced relevant processes and found some interesting results. Here's the strace command I used:
strace -k -p <pid> -e trace=mmap,munmap,brk
Here are some details about the two versions:
Baseline Version:
64 processes
RES is around 13 MiB per process
using hugepages (2MB)
no malloc/free-related syscalls were made from the strace call listed above (more on this below)
top output
New Version
2 processes
32 threads per process
RES is around 2 GiB per process
using hugepages (2MB)
this version does a fair amount of memcpy calls of large buffers (25MB) with default settings of memcpy (which, I think, is supposed to use non-temporal stores but I haven't verified this)
in release and profile builds, many mmap and munmap calls were generated. Curiously, none were generated in debug mode. (more on that below).
top output (same columns as baseline)
Assuming I'm reading this right, the new version has 5x higher RSS in aggregate (entire node) and significantly more page faults as measured using perf stat when compared to the baseline version. When I run perf record/report on the page-faults event, it's showing that all of the page faults are coming from a memset in the program. However, the baseline version has that memset as well and there are no pagefaults due to it (as verified using perf record -e page-faults). One idea is that there's some other memory pressure for some reason that's causing the memset to page-fault.
So, my question is how can I understand where this large increase in resident memory is coming from? Are there performance monitor counters (i.e., perf events) that can help shed light on this? Or, is there a heaptrack- or massif-like tool that will allow me to see what is the actual data making up the RES footprint?
One of the most interesting things I noticed while poking around is the inconsistency of the mmap and munmap calls as mentioned above. The baseline version didn't generate any of those; the profile and release builds (basically, -march=native and -O3) of the new version DID issue those syscalls but the debug build of the new version DID NOT make calls to mmap and munmap (over tens of seconds of stracing). Note that the application is basically mallocing an array, doing compute, and then freeing that array -- all in an outer loop that runs many times.
It might seem that the allocator is able to easily reuse the allocated buffer from the previous outer loop iteration in some cases but not others -- although I don't understand how these things work nor how to influence them. I believe allocators have a notion of a time window after which application memory is returned to the OS. One guess is that in the optimized code (release builds), vectorized instructions are used for the computation and it makes it much faster. That may change the timing of the program such that the memory is returned to the OS; although I don't see why this isn't happening in the baseline. Maybe the threading is influencing this?
(As a shot-in-the-dark comment, I'll also say that I tried the jemalloc allocator, both with default settings as well as changing them, and I got a 30% slowdown with the new version but no change on the baseline when using jemalloc. I was a bit surprised here as my previous experience with jemalloc was that it tends to produce some some speedup with multithreaded programs. I'm adding this comment in case it triggers some other thoughts.)
In general: GCC can optimize malloc+memset into calloc which leaves pages untouched. If you only actually touch a few pages of a large allocation, that not happening could account for a big diff in page faults.
Or does the change between versions maybe let the system use transparent hugepages differently, in a way that happens to not be good for your workload?
Or maybe just different allocation / free is making your allocator hand pages back to the OS instead of keeping them in a free list. Lazy allocation means you get a soft page fault on the first access to a page after getting it from the kernel. strace to look for mmap / munmap or brk system calls.
In your specific case, your strace testing confirms that your change led to malloc / free handing pages back to the OS instead of keeping them on a free list.
This fully explains the extra page faults. A backtrace of munmap calls could identify the guilty free calls. To fix it, see https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Memory-Allocation-Tunables.html / http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/mallopt.3.html, especially M_MMAP_THRESHOLD (perhaps raise it to get glibc malloc not to use mmap for your arrays?). I haven't played with the parameters before. The man page mentions something about a dynamic mmap threshold.
It doesn't explain the extra RSS; are you sure you aren't accidentally allocating 5x the space? If you aren't, perhaps better alignment of the allocation lets the kernel use transparent hugepages where it didn't before, maybe leading to wasting up to 1.99 MiB at the end of an array instead of just under 4k? Or maybe Linux wouldn't use a hugepage if you only allocated the first couple of 4k pages past a 2M boundary.
If you're getting the page faults in memset, I assume these arrays aren't sparse and that you are touching every element.
I believe allocators have a notion of a time window after which application memory is returned to the OS
It would be possible for an allocator to check the current time every time you call free, but that's expensive so it's unlikely. It's also very unlikely that they use a signal handler or separate thread to do a periodic check of free-list size.
I think glibc just uses a size-based heuristic that it evaluates on every free. As I said, the man page mentions something about heuristics.
IMO actually tuning malloc (or finding a different malloc implementation) that's better for your situation should probably be a different question.

Getting as much uninitialized memory as possible

I'm trying to create a C/C++ program that dumps as much uninitialized memory as possible.
The program has to be run by a local user, i.e in user mode.
It does not work to use malloc:
Why does malloc initialize the values to 0 in gcc?
The goal is not to use this data as a seed for randomness.
Does the OS always make sure that you can't see "leftovers" from other processes?
If possible, I would like references to implementations or further explanation.
The most common multi-user operating systems (modern Windows, Linux, other Unix variants, VMS--probably all OSes with a concept of virtual memory) try to isolate processes from one another for security. If process A could read process B's leftover memory, it might get access to user data it shouldn't have, so these operating systems will clear pages of memory before they become available to a new process. You would probably have to have elevated privileges to get at uninitialized RAM, and the solution would likely depend on which operating system it was.
Embedded OSes, DOS, and ancient versions of Windows generally don't have the facilities for protecting memory. But they also don't have a concept of virtual memory or of strong process isolation. On these, just allocating memory through the usual methods (e.g., malloc) would give you uninitialized memory without you having to do anything special.
For more information on Windows, you can search for Windows zero page thread to learn about the OS thread whose only job is to write zeros in unused pages so that they can be doled out again. Also, Windows has a feature called superfetch which fills up unused RAM with files that Windows predicts you'll want to open soon. If you allocated memory and Windows decided to give you a superfetch page, there would be a risk that you'd see the contents of a file you don't have access to read. This is another reason why pages must be cleared before they can be allocated to a process.
You got uninitialized memory. It contains indeterminate values. In your case those values are all 0. Nothing unexpected. If you want pseudo-random numbers use a PRNG. If you want real random numbers/entropy, use a legitimate random source like your operating system's random number device (e.g. /dev/urandom) or API.
No operating system in its right mind is going to provide uninitialized memory to a process.
The closest thing you are going to find is the stack. That memory will have been initialized when mapped to the process but much of it will have been overwritten.
It's common sense. We don't need to document that 1+1=2 either.
An operating system that leaks secrets between processes would be useless for many applications. So if a general purpose operating system that wants to be general purpose it will isolate processes. Keeping track of which pages might contain secrets and which are safe would be too much work and too error-prone, so we assume that every page that has ever been used is dirty and contains secrets. Initializing new pages with garbage is slower than initializing them with just one value, so random garbage isn't used. The most useful value is zero (for calloc or bss for example), so new pages are zeroed to clear them.
There's really no other way to do it.
There might be special purpose operating systems that don't do it and do leak secrets between processes (it might be necessary for real-time requirements for example). Some older operating systems didn't have decent memory management and privilege isolation. Also, malloc will reuse previously freed memory within the same process. Therefore malloc will be documented to contain uninitialized garbage. But that doesn't mean you'll ever be able to obtain uninitialized memory from another process on a general purpose operating system.
I guess a simple rule of thumb is: if your operating system ever asks you for a password it will not give uninitialized pages to a process and since zeroing is the only reasonable way to initialize pages, they will be zeroed.

Executing an external program when forking is not advisable

I have this a big server software that can hog 4-8GB of memory.
This makes fork-exec cumbersome, as the fork itself can take significant time, plus the default behavior seems to be that fork will fail unless there is enough memory for a copy of the entire resident memory.
Since this is starting to show as the hottest spot (60% of time spent in fork) when profiling I need to address it.
What would be the easiest way to avoid fork-exec routine?
You basically cannot avoid fork(2) (or the equivalent clone(2) syscall..., or the obsolete vfork which I don't recommend using) + execve(2) to start an external command (à la system(3), or à la posix_spawn) on Linux and (probably) MacOSX and most other Unix or POSIX systems.
What makes you think that it is becoming an issue? And 8GB process virtual address space is not a big deal today (at least on machines with 8Gbytes, or 16Gbytes RAM, like my desktop has). You don't practically need twice as much RAM (but you do need swap space) thanks to the lazy copy-on-write techniques used by all recent Unixes & Linux.
Perhaps you might believe that swap space could be an issue. On Linux, you could add swap space, perhaps by swapping on a file; just run as root:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/tmp/myswap bs=1M count=32768
mkswap /var/tmp/myswap
swapon /var/tmp/myswap
(of course, be sure that /var/tmp/ is not a tmpfs mounted filesystem, but sits on some disk, perhaps an SSD one....)
When you don't need any more a lot of swap space, run swapoff /var/tmp/myswap....
You could also start some external shell process near the beginning of your program (à la popen) and later you might send shell commands to it. Look at my execicar.c program for inspiration, or use it if it fits (I wrote it 10 years ago for similar purposes, but I forgot the details)
Alternatively fork at the beginning of your program some interpreter (Lua, Guile...) and send some commands to it.
Running more than a few dozens commands per second (starting any external program) is not reasonable, and should be considered as a design mistake, IMHO. Perhaps the commands that you are running could be replaced by in-process functions (e.g. /bin/ls can be done with stat, readdir, glob functions ...). Perhaps you might consider adding some plugin ability (with dlopen(3) & dlsym) to your code (and run functions from plugins instead of starting very often the same programs). Or perhaps embed an interpreter (Lua, Guile, ...) inside your code.
As an example, for web servers, look for old CGI vs FastCGI or HTTP forwarding (e.g. URL redirection) or embedded PHP or HOP or Ocsigen
This makes fork-exec cumbersome, as the fork itself can take
significant time
This is only half true. You didn't specify the OS, but fork(2) is pretty optimized in Linux (and I believe in other UNIX variants) by using copy-on-write. Copy-on-write means that the operating system will not copy the entire parent memory address space until the child (or the parent) writes to memory. So you can rest assured that if you have a parent process using 8 GB of memory and then you fork, you won't be using 16 GB of memory - especially if the child execs() something immediately.
fork will fail unless there is enough memory for a copy of the entire
resident memory.
No. The only overhead incurred by fork(2) is the copy and allocation of a task structure for the child, the allocation of a PID, and copying the parent's page tables. fork(2) will not fail if there isn't enough memory to copy the entire parent's address space, it will fail if there isn't enough memory to allocate a new task structure and the page tables. It may also fail if the maximum number of processes for the user has been reached. You can confirm this in man 2 fork (NOTE: See comments below).
If you still don't want to use fork(2), you can use vfork(2), which does no copying at all - it doesn't even copy the page tables - everything is shared with the parent. You can use that to create a new child process with a negligible overhead and then exec() something. Be aware that vfork(2) blocks the calling thread until the child either exits or calls one of the seven exec() functions. You also shouldn't modify the memory inside the child process before calling any of the exec() functions.
You mentioned that you can fork+exec 10k times per second. That sounds very excessive. Have you considered making the things you're execing into a daemon? Or maybe implement those external programs inside your application? It sounds very dodgy to have to fork that much.
fork most likely starts failing for you despite having the memory to back it because you're on a flavor of linux that has disabled (or put a limit on) memory overcommit. Check the file /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory. If it's 1 then my guess is wrong and there's something else weird going on. If it's 0 then you're not allowed to overcommit at all. If it's 2 then you need to read the documentation for how exactly this gets configured.
One solution mentioned above is just adding swap (that will never get used).
Another solution is to implement a small daemon that will take commands and execute those forks and execs for you piping back whatever output you need.
N.B. fork of a large process can in theory be as fast as a small process. The performance of fork is determined by how many memory mappings you have rather than how much memory they cover. Setting up copy-on-write is done per mapping. Except that on certain operating systems setting up COW of anonymous mappings is linear to amount of memory in those mappings, but I don't know what Linux does here, last time I studied the VM system in Linux was over 15 years ago.

How to measure the memory usage of a process without calling an external program

The memory usage of a process can be displayed by running:
$ ps -C processname -o size
Is there any way to retrieve this information without executing ps (or any external program), or reading /proc?
On a Linux system, a process' memory usage can be queried by reading /proc/[pid]/statm. Where [pid] is the PID of the process. If a process wants to query its own data, it can do so by reading /proc/self/statm instead. man 5 proc says:
Provides information about memory usage, measured in pages. The
columns are:
size total program size
(same as VmSize in /proc/[pid]/status)
resident resident set size
(same as VmRSS in /proc/[pid]/status)
share shared pages (from shared mappings)
text text (code)
lib library (unused in Linux 2.6)
data data + stack
dt dirty pages (unused in Linux 2.6)
You could just open the file with: fopen("/proc/self/statm", "r") and read the contents.
Since the file returns results in 'pages', you will want to find the page size also. getpagesize () returns the size of a page, in bytes.
You have a few options to do find the memory usage of a program:
Run it within a profiler like Valgrind or memprof.
exec/proc_open/fork a new process to use ps, top, or pmap as you would from the command line
bundle the ps into your app and use it directly (it's open source, of course!)
Use the /proc system (which is all that ps does, anyways...)
Create a report the kernel, which watches over process memory operations. The /proc filesystem is just a view into the kernel's internal data structures, so this is really already done for you.
Develop your own mechanism to compute memory usage without kernel assistance.
The former are all educational from a system administration perspective, and would be the best options in a real-life situation, but the last bullet point is probably the most interesting. You'd probably want to read the source of Valgrind or memprof to see how it works, but essentially what you'd need to do is insert your mechanism between the app and the kernel, and intercept any requests for memory allocation. Additionally, when the process started, you would want to initialize its memory space with a preset value like 0xDEADBEEF. Then, after the process finished, you could read through the memory space and count the occurrences of words other than your preset value, giving you an estimate of memory usage.
Of course, things are always more complicated than they seem. What about memory used by shared libraries? Pipes? Shared memory between your processes and another? System calls? Virtual memory allocated but not used? Data buffered to the disk? There's a lot of calls to be made beyond your question 'memory of process', see this post for some additional concerns.

Avoid paging when Allocating big blocks of memory in C?

I am writing an N-body simulation in C using the Barnes-Hut algorithm which requires using big blocks of memory. I am going for speed and efficiency. Is there any way to guarantee that these blocks of memory will stay in RAM and not get paged to the hard drive?
Edit: I would like to allocate as many as 2GB, however it is conceivable that I may end up running some simulations with much more memory.
Edit: Solution should support Windows7 (maybe Windows8 when it comes out?) and Ubuntu
There are operating system primitives that do what you want: mlock on Unix (of which Ubuntu is but one example¹), and VirtualLock on Windows. (Ignore the quibbling in the comments over the exact semantics of VirtualLock; they're irrelevant for your use case.)
The Unix primitive requires root privilege in the calling process (some systems permit locking down a small amount of memory without privilege, but you want far more than that). The Windows primitive appears not to require special privileges.
¹ "Linux is not UNIX" objection noted and ignored with prejudice.
For Linux: mlock(2) will do the job.
But beware that the amount of user mlockable memory is normally limited on standard systems ulimit -l.
The Windows version is VirtualLock. I do not know if there is a limit and how it can be queried.
