Deep zoom on dynamically generated 3D image cube - silverlight

I am making a 3D cube using kit3D.this cube is generated at run time.I wanted to know whether i will be able to add deep zoom o this dynamically generated 3D cube.The entire cube is ultimately an image and this is loaded altogather at a time.or is there any other way where in I can get the deep zoom effect???

In Silverlight 2 this can't be done as we've not made allowances for a lot of perspective 3D transforms as we have in Silverlight 3.
In Silverlight 3 you should be able to perform this, but do remember that Deep Zoom is somewhat an adjustment to the end users UX, so zooming in and out on image sets whilst in a 3D face can be considered cumbersome if not handled appropriately.
Scott Barnes / Rich Platforms Product Manager / Microsoft.


How to find obstacles in horizontal surface using ARKIT of iOS 11(Scenekit)?

I am working on a POC using the sample provided by apple
Right now placing object works fine after detecting the surface. But when i move the object from the detected surface to some other space like walls or some obstacle, it is overlapping with the 3D object.
Is it possible to detect the obstacles while placing/moving the 3D object through camera? Is there any sort of API available in ARKit to find the obstacle in the surface?
If not is there any workaround or calculation that we can do to find the obstacle/wall and let user not place/move the object above/beyond the obstacle/wall?
The short answer at this stage is no, unfortunately.
Detecting vertical planes, or objects in a scene, is quite difficult. My understanding is that Apple is working on vertical plane detection, and that there are a couple of startups doing the object detection stuff.
The best option will be to wait for, as this is what they are working on (although they are in stealth so hard to tell exactly).
If you have any Core ML experience then you could use an object detection model (find a third party one) to recognise objects in a scene and use that as a proxy for geometry that is off limits. There's also Matroid which provide object detection / tracking capabilities.
The following are not specific ARKit / iOS examples, but might help you later on.
Vuforia has support for scene understanding:
Hololens sort of has support for it as well:

WPF fast 2d plotting...what to use?

I've got an application where I am processing images from a camera at around 20Hz. Each image is segmented into a matrix of regions, let's say 100 x 50 (for example). Each region is processed, resulting in a single floating point metric. I'm trying to create simple 2d plot for each region's data as it is created. So, on the screen would be a matrix layout of 500 (in this worse case example) plots/charts.
I'm currently processing the images without issue using managedCUDA and writing some CUDA kernels to take care of that. What I'm faced with now is trying to create a way to logically view all this data has it's coming in. Things I've considered:
Building an "image" on the gpu with dimensions matching the target display control. This image would be segmented into the appropriate number of regions and a rudimentary chart would be drawn, pixel by pixel.
Learn Direct3D or OpenGL and code the algorithms necessary to draw the charts
Use the native WPF capabilities to draw the charts myself.
Use a commercial or open-source charting tool
Option 1 seems crazy to me (but I had a gpu-centric friend suggest it).
Option 2 seems like I'd have to learn all the unnessary 3D overhead of D3D or OpenGL just to draw 2D plots.
Option 3 and 4 probably have the most appeal to me, but I'm worried about performance.
So just looking for advice before I charge off in one of these directions.
I thoroughly recommend SciChart if you have the money. We develop scientific software that need to process large amounts of data being received from external devices, and have found SciChart to be excellent (features and performance). And no I'm not affiliated to them in any way!
Like all charting components it takes a while to get your head around the many features, but it's worth it. If you download their trial it includes a load of samples, including demos of real-time performance.

Rendering WPF controls on planes in 3D space

I have the following setup: I can track a surface very accuratly in a 3d space using a tracking system. Now I want to project on this plane with an overhead projector.
I want to develop my interface in WPF/XAML and then render it in real time to the surface that is tracked. But I don't know exactly how to do it...
This is what I think: I need to model the tracked surface in a 3D space, then I want to develop the interface using regular WPF/XAML controls use (maybe) directx to render these controls to model in 3D that represent the tracked surface.
I already found information of using directx in combination with wpf (Sharpdx.WPF) but here they demonstrate how to create 3d scenes with wpf... However, they don't show how to use regular WPF controls and render these to the 3d models.
Do I first need to convert the user control of WPF/XAML to an image and then render it to the 3d model or is there another way to do it?

Silverlight - Perspective 3D

I am considering using Silverlight for a project I am working on. This project will need to show a 3-Dimensional cube. Is this possible in Silverlight?
I see a lot of examples that a basically 2-sides of one item. Kind of like a sheet of paper. Is this what "perspective" 3D is? How is perspective 3D different than normal 3D?
Thank you!
You should look at Kit3D for Silverlight. Someone also created a site, but it current just has three reference articles and a link to Kit3D.
It is also possible to emulate 3D as demonstrated by this MSDN article.
The feature that was added in Silverlight 3 is referred to as "perspective 3D" to avoid confusion that might arise with someone expecting it be some kind of full scale 3d rendering API (like DirectX or OpenGl etc.) or something like WPFs UIElement3D.
The "perspective 3D" feature in Silverlight allows you to take any regular 2D UIElement and rotate it in 3D dimensions; you can think of it like a more powerful RenderTransform. There are two ways of setting a "Projection" on a UIElement, with a PlaneProjection (simple) or with a Matrix3DProjection (more complex).
You could certainly use this feature to create a 3D cube, where each face of the cube is a UIElement with a Projection applied to it. However you would not use this feature to create something that required complex 3d models such as a 3D game.

Pixel level 2D Graphics in Silverlight

I am trying to port a WebForms app to Silverlight, this application is using the GDI Graphics class to draw polygons to a in-memory bitmap, it will then do pixel by pixel comparisons so I need access to the pixel buffer.
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
g.FillClosedCurve(brush, points, FillMode.Winding);
I have done some serious googling trying to figure out how to draw polygons and then be able to access the pixel buffer of the canvas surface. My findings indicate that this is not possible with the WPF silverlight graphics, so I need to use a custom graphics library but have only found some 3D libraries. Is there a simple 2D library for silverlight or should I just go a head and write a polygon render algorithm myself?
If you write a polygon rendering algorithm for Silverlight, it would have to be all managed code, I haven't seen any examples of this, but if you write one let me know, I've been looking for something like the for XNA.
Silverlight 3 should be adding some of the things you need to make this a lot easier like rendering to a texture and accessing a bitmap at the pixel level.
Could you grab an image from a server and process that? You could dynamically generate the image and you'd have access to whatever you needed outside of Silverlight.
