Exceptions inside repositories: how do you handle them? - database

An easy one that I am interested in getting your thoughts on:
With your repository implementations, do you like to let exceptions be thrown inside the repository and leave the exception handling to the caller, or do you prefer to catch exceptions inside your repository, store the exception and return false/null?

It Depends.
Do I let exceptions bubble up? Absolutely. But I want this for connection failure, command failures. Whatever you do, don't just hide these, you need to know about them. I prefer my applications to fail as quickly as possible to reduce side-effects and further damage.
I also log exceptions. I use Log4net to help with this. But I like to log exceptions at the source. I will let them bubble up from there.
Return null? If something cannot be found (i.e. looking for something by id and it isn't there), then I return null, not an exception. But there are cases where I could see throwing a new exception when this happens.
Main point: exceptions should be 'exceptional', not the rule. If an exception is thrown, it should be because something is really wrong and you need to fix it.

I usually let exceptions leak, though if I'm in a particularly Enterprisey mood I'll wrap them in a RepositoryException to keep clients from caring about the underlying storage engine.
I would never return false/null instead of an exception, as there's already a meaning behind those values.
In rare cases, you could have a brain-dead storage engine that generates exceptions on non-exceptional cases - and I would catch those specific ones and return null if appropriate (eg., if a row does not exist, but the storage engine throws an error on that case - I'd catch it and return null).


Handling poison messages in Apache Flink

I am trying to figure out the best practices to deal with poison messages / unhandled exceptions with Apache Flink. We have a Job doing real time event processing of location data from IoT devices. There are two potential scenarios where this can arise:
Data is bad in some way - e.g. invalid value
Data triggers a bug due to some edge case we have not anticipated.
Currently, all my data processing stops because of just one message.
I've seen two suggestions:
Catch the exceptions - this requires me wrapping every piece of logic with something to catch every runtime exception
Use side outputs as a kind of DLQ - from what I can tell this seems to be a variation on #1 where I have to catch all the exceptions and send them to the side output.
Is there really no way to do this other than wrap every piece of logic with exception handling? Is there no generic way to catch exceptions and not have processing continue?
I think the idea is not to catch all kinds of exceptions and send them elsewhere, but rather to have well-tested and functioning code and use dead letters only for invalid inputs.
So a typical pipeline would be
source => validate => ... => sink
\=> dead letter queue
As soon as your record passes your validate operator, you want all errors to bubble up, as any error in these operators may result in corrupted aggregates and data that - once written - cannot be reverted easily.
The validate step would work with any of the two approaches that you outlined. Typically, side-outputs have better semantics, but you may end up with more code.
Now you may have a service with high SLAs and actually want it to produce output even if it is corrupted just to produce data. Or you have simple transformation pipeline, where you'd miss some events but keep the majority (and downstream can deal with incomplete data). Then you are right that you need to wrap the code of all operators with try-catch. However, you'd typically still would only do it for the fragile operators and not for all of them. Trivial operators should be tested and then trusted to work. Further, you'd usually only catch specific kinds of exceptions to limit the scope to the kind of expected exceptions that can happen.
You might wonder why Flink doesn't have it incorporated as a default pattern. There are two reasons as far as I can see:
If Flink silently ignores any kind of exception and sends an extra message to a secondary sink, how can Flink ensure that the throwing operator is in a sane state afterwards? How can it avoid any kind of leaks that may happen because cleanup code is not executed?
It's more common in Java to let the developers explicitly reason about exceptions and exception handling. It's also not straight-forward to see what the requirements are: Do you want to have the input only? Do you also want to store the exception? What about the operator state that may have influenced the outcome? Should Flink still fail when too many errors have been received in a given time window? It quickly becomes a huge feature for something that should not happen at all in an ideal world where high quality data is ingested and properly processed.
So while it looks easy for your case because you exactly know which kinds of information you want to store, it's not easy to have a solution for all purposes, especially since the extra code that a user has to write is tiny compared to the generic solution.
What you could do is to extract most of the complicated logic things into a single ProcessFunction and use side-outputs as you have outlined. Since it's a central piece, you'd only need to write the side-output function once. If it's done multiple times, you could extract a helper function where you pass your actual code as a RunnableWithException lambda which hides all the side-output logic. Make sure you use plenty of finally blocks to ensure a sane state.
I'd also add quite a few IT cases and use mutation testing to harden your pipeline quicker. If you keep your test data inline, the mutants may also exactly simulate your unexpected data issues, such that your validate operator gets more complete.

Is Hystrix fallback implementation mandatory?

I have a method calling a third party resource to retrieve a Dog object. If the call fails, I have no alternative path to return the Dog object.
So, what is the preferred apporach here:-
1. Implement hystrix fallback and return a null Dog object.
2. Hystrix will throw an exception when the call fails and with the catching of exception, null Dog object will be returned.
Option 1 or 2?
Is hystrix fallback a mandatory implementation requirement is you don't really have a fallback approach?
I think not, what's your opinion? What does hystrix guidelines suggest?
From what you are saying, both options 1 and 2 result in the same outcome - a null Dog being returned. I would say that handling it using a fallback in such case is better because it's cleaner. Fallback will be defined as part of the command, and as such would be consistent among all the uses of this command. This would not be true if you handled it as an exception. In that case you would need to remember to implement the exception handling in all of the places where the call is made.. and in the same way - and it's easy to make a mistake by forgetting about handling some place.
Is it mandatory to have a fallback?
It's not mandatory. If not provided, an exception will be raised.
In your case, you do have a fallback strategy - it is just very simple. It is actually covered in the Hystrix Wiki as a Silent Fail and you can read more about it on https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/wiki/How-To-Use#Common-Patterns-FailSilent
It is worth to think about which operations need a fallback, or rather, what the fallback should be. It is worth providing a fallback for a read operation. For a write operation it may not be a good idea, as described here: https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/wiki/How-To-Use#Fallback.
Defining a fallback strategy is part of the pattern. Imagine a project with few developers where Hystrix is used. It will feel nice to know where exactly to go to see the fallback strategy. That is a huge benefit.
One thing to keep in mind is that exceptions are more expensive to process so using them as a fallback strategy is a waste of resources. This won't be an issue in a small project with a small number of requests, but could cause problems in a system that processes a lot of such calls.

Why to use multiple catch blocks?

We can use multiple catch block in Try-Catch.
But my Question is : why to use multiple catch blocks when it can be done by using single catch block?
Suppose I want exact cause of my problem, I can get that by Ex.message
If I want to show customized message to user, I can show it by putting If-Else loop on Ex.Message.
Thanks in advance.
To handle the individual exception accordingly.
For example:
If your program is handling both database and files. If an SQLException occurs, you have to handle it database manner like closing the dbConnection/reader etc., whereas if a File handling exception then you may handle it differently like file closing, fileNotFound etc.
That is the main reason in my point of view.
For point numbers 1 and 2:
If showing error message is you main idea then you can use if..else. In case if you want to handle the exception then check the above point of my answer. The reason why I stretch the word handling is because it is entirely different from showing a simple error message.
To add some quotes I prefer Best Practices for Handling Exceptions which says
A well-designed set of error handling code blocks can make a program
more robust and less prone to crashing because the application handles
such errors.
This works only if all exceptions share the same base class, then you could do it this way.
But if you do need exception type specific handling, then I would prefer multiple try-catch blocks instead of one with type-depending if-else ...
You can also ask why do we need the Switch - Case. You can do it with If - Else.
And why do you need Else at all. You can do it with If (If not the first condition, and...).
It's a matter of writing a clean and readable code.
By using single catch clock you can catch Exception type - this practice is strongly discouraged by Microsoft programming guidelines. FxCop has the rule DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes which is treated as CriticalError:
Catching general exception types can hide run-time problems from the library user, and can complicate debugging.
The program should catch only expected exception types (one ore more), leaving unexpected types unhandled. To do this, we need possibility to have multiple catch blocks. See also:
Why does FxCop warn against catch(Exception)?

Returning the error details to the calling function after catching an exception in Postgresql

I'm adding exception handling to PostgreSQL stored procedures in order to automatically rollback the transactions after an error occurs.
My problem is that once I catch the exception, then I cannot return the details of the error to the calling C program which uses libpq.
The Severity, SQLSTATE, Primary, Detail and Hint are all null. Is there a way to return these after catching the exception?
The libpq function I use to collect these values is PQresultErrorField().
Given than an exception will automatically make a postgresql transaction roll back, why catch it at all? Catching exceptions is usually only useful if you want to usefully recover from the error, not propagate it.
I have recently posted a complete solution how to add a CONTEXT to error messages on dba.SE. The trick is to call a function that raises the error / warning / notice/ etc.
I realize now that your case may be different. My workaround is for adding a CONTEXT to exceptions that you raise yourself.
If you catch an exception to do stuff before the transaction is rolled back, you may want to add a RAISE without parameters at the end of your exception block:
The manual about RAISE:
The last variant of RAISE has no parameters at all. This form can only
be used inside a BEGIN block's EXCEPTION clause; it causes the error
currently being handled to be re-thrown.
However, as #araqnid pointed out, there is not use in an exception block if you are going to propagate the error anyway and everything is rolled back. This solution is only useful for the rare cases where certain changes are persistent and cannot be rolled back, like dblink calls ...

Silverlight 3 XamlReader Exception not caught

when I use XamlReader.Load() with an invalid XAML string, the resulting XAMLParseException is not caught although beeing in a try-catch-block:
UIElement xamlCode = XamlReader.Load(XamlText) as UIElement;
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorText = ex.Message;
The code is called from the Tick-Event of a DispatcherTimer, but also in Events like MouseLeftButtonDown the exception is not caught resulting in a break in the Line where I call .Load().
Does anyone know how to catch this Exception and resume normal programm activity?
Thanks, Andrej
It is completely unfathomable that this code would not catch the exception. How do you determine that the XAMLParseException is occuring here? Are you sure is not coming from some other Xaml Load in the project?
Is this always the case ? or onlys while debugging ?
I'm aware this is an extremely late answer and you might have found the solution to it, for as reference to people finding your question similar to theirse (like my case ), my answer might still be of use.
If its happening while debuggin, it might be because the exeption is configured to be thrown.
You can change this:
Customize the Debug menu, adding the "Exceptions" command to it.
In the Exceptions configuration, Drill down to System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException, which is under Common Language Runtime Exceptions.
Remove the check from the "Throw" column.
There are various Silverlight operations that get "re-marshalled" onto separate threads for what are presumably various good and sufficient reasons. It looks kind of like this:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => LoadSomeXamlOrSomething());
Any exception thrown within LoadSomeXamlOrSomething() won't be caught by normal try/catch blocks. This happens even in SL 4 with things like loading images with invalid formats. It's annoying, and MS needs to come up with a better way to handle this, for instance, by letting you register an exception handler when you make the call.
Until MS figures this out, your options are:
Fix the underlying XAML error.
Catch the exception in App.Application_UnhandledException.
