how to code drivers? - c

I want to code drivers in C in linux os, though I think its very tough. Can I get some hints as to how to start or books to follow? Drivers can be from my USB port to graphics card!!
I know as to where I can search for books, I would like to know as to what the basic knowledge I should start with. Do I need to have hardware knowledge and which specific books are good for novice like me?

Start with Linux Device Drivers by Rubini and Corbet, published by O'Reilly.
It's also available as a free PDF download.

"Linux Device Drivers" (the O'Reilley book) by Rubini and Corbet is the definitive book for Linux Device Drivers.
Cool! see the free pdf version in Roddy's answer & kristina's comment!

try amazon !! there is many books there for drivers . some have samples 2 !!

Several texts:
Essential Linux Device Drivers (I really enjoyed this one. It has a strong introductory section on Linux and how device drivers generally work.)
Linux Device Drivers (The "standard" with a free pdf link as mentioned by others)
Understanding the Linux Kernel (The longer you spend here, the better you need to really understand the kernel. This will help.)

Before you jump into designing drivers you should first get exceptional C skills and probably some Linux Kernel know-how. Desigining drivers is not trivial and might scare you off if you are not used to programming on a low-level.
I might recommend The C programming Language if you are not accustomed to C as it is, in my opinion, the primer on C if you have some programming background.

Drivers differ greatly in complexity depending on the device. USB drivers are on the simple side of the spectrum; GPU drivers are massively complex and even the authors of those drivers usually don't know everything that they do. My recommendation would be focusing on drivers for hardware you personally care about, rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-hardware; it'll be easier in the long run.
Everybody else's answers about documentation sources and various things to read are spot-on and you should really accept one of them.
Many of the more complex driver communities have their own domain-specific information as well. If you want to write a GPU driver, the DRI/DRM and Mesa communities have their own wikis and mailing lists which will help you out greatly, as well as their own documentation. is a decent starting place, as is
Hope this helps!

you have here a really good example

Just look at the source codes of current drivers. I wrote my usb rndis driver by only reading the comments put above the codes.
Get the kernel source and look at /drivers directory. Usb drivers are in usb directory, however usb drivers about networking are resided in /net/usb.
You can learn lots by reading the comments.


Custom Kernel: Implement filesystem

As a out of course project, I am currently developing a kernel in an attempt to better understand all the aspects of an actual OS. So far, I am done setting up a flat physical memory model with support for paging and the basic interrupts (keyboard and perhaps trackpad/mouse next). I thought the step forward would be to implement a filesystem and I am keen about the ext2. I have looked around, even on SO but there isn't anything explicit that answers my questions:
Is it possible to write a driver to access an ext2 filesystem in C or do I need to go lower?
If I plan to access the filesystem off a USB device, I am assuming I will need to get the device driver for USB running first. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I know the code for detecting a filesystem is already available on the MINIX and other kernels but what I really want to know is if I want to build a custom albeit simple filesystem, how do I go about it? I am considering this possibility too.
My apologies if the question and details sound a little ignorant but I am still in the learning process.
Thanks :)
I'll try to give you a few tips/hints - a clear answer isn't that simple:
An ext2 filesystem written in C is just C. C is just a programming language - you can use C++, plain assembly or a few others (A few os'dever use D) - but not a "managed" language etc. But it is important that you have a rock solid understanding of this language. In my opinion assembly is a MUST (Take a look at the scheduler in an operating system -> plain assembly)
Do you really want to write an USB driver ? It isn't "just" a simple USB driver (Layer of abstractions). Why a USB driver and not a floppy disk or CD driver (Believe me - a floppy driver in 32 bit protected mode isn't that hard) ?
Please focus on your project. Of course Linux (Early versions) and Minix have example code, but take care of the design structure (Monolithic/Microkernel or hybrid-kernel) - and don't mix it, write your own code.
Please make on step after the other. You wrote a basic IRQ handling and the plan is to write a keyboard/mouse driver - write the keyboard driver ! Don't dream about loading and executing files (Rom wasn't built in one day).
You have to read documentations, for example the Intel manuals or other "books". A very popular forum is - take a look at the wiki. As twalberg said, it's a very huge module - stay focused on the main parts of your operating system.
I know, this is not the answer to your question - but it's important not to go in the wrong direction and dream of a fancy UI or something like this ;) forum wiki
Intel manuals
And a few other books in my book shelf can you find here (Tanenbaum, Silberschatz with Peter Galvin - great books!):

touch pad driver

Can anyone suggest some good references for writing a touchpad driver for linux. Where would I get hardware documentation from. I have read most of the linux device driver books and now I want to take it to the next level.
Are you sure there is no current support for your sentelic in linux kernel? Take a look at Documentation/input/sentelic.txt in Linux source code. If it does not give you direct answers, you'll be able to see how to implement something similar instead. Take a look at its sources, too.
Moreover, if you are not really, really familiar with Linux kernel programming yet, you can read Linux Device Drivers (freely available), Linux Kernel Mode Programming (available, too) and Linux Kernel Development. Some of those sources are somewhat dated, but will give you right ideas about development.

Writing a driver to fool Linux systems about having a GPU

I'm into something about writing a "Mock GPU driver" for Linux based systems. What I mean is that, simply I want to write a driver (Behind X-server obviously) to answer X's API calls with some debugging messages.
In other words I want to fool Linux about having an actual GPU. So I can make a test-bed for GUI-accelerated packages in console based systems.
Right now, if I execute a GUI-accelerated package in Linux console based systems; it'll simply dies due to lack of a real GPU (or a GPU driver better I'd say).
So I want to know:
Is it even possible? (Writing a GPU driver to fool Linux about having an actual GPU)
What resources do you recommend before getting my hands dirty in code?
Is there any similar projects around the net?
PS: I'm an experienced ANSI-C programmer but I don't have any clue in real Kernel/Driver development under *nix (read some tutorials about USB driver development though), so any resources about these areas will be really appreciated as well. Thanks in advance.
What you are looking for is actually part of Xorg server suite, and it is called Xvfb (virtual framebuffer).
If you're not afraid of a bit complex bash, you can take a look at Gentoo's virtualx.eclass for an use example (we use it to run tests which require X11).
A good place to start is the Mesa project - it implements OpenGL in software. It has a way to trick the OS into thinking that it is the OpenGL driver.

Sample solutions for low-level problems written in C [closed]

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Does anyone know where I might find sample solutions written in C for low level / systems level applications? A really good website or book recommendation would be cool too.
I've learned some of the basics, but would like to see some code within the context of a real solution written in C, and specifically for a lower-level problem. Id' be interested in how C is used within the context of OS programming, for example. What are some areas where C is used for lower-level programming?
I would suggest you to study MINIX3 from Tanenbaum:
Its a microkernel architecture, and with his book (,1144,0131429388,00.html ) it is really enlightning.
As of my opinion, studying the linux kernel is a bit hardcore for a start ;), and out of a academical point of view the microkernel architecture is superior to the monolithic kernel.
Furthermore, with only a few thousands lines of code, unlike the Linux Kernel, its consumable in a realistic timetable.
And its a real serious project, the European Union sponsored some Millions towards it as far as i am aware of. I think i remind him saying that in one of his talks.
And you have a X-Server running there, a gcc-toolchain etcpp.
Have fun :)
EDIT: As i read the comments, someone mentions the Ruby interpreter. Its written in a mixture of C and Ruby, and as far as it was mentioned in one episode of, it is really nice sourcecode. Though i have to admit, i havent looked into it myself. Might be worth the dig into it if you have some interest in Ruby too.
I'd suggest looking at some (for you) interesting open source projects written in C. For example, there's busybox, a piece of software that runs on embedded devices and has lots of smaller programs to study. You could, for example, take the source for the telnet client on one side and the corresponding RFC on the other. Or, for a steeper learning curve, you could also try studying the open source OSes, like the Linux kernel (here's the tree for browsing) or the BSDs. It's a lot more involved than busybox, but you can still find some parts that are fairly easy to understand if you're familiar with the context.
Studying the Linux kernel, maybe in conjunction with one of the several books on the kernel or device drivers would provide a wealth of material. Much of this is available free.
any or all of the books by W. Richard Stevens that walk though the implementation (TCP/IP Illustrated) or use (UNIX Network Programming) of the networking stack or his Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment book.
If you have a leaning toward Windows there are several good books, even if they're quite old, including:
Programming Server-Side Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000 by Richter and Clark
Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows by Richter
I would suggest the following sources might be interesting r.e. Operating Systems from a learning perspective. Be aware there have been many advancements actually present in modern kernels:
The original linux code.
xv6. This is a simple unix OS that goes along with MIT's excellent OpenCourseWare course on Operating Systems.
Other ideas:
The current grub stage 1 bootloader isn't that complicated - it's pretty hard to be complicated with 512 bytes to play with.
The Linux kernel module guide gives you an introduction to building kernel modules. You could experiment with building custom, yet pointless, drivers that add say character devices to /dev/ or proc devices to /proc and work towards implementing something interesting. People have implemented web servers in kernel space...
If you want to experiment with Windows kernels, have a go with Native NT applications. I'd start with printing a pointless boot message, then move up to drivers.
Beyond that, it's hard to suggest where you might want to go. Systems level is a wide space.
In the context of low level programming, C and C++ are portable assembler. In many of the above spaces the standard library is either partially or totally missing and extra functionality may be implemented by existing parts of the system-level code you're modifying, so you have to be aware of the API functions available to you in any given space and what you need to implement yourself, as well as what your memory and processing requirements must be. For example, a bootloader written to the MBR has to use bios interrupts and starts in real (16-bit) mode. Those are the constraints of the hardware design. Likewise, functions like fopen() aren't available in kernel space since they wrap system calls - you'd need to use kernel specific constructs to achieve this if it really made sense to write a file from kernel space.

Writing Windows Port Monitor Basics

I'm trying to find a basic example, tutorial, or blog post on how to write a printer port monitor. I downloaded the Windows DDK and dug through localmon, but it appears that this sample is much more complex than just the nuts and bolts basics and from my understanding it is a bit different than an OEM port monitor because of how it handles the registry key and port enumeration. Does anyone know of a blog post, tutorial, or even book that walks the reader through the basic code to get one up and going? I've found a few links talking about the conceptual stuff, but nothing that is hands on code.
I can recomend, which describes how to write a printer driver and also has good hints about what's necessary to build a port monitor.
But my opinion is that a good tutorial in this area is not available on the Internet (I would be glad to find somebody who can show me that I'm wrong). So, when I had to deal with this task I was forced to do it the hard way: I've read carefully the MSDN explanations starting from this point: In parallel with reading MSDN I also checked the code in DDK you mentioned and try to understand it. I'm sure this solution could also work for you.
I wrote mine from the specs, there aren't really that many API's to implement.
The one thing that regularaly trips people up is EnumPorts, the spooler allocates enough memory for ALL the ports, not just yours. So you need to make sure you fill any strings from the end of the spoolers buffer, don't put them straight after your structures.
It doesn't say so in the specs but you can safely put the UI and Server functions in the same DLL.
It's also possible to create a single port monitor that supports NT and the later Windows 2000 type port monitors.
The code in RedMon is much easier to read than the localmon example, it's worth looking at before you start. It's quite nice because you can compile it in VS, you don't need to use the DDK to build it.
I have been over that exact same territory for a serial printer. About the best example I found was this article in Dr Dobbs Journal. The good part is that both a serial port driver and the user-space control program are covered and the project can also be used as an example of how to set up Visual Studio to compile a driver. This is also something a little difficult to find information about. The article discusses an old NT style driver, which worked well for me on XP.
There are quite a few good articles on CodeProject about writing drivers and programs to interact with them. They include source code and most deal with the newer WDM and WDF style drivers.
OSROnline is another good source, especially for discussion of specific issues and common mistakes. They also have some great utilities you will need.
Some of the most clearly written and understandable driver code I came across was Mark Russinovich's sample code. Although Microsoft withdrew all of the source when they purchased Sysinternals, some of the best examples can still be found cached here and there.
Drivers are pretty interesting. Whatever else you do though, do it in a virtual machine. Really.
