So, not sure what is happening. But I have stored procedure and it keeps disappearing out of my DB in SQL 2k.
I can add it again and then try to execute it from my web app and i get an exception saying the stored procedure cant be found. So then ill go back to management and refresh and its gone again !?!
here is the config for the stored proc:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_Equipment_Delete]
#EquipmentID int
DELETE FROM [dbo].[Equipment]
[EquipmentID] = #EquipmentID
None of my other stored procedure disappear. This is the only one. I have easily 100 in there. They all use the same SQLHelper class. This one just keeps disappearing!!!??!!
Any help or suggestions are appreciated!
Thanks so much!
You were creating this or another stored proc and at the end of your code, maybe after a comment, where you did not see it you have a drop of this proc.
Take a look at your db using:
from syscomments syc
join sysobjects syo on =
where syc.[text] like '%DROP PROC%'
I had the same problem and I just fixed it:
In the script file it was missing the "GO" statement between the end of the stored procedure and the beginning of the next "IF EXIST THEN DROP" statement.
So what happened was that the drop statement was getting appended to the end of whatever stored procedure was above it in the script. So when the software ran the stored procedure it would drop whatever stored procedure was below it in the script.
It seems so obvious to us now but didn't make any sense at the time. We found it running the SQL profiler against a customer's database that was having the problem in the field.
Are you using the correct database?
using [database name]
prior to executing your stored procedure, just to make sure.
Do you have a CREATE PROCEDURE anywhere? You can't ALTER a procedure if it doesn't exist.
Perhaps the code to access the stored procedure is using a different context other than dbo. Make sure to add dbo.USP_Equipment_Delete to the code using it.
I was facing the problem that all Stored Procedures with a create statement disappeared from the database after execution.
The Solution was: The database user should have the rights to drop,create and alter on the database in which the "Stored Procedures" are going to be created.
Perhaps there's a job thats restoring an old backup periodically?
Check if the "Initial Catalog" in your connection string is set to the correct database.
Put the database in single user mode (and make sure you're the single user) and check if the procedure still disappears every hour?
If it's there, then this query must return a record:
SELECT * FROM sysobjects
WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('USP_Equipment_Delete')
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1
I'm doing investigation of code repo and find one thing that make me confused. SQL Server stored procedures are contained in a repo as a set of queries with following structure:
IF OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_ProcTitle]', N'P') IS NULL
EXEC dbo.sp_executeSQL N'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ProcTitle] AS dummy:;';
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_ProcTitle
#ParamOne int,
#ParamTwo date,
#ParamThree int
-- some procedure body
Never before I saw AS dummy:; and now I'm a little confused, I can't find any good explanation what is it and how it works. Could anybody tell me what does it mean this statement? How it works? What is the reason to have it? Any thought would be good to hear. Or, please, advise me some link where I can find good explanation.
This is simply a label, such that could be used in a GOTO statement.
The word "dummy" is unimportant. It's simply trying to create the stored procedure if it doesn't exist, with a minimal amount of text. The content is then filled in with the ALTER.
Conceivably, the dummy text could later be searched for to see if any procedures were created and didn't have their content filled in, to check against failed deployments, etc.
Why do this? Well, it preserve the creation time of the stored procedure in metadata (which can be useful in administration or tracking down problems), and is compatible with versions of SQL Server that lack the CREATE OR ALTER... support.
This might make a little more sense if we add a little formatting to the CREATE:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ProcTitle]
This is, effectively, an empty procedure with a label called dummy. The user appears to be using this to ensure that the procedure exists first, and the ALTERing it. In older versions of SQL Server, such methods were needed because it didn't support CREATE OR ALTER syntax. As such, if you tried to ALTER a procedure that didn't exist the statement failed, and likewise if you try to CREATE a procedure that already exists it fails.
If you are on a recent version of SQL Server, I'd suggest changing to CREATE OR ALTER and getting rid of the call to sys.sp_executesql.
I have changed the name of a stored procedure in SQL Server using the GUI and it changed, but whenever I try to modify procedure code with sp_helptext, in the query editor, it was showing the old procedure name.
How to get rid of the problem?
It seems that this definition is being updated only when you run ALTER statement..
Do not use use sp_helptext for scripting!
If you want to modify the procedure code, use SSMS GUI: right click on procedure > alter to > new query.
Or use one the following to acquire the defition from T-SQL:
select object_definition(object_id('uspTestProc'))
select * from sys.sql_modules where object_id = object_id('uspTestProc')
Apart from the problem you're experiencing, in sp_help docs you can read about sp_help result: "Each row contains 255 characters of the Transact-SQL definition". This means that if you have lines longer than 255 character in procedure code, such line will be broken down into 255 char chunks. In best case scenario your code won't work, but if you're unlucky it will work and produce incorrect result, for example if some code that you had in a comment will be movde to new line and become uncommented.
Renaming Procedure names in SQL Server is not a good option as it does not update the procedure text.
Avoid renaming procedures and prefer DROP and CREATE.
I have procedure dbo.GetData:
Create procedure dbo.GetData
Select * from dbo.tblName
And I also created a schema [ABC], table ABC.tblName
So, I would like to change schema [dbo] of table in procedure dbo.GetData into [ABC] by using another stored procedure.
And, the result is:
Create procedure dbo.GetData
Select * from [ABC].tblName
How can I do it?
Thank you everyone.
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, but I think you simply want to change the code being executed in the stored procedure. If so, a simple ALTER PROCEDURE would do the trick to change the code, but not the name:
Full syntax of [ALTER PROCEDURE] 1 (for SQL Server)
If this is not what you're after, please clarify the question.
The only real solution I see is that you script out your procs, and then use a text-editor to replace the dbo. values with [ABC]. values.
I just attempted to try and do this through updating the system tables, but in SQL Server 2012 (which I use), it simply gets far too complex for that.
Try this hope this may help you!
ALTER SCHEMA NewSchemaName TRANSFER OldSchemaName.ObjectName
I have three stored procedures Sp1, Sp2 and Sp3.
The first one (Sp1) will execute the second one (Sp2) and save returned data into #tempTB1 and the second one will execute the third one (Sp3) and save data into #tempTB2.
If I execute the Sp2 it will work and it will return me all my data from the Sp3, but the problem is in the Sp1, when I execute it it will display this error:
INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested
I tried to change the place of execute Sp2 and it display me another error:
Cannot use the ROLLBACK statement
within an INSERT-EXEC statement.
This is a common issue when attempting to 'bubble' up data from a chain of stored procedures. A restriction in SQL Server is you can only have one INSERT-EXEC active at a time. I recommend looking at How to Share Data Between Stored Procedures which is a very thorough article on patterns to work around this type of problem.
For example a work around could be to turn Sp3 into a Table-valued function.
This is the only "simple" way to do this in SQL Server without some giant convoluted created function or executed sql string call, both of which are terrible solutions:
create a temp table
openrowset your stored procedure data into it
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ('SQLOLEDB','Server=(local);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','set fmtonly off EXEC [ServerName].dbo.[StoredProcedureName] 1,2,3')
Note: You MUST use 'set fmtonly off', AND you CANNOT add dynamic sql to this either inside the openrowset call, either for the string containing your stored procedure parameters or for the table name. Thats why you have to use a temp table rather than table variables, which would have been better, as it out performs temp table in most cases.
OK, encouraged by jimhark here is an example of the old single hash table approach: -
SELECT 1, 'Data1'
SELECT 2, 'Data2'
if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id(N'tempdb..#tmp1'))
--I want some data back from SP3
-- Just run the SP1
--I want some data back from SP3 into a table to do something useful
--Try run this - get an error - can't nest Execs
if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id(N'tempdb..#tmp1'))
--I want some data back from SP3 into a table to do something useful
--However, if we run this single hash temp table it is in scope anyway so
--no need for the exec insert
if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and = object_id(N'tempdb..#tmp1'))
My work around for this problem has always been to use the principle that single hash temp tables are in scope to any called procs. So, I have an option switch in the proc parameters (default set to off). If this is switched on, the called proc will insert the results into the temp table created in the calling proc. I think in the past I have taken it a step further and put some code in the called proc to check if the single hash table exists in scope, if it does then insert the code, otherwise return the result set. Seems to work well - best way of passing large data sets between procs.
This trick works for me.
You don't have this problem on remote server, because on remote server, the last insert command waits for the result of previous command to execute. It's not the case on same server.
Profit that situation for a workaround.
If you have the right permission to create a Linked Server, do it.
Create the same server as linked server.
in SSMS, log into your server
go to "Server Object
Right Click on "Linked Servers", then "New Linked Server"
on the dialog, give any name of your linked server : eg: THISSERVER
server type is "Other data source"
Provider : Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL server
Data source: your IP, it can be also just a dot (.), because it's localhost
Go to the tab "Security" and choose the 3rd one "Be made using the login's current security context"
You can edit the server options (3rd tab) if you want
Press OK, your linked server is created
now your Sql command in the SP1 is
insert into #myTempTable
Believe me, it works even you have dynamic insert in SP2
I found a work around is to convert one of the prods into a table valued function. I realize that is not always possible, and introduces its own limitations. However, I have been able to always find at least one of the procedures a good candidate for this. I like this solution, because it doesn't introduce any "hacks" to the solution.
I encountered this issue when trying to import the results of a Stored Proc into a temp table, and that Stored Proc inserted into a temp table as part of its own operation. The issue being that SQL Server does not allow the same process to write to two different temp tables at the same time.
The accepted OPENROWSET answer works fine, but I needed to avoid using any Dynamic SQL or an external OLE provider in my process, so I went a different route.
One easy workaround I found was to change the temporary table in my stored procedure to a table variable. It works exactly the same as it did with a temp table, but no longer conflicts with my other temp table insert.
Just to head off the comment I know that a few of you are about to write, warning me off Table Variables as performance killers... All I can say to you is that in 2020 it pays dividends not to be afraid of Table Variables. If this was 2008 and my Database was hosted on a server with 16GB RAM and running off 5400RPM HDDs, I might agree with you. But it's 2020 and I have an SSD array as my primary storage and hundreds of gigs of RAM. I could load my entire company's database to a table variable and still have plenty of RAM to spare.
Table Variables are back on the menu!
I recommend to read this entire article. Below is the most relevant section of that article that addresses your question:
Rollback and Error Handling is Difficult
In my articles on Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server, I suggest that you should always have an error handler like
EXEC error_handler_sp
RETURN 55555
The idea is that even if you do not start a transaction in the procedure, you should always include a ROLLBACK, because if you were not able to fulfil your contract, the transaction is not valid.
Unfortunately, this does not work well with INSERT-EXEC. If the called procedure executes a ROLLBACK statement, this happens:
Msg 3915, Level 16, State 0, Procedure SalesByStore, Line 9 Cannot use the ROLLBACK statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement.
The execution of the stored procedure is aborted. If there is no CATCH handler anywhere, the entire batch is aborted, and the transaction is rolled back. If the INSERT-EXEC is inside TRY-CATCH, that CATCH handler will fire, but the transaction is doomed, that is, you must roll it back. The net effect is that the rollback is achieved as requested, but the original error message that triggered the rollback is lost. That may seem like a small thing, but it makes troubleshooting much more difficult, because when you see this error, all you know is that something went wrong, but you don't know what.
I had the same issue and concern over duplicate code in two or more sprocs. I ended up adding an additional attribute for "mode". This allowed common code to exist inside one sproc and the mode directed flow and result set of the sproc.
what about just store the output to the static table ? Like
-- SubProcedure: subProcedureName
-- Save the value
DELETE lastValue_subProcedureName
INSERT INTO lastValue_subProcedureName (Value)
-- Return the value
-- Procedure
-- get last value of subProcedureName
SELECT Value FROM lastValue_subProcedureName
its not ideal, but its so simple and you don't need to rewrite everything.
the previous solution does not work well with parallel queries (async and multiuser accessing) therefore now Iam using temp tables
-- A local temporary table created in a stored procedure is dropped automatically when the stored procedure is finished.
-- The table can be referenced by any nested stored procedures executed by the stored procedure that created the table.
-- The table cannot be referenced by the process that called the stored procedure that created the table.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#lastValue_spGetData') IS NULL
CREATE TABLE #lastValue_spGetData (Value INT)
-- trigger stored procedure with special silent parameter
EXEC dbo.spGetData 1 --silent mode parameter
nested spGetData stored procedure content
-- Save the output if temporary table exists.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#lastValue_spGetData') IS NOT NULL
DELETE #lastValue_spGetData
INSERT INTO #lastValue_spGetData(Value)
SELECT Col1 FROM dbo.Table1
-- stored procedure return
IF #silentMode = 0
SELECT Col1 FROM dbo.Table1
Declare an output cursor variable to the inner sp :
Then declare a cursor c to the select you want to return.
Then open the cursor.
Then set the reference:
SET #c = c
DO NOT close or reallocate.
Now call the inner sp from the outer one supplying a cursor parameter like:
exec sp_abc a,b,c,, #cOUT OUTPUT
Once the inner sp executes, your #cOUT is ready to fetch. Loop and then close and deallocate.
If you are able to use other associated technologies such as C#, I suggest using the built in SQL command with Transaction parameter.
var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(commandText, null, transaction);
I've created a simple Console App that demonstrates this ability which can be found here:
In short, C# allows you to overcome this limitation where you can inspect the output of each stored procedure and use that output however you like, for example you can feed it to another stored procedure. If the output is ok, you can commit the transaction, otherwise, you can revert the changes using rollback.
On SQL Server 2008 R2, I had a mismatch in table columns that caused the Rollback error. It went away when I fixed my sqlcmd table variable populated by the insert-exec statement to match that returned by the stored proc. It was missing org_code. In a windows cmd file, it loads result of stored procedure and selects it.
set SQLTXT= declare #resets as table (org_id nvarchar(9), org_code char(4), ^
tin(char9), old_strt_dt char(10), strt_dt char(10)); ^
insert #resets exec rsp_reset; ^
select * from #resets;
sqlcmd -U user -P pass -d database -S server -Q "%SQLTXT%" -o "OrgReport.txt"
Any pointers on how I can programmatically get exactly the identical stored procedure source from SQL Server 2005, as when I right-click on that stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio and select modify?
I'm trying using SMO, but there are some textual differences. The procedure always has CREATE, not ALTER, and there are some differences in the header, such as missing GOs in the version I'm getting programmatically. I can fix these up, but perhaps there is a better way?
Again, I'm in SQL Server 2005, using SMSE. Using SMO via Visual Studio 8 2008.
Update: Gotten some answers that tell the basics of how to retrieve the stored procedure. What I'm looking for is retrieving the text identical (or nearly identical) to what the GUI generates.
Example: for sp_mysp, right-click in Management Studio, select modify. This generates:
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_mysp] Script Date: 01/21/2009 17:43:18 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author:
-- Create date:
-- Description:
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_mysp]
I'd like to programmatically get the same thing (notice the GOs in the header, and the fact that it's an ALTER PROCEDURE. Ideally, I'd like to get this with minimal programmatic fixing up of the source retrieved.
I'd be happy to only get something that differed in the Script Date details . . .
EXEC sp_helptext 'your procedure name';
This avoids the problem with INFORMATION_SCHEMA approach wherein the stored procedure gets cut off if it is too long.
Update: David writes that this isn't identical to his sproc...perhaps because it returns the lines as 'records' to preserve formatting? If you want to see the results in a more 'natural' format, you can use Ctrl-T first (output as text) and it should print it out exactly as you've entered it. If you are doing this in code, it is trivial to do a foreach to put together your results in exactly the same way.
Update 2: This will provide the source with a "CREATE PROCEDURE" rather than an "ALTER PROCEDURE" but I know of no way to make it use "ALTER" instead. Kind of a trivial thing, though, isn't it?
Update 3: See the comments for some more insight on how to maintain your SQL DDL (database structure) in a source control system. That is really the key to this question.
You will have to hand code it, SQL Profiler reveals the following.
SMSE executes quite a long string of queries when it generates the statement.
The following query (or something along its lines) is used to extract the text:
NULL AS [Text],
ISNULL(smsp.definition, ssmsp.definition) AS [Definition]
sys.all_objects AS sp
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.sql_modules AS smsp ON smsp.object_id = sp.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.system_sql_modules AS ssmsp ON ssmsp.object_id = sp.object_id
(sp.type = N'P' OR sp.type = N'RF' OR sp.type='PC')and('#test___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________00003EE1' and SCHEMA_NAME(sp.schema_id)=N'dbo')
It returns the pure CREATE which is then substituted with ALTER in code somewhere.
The SET ANSI NULL stuff and the GO statements and dates are all prepended to this.
Go with sp_helptext, its simpler ...
You said programmatically, right? I hope C# is ok. I know you said that you tried SMO and it didn't quite do what you wanted, so this probably won't be perfect for your request, but it will programmatically read out legit SQL statements that you could run to recreate the stored procedure. If it doesn't have the GO statements that you want, you can probably assume that each of the strings in the StringCollection could have a GO after it. You may not get that comment with the date and time in it, but in my similar sounding project (big-ass deployment tool that has to back up everything individually), this has done rather nicely. If you have a prior base that you wanted to work from, and you still have the original database to run this on, I'd consider tossing the initial effort and restandardizing on this output.
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
string connectionString = … /* some connection string */;
ServerConnection sc = new ServerConnection(connectionString);
Server s = new Server(connection);
Database db = new Database(s, … /* database name */);
StoredProcedure sp = new StoredProcedure(db, … /* stored procedure name */);
StringCollection statements = sp.Script;
Use the following select statement to get the whole definition:
where ROUTINE_NAME = 'someprocname'
I guess that SSMS and other tools read this out and make changes where necessary, such as changing CREATE to ALTER. As far as I know, SQL stores not other representations of the procedure.
I agree with Mark. I set the output to text mode and then sp_HelpText 'sproc'. I have this binded to Crtl-F1 to make it easy.
The Databse Publishing Wizard can dump the schema (and other objects) from the command line.
I just want to note that instead of using find and replace to change create procedure to alter procedure, you are just as well to use a drop, you can put it right at the top and it does require text searching.
IF exists (SELECT * FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'sp_name')
and type in ('P','V') --procedure or view
DROP sp_name
If you are sure it's there, I guess you could just drop it too, but I wouldn't recommend that. Don't forget the go, since create procedure must be the first and only statement in a batch.
Or the lazy approach:
IF OBJECT_ID(N'sp_name') is not null
DROP sp_name
I saw a article via link.
There are four methods, I just did a short summary here for helping other programmers.
EXEC sp_helptext 'sp_name';
) AS [Definition];
SELECT * FROM sys.sql_modules WHERE object_id = object_id('sp_name');
To alter a stored procedure, here's the C# code:
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("your connection string");
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
string sql = File.ReadAllText(YUOR_SP_SCRIPT_FILENAME);
cmd.CommandText = sql;
cmd.Connection = con;
Things to note:
Make sure the USER in the connection string have the right to alter SP
Remove all the GO,SET ANSI_NULLS XX,SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER statements from the script file. (If you don't, the SqlCommand will throw an error).