Silverlight 3 Dataform - how to add fieds at runtime - silverlight

I am creating a DataForm from dynamic data (so I can't create the columns in the xaml), I currently create columns for my DataGrid (I have not worked out how I can create a button + event in a colomn yet)
foreach (var item in headings.Entities)
new DataGridTextColumn
Header = item.Label,
Binding = new Binding(item.LocalName)
I cannot see any methods to add fields to a DataForm at runtime, however...

You'd be better off not creating your datagrid columns in code, but using bindings instead. Just bind the datagrid to the headings.Entities collection.
The same thing with your DataForm, just bind your item to it and it should create all the proper fields for you.


WPF window inserting an array into DataGrid

WPF window in C# doesn't have option of Inserting something into DataGrid immediately, like as WinForms Form
What is alternative for this code 👆?
So how can I insert an array into DataGridView in WPF window?
You can actually add objects directly to the Items property of the DataGrid:
But if you want to be able to edit the items, you should set or bind the ItemsSource property to an IList:
dataGrid.ItemsSource = new List<object> { whatever };
You need to bind the DataGrid to an ObservableCollection. If you insert into the ObservableCollection, it'll appear on the UI

Add columns and rows to wpf listview dynamically

i want to add new columns and rows to a C# WPF ListView (GridView) at runtime. As far as i know you can only add rows to a gridview by using anonymous objects or classes with a static set of members to which the columns are bound. Is there a way to do this at runtime that the user is able to add a new column, bind this column to something and add new data?
Yes, you can do this in code an runtime. You need the GridView as a variable (give it a name in XAML to auto-generate that variable in Visual Studio). The GridView has a Columns property that you can handle like any other collection, you can add and remove for example.
This is the example from MSDN (The gridview name "myGridView"):
GridViewColumn gvc3 = new GridViewColumn();
gvc3.DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("EmployeeNumber");
gvc3.Header = "Employee No.";
gvc3.Width = 100;
Generally speaking, anything you can do in XAML, you can do in code.
So, what i was looking for is described in this thread.
He creates a new Dictionary-class, which implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
When adding data to the dictionary an event is triggered.
At the place in your code where you want to add a new row, you just put the data into an object of this Dictionary class and add the Dictionary to an ObservableCollection which is bound to the DataGrid.

ListView Items sorting?

I have a ListView which contains four column, In which i am adding items dynamically as :
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem();
lvi.Background = ... color you want ... ;
lvi.Content = new {Server = "test1", .... };
Now I want to sort this dynamically generated ListView on a perticular column click.
How can I achieve this?
I found article here which explain the custom sorting.
First you need to specify the above property to true in your ListView, (this is the default value for ListView in WPF).
Then next, you need to use custom sorter, instead of SortDescriptions as described in my earlier blog. The key is using the CustomSort property of ListCollectionView:
ListCollectionView view = (ListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myListView.ItemsSource);
Then in your ColumnHeader click event handler, you add something like the following:
view.CustomSort = sorter;
Where sorter is a custom class you implement the IComparer interface.

Silverlight DataGrid and Binding columns

I have a silverlight datagrid control and columns autogenerate property is set to false.
I am using MVVM and wants to bind the columns collection.
The data which i get is from xml. Something similar to sample code
Now by passing the datagrid control from xmal file to the modelview I can get the expected behavior but with that way , i am adding columns in the datagrid control.
Is there any way, so that I can bind the columns collection with the datagrid control so that no need to pass the control to view model.
Sounds like a strange implementation of MVVM you have there. Your ViewModel should be completely independent of the View. If you want to create dynamic columns on the grid then why not expose a relevant property collection on the ViewModel, and iterate through it in a relevant method on the View code behind e.g.
//Used with an Infragistics XamWebGrid control
private void BuildGrid() {
foreach (var dataItem in **ViewModel**.MyDataCollection)
var myCol = new TemplateColumn
HeaderText = dataItem.ItemNm,
Key = dataItem.PrimaryKey
You really shouldn't be passing controls from the View over to the ViewModel. The ViewModel should have no knowledge of any controls on the View.

WPF Accessing Items inside Listbox which has a UserControl as ItemTemplate

I have Window that has a ListBox
ListBox(MyListBox) has a DataTable for its DataContext
ListBox's ItemSource is : {Binding}
Listbox has a UserControl(MyUserControl) as DataTemplate
UserControl has RadioButtons and TextBoxes (At first They're filled with values from DataTable and then user can change them)
Window has one Submit Button
What I want to do is, when user clicks the submit button
For each ListBox Item, get the values form UserControl's TextBoxes and RadioButtons.
I was using that method for this job :
foreach(var element in MyListBox.Items)
var border = MyListBox.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(element)as FrameworkElement;
MyUserControl currentControl = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(myBorder,0) as Border,0)as ContentPresenter,0)as MyUserControl;
//And use currentControl
I realised nothing when using 3-5 items in Listbox. But when I used much more items, I saw that "var border" gets "null" after some elements looped in foreach function.
I found the reason here :
ListView.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item) return null after 20 items
So what can I do now? I want to access all items and get their values sitting on user controls.
You should use objects who implement INotifyPropertyChanged and bind an ObservableCollection of it to the ItemSource
And then you can get all the list of items.
Here some quick links from MSDN to get more informations
How to: Implement Property Change Notification
Binding Sources Overview
You should google for some tutorials about this.
Zied's post is a solution for this problem. But I did the following for my project:
I realised that there's no need to use UserControl as DataTemplate in my project. So I removed ListBox's DataTemplate.
I removed MyListBox.DataContext = myDataTable and used this:
foreach(DataRow dr in myDataTable.Rows)
MyUserControl muc = new MyUserControl(dr);
I took DataRow in my UserControl's constructor and did what I want.
And at last I could access my UserControls in ListBox by using :
foreach(MyUserControl muc in
//do what you want
Easy huh? :)
