I am trying to find the right way to get the data from a ChildWindow/popup using a MVVM pattern in Silverlight (3). For example: I have a main page with a data entry form and I want to open a popup with a list of customers. When user selects a customer I want to transfer selected customer into the main page. This is what the (example) code which I am using at the moment:
Main page
public partial class MainPage : UserControl
public MainPageViewModel ViewModel { get; private set; }
public MainPage()
ViewModel = new MainPageViewModel();
DataContext = ViewModel;
private void SearchCustomer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
public class MainPageViewModel: ViewModel
private string customer;
public string Customer
get { return customer; }
set { customer = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Customer"); }
public void SearchCustomer()
// Called from a view
SearchWindow searchWindow = new SearchWindow();
searchWindow.Closed += (sender, e) =>
if ((bool)searchWindow.DialogResult)
Customer = searchWindow.ViewModel.SelectedCustomer.ToString();
Child window
public partial class SearchWindow : ChildWindow
public SearchWindowViewModel ViewModel { get; private set; }
public SearchWindow()
ViewModel = new SearchWindowViewModel();
DataContext = ViewModel;
private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DialogResult = ViewModel.OkButtonClick();
private void CancelButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DialogResult = ViewModel.CancelButtonClick();
public class SearchWindowViewModel: ViewModel
private Customer selectedCustomer;
private ObservableCollection<Customer> customers;
public ObservableCollection<Customer> Customers
get { return customers; }
set {customers = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Customers"); }
public Customer SelectedCustomer
get { return selectedCustomer; }
set { selectedCustomer = value; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedCustomer"); }
public SearchWindowViewModel()
Customers = new ObservableCollection<Customer>();
ISearchService searchService = new FakeSearchService();
foreach (Customer customer in searchService.FindCustomers("dummy"))
public bool? OkButtonClick()
if (SelectedCustomer != null)
return true;
return null; // show some error message before that
public bool? CancelButtonClick()
return false;
Is this the right way or is there anything more "simple"?
More problematic here is the use of View specific terms and types in your VMs. Click events, DialogResults should not be anywhere near your ViewModels.
With regards to the question, I had a similiar question about this here:
Handling Dialogs in WPF with MVVM
The answer I accepted was the use of the Mediator pattern to get around this. Have a look. :)
A good MVVM library which supports opening child window is Chinch mvvm helper library. You can look at a sample at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/silverlight/SL4FileUploadAnd_SL4_MVVM.aspx.
I have 3 buttons on one usercontrol (usercontrol1.xaml) in the Window . Now on-click of button 1 ,I want to switch the view to another usercontrol (usercontrol2.xaml), which again have 3 buttons and so on.
How to implement in MVVM Pattern in WPF?
Be aware that im using caliburn micro for this example
private IEventAggregator _eventAggregator => IoC.Get<IEventAggregator>(key: nameof(EventAggregator));
private IWindowManager _windowManager => IoC.Get<IWindowManager>(key: nameof(WindowManager));
public ShellViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
public string _firstName;
// public ShellViewModel page = new ShellViewModel();
public string FirstName
get {
return _firstName;
_firstName = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => FirstName);
public ICommand ConvertTextCommand
get { return new DelegateCommand(ConvertText); }
void ConvertText()
//string url = "https://www.google.com/";
string url = FirstName;
string result;
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
using (HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(url).Result)
using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
result = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
//(MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).txtForm1TextBox.Text = "Some text";
//Application.Current.Resources.Add("PageSource", result);
// NavigationService.NavigateToViewModel<SecondViewModel>("Hello");
_windowManager.ShowWindow(new PageSourceViewModel(_eventAggregator), null);
You can check caliburn micro and see that you can just create a new view model in a window manager instance
here is also 2 links to 2 tutorials that helped me solve this issue for MVVM
the first tutorial will help you to get a general idea. The second will help you with events and you can look back to my code and see how i handled a new window instance.
You can also call the same view model for a new instance of the same window like you said in the question
You will also need to make a boostrapper class. For my example i did it like this.
public class Bootstrapper : BootstrapperBase
private readonly SimpleContainer _container =
new SimpleContainer();
public Bootstrapper()
protected override void Configure()
_container.Instance<IWindowManager>(new WindowManager());
_container.Singleton<IEventAggregator, EventAggregator>();
protected override void OnStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
_container.Singleton<IWindowManager, WindowManager>(key: nameof(WindowManager))
.Singleton<IEventAggregator, EventAggregator>(key: nameof(EventAggregator));
protected override object GetInstance(Type service, string key)
return _container.GetInstance(service, key);
protected override IEnumerable<object> GetAllInstances(Type service)
return _container.GetAllInstances(service);
protected override void BuildUp(object instance)
I have a UdpClient, firing off a DataRecevied event on my MainWindow:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public static YakUdpClient ClientConnection = new YakUdpClient();
public ClientData;
public MainWindow()
Loaded += OnLoaded;
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
ClientData = new ClientData();
ClientConnection.OnDataReceived += ClientConnectionOnDataReceived;
private void ClientConnectionOnDataReceived(object sender, MessageEventArgs messageEventArgs)
ClientData.Users = messageEvenArgs.ConnectedUsers;
My ClientData and User classes look as follow:
public class ClientData
public List<User> Users {get;set;)
public class User
public string Name {get;set;}
On my MainWindow, I have a UserControl called UserListView which has a ViewModel called UserListViewModel
The ViewModel looks as follow:
public class UserListViewModel: BindableBase
public UserListViewModel()
//I am sure there are better ways of doing this :(
Users = new ObservableCollection<User>((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow).ClientData.Users
private ObservableCollection<User> _users;
public ObservableCollection<User> Users
get{ return _users;}
set { this.SetProperty(ref this._users, value); }
The difficulty I have here, is when the ClientConnectionOnDataReceived event on the MainWindow gets fired, I would like to update my ClientData class, My Viewmodel should then somehow be notified that the list changed, and subsequently update my UI.
Can anyone give me a solid example of how to achieve this using MVVM (Prism) in WPF?
I am new to MVVM, so i am still trying to figure this out.
First of all, there's no obvious reason why the main window should do the subscription.
I'd go for something like this:
create a service that encapsulates the subscription (and subscribes in its constructor)
register that as a singleton
have it implement INotifyPropertyChanged (to notify consumers of a change to Users)
inject the service into UserListViewModel and observe the Users property (see PropertyObserver)
when Users in the service changes, update Users in the user list view model
and best of all, no need for ObservableCollection here :-)
EDIT: example:
interface IUserService : INotifyPropertyChanged
IReadOnlyCollection<User> Users
class YakUdpService : BindableBase, IUserService
private readonly YakUdpClient _yakUdpClient;
private IReadOnlyCollection<User> _users;
public YakUdpService()
_yakUdpClient = new YakUdpClient();
_yakUdpClient.OnDataReceived += ( s, e ) => Users = e.ConnectedUsers;
public IReadOnlyCollection<User> Users
return _users;
private set
SetProperty( ref _users, value );
class UserListViewModel : BindableBase
private IReadOnlyCollection<UserViewModel> _users;
private readonly IUserService _userService;
private readonly PropertyObserver<IUserService> _userServiceObserver;
public UserListViewModel( IUserService userService )
_userService = userService;
_userServiceObserver = new PropertyObserver<IUserService>( userService );
_userServiceObserver.RegisterHandler( x => x.Users, () => Users = _userService.Users.Select( x => new UserViewModel( x ) ).ToList() );
// ^^^ should use factory in real code
public IReadOnlyCollection<UserViewModel> Users
return _users;
private set
SetProperty( ref _users, value );
and then register the service
Container.RegisterType<IUserService, YakUdpService>( new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager() );
in your bootstrapper or your module's initialization.
Loads the dataGrid and populates the Datagrid a row of 1'
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
//this.DataContext = this;
CricketEvent events = new CricketEvent();
private void update()
events.updateList(new CricketEvent[1] { new CricketEvent(){Runs="1"} });
DG1.ItemsSource = events.RunsList;
private void DG1_SelectedCellsChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e)
Window1 windowToOpen = new Window1();
var selectedUser = this.DG1.SelectedItem;
Main class that loads the OnPropertyChanged I have a List property and string property that calls the OnPropertyChanged but I want the individual "Runs" property to be updated on its own rather than the whole collection.
class CricketEvent : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> runsList;
public string runs { get; set; }
public CricketEvent(string numofRuns) {
this.Runs = numofRuns;
public CricketEvent() { }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> RunsList
get { return this.runsList; }
if (value != this.runsList)
this.runsList = value;
public string Runs
get { return runs; }
runs = value;
// Call OnPropertyChanged whenever the property is updated
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
public ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> updateList(CricketEvent []events)
runsList = new ObservableCollection<CricketEvent>(events.ToList());
return runsList;
This is the update window that brings up a text box and should change the "1s" In the previous window to whatever is typed into the textbox
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
CricketEvent events = new CricketEvent();
MainWindow main = new MainWindow();
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
events.updateList(new CricketEvent[1] { new CricketEvent(txt1.Text.ToString()) });
main.DG1.ItemsSource = events.RunsList;
The Button_Click event in Window1 does not use the instance of MainWindow that is show - it creates a new Window instance (that is not shown) and adds the updated list to the DG1.ItemsSource property. To solve that, pass the original instance of Window to the created Window1 in constructor and use that.
However, you should review your update strategy (and code style) because there is potential for improvments:
It is not a good idea to create a new collection if you want to update just one property of one item. Observable collections provide change notification, so you dont have to recreate the collection at all.
Instead of assinging the collection in code behind, use databinding to bind the collection to the ItemsSource. DataBinding results in automatic update of GUI elements if the collection or one item of you collection changed.
I need to know, if the SelectedItems got filled when Ctrl or Shift was pressed or not. Is there an easy way (without creating a new controltemplate) to get this info? I prefer solutions without code behind.
Best regards
You can wire up selection changed event, and check if Modifier Keys are pressed for Selection.
void listBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var isCtrlorShiftDown = (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightCtrl) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightShift));
if (isCtrlorShiftDown)
// Write your Logic Here;
I found a solution with minimal code behind.
The main concept is, that I attach to KeyDown and KeyUp events in the MainWindow and set a property "CurrentKeyboardKeyPressed" on the MainViewModel, which propagates the pressed key info to the child view models, which in turn fire a custom event with a special Selection class that has the currently pressed key info.
The posted source code is heavyli shortened and does not run at all. If somebody is interested in the working solution, just ask me and I will email it.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private readonly MainWindowViewModel _mainWindowViewModel;
public MainWindow()
_mainWindowViewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
DataContext = _mainWindowViewModel;
private void MainWindow_OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.LeftCtrl || e.Key == Key.RightCtrl)
_mainWindowViewModel.CurrentKeyboardKeyPressed = PressedKeyboardKey.Ctrl;
if (e.Key == Key.LeftShift || e.Key == Key.RightShift)
_mainWindowViewModel.CurrentKeyboardKeyPressed = PressedKeyboardKey.Shift;
private void MainWindow_OnKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
_mainWindowViewModel.CurrentKeyboardKeyPressed = PressedKeyboardKey.None;
public class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
// child view models
private readonly ObservableCollection<TTSViewModel> _ttsViewModels;
private PressedKeyboardKey _currentKeyboardKeyPressed;
public EventHandler<KeyboardKeyPressedEventArgs> CurrentKeyboardKeyPressedChanged;
public MainWindowViewModel()
_ttsViewModels = new ObservableCollection<TTSViewModel>();
public PressedKeyboardKey CurrentKeyboardKeyPressed
get { return _currentKeyboardKeyPressed; }
if (_currentKeyboardKeyPressed != value)
_currentKeyboardKeyPressed = value;
// create child view models
public void PopulateTTSList(int itemsToCreated)
for (int i = 0; i < itemsToCreated; i++)
var tts = new TTSViewModel("TTS " + i);
tts.FractionSelectionChanged += OnTTSFractionSelectionChanged;
CurrentKeyboardKeyPressedChanged += tts.CurrentKeyboardKeyPressedChanged;
private void OnCurrentKeyboardKeyPressedChanged(PressedKeyboardKey currentKeyboardKeyPressed)
var handler = CurrentKeyboardKeyPressedChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new KeyboardKeyPressedEventArgs(currentKeyboardKeyPressed));
// selection changed handler for each child view model
private void OnTTSFractionSelectionChanged(object sender, ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs fractionSelectionChangedEventArgs)
var sendingTTS = sender as TTSViewModel;
if (fractionSelectionChangedEventArgs.Selection.PressedKeyOnSelection == PressedKeyboardKey.None)
// single selection action goes here
// ....
// multi selection action goes here
// ....
TTSViewModel.cs (child view model)
public class TTSViewModel : ViewModelBase
private readonly SmartObservableCollection<FractionViewModel> _currentlySelectedfractions;
public EventHandler<ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs> FractionSelectionChanged;
private PressedKeyboardKey _currentKeyboardKeyPressed;
public TTSViewModel()
_currentlySelectedfractions = new SmartObservableCollection<FractionViewModel>();
_currentlySelectedfractions.CollectionChanged += CurrentlySelectedfractionsOnCollectionChanged;
public void CurrentKeyboardKeyPressedChanged(object sender, KeyboardKeyPressedEventArgs currentKeyboardKeyPressedEventArgs)
_currentKeyboardKeyPressed = currentKeyboardKeyPressedEventArgs.CurrentKeyboardKeyPressed;
private void CurrentlySelectedfractionsOnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs notifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)
if (FractionSelectionChanged != null)
if (notifyCollectionChangedEventArgs.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace && notifyCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewItems != null)
var removed = _oldSelectedfractions.Except(_currentlySelectedfractions);
var added = _currentlySelectedfractions.Except(_oldSelectedfractions);
var selection = new Selection<FractionViewModel>(added, removed, _currentKeyboardKeyPressed);
foreach (var currentlySelectedfraction in _currentlySelectedfractions)
var selectionChangedArgs = new ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs(selection);
FractionSelectionChanged(this, selectionChangedArgs);
public sealed class Selection<T>
private readonly List<T> _added;
private readonly List<T> _removed;
private readonly PressedKeyboardKey _currentKeyboardKeyPressed;
public Selection()
_added = new List<T>();
_removed = new List<T>();
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Selection{T}" /> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addedItems">[NotNull]</param>
/// <param name="removedItems">[NotNull]</param>
/// <param name="currentKeyboardKeyPressed">The current keyboard key pressed.</param>
public Selection(IEnumerable<T> addedItems, IEnumerable<T> removedItems, PressedKeyboardKey currentKeyboardKeyPressed)
: this()
_currentKeyboardKeyPressed = currentKeyboardKeyPressed;
public IReadOnlyList<T> Added
get { return _added; }
public IReadOnlyList<T> Removed
get { return _removed; }
public PressedKeyboardKey PressedKeyOnSelection
get { return _currentKeyboardKeyPressed; }
public sealed class KeyboardKeyPressedEventArgs : EventArgs
public KeyboardKeyPressedEventArgs(PressedKeyboardKey currentKeyboardKeyPressed)
CurrentKeyboardKeyPressed = currentKeyboardKeyPressed;
public PressedKeyboardKey CurrentKeyboardKeyPressed { get; private set; }
public sealed class ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
public ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs(Selection<FractionViewModel> newSelection)
Selection = newSelection;
public Selection<FractionViewModel> Selection { get; private set; }
public enum PressedKeyboardKey
I have a need to switch the view being displayed based on a certain condition.
I have implemented the switching logic in the constructor of the ViewModel
I am implementing IRegionMemberLifetime on the View and setting KeepAlive to false so that I always get a new instance of the View and the ViewModel.
But for some reason, when I click on the Navigation Button, my breakpoint at KeepAlive never reaches and I get the MainView instead of the WelcomeView.
Here is the code for your reference:
Navigation Button:
<Controls:SignedButton VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="275" Height="45"
LeftSign="<" Text="Back to Accounts"
TextSize="20" ButtonBackground="#666666"
HoverBackground="#0FBDAC" HoverOpacity="1" Margin="0,25,0,0"
Command="{x:Static Infrastructure:ApplicationCommands.NavigateCommand}"
CommandParameter="{x:Type Views:MainView}"/>
View Model:
[RegionMemberLifetime(KeepAlive = false)]
public class MainViewModel : ViewModel, IMainViewModel
private readonly IUnityContainer _container;
private readonly IRegionManager _regionManager;
public MainViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IRegionManager regionManager)
_container = container;
_regionManager = regionManager;
Accounts = new List<Account>();
if (Accounts.Any()) return;
IRegion region = _regionManager.Regions[Regions.Main];
var views = region.Views;
foreach (var view in views)
public IList<Account> Accounts { get; private set; }
View Model Base:
public abstract class ViewModel : IViewModel
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
[RegionMemberLifetime(KeepAlive = false)]
public partial class MainView : UserControl, IMainView
public MainView(IMainViewModel mainViewModel)
ViewModel = mainViewModel;
public IViewModel ViewModel
get { return (IViewModel) DataContext; }
set { DataContext = value; }
Shell View Model:
public class ShellViewModel : ViewModel, IShellViewModel
private readonly IRegionManager _regionManager;
public ShellViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager)
_regionManager = regionManager;
NavigateCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(Navigate);
private void Navigate(object navigatePath)
if (navigatePath != null)
_regionManager.RequestNavigate(Regions.Main, navigatePath.ToString());
public DelegateCommand<object> NavigateCommand { get; private set; }
It would be useful for you to look into the RegionMemberLifetimeBehavior class in the Prism Library (for me, it is at C:\Prism4\PrismLibrary\Desktop\Prism\Regions\Behaviors)
Both the IRegionMemberLifetime interface and the RegionMemberLifetimeAttribute accomplish the same thing and can be defined on either your View or your ViewModel (provided the viewmodel is set to DataContext).
Here's the code that is relevant:
private void OnActiveViewsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
// We only pay attention to items removed from the ActiveViews list.
// Thus, we expect that any ICollectionView implementation would
// always raise a remove and we don't handle any resets
// unless we wanted to start tracking views that used to be active.
if (e.Action != NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) return;
var inactiveViews = e.OldItems;
foreach (var inactiveView in inactiveViews)
if (!ShouldKeepAlive(inactiveView))
private static bool ShouldKeepAlive(object inactiveView)
IRegionMemberLifetime lifetime = GetItemOrContextLifetime(inactiveView);
if (lifetime != null)
return lifetime.KeepAlive;
RegionMemberLifetimeAttribute lifetimeAttribute = GetItemOrContextLifetimeAttribute(inactiveView);
if (lifetimeAttribute != null)
return lifetimeAttribute.KeepAlive;
return true;
I was able to even step this code to see how it interacts with my application. To answer your question, if your KeepAlive property is not getting hit, then it is not being removed from the ActiveViews. Also make sure that if you are resolving your view from a container through IoC that you have not registered it as a singleton type (that you get a new instance each time it is resolved). The attribute/interface will only remove it completely from the region, not guarantee you get a fresh instance.