How many is a "large" data set? - database

Assumed infinite storage where size/volume/physics (metrics,gigabytes/terrabytes) won't matter only the number of elements and their labels, statistically pattern should emerge already at 30 subsets, but can you agree that less than 1000 subsets is too little to test, and at least 10000 distinct subsets / "elements", "entries" / entities is "a large data set". Or larger?

I'm not sure I understand your question, but it sounds like you are attempting to ask about how many elements of data set you need to sample in order to ensure a certain degree of accuracy (30 is a magic number from the Central Limit Theorem that comes in to play frequently).
If that is the case, the sample size you need depends on the confidence level and confidence interval. If you want a 95% confidence level and a 5% confidence interval (i.e. you want to be 95% confident that the proportion you determine from your sample is within 5% of the proportion in the full data set), you end up needing a sample size of no more than 385 elements. The greater the confidence level and the smaller the confidence interval that you want to generate, the larger the sample size you need.
Here is a nice discussion on the mathematics of determining sample size
and a handy sample size calculator if you just want to run the numbers.


Sample size calculation for experimental design

I have three treatments (Wild type, Mutant1 and Mutant2); I request inputs on how to decide the sample size that would be statistically significant (alpha <0.05) with high statistical power (1-beta=0.8).
I understand that we need the information of effect size. We approach this problem if we don't know the expected effect size prior; a trial experiment to estimate the effect size. In such case if we want to estimate the effect size with trial experiment; what could be the sample size to start with; a high (n=10) or as low as n=3? Can n=3 among treatments provide a good estimate of effect size or n=10 is better to get this estimate. Let's be specific; if we have resource for n=10 max. and we are given option to choose between n=3 or n=10 for this trial
This question is better asked in
I would discourage you from trying to estimate effects sizes from pilot experiments with low n. Your estimates will be quite noisy and this is rarely done (at least in my field of neuroscience). Instead, I would suggest you estimate your effect size from the literature. Have other people measured something similar to what you are planning to do? What are the sample sizes they use? What kind of effect sizes do they report.
If you were going to go ahead with the plan to run a pilot study, I would recommend pre-registering your experimental design ( Something like:
We will test the effects of mutation 1 and mutation 2 on XXXX (compared to wild type) in a cohort of 30 mice (10 in each group). Based on the results of this study, we will then conduct a power analysis and reproduce the experiments in a sample size required to have a power of 0.8 at p=0.05.
Our criteria for excluding animals from the power analysis will be .....
The statistical test for estimating effect size will be......"

flink calculate median on stream

I'm required to calculate median of many parameters received from a kafka stream for 15 min time window.
i couldn't find any built in function for that, but I have found a way using custom WindowFunction.
my questions are:
is it a difficult task for flink? the data can be very large.
if the data gets to giga bytes, will flink store everything in memory until the end of the time window? (one of the arguments of apply WindowFunction implementation is Iterable - a collection of all data which came during the time window )
Your question contains several aspects, but let me answer the most fundamental one:
Is this a hard task for Flink, why is this not a standard example?
Yes, the median is a hard concept, as the only way to determine it is to keep the full data.
Many statistics don't need the full data to be calculated. For instance:
If you have the total sum, you can take the previous total sum and add the latest observation.
If you have the total count, you add 1 and have the new total count
If you have the average, under the hood you can just keep track of the total sum and count, and at any point calculate the new average based on an observation.
This can even be done with more complicated metrics, like the standard deviation.
However, there is no shortcut for determining the median, the only way to know what the median is after adding a new observation, is by looking at all observations and then figuring out what the middle one is.
As such, it is a challenging metric and the size of the data that comes in will need to be handled. As mentioned there may be estimates in the workings like this:
Alternately, you could look at how your data is distributed, and perhaps estimate the median with metrics like Mean, Skew, and Kurtosis.
A final solution I could come up with, is if you need to know approximately what the value should be, is to pick a few 'candidates' and count the fractin of observations below them. The one closest to 50% would then be a reasonable estimate.

How does the HyperLogLog algorithm work?

I've been learning about different algorithms in my spare time recently, and one that I came across which appears to be very interesting is called the HyperLogLog algorithm - which estimates how many unique items are in a list.
This was particularly interesting to me because it brought me back to my MySQL days when I saw that "Cardinality" value (which I always assumed until recently that it was calculated not estimated).
So I know how to write an algorithm in O(n) that will calculate how many unique items are in an array. I wrote this in JavaScript:
function countUniqueAlgo1(arr) {
var Table = {};
var numUnique = 0;
var numDataPoints = arr.length;
for (var j = 0; j < numDataPoints; j++) {
var val = arr[j];
if (Table[val] != null) {
Table[val] = 1;
return numUnique;
But the problem is that my algorithm, while O(n), uses a lot of memory (storing values in Table).
I've been reading this paper about how to count duplicates in a list in O(n) time and using minimal memory.
It explains that by hashing and counting bits or something one can estimate within a certain probability (assuming the list is evenly distributed) the number of unique items in a list.
I've read the paper, but I can't seem to understand it. Can someone give a more layperson's explanation? I know what hashes are, but I don't understand how they are used in this HyperLogLog algorithm.
The main trick behind this algorithm is that if you, observing a stream of random integers, see an integer which binary representation starts with some known prefix, there is a higher chance that the cardinality of the stream is 2^(size of the prefix).
That is, in a random stream of integers, ~50% of the numbers (in binary) starts with "1", 25% starts with "01", 12,5% starts with "001". This means that if you observe a random stream and see a "001", there is a higher chance that this stream has a cardinality of 8.
(The prefix "00..1" has no special meaning. It's there just because it's easy to find the most significant bit in a binary number in most processors)
Of course, if you observe just one integer, the chance this value is wrong is high. That's why the algorithm divides the stream in "m" independent substreams and keep the maximum length of a seen "00...1" prefix of each substream. Then, estimates the final value by taking the mean value of each substream.
That's the main idea of this algorithm. There are some missing details (the correction for low estimate values, for example), but it's all well written in the paper. Sorry for the terrible english.
A HyperLogLog is a probabilistic data structure. It counts the number of distinct elements in a list. But in comparison to a straightforward way of doing it (having a set and adding elements to the set) it does this in an approximate way.
Before looking how the HyperLogLog algorithm does this, one has to understand why you need it. The problem with a straightforward way is that it consumes O(distinct elements) of space. Why there is a big O notation here instead of just distinct elements? This is because elements can be of different sizes. One element can be 1 another element "is this big string". So if you have a huge list (or a huge stream of elements) it will take a lot memory.
Probabilistic Counting
How can one get a reasonable estimate of a number of unique elements? Assume that you have a string of length m which consists of {0, 1} with equal probability. What is the probability that it will start with 0, with 2 zeros, with k zeros? It is 1/2, 1/4 and 1/2^k. This means that if you have encountered a string starting with k zeros, you have approximately looked through 2^k elements. So this is a good starting point. Having a list of elements that are evenly distributed between 0 and 2^k - 1 you can count the maximum number of the biggest prefix of zeros in binary representation and this will give you a reasonable estimate.
The problem is that the assumption of having evenly distributed numbers from 0 t 2^k-1 is too hard to achieve (the data we encountered is mostly not numbers, almost never evenly distributed, and can be between any values. But using a good hashing function you can assume that the output bits would be evenly distributed and most hashing function have outputs between 0 and 2^k - 1 (SHA1 give you values between 0 and 2^160). So what we have achieved so far is that we can estimate the number of unique elements with the maximum cardinality of k bits by storing only one number of size log(k) bits. The downside is that we have a huge variance in our estimate. A cool thing that we almost created 1984's probabilistic counting paper (it is a little bit smarter with the estimate, but still we are close).
Before moving further, we have to understand why our first estimate is not that great. The reason behind it is that one random occurrence of high frequency 0-prefix element can spoil everything. One way to improve it is to use many hash functions, count max for each of the hash functions and in the end average them out. This is an excellent idea, which will improve the estimate, but LogLog paper used a slightly different approach (probably because hashing is kind of expensive).
They used one hash but divided it into two parts. One is called a bucket (total number of buckets is 2^x) and another - is basically the same as our hash. It was hard for me to get what was going on, so I will give an example. Assume you have two elements and your hash function which gives values form 0 to 2^10 produced 2 values: 344 and 387. You decided to have 16 buckets. So you have:
0101 011000 bucket 5 will store 1
0110 000011 bucket 6 will store 4
By having more buckets you decrease the variance (you use slightly more space, but it is still tiny). Using math skills they were able to quantify the error (which is 1.3/sqrt(number of buckets)).
HyperLogLog does not introduce any new ideas, but mostly uses a lot of math to improve the previous estimate. Researchers have found that if you remove 30% of the biggest numbers from the buckets you significantly improve the estimate. They also used another algorithm for averaging numbers. The paper is math-heavy.
And I want to finish with a recent paper, which shows an improved version of hyperLogLog algorithm (up until now I didn't have time to fully understand it, but maybe later I will improve this answer).
The intuition is if your input is a large set of random number (e.g. hashed values), they should distribute evenly over a range. Let's say the range is up to 10 bit to represent value up to 1024. Then observed the minimum value. Let's say it is 10. Then the cardinality will estimated to be about 100 (10 × 100 ≈ 1024).
Read the paper for the real logic of course.
Another good explanation with sample code can be found here:
Damn Cool Algorithms: Cardinality Estimation - Nick's Blog

Genetic Algorithm Sudoku - optimizing mutation

I am in the process of writing a genetic algorithm to solve Sudoku puzzles and was hoping for some input. The algorithm solves puzzles occasionally (about 1 out of 10 times on the same puzzle with max 1,000,000 iterations) and I am trying to get a little input about mutation rates, repopulation, and splicing. Any input is greatly appreciated as this is brand new to me and I feel like I am not doing things 100% correct.
A quick overview of the algorithm
Fitness Function
Counts the number of unique values of numbers 1 through 9 in each column, row, and 3*3 sub box. Each of these unique values in the subsets are summed and divided by 9 resulting in a floating value between 0 and 1. The sum of these values is divided by 27 providing a total fitness value ranging between 0 and 1. 1 indicates a solved puzzle.
Population Size:
Roulette Method. Each node is randomly selected where nodes containing higher fitness values have a slightly better chance of selection
Two randomly selected chromosomes/boards swap a randomly selected subset (row, column, or 3*3 subsets) The selection of subset(which row, column, or box) is random. The resulting boards are introduced into population.
Reproduction Rate: 12% of population per cycle
There are six reproductions per iteration resulting in 12 new chromosomes per cycle of the algorithm.
Mutation: mutation occurs at a rate of 2 percent of population after 10 iterations of no improvement of highest fitness.
Listed below are the three mutation methods which have varying weights of selection probability.
1: Swap randomly selected numbers. The method selects two random numbers and swaps them throughout the board. This method seems to have the greatest impact on growth early in the algorithms growth pattern. 25% chance of selection
2: Introduce random changes: Randomly select two cells and change their values. This method seems to help keep the algorithm from converging. %65 chance of selection
3: count the number of each value in the board. A solved board contains a count of 9 of each number between 1 and 9. This method takes any number that occurs less than 9 times and randomly swaps it with a number that occurs more than 9 times. This seems to have a positive impact on the algorithm but only used sparingly. %10 chance of selection
My main question is at what rate should I apply the mutation method. It seems that as I increase mutation I have faster initial results. However as the result approaches a correct result, I think the higher rate of change is introducing too many bad chromosomes and genes into the population. However, with the lower rate of change the algorithm seems to converge too early.
One last question is whether there is a better approach to mutation.
You can anneal the mutation rate over time to get the sort of convergence behavior you're describing. But I actually think there are probably bigger gains to be had by modifying other parts of your algorithm.
Roulette wheel selection applies a very high degree of selection pressure in general. It tends to cause a pretty rapid loss of diversity fairly early in the process. Binary tournament selection is usually a better place to start experimenting. It's a more gradual form of pressure, and just as importantly, it's much better controlled.
With a less aggressive selection mechanism, you can afford to produce more offspring, since you don't have to worry about producing so many near-copies of the best one or two individuals. Rather than 12% of the population producing offspring (possible less because of repetition of parents in the mating pool), I'd go with 100%. You don't necessarily need to literally make sure every parent participates, but just generate the same number of offspring as you have parents.
Some form of mild elitism will probably then be helpful so that you don't lose good parents. Maybe keep the best 2-5 individuals from the parent population if they're better than the worst 2-5 offspring.
With elitism, you can use a bit higher mutation rate. All three of your operators seem useful. (Note that #3 is actually a form of local search embedded in your genetic algorithm. That's often a huge win in terms of performance. You could in fact extend #3 into a much more sophisticated method that looped until it couldn't figure out how to make any further improvements.)
I don't see an obvious better/worse set of weights for your three mutation operators. I think at that point, you're firmly within the realm of experimental parameter tuning. Another idea is to inject a bit of knowledge into the process and, for example, say that early on in the process, you choose between them randomly. Later, as the algorithm is converging, favor the mutation operators that you think are more likely to help finish "almost-solved" boards.
I once made a fairly competent Sudoku solver, using GA. Blogged about the details (including different representations and mutation) here:

Most simple and fast method for audio activity detection?

Given is an array of 320 elements (int16), which represent an audio signal (16-bit LPCM) of 20 ms duration. I am looking for a most simple and very fast method which should decide whether this array contains active audio (like speech or music), but not noise or silence. I don't need a very high quality of the decision, but it must be very fast.
It occurred to me first to add all squares or absolute values of the elements and compare their sum with a threshold, but such a method is very slow on my system, even if it is O(n).
You're not going to get much faster than a sum-of-squares approach.
One optimization that you may not be doing so far is to use a running total. That is, in each time step, instead of summing the squares of the last n samples, keep a running total and update that with the square of the most recent sample. To avoid your running total from growing and growing over time, add an exponential decay. In pseudocode:
decay_constant=0.999; // Some suitable value smaller than 1
for t=1,...
// Exponential decay
// Add in latest sample
if total>threshold
// do something
Of course, you'll have to tune the decay constant and threshold to suit your application. If this isn't fast enough to run in real time, you have a seriously underpowered DSP...
You might try calculating two simple "statistics" - first would be spread (max-min). Silence will have very low spread. Second would be variety - divide the range of possible values into say 16 brackets (= value range) and as you go through the elements, determine in which bracket that element goes. Noise will have similar numbers for all brackets, whereas music or speech should prefer some of them while neglecting others.
This should be possible to do in just one pass through the array and you do not need complicated arithmetics, just some addition and comparison of values.
Also consider some approximation, for example take only each fourth value, thus reducing the number of checked elements to 80. For audio signal, this should be okay.
I did something like this a while back. After some experimentation I arrived at a solution that worked sufficiently well in my case.
I used the rate of change in the cube of the running average over about 120ms. When there is silence (only noise that is) the expression should be hovering around zero. As soon as the rate starts increasing over a couple of runs, you probably have some action going on.
rate = cur_avg^3 - prev_avg^3
I used a cube because the square just wasn't agressive enough. If the cube is to slow for you, try using the square and a bitshift instead. Hope this helps.
It is clearly that the complexity should be at least O(n). Probably some simple algorithms that calculate some value range are good for the moment but I would look for Voice Activity Detection on web and for related code samples.
