Upgrading from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 - sql-server

Should I be scared of upgrading the database to SQL Server 2008?
Is it a simple auto-upgrade and everything works?
Is it worth it?

The upgrade from SQL Server 2005 to 2008 is a lot less "scary" than the upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. There are fewer T-SQL enhancements this time around, and the tools to manage SQL Server are very similar (so less of a learning curve).
The one thing that most people forget to do is to change the compatibility level of their databases after the server has been upgraded; you need to do this in order to use the new features inside a particular database after the server has been upgraded.

Perhaps you need to check out the features before asking a question like this.
Here's a link.

and here


Trouble after Upgrade SQL Server version and have two server now in services.msc

I'm a beginner in this, I've been searching for long on internet. But as many solution in internet, I don't understand as much i wanted. And I have some question to for resolution. I see a place the recommend to ask some like this as Super User, but I recently just started using 'Stack Overflow' so I don't know How To Use Super User.
Start when I download a new setup of SQL Server 2016 and choose option to 'Upgrade-from-previous-version', from process I see, it just added 2 features.
From what I really want is to change entirely my SQL server from 2014 to 2016.
Two Server in services.msc
So i try to do option 'basic-installation' from installer and it work honestly but provide 2 server which server 2016 and 2014.
Maybe I can just uninstall the server 2014, and get work with 2016 instead. But Can I bring my database in 2014 too?, I mean it has compatibility-problem.
And it don't have SQL Server Management Studio so I download a newest version of it (v18.00)
Two server with different SQL Server version
My question is =
Can I keep my database in server 2014, my database in 2016 is empty (did I must attach it again)?
Did it just OK to have two Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?
Why I don't get MSSMS when I install SQL Server 2016?
If I must do Question1, How To Upgrade my database to version 2016?
Is it bad for my laptop to having two Version of SQL Server, or I must delete one?
Backup and restore to 2016 (or keep it in 2014)
Yes, but not necessary, just use latest version, uninstall older
Management Studio can be downloaded separately
See (1)
No, both can be kept, but remember that both services will be running which may impact performance and resource usage. You can stop these services using SQL Server Configuration Manager

Replacing SQL replication

We are looking to replace SQL SERVER replication.
Today we've got several version on SQL installations because SQL replication does not support working with different SQL versions (2005 and 2008 for example), so instead of having several installation of SQL version (2005,2008,2012 etc...), we are looking install a single version on the server (let's say 2014) and using this version to replicate between all our clients (2005+).
Today we are using transnational and merge replication at the same time for each database.
I would like to know:
Is there a way to make different version replicate with each other?
Is there and good tool that can replace that replication?
SQL Server 2014 supports replication with SQL Server 2008 and on. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ms143550(v=sql.120).aspx
So if you use SQL Server 2012 as backend, SQL Server 2005, 2008 and 2012 clients are supported.
We are using transnactional replication between 2012 and 2016 and 2014 and 2016. For us the trick was to create a publisher on the older version and a pull subscription on the newer version. The only other thing to watch out for is you need to manage the relationship in SSMS using the older server as trying to go to properties from the 2016 box will throw an error.
I saw something about changing data types or another server setting that would eliminate the errors so it might be worth looking around.

Does my sql code go unavailable when I upgrade my SQL Server from 2008 to 2014?

I have a server running SQL Server 2008 Enterprise version which has a lot of SQL Codes and I want to upgrade it into SQL Server 2014 Enterprise version. But I don't know what will happen after I upgrade the SQL Server. Will there any SQL Code go unavailable/error? Will it run correctly after upgrading?
SQL Server 2008/2014 is a tool. It has got nothing to do with data/procedures/views etc. Data for SQL Server is stored in the form of .mdf files. So, no, your data or procedurers wont be touched. But yes lot of features are going to be deprecated in SQL Server 2014 when compared to SQL Server 2008. Full list is here. You should go through the list and find a suitable replacement for every deprecated item before migrating.

sql server 2005 express and sql server 2008 developer edition

Is it possible to install sql server 2005 express and sql server 2008 developer edition in one machine ?
Any gotchas ?
Technically you should be able to without any problems. Sometimes they do occur though. Take a look at this thread for some potential issues.
yes it is possible, one of them needs to be a named instance (that is the only gotcha )
Yes. I have SQL Server 2005 Express and 2008 Enterprise on my machine. I have the 2005 instance named.
I haven't run into any issues yet but you should look at Sev's link for potential problems.
No problem, as long as you install the 2005 version first - I wasn't able to re-install SQL 2005 once I had SQL 2008 on my dev machine.

Are there conflicts between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008?

I am told that SQL Server 2005 installation with BI tools and SQL Server 2008 with BI tools can't work together on the same computer. Apparently "some" things stop working. This was told to me by one of my team members. Since I'm new to SQL BI, I cant discount what he has said altogether and I dont want to install them both on my dev box and find out later that there is problem.
Has anyone here installed them both, used both sufficiently well and found it to be working fine?
I have a complete install of both SQL2005 developer and SQL2008 developer on my workstation. Nothing unusual has happened. A collegue also has both installed and is making use of the BI side of SQL 2005, again we haven't noticed any ill affects.
Server side I would think twice before installing both, but only becuase of resource usasge. If your box has sufficent resources available then I wouldn't expect any issue.
I'm not sure if this is your development system or the server... If its the server you can have side by side reporting services on the same server at the same time (though you use double the resources too). I am not sure why you would though; the reporting services 2008 is vastly superior and can report on data from the sql 2005 instance. If you are worried about the lack of a service pack for sql 2008 you can report on data in sql 2008 from reporting services 2005 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143736.aspx)
If its local on your own pc you can have the development tools both installed at the same time (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb500441.aspx); though in this case i would use the sql 2005 tools only if you are migrating to sql 2008 as SQL 2005 code works on 2008 but not necessarily the other way around.
If you have reporting services models make sure you check out report builder 2 which ms launched this week. Its a much better user experience than report builder 1.
