Are heterogeneous database systems in practice? - database

I was probing around a bit in the realm of databases and hit the notion of having heterogeneous databases. I googled and found this - link text
My question is what kind of scenario would put this into practice and is it really useful? Is it just another thing which was thought about but not implemented or in case it was implemented, then it got restricted to a very niche area?

I would say yes, very much so. One implementation I am familiar with is integrating MAS90 with an LOB production system. The data is duplicated in both but accessed and used in different ways.

I've worked on a heterogeneous system before. It's a commercial system to manage study abroad programs for large universities, and they had installations on Oracle, MySql, and Sql Server. I was an outside consultant handling a very specific conversion project, though, so I didn't get to see many of the issues involved in making it work well everywhere.
I do remember that the single biggest hurdle I had to deal with was Oracle's lack of a simple autoincrement-style column and having to set up separate sequences instead. There were a number of datatype mismatches as well, but there was a pretty good system in place to just map those.
Note that even here, each customer only had one kind of database. We didn't have to worry about replicating data itself between db types (aside from a few common lookup tables). Just structure.

Different departments in your company might use different databases. I pull data in and push data to from the following
SQL Server
Sybase IQ
Flat files
Excel files
The SQL Server database is the repository off all the data but it pull from many different databases to populate data and then data will be pushed to different databases for departmental use


Is that possible to have a DBMS with different data in databases nodes?

We're looking for the best setup to distribute databases for large databases. We would like to have more databases in multiple computers and to have every database tables which we're using in the particular part of the globe, then we would like to have a common table set which we would like to synchronize between the database nodes. We would like to extend a large platform but it's very hard to implement the functionality which will choose which connection string we need to use. That's why we started to have research on this and seems that DBMS may have this functionality.
Can you suggest some material/documentation/tutorial we could use? We're using SQL server.
Thanks in advance!

MS Access database with no relations

Can anyone recommend a tool or suggest the approach when dealing with MS Access database with no relationships between tables?
As part of data migration project I am creating data mapping definition rules but it becomes more and more difficult and time consuming to correctly identify source tables/fields for extraction.
I have many tables with the same data appearing in different places. Furthermore, as there were no validation rules when data was input, many entries contain spelling errors or generally do not match expected data type. Most of the tables however already have the keys (primary & foreign) created.
I am looking for a quick solution to rebuild the database (*.mdb), ideally with a use of some software which could identify all potential data issues, suggest corrections, allow for adjustments and finally left off with fully relational database where the data can easily be identified and not scattered all over the place.
I have some general knowledge of databases and SQL but didn't use Access much before so I'm trying to save myself some of the time. And - if it matters - I don't care about database performance at all... Only the data itself. I will be extracting it to *.csv files later anyway...
Comments, suggestions and/or other considerations will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I don't believe there is any software that will analyze an Access database and use some kind of artificial intelligence to generate a new database with good data and strong relationships.
My recommendation though is to export all the data into SQL Server (or even MySQL) and then work with it there. It's much easier to manipulate the data with a real query language instead of trying to scrub data in Access.
You can do mass updates, comparisons, joins, etc. with SQL Server. You can query the schema easily (write queries to see if a field appears in a table), change schemas/table definitions with code, etc.
Then once you're done you can use jobs (SSIS) to export the data to CSV.
(You can download SQL Express if you don't have/can't afford SQL Server.)

Data migration between different DBMS's

As i couldnt get any satisfying answer to my Question it seems we have to write our own program for that, we are in the design phase and we are thinking which format shall we use to backup the data.
The program will be written in Delphi.
Needed is Exporting/Importing data between Oracle/Informix/Msserver, very important here is the Performance issue, as this program will run on a 1-2 GB Databases. Beside the normal data there are Blobs in the Database which have to be backuped.
We thought of Xml-Data or comma-separated data as both are transparent (which is nice to have), but Blobs must be considered here. Paradox format is not optinal in this case.
Can anybody recommend some performant formats?
Any other Ideas to achieve the same Goal are welcome.
Thanx in Advance.
I use an excellent program called OmegaSync for my backups, but it will only handle Informix via ODBC and not directly. If you find you can use OmegaSync, you'll find its performance to be excellent, because it compares the databases first, and then syncs only the differences. You might want to use this idea if you decide to do the programming yourself if efficiency is your number one goal.
But programming database conversion is very complex as others answers to your question have said. So why not just develop the SQL you need, and do the conversion that way. For example see: Convert Informix Schema to Oracle Schema Or Any Other RDBMS For moving the data, check out sources like: Moving non-informaix data between computers and dbspaces
You can optimize the SQL to what I'm sure will be an adequate speed if you dump and load your data smartly.
DbUnit is a popular tool which can extract and load data in XML format, see
// partial database export
QueryDataSet partialDataSet = new QueryDataSet(connection);
partialDataSet.addTable("FOO", "SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COL='VALUE'");
FlatXmlDataSet.write(partialDataSet, new FileOutputStream("partial.xml"));
// full database export
IDataSet fullDataSet = connection.createDataSet();
FlatXmlDataSet.write(fullDataSet, new FileOutputStream("full.xml"));
Did you check ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) It has support for lots of source databases. It is able to capture changes from the source databases and integrate them in the target database. It is performant but has a price tag.
The new DBExpress framework give the possibility to exporting/importing data between many databases. you can check this CodeRage session Deep Dive into dbExpress by John Kaster
You should use your own binary format, integrated by (xml for text/streams for Blobs).
If you have to export metadata too and not only data, it could be very complex. There are many subtle (and not so subtle differences) among the databases you're going to use, that such a format should be general enough and the exporting/importing code should be able to translate and map metadata across databases, and because an external application can't write directly to the database internal structures, it would have to generate the db proper DDL to create the data structures.
As long as this is a proprietary format, IMHO its design is the least of your issues, if size and performance are important and the file is read sequentially it would not be difficult to design a binary format.
Anyway import/exports and backups are two different tasks. If you have to backup a database, use its facilities. They usually allow far more control, i.e. point-in-time recovery. If you have to move data across databases that's another issue - I would write just the code to move data, not metadata, pre-creating the required structure in the target database.
You could give Toad (Quest Software) a try.
It supports all your mentioned platforms and can do things like 'Export table data to INSERT statements' on your source platform which can then be run on the target platform.
IIRC there is even some Toad-internal backup-format which might be cross-platform.
Toad Communities:
Toad for ORACLE
Toad for OTHER RDMBS (including Informix)
Some videos about exporting, importing:
YouTube: Toad for Data Analysts v2.7 Export Enhancements
YouTube: Toad for Data Analysts v2.7 Import Enhancements

What nosql database is ideal to use for storing code/snippets?

I want to store code similar to how jsfiddle stores code. I currently use Postgres for my main database but I'm wondering if it's more ideal to be using a NoSQL database?
Code snippets for now will have just one author, but in the future there may be multiple authors and I want the ability for reverting as well.
I know there are key/value databases and document-oriented databases. Which specific noSQL db would suite my needs? Or should I still stick with my Postgres db?
I'm using django
The users will be permanently stored in postgres ( I'm using openID )
You can't choose a non-relational data strategy without defining what you want to do with your data.
Relational database design comes from rules of normalization, which you can apply once you know your data alone. But non-relational database design depends on your queries more than your data.
But without knowing anything about your application, my first recommendation would be to stick with PostgreSQL. Store your code snippets in text blobs, and meta-data about the code (authorship, date, language, project, etc.) in additional columns alongside the text blob. Also you can consider using GIST indexes to allow for flexible searching.
You might also consider Apache Solr, which is technically similar to a document-oriented DBMS, though it is usually presented as a fulltext search engine.
As for NoSQL databases, the only ones I'm familiar with are XML (doesn't scale well and has bad concurrency), and local databases such as Paradox, dBase, FoxProx and Access. I would not recommend any of these.
I think that the idea that it's a NoSQL database should be a smaller factor in your decision. Consider these things instead.
Redundancy. Can you run it on two servers at the same time or does it support failover? (SQL Server, Interbase, Firebird)
Concurrency. Will you host this app on the web? How will it handle 10 concurrent operations? (PostGres, MySql, Interbase, Firebird)
Speed. How long is acceptable for a lookup or post?
Embeddability. Is this a desktop application? An embedded database can make things easier. (Local databases such as Paradox, dBase, FoxPro, Access, Interbase, Firebird or SQLite)
Portability. Desktop apps may run on Mac, Linux, Windows. (SQLite)
Sounds like a relatively uncomplicated application which could be implemented in a traditional relational database or a NoSQL without too many problems.
However if you're keeping the userbase info in PostgreSQL, it would seem simplest to just stick with that as a single storage method. Using both an SQL database and a NoSQL adds complexity, makes joining across the datasets hard (so eg. you couldn't make a query to do something like ‘list users along with their most recent document’), and makes it impossible to ensure consistency between the two datasets.
What do you get for this trouble? You want versioning. CouchDB will give you revision control, but it's questionable whether you should be using that for UI-level versioning (eg because compacting the database will lose your old versions).

How do you transfer data from SQL Server to db4o?

I came across this question after searching for a ODBC or JDBC. To my surprise, since I am new to db4o I found there are tools to browse db4o, including a Netbeans and Eclipse plug in. However, when it comes to the question at hand, I only found one company, and the product is not being sold nor demoed (makes me think is not ready yet).
So, how do you transfer data? Is there a tool or script I have not found yet?
That's right. When it comes to db4o's dRS, in order to move your data to a relational database you need to define a Hibernate mapping. But it's definitely the way to go for this kind of migration if you don't want to do it all by yourself.
Data transfer between db4o and relational Databases (in both direction) can be easily done with db4o's tool: dRS - db4o Replication System (based on Hibernate).
BTW, db4o user forum might be very useful, you will get answers directly from core developers.
In my opinion, this comes down to the Object-relational impedance mismatch. Which is to say, except in very simple cases, there isn't necessarily a direct translation from a database row to an object. Your object model is fundamentally different than your database schema. Therefore, I would imagine that in most cases, you will have to come up with the mapping (and a migration application) yourself.
This goes generally for any relational database/object database, not just SQL Server and db4o.
