How to ensure that a winform closes in exactly X seconds - winforms

In my WinForms application, I need to pop up a little custom dialog that stays on the screen for X amount of seconds and then disappears. So I use a System.Threading.Timer to invoke the _dialog.Close() method once the appropriate amount of time has elapsed. This of course means that I have to do the whole "if InvokeRequired BeginInvoke" dance which isn't really a problem.
What is a problem however is that my main thread might be off doing god knows what by the time the BeginInvoke is called. It might not get around to closing the window for quite a while. I don't need the window to close at a millisecond's notice, but within a second or so is really necessary.
So my question is how does BeginInvoke actually work itself into the main thread and how can I get around this odd limitation?

If your UI thread is busy for many seconds at a time, then:
You won't be able to close a window associated with that UI thread, without peppering your code with Application.DoEvents calls (a bad idea)
Your whole UI will be unresponsive during this time. The user won't be able to move any of the application's windows, and if the user drags other windows over the top of it and off again, you'll end up with an ugly mess while the UI waits to repaint itself.
Certainly use a System.Windows.Forms.Timer instead of a System.Threading.Timer for simplicity, but more urgently, look at fixing your code to avoid having such a busy UI thread.

UPDATE: The conclusion would seem to be that utilising ['BackgroundWorker]( along with a System.Windows.Forms.Timer would be the best approach.
Best to use System.Windows.Forms.Timer for this purpose - this is precisely the sort of application it was designed for. Add one to the pop up form and start it as soon as the form is shown, then hide the form on the Tick event. This solution won't give you any threading issues because the timer runs purely on the UI thread.
Edit: If you want to move the logic outside of your popup form, then I recommend you just create an overload for the Show method within the form code that takes a timespan for its parameter and does the job of setting the Timers's interval and starting it.
Edit 2: If you're main (UI) thread is doing too much work and therefore blocking the message pump and not allowing the timer to fire, then it's the design that's the issue I'm afraid. Your UI thread should never be blocking for more than a fraction of a second. If you need to do serious work, do it in the background using a worker thread. In this case, because you are using WinForms, BackgroundWorker is probably the best option.

Create a dedicated thread and use Application.Run to create and show your form. This will start up a message pump on the second thread which is independent of the main thread. This can then close exactly when you want it, even if the main thread is blocked for any reason.
Invoke and BeginInvoke do get into the main thread by using a window message posted into that thread, waiting for it to be processed. Therefore, if the message pump of the main thread is not processing messages (e.g. busy), it will have to wait. You can mitigate this factor by calling Application.DoEvents() when doing time-consuming operations in the main thread, but that's not really a solution to the problem.
Edit: Sample from some splash screen code (the form requires no special code or logic):
private void ShowSplashInSeparateMessageQueue() {
Thread splash = new Thread(ShowSplashForm);
splash.IsBackground = true;
private void ShowSplashForm() { // runs in a separate thread and message queue
using (SplashForm splashForm = new SplashForm()) {
splashForm.Load += AddDestroyTimer;
private void AddDestroyTimer(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Form form = (Form)sender;
System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(form.Container);
timer.Tick += delegate { form.Close(); };
timer.Interval = 5000;

Invoke just places the delegate into the message queue of the thread you want to invoke it on. You could use the Dispatcher class to insert the delegate with a high priority, but there is no gurante that this will meet you timing constraints if the thread is doing a lot of work.
But this might be an indication that you are doing to much work on the user interface thread. Not responding for a second is a pain to a user. So you might think about moving some work out of the user interface thread.


Multi-thread UI in WPF

I have two UI threads, one is the main thread and the other is a background thread whose ApartmentState is STA. Each thread creates its own window and the background window has a "Cancel" button on it.
The main thread has a function which is busy and needs quite a long time to finish. I hope once the "Cancel" button is clicked, the main thread should stop the time-consuming function.
Below is the pseudo-code in main thread:
//Option A: Application.DoEvents();
//Option B: Dispatcher.Invoke to update UI in background thread
return; //Stop the time-consuming function
The strange thing is that the click event on "Cancel" button is NOT captured or handled by the background thread. IMO, each thread has its own message queue, and when I click the "Cancel" button, this message should be queued and processed by the background thread immediately, but according to my test locally, this is not true, the background thread never handles the button click event...
Any thoughts?
BTW, I think there are two ways to overcome the above issue, one is to use Application.DoEvents, and the other is to leverage Dispatcher.Invoke. But I'm still curious why the background thread can NOT handle the message immediately. Thanks in advance.
In general, having two user interface threads is often a bad idea, and completely unnecessary.
You'd typically have a single user interface thread, and just move the actual computational work into a background thread. User interface updates would be marshaled back to the main thread as needed. BackgroundWorker is great for this in many cases.
As for cancellation, this is typically best handled using the frameworks cooperative cancelation model which is built around CancellationTokenSource and CancellationToken. These were designed with use across multiple threads in mind, and automatically handle the proper memory barriers required.

Read .TXT into ListBox in realtime

I am reading a large Txt document into a WPF app for some serious swap/replacemnt operations. The files are actually 3D STP models so they are fairly large, but im working with them as raw text for this project. The files are read into List to avoid having to open them multiple times, and to make comparisons easier.
Anyway, I'm trying to get the listbox to scroll dynamically as lines are added to it, ala a console window so the user can see that something is happening since calculations can take a bit of time depending on filesize. I also added a progress bar to count away as the total line number is read through.
Neither my progress bar, nor ListBox seem to update as work progresses though. The final output simply lands in the listbox completed, and the progress bar goes from 0-max at the same time.
This is the gist of what I am doing, which is fairly simple:
foreach (string Line in OriginalSTPFile.Lines)
string NewLine = EvaluateString(Line); //string the modified to whatever here
pBar.Value++; //increment progressbar
OutputWindow.Items.Add(NewLine); //add line to the ListBox
I just want the listbox an progress bar to update in realtime as progress changes. I tried using:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => OutputWindow.Items.Add(NewLine));
But got the same results. Do I need a more elaborate method of multithreading here? I assumed the first method would've worked since I wasn't generating any cross-thread exceptions either.
This article will give you all the code that you need.
Backgroundworker with Progressbar
It describes very well what to do and which elements to use.
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke signals to invoke a method on the Dispatcher's thread. However, that's essentially like a post message, as it won't occur while the main thread is locked up doing work. And until the main thread is available again, it won't update the UI visually, even if you change values.
You'll need to perform the work in a background thread.
But to update the UI, you'll have to do so on the UI's main thread. This is a limitation of WPF. This is why you were directed to Dispatcher. I'm guessing someone assumed your work was already on a background thread.
To create a thread, you use Thread.Start passing it a delegate to perform. If you use a anonymous delegate or a lambda, you can refer to variables on the stack, but be aware that they will persist until the delegate quits. This is why you cannot use reference variables in a anonymous delegate.
Backgroundworker is a special type of background thread. It automates some of the expectations of a worker thread (notifying of completion, and updating on progress), but you can achieve the same results without it.
To update the UI during the thread's process, you'll need for that thread to be able to access the main UI thread. You can do that by passing it a dispatcher, referring to a dispatcher from outside the anonymous delegate, or by an object that contains a dispatcher. You can always read values from any object on any thread, so accessing the dispatcher by UIElement on another thread is fine.
To update the UI, you'll call Dispatcher.BeginInvoke with a delegate that entails the work to perform.
Here's psuedo-code of the overall scheme
class TestProgress
ProgressBar _ProgressBar;
void DoWork()
var worker = (Action)(() =>
int progress = 0;
// do stuff, delta is change in progress
progress += delta;
_ProgressBar.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
_ProgressBar.Value = progress;

.NET Compact Framework: how to ensure form is visible before running code?

We've got a Model-View-Presenter setup with our .NET Compact Framework app. A standard CF Form is implementing the view interface, and passed into the constructor of the presenter. the presenter tells the form to show itself by calling view.Run(); the view then does a Show() on itself, and the presenter takes over again, loading up data and populating it into the view.
Problem is that the view does not finishing showing itself before control is returned to the presenter. since the presenter code blocks for a few seconds while loading data, the effect is that the form is not visible for a few seconds. it's not until after the presenter finishes it's data load that the form becomes visible, even though the form called Show() on itself before the presenter started its data loading.
In a standard windows environment, i could use the .Shown event on the form... but compact framework doesn't have this, and I can't find an equivalent.
Does anyone know of an even, a pinvoke, or some other way to get my form to be fully visible before kicking off some code on the presenter? at this point, i'd be ok with the form calling to the presenter and telling the presenter to start it's data load.
FYI - we're trying to avoid multi-threading, to cut down on complexity and resource usage.
The general rule is: never do anything blocking on the UI thread
The UI in Windows (and in Windows CE as well) has an asynchronous nature. Which means that most API calls do not necessarily do whatever they're supposed to do immediately. Instead, they generate a series of events, which are put into the event queue and later retrieved by the event pump, which is, essentially, an infinite loop running on the UI thread, picking events from the queue one by one, and handling them.
From the above, a conclusion can be drawn that if you continue to do something lengthy on the UI thread after requesting a certain action (i.e. showing the window in your case), the event pump cannot proceed with picking events (because you haven't returned control to it), and therefore, your requested action cannot complete.
The general approach is as follows: if you must do complex data transformation/loading/preparing/whatever, do it on a separate thread, and then use Control.BeginInvoke to inject a delegate into the UI thread, and touch the actual UI controls from inside that delegate.
Despite your irrational fear of "complexity" that multithreading brings with it, there is very little to be afraid of. Here's a little example to illustrate the point:
public void ShowUI()
theForm = new MyForm();
// BeginInvoke() will take a new thread from the thread pool
// and invoke our delegate on that thread
new Action( PrepareData ).BeginInvoke(null,null);
public void PrepareData()
// Prepare your data, do complex computation, etc.
// Control.BeginInvoke will put our delegate on the UI event queue
// to be retrieved and executed on the UI thread
theForm.BeginInvoke( new Action( PutDataInTheForm ) );
public void PutDataInTheForm()
theForm.textBox1.Text = "data is ready!";
While you may play with alternative solutions, the general idea always remains the same: if you do anything lengthy on the UI thread, your UI will "freeze". It will not even redraw itself as you add new UI elements on the screen, because redrawing is also an asynchronous process.
Therefore, you must do all the complex and long stuff on a separate thread, and only do simple, small, guaranteed to run fast things on the UI thread. There is no other alternative, really.
Hope this helps.
If your key problem is that the form won't paint before your presenter data loading methods are completed, and you have a call to this.Show() in your Form_Load, try putting Application.DoEvents() directly after this.Show() to force/allow the form to paint.
protected void Form_Load(blah blah blah)
... data loading methods ...
No need to create another thread if you don't want to (although a couple of seconds have to be dealt with somehow).
You can use the activated event. Because it will fire when the form is activated, you need a boolean local to the form to check wether or not the form has been created for the first time.
Another option for you is to disconnect the event handler right after you finish presenting the form.

Winforms execute code in separate thread

a bit of a juvenile question...
I realise that in a Winforms app, long running code should be executed in its own thread. How does one accomplish this on say, a button click event?
I want to do this in an effort to free up the UI thread so that I can simultaneously overlay the current form with a semi-transparent modal dialog form. I've aleady created the modal dialog form with a neat loading GIF located in the centre that works perfectly on a button click event on its own.
The reason I've chosen this method, is because (1) I want to block any user interaction with the form while the code is being executed, and (2) provide the user with an indication that processing is underway (I dont know how to judge how long a particular piece of code will take to execute, hence opting for an indefinite loading indicator gif).
Also, on the topic of executing code in separate threads...should this not apply to any code, or only specifically to long-running code?
I would really appreciate any help on this matter! thank you!
One of the simplest ways is to use a BackgroundWorker component. Add a BackgroundWorker to your form, add an event handler for the DoWork event, and call the long-running function from there. You can start it in your button click event handler by calling the RunWorkerAsync method on the BackgroundWorker component.
In order to know when the operation is ready, set up a handler for the RunWorkerCompleted event.
private void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void myBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
// long-running operation here; will execute on separate thread
private void myBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
// operation is ready
I'll answer the second half of your question (as Fredrik has already explained the BackgroundWorker):
No, it does not make sense to move a task to a separate thread unless the task is long running.
Running a task on a separate thread always incurrs extra overheads. It might take more of the UI thread's time to kick off the thread and handle the task completion then it would have to simply do the task in the first place.
Like any programming technique, you have to weigh up the costs and benefits for the particular situation.
I will attempt to answer the second part of your question, based on my own experience.
You will generally only use threads in one of three circumstances:
On operations which will block for noticeable periods of time on system calls (File/Socket IO, etc.)
On long running operations where a loss of UI responsiveness is undesirable.
With multiple long running operations, where exploiting a multi-core environment is desirable.
As Andrew Shepherd says, there are overheads for using Threads.
Threads complicate things dramatically. Never thread for the sake of threading.

How to wait for a background thread/operation to complete in WPF UI code?

e.g. in Winforms I'd write...
// on UI Thread
BackgroundWorker workerThread = new BackgroundWorker();
workerThread.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(LoadChildren);
workerThread.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(OnLoadChildrenCompleted);
while (workerThread.IsBusy)
In WPF what is the equivalent of Application.DoEvents in Winforms?
I have a property called Children in my ViewModel class. A HierarchicalDataTemplate has been setup to read Items from the Children property.
A TreeView displays the nodes. When the user expands a node, the children of the node are generated from the results of this property
public Node Children
// 1. time-consuming LINQ query to load children from a SQL DB
// 2. return results
So I'd like to run 1. on a background thread and wait for it to complete before returning the results... keeping the UI responsive.
Googling led me to this page which has uses DispatcherFrames to simulate the above method. But this seems to be too much work.. which hints at 'Am I doing this right?'
As I understand it, you've got this sort of flow:
Do some prep work (UI thread)
Do some background work (other thread)
Do some finishing work (UI thread)
You want to wait for the second bullet to finish before running the code in the third.
The easiest way to do that is make the second bullet's code call back into the UI thread (in the normal way) to trigger the third bullet to execute. If you really, really want to use local variables from the method, you could always use an anonymous method or lambda expression to create the delegate to pass to the background worker - but normally it would be cleaner to just have a "PostBackgroundWork" method or something like that.
EDIT: This wouldn't be nice for a property as you've shown in your edited question, but I'd refactor that as a request to fetch the children with a callback when it's completed. This avoids the whole mess of reentrancy, and makes it clearer what's actually going on.
Calling DoEvents on the UI thread in a loop like this is not recommended practice in WinForms or WPF.
If your application can't continue until this thread has finished its work, then why is it on another thread?
If some parts of your application can continue, then disable those bits that can't and reenable them when your completion callback is called. Let the rest of the system get on with its stuff. No need for the loop with DoEvents in it, this is not good practice.
Take a look at the community content on MSDN.
This is a good article on DoEvents.
In WPF what is the equivalent of Application.DoEvents in Winforms?
There is none built-in, but you can easily write your own. Indeed, WPF gives you more power around message processing than does Winforms. See my blog post on Dispatcher Frames here. It includes an example showing you how to simulate Application.DoEvents().
