Database clustered Index on referring column - database

I have two tables like this.
Table A
A_ID ( Primary Key)
Table B
B_ID ( Primary Key)
A_ID ( foreign key but not enforced in database, not unique )
Although by default SQL server creates clustered indexes on B_ID, I have lot of select queries on B, which depend on A_ID
something like this
Should I be creating clustered Index on A_ID of TABLE B ?

No a regular non-clustered index should do fine. A clustered index is especially handy when doing range queries (BETWEEN) As a rule of thumb I always create non-clustered indexes on columns used in foreign key constraints.

No, just create a normal non-clustered index - you'll have basically the same results and same improvements in your query speed.
Is the A_ID on table B even guaranteed to be unique?? Couldn't more than 1 entry in "B" reference the same A_ID ??
Best practice for a clustered key is:
as small as possible (narrow)
stable (or static - it should never change)
ever increasing
See Kim Tripp's The Clustered Index Debate continues or Ever-increasing clustering key - the Clustered Index Debate - agin! for additional info.
If your clustered key cannot be guaranteed to be unique, SQL Server will add a 4-byte uniquifier to it - you'll want to avoid that whenever possible (because your clustering key will be added to every single entry of every single non-clustered index on your table, leading to waste of space if it's too wide).


What is different between the two methods of generating cluster primary keys?

I have a Table to make a Clustered Primary Key.
CREATE TABLE dbo.SampleTable
First Way is making Primary Key index with Clustered index.
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IDX_SampleTable2 ON dbo.SampleTable (C1 ,C2) -- Can not create Same Name With above Constraint Name
Is there a difference in performance from the above two methods?
Is there a way do not recommend using it?
Yes, there is a difference. By specifying CLUSTERED, you instruct the database to store the data in a certain way. Basically, it enforces that subsequent indexes are stored on subsequent data blocks on the hard drive.
By creating a clustered primary key as in your first statement, all the data in the table will always have unique values in C1, C2 and the data is always stored in subsequent data blocks.
In the second example, you do NOT enforce this CLUSTERED behaviour through the primary key, but through a separate index. Though the effects are the same now, you might choose to remove (or temporarily disable) the index and then the data would no longer be guaranteed to get stored in a CLUSTERED fashion.
Bottom line: In practice these two statements are the same now, but might make a difference in the future because the CLUSTERED property is not integrated in the PK, but in a separate index.
Creating a Nonclustered Primary Key and then creating a Clustered index on the columns within the Primary key is not a good idea. Effectively you'll create 2 indexes on the columns (C1 and C2 in this case), however, it's very unlikely the nonclustered index will ever be used. This is because the Clustered Index is very likely going to be the first choice for the RDBMS, as the pages will be in the order of the Clustered Index. Also, when using a non-clustered index the data engine will still need to refer to the Clustered Index afterwards, to find out the exact location of the row (in the pages).
If you do want a clustered index on your Primary Key(s) then create the key as a Clustered Primary Key. This is not to say that your Primary Key should always be Clustered, but that is a very different subject.
This depends from your datas:
Clustered indexes sort and store the data rows in the table or view
based on their key values. These are the columns included in the index
definition. There can be only one clustered index per table, because
the data rows themselves can be stored in only one order.
So the clustered key influence the format of your physical data structure.

SQL - 1 index on 2 columns or multiple indexes

Consider a sql table Employer.
Column A -- (int) Unique identity column. Not used in select queries as part of the where clause.
Column B -- (int) Non unique column. Used in select queries as part of the where clause very often.
Which of the below choices of index are better for deigning the database table to achieve good performance with low maintenance
1) 1 clustered, unique, primary key on Column A and 1 non clustered index on column B
2) 1 clustered, unique, primary key on Column B, A (Composite primary key)
3) 1 non clustered, unique, primary key on Column A and 1 clustered index on column B
Any other suggestions are also welcome. Thanks in advance
Go with option 1.
When creating primary key always aim at shortest possible column. Reason for it is that this column will be used in all other indexes. Also I hope when you say identity you don't mean randomly generated value, because it will hurt your performance for writing.
Choose first , second will fill large space, because it is clustered and difficult to accompany, because it is composite. To choose first you will have small index and is easy to accompany

designing new table for daily uploads - use unique constraint

I am using SQL Server 2012 & am creating a table that will have 8 columns, types below
Once a day (normally) there will be an upload of approx 10,000 rows of data. Going forward its possible it could be 100,000.
The rows will be unique if I group on the first three columns listed above. I have read I can use the unique constraint on multiple columns which will guarantee the rows are unique.
I think I'm correct in saying that the unique constraint by default sets up non-clustered index. Would a clustered index be better & assuming when the table starts to contain millions of rows this won't cause any issues?
My last question. By applying the unique constraint on my table I am right to say querying the data will be quicker than if the unique constraint wasn't applied (because of the non-clustering or clustering) & uploading the data will be slower (which is fine) with the constraint on the table?
Unique index can be non-clustered.
Primary key is unique and can be clustered
Clustered index is not unique by default
Unique clustered index is unique :)
Mor information you can get from this guide.
So, we should separate uniqueness and index keys.
If you need to kepp data unique by some column - create uniqe contraint (unique index). You'll protect your data.
Also, you can create primary key (PK) on your columns - they will be unique also. But, there is a difference: all other indexies will use PK for referencing, so PK must be as short as possible. So, my advice - create Identity column (int or bigint) and create PK on it. And, create unique index on your unique columns.
Querying data may become faster, if you do queries on your unique columns, if you do query on other columns - you need to create other, specific indexies.
So, unique keys - for data consistency, indexies - for queries.
I think I'm correct in saying that the unique constraint by default
sets up non-clustered index
Would a clustered index be better & assuming when the table starts to
contain millions of rows this won't cause any issues?
(1)if u need to make (datetime ,varchar(12), varchar(6)) Unique
(2)if you application or you will access rows using datetime or datetime ,varchar(12) or datetime ,varchar(12), varchar(6) in where condition
ALL the time
then have primary key on (datetime ,varchar(12), varchar(6))
by default it will put Uniqness and clustered index on all above three column.
but as you commented above:
the queries will vary to be honest. I imagine most queries will make
use of the first datetime column
and you will deal with huge data and might join this table with other tables
then its better have a surrogate key( ever-increasing unique identifier ) in the table and to satisfy your Selects
have Non-Clustered INDEXES
Surrogate Key vs Business Key

Should the PK on an identity column (which is surrogate key) be non-clustered?

For a table with PK on an identity column, it will be clustered by default. Could it better be non-clustered? The PK is a surrogate key which may never be used for querying directly, it may be used to join another table.
The reason is other indexes will be created for queries. A query which uses a non-clustered index and returned columns are not covered by the index will use less LIO because there is no extra clustered index seek steps?
create table T (
Id int identity(1,1) primary key, -- clustered or non-clustered?
A ....
B ....
C ....
create index ix_A on T (A)
create index ix_..... -- Many indexes can be created for different queries
select A, B
from T
where A between #a and #a+5 -- This query will have less LIO if the PK is non-clustered (seek)
It's perfectly fine to set your surrogate PK to be non-clustered if there is a better candidate in the table for the clustered index.
Good candidates for a clustered index are columns that you will frequently do either range searches ([ColumnName] BETWEEN This AND That) on, or ORDER BY clauses on.

Primary keys without defaul index (sort) - SQL2005

How do I switch off the default index on primary keys
I dont want all my tables to be indexed (sorted) but they must have a primary key
You can define a primary key index as NONCLUSTERED to prevent the table rows from being ordered according to the primary key, but you cannot define a primary key without some associated index.
Tables are always unsorted - there is no "default" order for a table and the optimiser may or may not choose to use an index if one exists.
In SQL Server an index is effectively the only way to implement a key. You get a choice between clustered or nonclustered indexes - that is all.
The means by which SQL Server implements Primary and Unique keys is by placing an index on those columns. So you cannot have a Primary Key (or Unique constraint) without an index.
You can tell SQL Server to use a nonclustered index to implement these indexes. If there are only nonclustered indexes on a table (or no indexes at all), you have a heap. It's pretty rare that this is what you actually want.
Just because a table has a clustered index, this in no way indicates that the rows of the table will be returned in the "order" defined by such an index - the fact that the rows are usually returned in that order is an implementation quirk.
And the actual code would be:
Column1 char(1) not null,
Column2 char(1) not null,
Column3 char(1) not null,
constraint PK_T PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (Column2,Column3)
What does " I dont want all my tables to be sorted" mean ? If it means that you want the rows to appear in the order where they've been entered, there's only one way to garantee it: have a field that stores that order (or the time if you don't have a lot of transactions). And in that case, you will want to have a clustered index on that field for best performance.
You might end up with a non clustered PK (like the productId) AND a clustered unique index on your autonumber_or_timestamp field for max performance.
But that's really depending on the reality your're trying to model, and your question contains too little information about this. DB design is NOT abstract thinking.
