PostMessage and CALLWNDHOOK, missing registered messages? - c

Here's the situation. I've got a two different window hooks, one's a global hook of the WH_SHELL variety that watches for new top-level windows, the second's a thread hook of the WH_CALLWNDPROC which is set on some of the top-level windows discovered by the first hook. The two hooks are implemented in different DLLs.
As far as I can tell, both hooks are being installed properly. However, nothing I Post to the hooks windows with a message code > WM_USER a register message is ever handled by the custom WH_CALLWNDPROC hook, but "normal" windows messages are passing thought it just fine.
Code that hooks a discovered window:
... Getting handle, mod, and procHook ...
DWORD threadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(handle, NULL);
HHOOK hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, (HOOKPROC)procHook, mod, threadId);
if(!PostMessage(handle, CUSTOM_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL))
... fetch and print error message ...
The body of the hook itself:
... Report sends a message to an agreed upon window with the passed wParam & lParam
Report(20, nCode);
... This code is never reached ...
Report(50, ERROR_SUCCESS);
Report(200, ERROR_SUCCESS);
Report(400, ERROR_SUCCESS);
... More code handling more messages in the same basic form
The first Report call is what's confirmed that the hook is installed and working, as it posts back a bunch of messages in the low teens and twenties (ERASEBACKGROUND, PAINT, etc.).
CUSTOM_MESSAGE is defined as WM_USER + 314. The message used for Report(...) is WM_USER + 317.
I have since updated my code to use RegisterWindowMessage to obtain a UINT to send, it was incorrect of me to use WM_USER for inter-process communication.
So, basically, what is wrong with either my design or my usage of windows hooks and PostMessage? If I've omitted any details, let me know; there's alot of code involved and this is a pretty large question already, so I've tried to only include what I think is relevant.
As an aside, is there an agreed upon better way to debug hooks? I've been using the moral equivalent to cout << ... everything by posting messages to an agreed upon window and debugging its WndProc.
-Kevin Montrose

While #Michael is correct regarding the use of WM_USER messages (they should be used within an application only - registered messages are the better way to go here), at the same time I think the reason that you aren't receiving them is due to the nature of the CallWndProc hook and posted messages. I'm not positive, but I think that you want to hook the GetMessage hook for posted messages.
Another option is to hook the Debug hook, which receives all messages before all other hooks. You could have that watch for your custom message, and then from there determine which hook (if any) received your custom message.
EDIT: For debugging hooks, just attach to the process in question, and set a breakpoint in your hook procedure. That ends up being the easiest way I've found to debug them.

I think I figured it out. Simple case of not quite absorbing the documentation.
My CallWndProc hook behaved as if nCode, wParam, and lParam were what would be passed to the hooked threads WndProc. In fact, lParam contained a pointer to a CWPSTRUCT; read the data out of that structure and everything works fine.


GetMessageW is blocking the calling thread, receiving no messages

I've been struggling with this for a day now and I can't figure out what is wrong with my code. I'm coding in Rust but this is more of a Windows' api related problem.
// first, I'm installing a keyboard hook for the current thread
let hook = SetWindowsHookExW(
Some(low_level_keyboard_proc), // just forwards the call with CallNextHookEx
assert!(!hook.is_null(), "Failed to install the hook");
let mut message: MSG = mem::zeroed();
GetMessageW(&mut message, ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0);
// The GetMessageW function is known to block the calling thread until a new message is sent.
// The thing is: my `low_level_keyboard_proc` handle *does get* called, so I know events are being received.
// I don't understand why the GetMessageW function never returns even though events are being processed.
// Note that my handler does not get called when I remove the GetMessageW function.
println!("Unreachable code...");
I tried to use the PeekMessageW function instead but the problem is the same: the function always return FALSE (no events received) even though the handler is getting properly called.
If I remove the SetWindowsHookExW part, GetMessageW is still blocking the thread BUT if I remove the GetMessageW part and put an infinite loop it its place, the handler does not get called anymore.
... so here is the question: why does the GetMessageW function never return? And if this behaviour is normal, how am I supposed to use the message that I provide to GetMessageW.
I'm assuming I don't understand well the relationship between GetMessageW and SetWindowsHookExW.
EDIT: I understand that I can't catch the messages sent to the keyboard hook I created. Now, what would the "right" way to retrieve keyboard messages look like? Because it would be real handy to be able to get those messages directly from the message loop instead of having to send them back from the callback function to my main code using static structures.
I'm trying to create an event loop that can be used regardless of a context or the focus of a window. The idea is retrieving those messages directly from a message loop and dispatch them using a user-defined custom handler that can be used through safe rust code.
There are no window messages or thread messages being posted to the message queue of the thread that is installing the keyboard hook, so there are no messages for GetMessageW() to return TO YOU.
However, SetWindowsHookEx() uses its own messages internally when a low-level keyboard hook crosses thread/process boundaries. That is why you don't need to implement your hook in a DLL when hooking other applications. When a keyboard action occurs, a private message is sent TO THE SYSTEM targeting the thread that installed the hook.
That is why the installing thread needs a message loop. The simple act of performing message retrieval in your code is enough to get those internal messages dispatched properly, which is why your callback function is being called. You just won't see those private messages, which is why GetMessageW() blocks your code.
The same thing happens when you SendMessage() to a window across thread boundaries. The receiving thread needs a message loop in order for the message to be dispatched to the target window, even though the message doesn't go through the receiving thread's message queue. This is described in the SendMessage() documentation:
If the specified window was created by the calling thread, the window procedure is called immediately as a subroutine. If the specified window was created by a different thread, the system switches to that thread and calls the appropriate window procedure. Messages sent between threads are processed only when the receiving thread executes message retrieval code.
So, what happens with SetWindowsHookEx() is that it creates a hidden window for itself to receive its private messages, sent via SendMessage(), when keyboard activity is detected in a different thread/process and needs to be marshaled back to your installing thread. This is described in the LowLevelKeyboardProc documentation:
This hook is called in the context of the thread that installed it. The call is made by sending a message to the thread that installed the hook. Therefore, the thread that installed the hook must have a message loop.

Dbus structure and method calls in C

I am starting to create a dbus application in C to interface with bluez. I am new to dbus and I am a little confused as how to correctly structure my application with dbus.
The first question is related to the Service, Interface, and Object path in dbus. Bluez Adapter API has the org.bluez service, a org.bluez.Adapter1 interface, and a number of methods and properties. If I wanted to call the void StopDiscovery() method, would the following be the correct call?
DBusPendingCall * pending;
// create a new method call and check for errors
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
"/", // object to call on
"org.bluez.Adapter1", // interface to call on
"StopDiscovery"); // method name
// send message and get a handle for a reply
if (!dbus_connection_send_with_reply (m_dbus_conn, msg, &pending, -1))
If this is the case, when does the object path come into play?
The follow on to this is how to go about receiving information back from dbus. I've seen a few examples with a DBusPendingCall * however the function has dbus_pending_call_block() so the function blocks until the data is returned. If I wanted to do multiple calls and not block I would need to make a list of DBPendingCall pointers and check each one? Are there any callbacks?
I did create an example showing the non-blocking call based on the dbus watch and timeout mechanism, in response to the SO question dbus watch and timeout examples. Basically you run a unix select() loop and everything is dispatched around it.
And I did not touch the multiple outstanding pending-call part. I assume one way is to check each pending-call to see whether it is completed when the watched event is received. Checking pending complete is non-blocking. If you keep a small number of outstanding pending calls it should be ok, though that is not an efficient solution if the number becomes big.
It looks like according to the API document, a better solution is to use dbus_pending_call_set_notify() to register a callback to a pending call.
So it appears that both the object path and the interface are required when talking to bluez over dbus.
// create a new method call for the adapter
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
"/org/bluez/hci0", // object to call on
"org.bluez.Adapter1", // interface to call on
"StopDiscovery"); // method name
// create a new method call for a characteristic on
// a given service
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
The select on Unix sockets for pending looks like a solid, scaleable way to go, I will consider this architecture as the application grows

Low level keyboard hook delay

I am currently programming a library in C that needs to keep track of key presses and releases. To do this optimally, I'm using a low level keyboard hook that calls a callback function where these key events are processed.
The problem I'm experiencing is that the key presses seem to be delayed. The slower my program loop executes, the longer it takes for the key events to arrive. My callback function stores all pressed keys in an array from which I can poll them later on. If the program would delay for a second, I'd expect all key events to be in the array when I check it afterwards. This is not the case, it seems that only one event is stored in this case, the rest comes later.
My callback function looks as follows, with the irrelevant part summarized:
static LRESULT CALLBACK llKeyProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if(nCode == HC_ACTION) {
//The keys are processed and stored in an array to be polled by the user in the future
return CallNextHookEx(NULL, nCode, wParam, lParam);
The hook is attached to the process (_window->llKeyHook is of the type HHOOK):
_window->llKeyHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, llKeyProc, NULL, 0);
The key events are polled in my main loop. The framerate of this loop is currently limited by calling Sleep(ms) after each iteration. The amount of sleep time is determined by the execution speed of the main loop. When I fix this to a high value (like 300ms), only one key is caught every 300ms, even when I press many keys in between.
The slower my program loop executes, the longer it takes for the key events to arrive.
That issue is covered by the documentation, which states:
This hook is called in the context of the thread that installed it. The call is made by sending a message to the thread that installed the hook. Therefore, the thread that installed the hook must have a message loop.
The keyboard input can come from the local keyboard driver or from calls to the keybd_event function. If the input comes from a call to keybd_event, the input was "injected". However, the WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook is not injected into another process. Instead, the context switches back to the process that installed the hook and it is called in its original context. Then the context switches back to the application that generated the event.
The hook procedure should process a message in less time than the data entry specified in the LowLevelHooksTimeout value in the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
The value is in milliseconds. If the hook procedure times out, the system passes the message to the next hook. However, on Windows 7 and later, the hook is silently removed without being called. There is no way for the application to know whether the hook is removed.
Note Debug hooks cannot track this type of low level keyboard hooks. If the application must use low level hooks, it should run the hooks on a dedicated thread that passes the work off to a worker thread and then immediately returns.
So your main app will receive keyboard notifications only as fast as the thread that installs the hook can poll its message queue for new messages from the hook. If you slow down that polling, your notifications get delayed.
The documentation also states:
In most cases where the application needs to use low level hooks, it should monitor raw input instead. This is because raw input can asynchronously monitor mouse and keyboard messages that are targeted for other threads more effectively than low level hooks can. For more information on raw input, see Raw Input.
So you should consider using that instead.

How to understand "UI Thread" coverage from source code in WP

I wonder whether it is possible to understand which code pieces are executed on UI from source code just depending on static analysis in Windows Phone development.
I try to implement a static analysis finding places in which Dispatcher.(Begin)Invoke is used unnecessarily.
These are the places that UI thread definitely executes:
event handlers which gets "RoutedEventArgs" as a parameter
Constructors of UI elements
the definitions of method calls in above methods (means that transitively looking at call graphs of these event handler methods and UI constructors)
Is there any other place or is there something wrong about above list?
Every method called by using the Dispatcher or the right SynchronizationContext will execute on the UI thread. That makes exhaustive static analysis impossible. For instance, the callback of the WebClient class executes on the UI thread. How are you supposed to predict those corner cases?
A quick tip though, quite useful is you have a method that can be called both from a UI or a non-UI thread. By calling the method Dispatcher.CheckAccess() (this method isn't shown by the intellisense in Visual Studio, so it's hard to discover), you can know if you need to call the Dispatcher or not:
if (Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
// In the UI thread
// Not in the UI thread
From there, you can write a wrapper:
public void CallDispatcherIfNeeded(Action method) // You might want a shorter name
if (Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
// In the UI thread
// Not in the UI thread
And then you just have to call it, without worrying whether you're on the UI thread or not:
That said, if your code is correctly written, it's quite rare to need this kind of trick.
I would look at when Dispatcher.BeginInvoke is actually needed, not the other way around.
It is almost never needed, excepted when handing an async completed event which may start out on a background thread, and thus if you want to do something with the UI, you need to marshal it over to the UI thread.
In other words, unless you need to do something with the UI from a background thread, you don't need it.

WM_SIZE doesnt work as expected

I have a problem with WM_SIZE. I want to capture it using PeekMessage (not WndProc). PeekMessage never receives WM_SIZE, so I post extra user message to window to capture it with PeekMessage like this (code from WnProc) :
case WM_SIZE:
PostMessageW(hwnd, WM_USER + 1, wParam, lParam);
The problem is I receive WM_USER + 1 using PeekMessage only when window is maximized or restored. No message when window is resized by its thick frame (I receive WM_SIZE in WndProc though).
PeekMessage() can only see messages that were posted to the message queue. That excludes WM_SIZE, it is sent, not posted. Or in other words, it is delivered by SendMessage(), it calls the window procedure directly and bypasses the message queue. So yes, your code starts working because you now repost the message with PostMessage, it is put on the message queue so PeekMessage can see it.
Something different happens when the user resizes the window. That's reported by another message: WM_SIZING. It is generated, at a pretty high rate, when Windows starts a modal message loop to implement the resizing operation. It gives due notice of this, you'll get the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE when the modal loop starts (user clicks a window corner), WM_EXITSIZEMOVE when it is complete (user releases the button). You'll get a bunch of WM_SIZING messages, sent to your window procedure. Not posted. And one WM_SIZE to give the final size. One way to not see these reflected versions of these messages is when you call PeekMessage() in your own message loop. It won't be called when the Windows modal resize loop is active.
Hard to give better advice, it is really unclear why you are doing this. The "doctor, it hurts, don't do it then" medical answer is highly likely to be relevant. I suspect you might want to reflect the WM_SIZING message as well. The largest issue is that by the time you retrieve these messages from the queue, the window size has already changed and the notification is just plain stale. Which is why the message is sent and not posted.
I believe this is applicable:
PeekMessage not getting the message?
You need to pass your class pointer to the last parameter of your call
to CreateWindowEx, then retrieve that pointer from the LPCREATESTRUCT
passed to you in the LPARAM of WM_CREATE, your class pointer will be
in the lpCreateParmas feild of the struct. Set your class pointer to
the GWLP_USERDATA of your window, and on any other message calls ,
call GetWindowsLong , retrieve your class pointer, then pass the
message, wparam, and lparam all off to your internal class message
