What BASE database development applications are available? [closed] - database

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Closed 9 years ago.
What applications/IDEs are out there to develop BASE database systems from?
BASE systems (Basically Available,
Soft state, Eventually consistent) are
an alternative to RDBMS, that work
well with simple data models holding
vast volumes of data. Google's
BigTable, Dojo's Persevere, Amazon's
Dynamo, Facebook's Cassandra are some

It seems like you are looking into the recently popular NoSQL moniker for "databases". Which also includes MongoDB, Voldemort (must not be named), Hbase, Tokyo Cabinet, and CouchDB. There are a lot of them. I am not sure what your question is?
Each one has its own advantages, implementation difficulty, and performance differences. Although they are all designed to scale. There are some good articles on highscalability.com, http://highscalability.com/blog/tag/nosql
Then there are the systems that are designed to enhance and scale searching from traditional databases (i.e. MySQL). For example, Solr based on Lucene. That's more geared towards full text searching. That falls in the "eventually consistency" since it synchronise with the database periodically.


Database Algorithmic Scaling [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've recently been tasked with doing some "big data" stuff with an existing Oracle database. The relevant table has 300 million entries, and is ridiculously slow. Are there any good books out there that explain how various options in the DB construction effect the algorithmic scaling (O(n), etc) of various queries? And how different query operations themselves effect scalings?
I'd prefer to get an understanding of how the underlying algorithms work rather than just ad hoc suggestions.
Jonathan Lewis' book on Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals may be what you're looking for.
For particular techniques regarding querying large data sets the Oracle Data Warehousing documentation would be a good start.

Cloud based NoSQL database service for sensor data [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
We are new to NoSQL and now are starting on a project that aims to record sensor data from many different sensors, each recording a timestamp - value pair, into a cloud based database. The amount of sensors should scale, so the solution should be able handle the sizes of hundreds of millions or possibly even billion(s) writes a year.
Each sensor has its own table with key(timestamp) - value and sensor metadata is in its own table.
The system should support search functions such as the most recent values (fast data retrieval) of certain sensor types and values from time frame of sensors in certain areas (from metadata).
So the question is which cloud database service would be most suited to our needs?
Thanks in advance.
Couchbase is a great option for this type of use case.
Try Apache Cassandra. DataStax provide easy to install packages that includes some useful extras.
I wholeheartedly agree with #Ben that this isn't an answerable question; nevertheless, I would at least consider the reasons for choosing a simple k/v type store over a typical RBDMS. It sounds like this data will likely be aggregated and counted; an RBDMS will typically answer those questions very quickly with correct indexing. 1B writes/yr (or even 30B/yr) is really not that high.

Which database should I use for a medium SaaS CRM? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Which database should I use for a medium SaaS CRM? nosql or relational database?
Sql Server
Any suggestions?
Wow, not giving us much to go on there. There are many good DBMS systems out there from the relational to document based to object based. One of the reasons there are so many is they each have advantages and disadvantages in different application scenarios. With so little to go on I'd say use the one you're familiar with unless there's a driving reason to use another.
MYSQL would be a great idea as it is open source and is gaining acceptance in enterprise also.

Do you know some good resources for learning NoSQL databases? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I consider to use some NoSQL database in one of my project. Do you know some good starting points for a newbie in this topic?
Pick your particular "NoSQL" database first -- or at least type of "NoSQL" -- I'm going with the assumption that there is a reason why you want "NoSQL". Do you need object graph traversal? Explicit distributed clustering? Fast write/append? Dumb key/value associations? The selection should be based off more than a "I want something NoSQL" as different approaches can offer significant advantages (along with significant drawbacks) :-)
And, as often, google/wikipedia are a good place to start:
http://nosql-database.org/ has a long list of alternative databases, grouped in categories by type of technology. It has links to each product's website, lists of books, and forums, news, etc. about NoSQL.
Also see http://nosqlsummer.org/city/krakow. This is the Kraków chapter of a reading club for studying NoSQL concepts. I see from your profile that you live in Kraków.

Simplest database implementation [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking for a really simple database implementation; basically one with no complex parsing SQL engine. What I am looking for is something demonstrating B+ trees and ACID storage (Suitable for educational purposes). What I have found up-till now form my current searches was hamster-db. I am looking for something even simpler with a smaller code-base. If there is any such opensource project in your knowledge please let me know.
The University of Wisconsin Databases group uses their own small relational database, minirel, to teach the undergraduate databases class. I just took it, actually; it's enlightening. My semester's assignments are posted publicly. I'm sure the faculty would be willing to part with the source code used at each step.
In the undergraduate class, we do not implement B+ trees or ACID components, but it appears that the larger project does include them.
You can try to look at OrientDB. Don't know if it's simpler than hamster-db, but it's open source, uses a mix of Red-Black Tree and B+Tree algorithms and supports ACID.
