Sql Server User vs Role - sql-server

In Sql Server 2005, what is the difference between a database user account that is mapped to an active directory group vs. a database role that is contains the same active directory group as a member?

In SQLServer, Server logins are mapped to AD users / groups at the server level.
Logins are then mapped to DB users.
Adding db users to roles allows you to set permissions against all the users in the role with a single statement.
For example, if you added all the users that work in customer services to a new role called CustServ, you could write one grant execute script that grants the role (and hence all it's members) execute permission.

A role is a privelege group, whereas a User is a person or Active Directory group. For example, an AD group "IT_Developers" may have Writer access to a database, but the AD group "Domain Administrators" aren't neccessarily admins on the database. There are also different kind of admins, which Active Directory doesn't know about.


Visual Basic App Connect to SQL Server as Computer User

I have made a Simple CRUD application made in VB with the data stored in SQL Server on my local machine.
Within the Database security I have made Database Roles and assigned permissions accordingly, and added my (Domain) Computer user account into the Role.
My connection string is;
Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Assets;Integrated Security=SSPI
Now when I run my application it assumes the dbo role instead of the user who is running the application. As this is intended to run on a central machine and have multiple users connecting to it, with different permissions, what changes do I need to make so that I connect using my domain user account?
When I run commands in SSMS with the EXECUTE AS USER command the permissions apply.
If you want users to connect via their Windows login, your connection string is fine. However, you need to recongifure your security model. Ideally, you'll want to create one Active Directory group per application role. Then, you'd add users' Windows accounts to the appropriate AD group. Now, on SQL Server, you'd add the AD groups to the appropriate database roles.
For example, you create a database role "db_read_only". You'd create an AD group "MyApp.ReadOnly", using your company's AD group naming convention of course. You'd then add MyApp.ReadOnly to your database's db_read_only DB role. Then, John Doe wants read-only access to your app, so he'd request to be added to AD group MyApp.ReadOnly.
Your app roles define how many AD groups and DB roles you'd need. You might have MyApp.Admin, MyApp.DataEntry, MyApp.Approver... whatever.

How to create different resource groups in azure SQL Database level which is associated with azure active directory

My requirement I have 20 users all are configured in azure active directory resource group.
I have one Azure SQL Server under I have 3 Azure SQL Databases like Dev, QA and UAT
In Active Directory configured 20 users I need different access in each database level, some people need only read access and some people need both write and read, etc.
Please help me to do this.
Is it possible to create users group in each database level with different roles for azure active directory users?
users can login SSMS with azure active directory credentials but each user having different access in each database
you can create groups in AAD and provide the groups/users access on the database individually.
Execute the below queries in individual databases:
exec sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', '<>' or
exec sp_addrolemember 'dbowner', '<>' etc based on the roles which you want to assign.
Note :
Since the user is not created at server level and directly at databases level, while trying to connect via SSMS ,
Put the database name explicitly.
Per my experience, you need manually configure the AAD users with different permissions or database role in each database.
In addition, you need connect to the Azure SQL with Azure AD admin account, only the admin account can do the operations for each database.
For example, one of the AAD user 'aa#abc.com' only needs have the read permission in database Dev but needs read/writer permission in database QA and UAT. User 'bb#abc.com' needs read/writer permission in database 'Dev' and read permission in 'QA' and 'UAT'. In each database, different users are derived to two roles. Then we can not configure group level permission for these AAD users in each database.
After doing that, all the users in your AAD group will have the different permissions in different database. When connect to the database with SSMS, current user can see all the databases which he has the permission to access. You also can choose the specific database in SSMS connection properties like #Nandan said.

SQL Server admin: 1 user belong to 2 user group permission conflict

I have a question regarding 1 user belongs to 2 different user group in SQL Server and I am trying to manage object permission in the server.
In our database, there is one view with sensitive permission that only certain people can see it, and most of our user are manage in the group.
such as: Sales Group, Manager Group
Ideally, we want only grant permission to Manager Group and deny permission to all the other user,
Let's say manager John is in Manager group, but he is also in Sales Group since he is the manager in Sales department.
My understanding is, if 1 user in 2 different user group, if you deny permission to any of the group, even the user have granted permission in another, he can still not see the object.
How can I overcome this situation?
Replying my own question, we found the solution,
under database security, we can create database role, in database role we can assign single table permission to different role, then we assign database role to user group. in this case, ex.
there are 3 table in the database,
table A is the one with credential information. only manager can see
Table B and C is just the regular table.
create database role 'Normal Access' and grant permission to table B and C.
Then create another database role 'credential Access' and grant permission to table A.
in your Server level security. all the user group should only belong to 'Public', in Server roles level.
and in Use mapping, select the database and only choose the database role you assign.
in my case, Assign database role, 'Normal Access' and 'Credential Access' to Manager group. so he will have all the access to ABC table
Sales Group should only have 'Normal Access' so it cannot access A table.

How to map MULTIPLE ActiveDirectory Groups to SQL Logins?

A Windows user is member in multiple AD groups.
Every AD group is mapped to a SQL Server login.
Every SQL login is mapped to a database user.
Every database user has specific roles.
Is it possible that a Windows user is logging into SQL Server (using WinAuth) and that he gets all roles which he could get due to his membership in multiple AD groups?
Yes. A user's permissions on an object is the union of all permissions paths s/he qualifies for (including any DENY permissions). A quick way to verify is by using the sys.user_token and sys.login_token views as well as the sys.fn_my_permissions function. From an administrative perspective, these work especially well because they are accurate under impersonation (i.e. execute as login = 'yourDomain\someUser').

How to create a read-only server role on SQL Server 2012?

I am granting the "View any database" permission when creating a new server role, but realized this permission only allows the user to view the system databases.
I am trying to create a server role that is read-only and can read any database.
Is there a way to create a user-defined server role to read user databases? Or do I have to do this through user mapping per user?
So, no is the answer, you can't assign database level permissions to server level roles, you can't even add a server role to a database role, which I find really frustrating as I've tried to do the same thing as you.
The way I ended up doing this was not by using a server role at all, I did the following:
Created an AD group for each server that I wanted read only access for
Created a login on the server for the group
Assigned the login to the db_datareader role on the model database
Assigned the login to the db_datareader role on all the pre-existing databases
Added my windows users into the AD group
This way, you can simply assign (or train your servicedesk folks to assign) users who need read only access to all databases on a server to the AD group, plus, as the role is set in the model database, they will have access to all newly created databases on the server too.
