SQL Server vs. Access insert performance, in particular when using GUID - sql-server

I'm interested to know how I could improve the performance of SQL Server when using sequential GUID when using Access 2007 as a front end to SQL Server 2008 (please note it's the only context I'm interested in).
I have made some tests (and gotten some fairly surprising results, in particular from SQL Server when using sequential GUID: the insert performance degrades very very quickly and it doesn't seem right to degrade so quickly to me.
Basically the test is as follow:
From the Access front-end, using VBA only, insert 100,000 records in batches of 1000,
I tried it both with a Identity and a sequential GUID as the PK.
I tried it in SQL Server 2008 Standard (no special tweaking just default install) as and an Access 2007 database as the back-end. All tables linked back to the front-end.
Some of the results (more, with raw data available on my blog entry about the test):
It's clear that, as the database grows, the insert performance is reduced but SQL Server isn't performing very well at all here.
Expanded view of the results for SQL Server:
Edit 13APR2009
I've found an issue with my server configuration and I updated the tests on my blog.
Thanks to all for your replies, they helped me a lot.

There's two things at play here. First, it's important to point out that SQL doesn't necessarily work very well, for a specific use case, out of the box. It is a professional product designed to be tuned by a person who knows what they're doing.
By comparison, Access is designed to work very well for most use cases without any configuration. The downside of this trade-off is covered in the second point:
SQL Server is designed for scalability. Notice how Access severely degrades with only 100,000 records. It would probably drop very steeply below SQL's line before a million. By comparison, SQL server holds almost perfectly steady, with the variation stabilizing after about 45,000 records and will continue to hold at many millions.
Edit I think there also may be something else at play here we're not seeing. I thought your SQL numbers looked bad, so I ran a test of my own. On my desktop running Windows Vista 3.6 ghz and 2gb of RAM, inserts with sequential GUID on SQL Server performed:
Average of 1382 inserts per second at 0 records
Average of 1426 inserts per second at 500k records
Averaging 1609.6 inserts per second from 0 to 500k with an average floor of 992 inserts/sec and an average ceiling of 1989 inserts/sec.
So accounting for the normal variance incurred by running this on an in-use desktop, I'd say SQL Server inserts basically scale linearly from 0 records to half a million. On a dedicated, tuned server I'd expect even more consistency (not to mention far better performance):
Excel chart, inserts per second http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/9485/insertspersecond.jpg

My question is whether your test setup represents the reality of your application or not. In short, are you testing the right thing?
Is your app going to be appending large numbers of records one at a time?
Or is it going to be appending batches of records based on a SQL SELECT?
If the latter, you might look at trying to do it all server-side, particularly if the source table(s) in the SELECT are on the server. It's important to realize that with ODBC, a batch append is going to be sent to the SQL Server as a single insert for every single row (every similar to the recordset-based approach in your test code). If you move the same process entirely server-side, it can be done as a batch operation.
Also, you should test again using ADO instead of DAO. It may optimize the operation completely differently.
Last of all, someone brought to my attention just this past week this fascinating article by Andy Baron:
Optimizing Microsoft Office Access Applications Linked to SQL Server
I'm still absorbing the contents of that very useful article, and it discusses several issues in regard to non-GUID-specific topics that may help you optimize your process for maximum efficiency.

You realize at least part of the decreasing performance is the log filling up, and that a GUID id what, 40 bytes longer than an int?
But I'm not quibbling; it's good to see someone taking actual metrics rather than just handwaving. Modded up.

Where are you getting the data from?
Does it change the numbers if you use the Access Export menu options rather than record-at-a-time-in-a-loop?
VBA is really sensitive to the connection paramters too, and there are lots of options that aren't necessarily intuitive.
If an identity column is acceptable, why are you even considering a sequential GUID (which is something of a tacked-on facility in MSSQL last I checked).
Looking at your code and briefly reviewing the Recordset docs on MSDN, I see you may be able to use more efficient parameters. E.g. your dbSeeChanges and dbOpenDynaset, which are appropriate if you are trying to allow for other users messing with the same rows (or needing to get back the inserted IDENTITY value or probably GUID), but I don't think you need those. In essence, after every INSERT or UPDATE, you're reading the record back from the database into VBA. I'd read through those connection config settings carefully, and I bet you'll come up with something a lot more satisfactory.

The last time I saw something like that (really slow insertion with GUID PK) was because of the log-file filling up. Insertion performance was dropping like a stone, pretty fast (no hard measurement, just looking at live traces, but it sure looked like it was kinda logarithmic). This was pre-loading of historical data.
Moved over to identity PK, took care of actually cleaning up the log file, and everything went much better afterwards (a couple of hours where the first version took several hours and was not finished).
Also, just a thought, are there any transactions involved? Maybe SQL Server transactions create a big performance hit that access does not have (given that access is not really geared towards concurrent access).


Effect of stored procedures on network traffic in Access/SQL setup

I am currently administering/developing an Access 2010 frontend/SQL backend database. We are trying to improve frontend performance, and one solution that has been suggested is pushing a lot of the VBA that is running the front end down into stored procedures on the server. I'm fairly proficient in VBA, but very new to SQL and network architecture. Everything I've turned up on google has been information about splitting the database, which is already done, rather than information about network loads resulting from running stored procedures vs running VBA.
What is the difference in network traffic between the current setup and pushing this action down to a stored procedure?
As a specific example, if I'm populating a form in the current setup, there are a few queries run to provide data to different elements on the form. With the current architecture, does Access retrieve the queried tables from the backend, query them client-side and then populate the data? How would that be different in terms of network traffic from, say, executing a SP when the form loads, and only transferring the data necessary for displaying the form?
The end goal is to reduce the chattiness between Access and SQL, and I'm mostly trying to figure out exactly what is happening where.
As a general rule, if you launch a form open with a where clause to restrict the form to one record, then using a bound form, or adopting a stored procedure will NOT result in any difference or reduction in network traffic.
Any local access query based on a table simply will request the one record. There is no “local” concept of processing in this regards EVEN with a linked table. Note the word “table” or singular here.
Access does not and will not pull down a whole table unless you have such forms and quires without any “where” clause to restrict the data pulled.
In other words if you have a poorly designed form, dump and change that design to something in which you now ONLY pull down the one record, then of course the setup will result in reduced network traffic.
However the above reduction is NOT DUE to adopting the stored procedure but ONLY that of adopting a design in which you restrict the records requested into the form.
So doing something poorly and then improving that process is NOT a justification to adopt stored procedures.
Thus in the case of pulling records into a form the using a stored procedure will NOT improve performance. Worse is binding a form to a stored procedure results in a form that is READY ONLY anyway!
So stored procedures don’t necessary increase performance or reduce network traffic when talking about loading a record into a form in terms of response time or performance.
If you have to do large amounts of recordset processing then of course adopting a stored procedure can save network performance. So in place of some VBA code to process 100,000 payroll reocrds, then yes moving such code server side will help. However processing a 100,000 payroll records is NOT common task and is NOT a user interface issue in most cases anyway. In other words, you don’t have a slow loading form or slow response time to load such forms. In other words, such types of processing are NOT done interactive by users waiting for a form to load.
SQL server is indeed a high performance system, and also a system that can scale to many users.
If you write your application in c++, or VB or in your case with ms-access, in GENERAL the performance of all of these tools will BE THE SAME.
In other words...sql server is rather nice, and is a standard system used in the IT industry.
However, sql server will NOT solve your performance issues without efforts on your part. And, it turns out that MOST of those same efforts also make your non sql server Access applications run better.
In fact, we see many posts that mention moving the back end data
to sql server actually slowed things down. (and in fact on a single machine, Access JET (now called ACE) is actually FASTER THEN SQL server (so when single user on same machine – Access is faster than SQL server on the same machine in most cases).
A few things:
Having a table with 75k records is quite small. Let’s assume you have 12 users. With a just a 100% file base system (jet), and no sql server, then the performance of that system should really have screamed.
I have some applications out there with 50, or 60 HIGHLY related tables. With 5 to 10 users on a network, response time is instant. I don't think any form load takes more than one second. Many of those 60+ tables are highly relational and in the 50 to 75k records range.
So, with my 5 users I see no reason why I can’t scale to 15 users with such small tables in the 75,000 record range. And this is without SQL server.
If the application did not perform with such small tables of only 75k records then upsizing to sql server will do absolute nothing to fix performance issues. In fact, in the sql server newsgroups you see weekly posts by people who find that upgrading to sql actually slowed things down.
I even seem some very cool numbers showing that some queries where actually MORE EFFICIENT in terms of network use by JET then sql server.
My point here is that technology will NOT solve performance problems. However, good designs that make careful use of limited bandwidth resources is the key here. So, if the application was not written with good performance in mind then you kind are stuck with a poor design!
I mean, when using a JET file share, you grab a invoice from the 75k record table only the one record is transferred down the network with a file share (and, sql server will also only transfer one record). So, at this point, you
really will NOT notice any performance difference by upgrading to SQL Server. There is no magic here. And adopting a SQL stored procedure will be even a GREATER waste of time!
And adopting a stored procedure in place of above will NOT gain you performance either!
Sql server is a robust and more scalable product then is JET. And, security, backup and host of other reasons make sql server a good choice. However, sql server will NOT solve a performance problem with dealing with such small tables as 75k records
Of course, when efforts are made to utilize sql server, then significant advances in performance can be realized.
I will give a few tips...these apply when using ms-access as a file share (without a server), or even odbc to sql server:
** Ask the user what they need before you load a form!
The above is so simple, but so often I see the above concept ignored. For example, when you walk up to an instant teller machine, does it download every account number and THEN ASK YOU what you want to do?
In access, it is downright silly to open up form attached to a table WITHOUT FIRST asking the user what they want! So, if it is a customer invoice, get the invoice number, and then load up the form with the ONE record. How can one record be slow? When done editing the record and the form is closed, and you are back to the prompt ready to do battle with the next customer.
You can read up on how this "flow" of a good user interface works here (and this applies to both JET, and sql server applications):
My only point here is restrict the form to only the ONE record the user needs. You don't need nor gain by using a stored procedure to accomplish this task. I am always dismayed how often a developer builds a nice form, attaches it to a large table, and then opens it and the throws this form attached to some huge table and then tells the users to go have at this and have fun. Don't we have any kind of concern for those poor users? Often, the user will not even know how to search for something!
So prompt, and asking the user also makes a HUGE leap forward in usability. And, the big bonus is reduced network traffic too! Gosh better and faster, and less network traffic! What more do we want!
** USE CAUTION with quires that require more than one linked table
JET has a real difficult time joining odbc tables together. Often the Access data engine (jet/Ace) does a good job, but often such joins are slow. However most forms for editing data are NOT based on a multi-table query. (so again, a stored procedure will not speed up form load for editing of data).
The simple solution for such multiple joins (for both forms and reports) is build the sql server side as a view, and then link to that view.
This view approach is MUCH less work then a stored procedure and results in the joins occurring server side. And results view are updatable as opposed to READ ONLY when you adopt stored procedures. And performance of such views will again equal that of stored procedure in THIS context.
So once gain, adopting stored procedures DOES NOT help and is more expensive from a developer cost then simply using a view. Really this just amounts to people suggesting that you rack up bills and use developer time to create something that yields nothing over that of a view except more billable hours.
I don't think it needs pointing out that if the query in question already runs well, then the above can be ignored, but just keep in mind that local queries with more than one table based on links to sql server can often run slow. So, just be aware of the above.
This view trick also applies well to combo boxes.
So one can continue to use bound forms to a linked table but one simply needs to restrict the form to the ONE RECORD you need.
You can safely open up to a single invoice form etc. but simply ENSURE you open such forms (openForm) by restricting records via the "where" clause. No view, or stored procedure is required here.
Bound forms are way less work then un-bound forms and performance is generally just as good anyway when done right.
Avoid large loading of combo boxes. A combo box is good for about 100 entries. After that you are torturing the user (what they got to look through 100s of entries). So, keep things like combo boxes down to a min size. This is both faster and MORE importantly it is kinder to your users.
After all, at the end of the day what we really want is to treat users well. It seems that treating the users well, and reducing the bandwidth (amount of data) goes hand in hand.
So, better applications treat the users well and run faster! (this is good news!)
So, #1 tip is to reduce the data that you transfer into a form.
Using stored procedures is not required in the vast majority of cases and will not reduce bandwidth requirements anymore then adopting where clauses and views.

What can cause bad SQL server performance?

Every time I find out that the performance of data retrieval from my database is slow. I try to figure out which part of my SQL query has the problem and I try to optimize it and also add some indexes to the table. But this does not always solve the problem.
My question is :
Are there any other tricks to make SQL server performance better?
What are the other reason which can make SQL server performance worse?
Inefficient query design
Auto-growing files
Too many indexes to be maintained on a table
Too few indexes on a table
Not properly choosing your clustered index
Index fragmentation due to poor maintenance
Heap fragmentation due to no clustered index
Too high FILLFACTORs used on indexes, causing excessive page splitting
Too low of a FILLFACTOR used on indexes, causing excessive space usage and increased scanning time
Not using covered indexes where appropriate
Non-selective indexes being used
Improper maintenance of statistics (out of date statistics)
Databases not normalized properly
Transaction logs and data sharing the same drive spindles
The wrong memory configuration
Too little memory
Too little CPU
Slow hard drives
Failing hard drives or other hardware
A 3D screensaver on your database server chewing up your CPU
Sharing the database server with other processes which compete for CPU and memory
Lock contention between queries
Queries which scan entire large tables
Front end code which searches data in an inefficent manner (nested loops, row by row)
CURSORS which are not necessary and/or are not FAST_FORWARD
Not setting NOCOUNT when you have large tables being cursored through.
Using a transaction isolation level which is too high (such as using SERIALIZABLE when it's not necessary)
Too many round trips between the client and the SQL Server (a chatty interface)
An unnecessary linked server query
A linked server query which targets a table on a remote server with no primary or candidate key defined
Selecting too much data
Excessive query recompilations
oh and there might be some others, too.
When I talk to new developers that have this problem I usually find that it is because of one of two problems. Both of them are fixed if you follow these 2 rules.
First, don’t retrieve any data that you don’t need. For example, if you are doing paging then don’t bring back 100 rows and then calculate which ones belong on the page. Have the stored proc figure it out and only retrieve the 10 you need.
Second, nothing is faster than work you don’t do. For example, I worked on a system where the full roles and rights for a user were retrieved with every page requested – this was 100’s of rows for some users. Even just saving this to session state on the first request and then using it from there for subsequent requests took a meaningful weight off of the database.
Suggest you get a good book on Performance tuning for the database you use (this is very much database specific). This is an extremely complex subject and cannot really be answered other than in generalities on the web.
For instance, Dave markle tell you inefficient queries can cause the problem and there are many many ways to write inefficient queries and many more ways to fix them.
If you're new to the database and you have access to the database engine tuning advisor, you can heuristically tune your database.
You basically capture the SQL queries being run against your DB in the SQL Profiler, then feed those to DETA. DETA effectively runs the queries (without altering your data) and then works out what information your database is missing (views, indexes, partitions, statistics etc.) to do the queries better.
It can then apply them for you and monitor them in the future. I'm not saying to assume that DETA is always right or to do things without understanding, but I've found that it's definately a good way to see what your queries are doing, how long they take, and how you can index the DB appropriately.
PS: With all that said, it's much better to invest in a good DBA at the start of a project so that you have good structures and indexing to start with. But thats not the position that you're in right now...
This is a very wide question. And there is a ton of answers already. Still I would like to add one important factor - Page Split. The problem is – there are good splits and bad splits. Following are good articles explaining how to use transaction_log extended event for identifying bad/nasty page splits
Tracking Problematic Pages Splits in SQL Server 2012 Extended Events - Jonathan Kehayias
Tracking page splits using the transaction log - Paul Randal
You mentioned:
I try to optimize it and also add some indexes
But, sometimes removing unused non-clustered indexes may help to improve performance as it help to reduce transaction logs. Read Top Reasons for Log Performance Problems
Wait statistics, or please tell me where it hurts gives an idea about using wait statistics for performance analysis.
To see some fresh ideas for performance, take a look at
Performance Considerations - sqlmag.com
Separate tables in joins to different disks (for parallel disk I/O - filegroups).
Avoid joins on columns with few unique values.
To understand JOIN, read Advanced JOIN Techniques

SpeedUp Database Updates

There is a SqlServer2000 Database we have to update during weekend.
It's size is almost 10G.
The updates range from Schema changes, primary keys updates to some Million Records updated, corrected or Inserted.
The weekend is hardly enough for the job.
We set up a dedicated server for the job,
turned the Database SINGLE_USER
made any optimizations we could think of: drop/recreate indexes, relations etc.
Can you propose anything to speedup the process?
SQL SERVER 2000 is not negatiable (not my decision). Updates are run through custom made program and not BULK INSERT.
Schema updates are done by Query analyzer TSQL scripts (one script per Version update)
Data updates are done by C# .net 3.5 app.
Data come from a bunch of Text files (with many problems) and written to local DB.
The computer is not connected to any Network.
Although dropping excess indexes may help, you need to make sure that you keep those indexes that will enable your upgrade script to easily find those rows that it needs to update.
Otherwise, make sure you have plenty of memory in the server (although SQL Server 2000 Standard is limited to 2 GB), and if need be pre-grow your MDF and LDF files to cope with any growth.
If possible, your custom program should be processing updates as sets instead of row by row.
Ideally, try and identify which operation is causing the poor performance. If it's the schema changes, it could be because you're making a column larger and causing a lot of page splits to occur. However, page splits can also happen when inserting and updating for the same reason - the row won't fit on the page anymore.
If your C# application is the bottleneck, could you run the changes first into a staging table (before your maintenance window), and then perform a single update onto the actual tables? A single update of 1 million rows will be more efficient than an application making 1 million update calls. Admittedly, if you need to do this this weekend, you might not have a lot of time to set this up.
What exactly does this "custom made program" look like? i.e. how is it talking to the data? Minimising the amount of network IO (from a db server to an app) would be a good start... typically this might mean doing a lot of work in TSQL, but even just running the app on the db server might help a bit...
If the app is re-writing large chunks of data, it might still be able to use bulk insert to submit the new table data. Either via command-line (bcp etc), or through code (SqlBulkCopy in .NET). This will typically be quicker than individual inserts etc.
But it really depends on this "custom made program".

Find out sql server hardware or speed test

I use an sql server regularly and have recently been getting frustrated by the performance. It would be difficult for me to get direct access to find out the hardware so:
Is there a direct way in management studio to assess performance or find out the exact hardware.
Alternatively does someone have a set of test sql procedures I could try and ideally compare to other results to get an idea of it's performance.
So far I have setup a few quick queries on my local machines sql express server just as test these seem to run quicker than the sql server on the network which is meant to be high performance although no one knows when it was last upgraded I have a feeling it hasn't been for 6 or 7 years. Obviously these test don't account for the possibility of others querying at the same time or network transfers of results... Hopefully someone has a better solution.
You can't just ask your server guys? Seems like there's a fair bit of mistrust if you can't get hardware metrics. Count of CPUs, total memory, etc.
If there's that amount of mistrust, even if you found the answer from the database server, rectifying it would be impossible. If you can't get the current parameters, how could you get a change of hardware passed the server guys?
Start building rapport. The best line in the world to get someone on your side is, "I'm in trouble and I need your help..." You've elevated them and subjugated yourself, you've put them in a position to save you. You'd be amazed at how much you can get out of people that way.
As far as standard queries. You could look at TPC queries.
IF you are on 2005:
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
That will give you some sql only stats. You will not find much info about the machine without at least terminal access. In the sql startup log you can see some info on processors as well.
You also might try updating your references in your server. I had an issue a while back that 1 query returned in 100ms and an identical query in 5+ minutes and the only difference between the 2 was a Capital letter in the table name in my query (whih obviously shouldn't matter).
After some searching and SO-Questioning, I found that I needed to update my statistics. Could it be something like this is needed for your database / SQL Server too?
This sort of thing can be very political, especially in a firm with an endemic CYA culture (which describes most financial services companies). If there's no reasonable
expectation of a good working relationship with the production staff, A few approaches are:
Look at the query plans of the
queries. Check that they are
sensible (using indexes when they
should etc.)
Make it formal. Ask their manager
to get the specifications of the
machine, the disk layout and server
configuration and the last time
statistics were updated on all
tables and indexes. Make it clear
that the machine appears to be
If the statistics are out of date,
get them updated.
and one more
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

SQL Server Maintenance Suggestions?

I run an online photography community and it seems that the site draws to a crawl on database access, sometimes hitting timeouts.
I consider myself to be fairly compentent writing SQL queries and designing tables, but am by no means a DBA... hence the problem.
Some background:
My site and SQL server are running on a remote host. I update the ASP.NET code from Visual Studio and the SQL via SQL Server Mgmt. Studio Express. I do not have physical access to the server.
All my stored procs (I think I got them all) are wrapped in transactions.
The main table is only 9400 records at this time. I add 12 new records to this table nightly.
There is a view on this main table that brings together data from several other tables into a single view.
secondary tables are smaller records, but more of them. 70,000 in one, 115,000 in another. These are comments and ratings records for the items in #3.
Indexes are on the most needed fields. And I set them to Auto Recompute Statistics on the big tables.
When the site grinds to a halt, if I run code to clear the transaction log, update statistics, rebuild the main view, as well as rebuild the stored procedure to get the comments, the speed returns. I have to do this manually however.
Sadly, my users get frustrated at these issues and their participation dwindles.
So my question is... in a remote environment, what is the best way to setup and schedule a maintenance plan to keep my SQL db running at its peak???
My gut says you are doing something wrong. It sounds a bit like those stories you hear where some system cannot stay up unless you reboot the server nightly :-)
Something is wrong with your queries, the number of rows you have is almost always irrelevant to performance and your database is very small anyway. I'm not too familiar with SQL server, but I imagine it has some pretty sweet query analysis tools. I also imagine it has a way of logging slow queries.
I really sounds like you have a missing index. Sure you might think you've added the right indexes, but until you verify the are being used, it doesn't matter. Maybe you think you have the right ones, but your queries suggest otherwise.
First, figure out how to log your queries. Odds are very good you've got a killer in there doing some sequential scan that an index would fix.
Second, you might have a bunch of small queries that are killing it instead. For example, you might have some "User" object that hits the database every time you look up a username from a user_id. Look for spots where you are querying the database a hundred times and replace it with a cache--even if that "cache" is nothing more then a private variable that gets wiped at the end of a request.
Bottom line is, I really doubt it is something mis-configured in SQL Server. I mean, if you had to reboot your server every night because the system ground to a halt, would you blame the system or your code? Same deal here... learn the tools provided by SQL Server, I bet they are pretty slick :-)
That all said, once you accept you are doing something wrong, enjoy the process. Nothing, to me, is funner then optimizing slow database queries. It is simply amazing you can take a query with a 10 second runtime and turn it into one with a 50ms runtime with a single, well-placed index.
You do not need to set up your maintenance tasks as a maintenance plan.
Simply create a stored procedure that carries out the maintenance tasks you wish to perform, index rebuilds, statistics updates etc.
Then create a job that calls your stored procedure/s. The job can be configured to run on your desired schedule.
To create a job, use the procedure sp_add_job.
To create a schedule use the procedure sp_add_schedule.
I hope what I have detailed is clear and understandable but feel free to drop me a line if you need further assistance.
Cheers, John
