Sql Server reporting services 2008 Rendering Excel - sql-server

I am trying to produce SSRS reports to integrate with a MOSS Dashboard. Reporting Services 2005 only seems to be able to render .xls out of the box. Does SSRS 2008 have the ability to render in xlsx format?

To the best of my experience, exporting to excel2007 is not built into SSRS2008, you need to get an external component for that. Currently looking into what is available on the market, i'll get back to you with what i find.
Ok had a look at both aspose.cells and OfficeWriter by SoftArtisans. Both claim to offer .xlsx-exporting capabilities for SSRS, but in both cases this is a partial truth at best.
Both work by having you recreate your report in Excel using their respective add-ons, and then pasting their own markup into your RDL-file. This also has the effect that if you are making an excel-exportable report in either tool, you won't be able to view or export it in anything else from SSRS. Both have the ability to open an existing report and access their datasets from there, which is a major advantage over trying to get MSQuery to work for you.
Aspose suffers from various issues with permissions on the server, where you need to grant it full trust (not everyone would want that). I also had a major hassle getting it installed properly.
OfficeWriter has some issues with shared datasources, where you generally have to go in and set them manually after you've published your report. It also seems to choke on VS2008 RDLs, if you want to use a dataset from a VS2008 report, you have to make a new report in VS2005 with your dataset, and use that as a basis for your excel-built report.
Personally I don't care much for either. But overall Officewriter does seem like it comes out ahead. Next stop is figuring out if it has built-in support for matrices, or that is something we would have to program in VB to get.

According to Exporting to Microsoft Excel(msdn)
The Excel rendering extension renders a report that is compatible with Microsoft Excel 97 and later.
This seems to suggest the old format.


Is There a Way to Automate the Creation of Data Studio Reports with Different Data Sources

So I am working on client reporting for my agency and Data Studio seems to check all the boxes we need.
However, we have several clients and I need a way to automate the creation of Data Studio reports.
The general steps I would want the script to follow are:
Copy a template report that I've already created
Establish data source based on a list of analytics property IDs etc
Add specific emails to share with client and internal parties
So data studio has an api that I've looked in to but it seems primarily built around building connectors.
I have considered using puppeteer or something of that nature but would much rather use an API if available.
I have yet to really dig in to coding side of it, I am more having trouble finding out if this is even possible.
I've been using Data Studio for some months and I face the same problem. Since we don't have many clients yet is not a big problem, but I didn't found any official way to automate the creation of reports (Apps Script functions only for creating connectors).
Sorry it is not a positive answer but it seems we have to wait, they´re still improving it (back when I started some months ago, we didn't have auto-refresh for data).

How do I elegantly import an Excel file into Sql Server via a Coldfusion HTML form?

Does anyone have an elegant suggestion for how to get the contents of an Excel spreadsheet into SQL Server via a web form? I need to allow our clients to upload modest amounts of structured data, and I need that data to ultimately reside in a sql table. I really can't expect the clientele to produce anything but an Excel file, but I could require that it be an xlsx.
The web app is written in Coldfusion; it doesn't need to be able to handle huge numbers of simultaneous requests, but I don't want to consider some sort of server-side batch job processing or shunt the user to an asp.net page (which is what we are doing now).
Any recommendations (or examples of how others are successfully doing this) would be appreciated. Due to the sensitivity of the data, we really can't do anything to compromise the security of the web or sql servers.
If you are using CF9, then you could easily use the cfspreadsheet tag too. I mention this one specifically because Shawn's link did not (presumably due to its being relatively new on the CF scene). Here's the livedoc link: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec17cba-7f87.html
For full use, I would create a web form with a standard file upload field. On the backend handling the form submission, get a copy of the file with
<cffile action="upload" destination="uploaded.xls".....>
Then use:
<cfspreadsheet action="read" query="myExcelData" src="uploaded.xls" ...>
At which point, your spreadsheet content will be available as a query object. You can then loop over this query, running insert queries into your sql server each time you loop. That should do it.
Here are the most notable options to help point you in the right direction; choose what you are most comfortable with (Source: Charlie Arehart).
My personal recommendation is to go the CFX_Excel route. Although a commercial product, it will grant you the most functionality/flexibility of the options listed.

Crystal Reports databaselogin promt

im using CR version 13. With VS2010 and CR SP1 for VS2010.
I have a report with lots of subreports. They use XML schemas for data at design time and then uses runtime populated datasets. It works great on my development machine. But on other development machines or in deployment the report pops up a databaselogon promt asking for username etc.
Ive seen alot of people having similar problems, nobody have an answear. Let me make it clear, i dont use a database in any way shape or form.
Other reports works ok, only my new report do this.
I had some subreports i wanted to supress. I did this by simply not setting any datasource on them. For some reason CR on my development machine didnt pop up a dialog for datasource, so i assumed it worked.
What i do instead now, wich is proberbly also the better way. is to give the report a parameter value wich is used in the supress formulas of the sub reports.

Checkbox on Sql Server Reporting Services Report

I'm working on a report in SSRS 2005 that is a questionnaire with yes/no answers. Trying to get a checkbox on the report. Have tried using windings for the font and an iif statement to set the character, but that doesn't come out correctly when exporting to PDF. I'm using local reports, not from a report server.
The easiest/simplest solution is just to use an embedded image with a expression which sets the source of the image to the checked or not checked version. This will work across export types (except text/csv).
I am assuming however you want this to be non-interactive.
I'm about to venture down this path, as well (clients that require printed forms look exactly as they always have, basically). Did you try this suggestion?
Keith, aside from the image solution, what are the options?

Cleaning Up Temporary SSRS Reports

Our application uses SQL Server Reporting Services and allows users to add custom filters to reports. We do this by modifying the RDL and then uploading the modified RDL to the server to create a new report. The problem is that after the report has run once, it's no longer needed; it's really just a temporary report. Obviously, this would eventually result in a lot of temporary reports laying around. We need a way to clean these up.
We've already thought about external methods like creating a service or job to periodically delete the reports, and that's probably what we'll end up doing if we can't come up with something better. What we're wondering is, does SSRS itself provide a better way to do this? We thought about trying to somehow use a cached instance which would be set to expire, but that seems to only works on an executed instance of a report not the report itself. As far as I can tell there's no way to set a report to expire. Is there some other way to get SSRS to clean up for us?
Immediately deleting the report isn't an option because our execution is asynchronous.
Built-in, there's nothing. But writing something yourself is easy enough.
Try having a process which queries your catalog of reports for ones that are older than half an hour (or so). You could even join to ReportServerTempDB to see if they still have an active session (in which case, you ignore them a bit longer).
Once you've found them, it's easy to grab that using the Web Service interface and delete them from the catalog.
But... I'd actually look at a better way of providing the custom filter, using code. Surely you could provide the filter as a parameter, and use the VB code within the report to convert what the user provides into something which could be evaluated for each row.
