Interactive 3D object in Surface - wpf

How to create a interactive 3D object in WPF? For example it can be a 3D Cube which can be rotated and with "tap" gesture for each side triggering different action.

Take a look at the ViewPort3D class - it has a camera that you can rotate in 3d. Just hook up a MouseDown event handler and modify the camera position.

Interactive 3D effects are certainly doable in WPF/Surface, although it'll take a bit of work. For example, have a look at the stuff here, especially the rolling globe about 1:50 into the first picture. The implementation shown is Surface, but that is largely WPF with some different input mechanisms... Unfortunately, he doesn't show the code...

Take a look at Wrap your ViewPort3D into Interactive3DDecorator.


Is there any event for shapes?

I have an ellipse which is drew on a window. I want to show a message when the pointer is on it (on the ellipse). How I do it? Is there any event for shapes? Like WM_MOVE or WM_SIZE.
I use TDM-GCC and C language.
When you draw on a device context, all knowledge of what shape you draw is lost, and the system just retains the pixel by pixel information of that device context. So there is no way for the system to give you any information about the shapes that you draw because it knows nothing of those shapes.
In order to do what you want you need to keep track in your program of the high level logic of where your shapes are. Then when you handle mouse messages you can map them onto your own data structures that represent the shapes.
There are no events for mouse activity over drawings. You are expected to remember where you draw, and then map the mouse coordinates to the drawing coordinates yourself. To help with this, have a look at the PtInRegion() function. Create an elliptical HRGN via CreateEllipticRgn() or CreateEllipticRgnIndirect() that matches your drawing (in fact, you can use the same HRGN to help facilitate the drawing, see the FillRgn() function), and when you want to test if the mouse is currently inside the drawing, such as in a WM_MOUSEMOVE handler, you can use PtInRegion() for that.

Difference between PerspectiveCamera and matrixCamera

i'm trying to create a 3D animation using WPF. To modelize a form i see that we can use PerspectiveCamera or matrixCamera. What's the difference between the both?
Perspective camera makes objects farther away look smaller, like what we see in real life or through a camera zoom lens. You can achieve the same thing using a matrix camera, but you can also do a lot more. The perspective camera and orthogonal camera are both special cases of the more general matrix camera. With a matrix camera, you could create a perspective in one dimension different from the other, like a panorama view. It requires more work than the other camera types to do the same thing, but has more possibilities.

WPF 3d rotation animations

I have a few 3d rectangles on my screen that I want to pivot around the Y axis.
I want to press down with the mouse, and rotate the 3d object to a max rotation, but when the user moves their mouse, I want to slightly rotate it so that it looks like a see-saw (rotating from a range of -13 to 13 degrees on the Y-Axis).
At the moment, I can do this, but my frame rate really really suffers when I move the mouse quickly. So for example, when I click the left side of the rectangle, I generate a storyboard and animation objects, then rotate the 3d object to -13 degrees. Then when I slightly move the mouse to the right, I want to rotate it to -12.5, and so on...
Again, I can do all of this, its just that the performance suffers greatly! It goes down to 5-FPS in some cases... which is not acceptable.
My question is am I doing this the best way? How else could you animate a rotation base on the users position on the screen?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
I assume you are doing the following:
Using a separate Model3D for the object you are rotating & including it in a Model3DGroup
Giving it a RotateTransform3D containing an AxisAngleRotation3D
Animating the AxisAngle3D's Axis property in the Storyboard
If my assumptions are correct I think we can conclude the problem is efficiency in rendering, since the CPU required to update a single Axis value, recompute the Transform, and update MILCore is negligible.
I can think of several ways that could improve the rendering performance:
If your Model3D being rotated is a GeometryModel3D backed by a MeshGeometry3D, do as much as you can to simplify the mesh and the materials used. It can also help to substitute a different mesh for closeups.
If the Model3D being rotated is a GeometryModel3D that uses VisualBrush brushes, during animation temporarily replace the VisualBrush with an ImageBrush containing a BitmapImage that is a snapshot of the Visual underlying the VisualBrush as of the instant the animation starts. When the animation ends, put backthe VisualBrush. The user probably won't notice that the contents of the object freeze temporarily when it rotates. (Note that this same technique can be used if your Visual3D is a Viewport2DVisual3D.)
If the Model3D being rotated is combined into a Model3DGroup with other objects but lies entirely in front of or behind the other groups, separate the model into its own separate Viewport3DVisual, appropriately layered to get the effect you want.
Simplify lighting or Material types
Monitor the actual frame rate and if it is going too low when using the storyboard, rotate the object immediately to where the mouse indicates without using an animation.
MSDN presents some tips on what impacts in WPF 3D performance. If you didn't stumble on it yet, check the items on "Performance Impact: High" list.
Edit: In march 2009, Josh Smith published an article on CodeProject that involves rotating 3D objetcs. Maybe you want to check his solution.

WPF: is it possible to have a content container move 3d dimenisional in a modelvisual3d element?

i was learning 3d animation in wpf.. and most tutorials would make an image 3d then play with it alittle ..moving and changing dimensions..
so it got me wondering.. is it possible to add some type of data container (like a grid canvas.. or whatever).. and make it move in 3d dimensons too ?
i am not talking about skewing.. i am talking about real 3d movement..
What a lot of examples do in .Net3.0 is use visual brush to draw the visual of the control/data container on a surface in 3D space. And then map the mouse and keyboard events back to the 2D control (through a translation).
They are a lot of examples that illustrate this. (one for instance is)
An alternative is to use a panel that layouts your control in 3D space using one of the thriple opensource project Or you could read the code (since it's opensource) as a starting point.

How to draw a Bezier curve programmatically in WPF?

I need to write a simple WPF program to draw a Bezier curve, but I have to draw it programmatically since I need to allow user to modify the shape interactively.
Any code sample to do this task is highly appreciated!
Have a look at the Path Markup Syntax to get a feel for the raw drawing primitives available to you in WPF.
You could use either cubic or quadratic Bezier curves (each has a smoothed version too) depending on how you want to define the control points.
As for rendering the control points on screen and allowing the user to drag them about you might like to look into adorners and possibly the Thumb class.
