this[a] has no properties in ext js - extjs

I am new to extjs. I have to display a form and and a grid in one page. Grid is showing properly. and the form field are not displaying. In script error it is showing error in ext-all.js. what may be the problem when showing "this[a] has no properties" in firefox script errors? please help me to complete this task.

This usually happens when you refer to an object/widget which is not yet being rendered (But you suppose it to be).

Use the ext-all-debug.js version of Ext to get a better error message. The Ext JS library ships with two files which contain the library (ext-all.js and ext-all-debug.js)
ext-all.js has been run through the YUI Compressor tool and has removed all whitespace, line breaks and comments. YUI compressor will also rename variable names to short versions like "a".
If you use ext-all-debug.js you will receive a better error message.


hugo not generating the appropiate files when compiling website

so I'm having this issue where whenever I run the hugo command, only part of my website gets generated. I don't have empty files, they all have some content within. I would like to note that the specific section that isn't getting compiled is the faq section. any suggestions as to how I may fix this?
Site Structure
Generated files
The bug was caused by hugo not recognizing the layout. Although I haven't found a way to fix it, I somewhat patched it by using the default layout for the page given that I had layouts for all other pages.

VS code formatting breaks the code unexpectedly in .js files

I am a newbie in React. I am using vscode. Whenever I save app.js file, it formats the whole code and throws errors.
I tried reinstalling vscode. I am also not using any formatting extensions. Where is it getting wrong?
As the other answer already mentioned, a prettier extension could solve the issue, but fundamentally this is because the VScode reads the program as js instead of Jsx. You can select the right language from the bottom panel as you can see from the image. So for the sake of it, I'll post how I do it as well.
Once you click that, a command pallet will open asking you to choose the language you want. Type react and choose the first option. This will clear the issues and read the program as JSX and all snippets if not working will function as well.
Until you are comfortable with keyboard shortcuts refer following steps:
Go to File > Preferences > Settings > User > Text Editor > Formatting
Uncheck format on save option.
I would also recommend using prettier extension.
Install Prettier extensions
Open any file and Right click in the content area
Click Format document with and choose prettier

Autocomplete JSX html tags in VS2019

Two IMPORTANT clarifications first:
1. I'm looking for advice about VS2017/19, NOT VSCode.
2. I've looked through other threads about this. Link them if you so desire, but please explain what you want me to see in those threads.
When I write html in a .tsx file, it does not autocomplete the html tags. (It does recognize the html tags, however - no problem there).
Attempted solutions:
1. In tools > options > text editor, I looked for settings pertaining to JSX. Under HTML I see the setting for autocompleting tags. However I do not see anything for JSX. I see typescript, but there are no settings there about jsx.
2. I've looked into creating my own legacy language service. This looks like it may work but is sort of reinventing the wheel. I can't believe it would be so hard to get autocompletion in JSX.
3. There may also be some extension I can write? I'm not familiar with writing vs extensions.
On they say "JavaScript in Visual Studio 2017 has rich support for the JSX syntax that allows HTML tags within JavaScript files." It really seems to imply that what I'm looking for exists... somewhere.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

How to pinpoint the source of angular console errors

Note: This question will be changed to eliminate old question with lower rating.
I see AngularJS console errors as follows:
Lexer Error: Unexpected next character at columns 0-0 [#] in expression [#].
The problem now is how to locate the source of this error among thousands of lines of code?
Old Question:
NOTE: This is the old question, please ignore.
I was working with a sample application from ng-flow file upload. I then moved the developed parts to my colleague's environment who is using bootstrap for CSS. I noticed that the look and feel changed on from his environment.
I realized that my colleague is using this css file:
and I am using the css file the came with the download:
and both work fine, but they have clear differences on how the look and feel and how layout is presented.
I included both, and it seems the application is still working fine, and the look and feel is now merged.
I am just wondering if there is documentation that explains the differences and how to decide which one to use.
Appreciate your feedback.
The reason they look different is that they're referring to different versions of Bootstrap - version 3.3.7 vs version 2.3.2. (The other difference is where the files are hosted.) 3.3.7 is more recent than 2.3.2.
Generally, you want to use the most recent version available for whatever libraries you're including, unless you need to stay compatible with an older one. You shouldn't include both, though; that's going to have your users downloading a lot of redundant css.

Migrating from Ext JS 2 to Ext JS 4

I am getting this error on page load itself.
Error: [Ext.extend] Attempting to extend from a class which has not been loaded on the page.
Line 4391
I'm not able to render the page at all. Any ideas?
I have also used extjs4 compatibility for migration.
Are you using all of the resources outlined here, including the screencasts? The videos take a little time commitment, but I think you'll find them quite helpful as they walk through several examples of how to debug exactly these types of issues. Learning to debug effectively will be the best way to tackle this type of migration.
There's no class named 'TreeNodeUI' in ExtJS. If you want treepanel, then you need to extend 'treepanel'. Please have a look at examples given on Sencha website before trying out any code.
