CollectionViewSource in silverlight - silverlight

Based on the sample from
which is for WPF. I wanted same sample for silverlight as my requirements are same. but i get
in my XAML (FYI: xmlns:dat="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Data;assembly=System.Windows.Data").
Please help me in achieving the same.

There is not a direct 1-to-1 match between WPF and Silverlight nor the XAML used in those technologies. The error you are getting implies that the XAML is trying to set a property that either doesn't exist or doesn't support the value being applied to it.
To track this down, you'll need to look into the differences between the version of Silverlight you are using and the version of WPF that you are porting from. Just googling or binging gives quite a few links regarding this.


How to add multiple series to wpf chart using MVVM

I can do this for single series according to this article.
but I could t do it for multiple series. If some one knows a way please help me..
This is the one that I use in my WPF/MVVM application. It too, was written for Silverlight, but it works for WPF as well. In fact, it looks the same as the example that #anivas provided, but I prefer this one as it describes the implementation better.
WPF chart doesn't support dynamic binding of series collection. You can easily achieve this using an attached property. This is an example in Silverlight but you can use it in WPF as well.

AutoComplete-ready ComboBox in Silverlight 3

Has anybody out there had a situation where you needed to implement an "editable" ComboBox in Silverlight? My client wants a ComboBox in their UI that allows the user to place focus on the selection box and start typing to automatically pull up the desired value from the available items, rather than requiring use of the drop-down list.
This feature is available, I know, in several implementations from third parties. For example, you can make this happen fairly easily with Telerik's RadControls for Silverlight. However, my client is restricted to using the Silverlight 3 Toolkit, with no third-party tools or plug-ins.
Any suggestions for a quick, down-and-dirty implementation? Any guidance or links are appreciated!
Okay, we had the same problem.
We went ahead and used the AutoCompleteBox from the Silverlight 3 tookit. Their implementation has a lot of things missing that we wanted. Because of these limitations, we created our own that inherited from it. It worked great and was very simple to do. Any tutorial for making your own control that inherits from another will help you.
Have fun. Since the toolkit is open source, you can always look at the code for guidance.
You can see the samples from the toolkit here:

XAML usage question

As far as I know, XAML is only used in WPF and Silverlight, isn't it?
No, it is also used in Windows Workflow Foundation:
Using Workflow Markup
XAML is also the basis for XPS.
It is also used in Office 2007+ *x formats
You can use it for whatever you like (beginning with .NET 4.0 if I'm not mistaken, didn't try it in 3.5).
However, if you do so, please also use the other good things .NET has to offer, such as "INotifyPropertyChanged" and dependency properties. Otherwise whatever you create will be a less - than - optimal solution.
There is a huge mistake I often see people make when they say, "XAML is UI markup." It's not. You can have XAML with no UI whatsoever. XAML is, in essence, an XML object graph. It is markup for creating classes. It provides the parser with instructions on how to generate instances of types and set properties on those types. This is extremely useful for creating UI in WPF and Silverlight but can also extend to sample data, view models, and other constructs. As mentioned here, it is also used in Workflow and other areas.

Do we still use IPersistComponentSettings in WPF?

I'm still getting to grips with WPF: can anyone tell me if we should still use IPersistComponentSettings with WPF and if not, what is the new mechanism?
From the book Programming WPF:
The preferred setting mechanism for WPF applications is the one provided by .NET and VS: the ApplicationSettingBase class from the System.Configuration namespace with the built-in designer.
There is an example of inheriting your own settings class from ApplicationSettingBase provided in that link. You can also check out other ideas for saving settings, demonstrated in similar questions here and here.

WPF Docking Manager with Databinding support

Does anyone know about a Docking Control like Visual Studio for WPF, where Databinding for the Panes is supported?
I tried the DockManager from Infragistics and from Actipro, but they lack this support.
For example, the Panes for the content need to be bound through Databinding, so removing the Entity on the other side of the binding would also remove it from the DocumentHost.
Any Idea? Or a lightweight workaround for any control?
Full databinding support from every control is crucial for my project.
Thanks in advance.
You might consider AvalonDock on Codeplex. If it doesn't have the functionality you are looking for you can add it yourself since you get full source code!
I know this won't help the original poster but in case someone else comes across this with a similar question, there is a blog post with a sample using an attached property to implement binding support in the Infragistics XamDockManager.
