How do I send an array of integers over TCP in C? - c

I'm lead to believe that write() can only send data buffers of byte (i.e. signed char), so how do I send an array of long integers using the C write() function in the sys/socket.h library?
Obviously I can't just cast or convert long to char, as any numbers over 127 would be malformed.
I took a look at the question, how to decompose integer array to a byte array (pixel codings), but couldn't understand it - please could someone dumb it down a little if this is what I'm looking for?
Follow up question:
Why do I get weird results when reading an array of integers from a TCP socket?

the prototype for write is:
ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
so while it writes in units of bytes, it can take a pointer of any type. Passing an int* will be no problem at all.
I would however, recomend that you also send the amount of integers you plan to send first so the reciever knows how much to read. Something like this (error checking omitted for brevity):
int x[10] = { ... };
int count = 10;
write(sock, &count, sizeof(count));
write(sock, x, sizeof(x));
NOTE: if the array is from dynamic memory (like you malloced it), you cannot use sizeof on it. In this case count would be equal to: sizeof(int) * element_count
As Brian Mitchell noted, you will likely need to be careful of endian issues as well. This is the case when sending any multibyte value (as in the count I recommended as well as each element of the array). This is done with the: htons/htonl and ntohs/ntohl functions.

Write can do what you want it to, but there's some things to be aware of:
1: You may get a partial write that's not on an int boundary, so you have to be prepared to handle that situation
2: If the code needs to be portable, you should convert your array to a specific endianess, or encode the endianess in the message.

The simplest way to send a single int (assuming 4-byte ints) is :
int tmp = htonl(myInt);
write(socket, &tmp, 4);
where htonl is a function that converts the int to network byte order. (Similarly,. when you read from the socket, the function ntohl can be used to convert back to host byte order.)
For an array of ints, you would first want to send the count of array members as an int (in network byte order), then send the int values.

Yes, you can just cast a pointer to your buffer to a pointer to char, and call write() with that. Casting a pointer to a different type in C doesn't affect the contents of the memory being pointed to -- all it does is indicate the programmer's intention that the contents of memory at that address be interpreted in a different way.
Just make sure that you supply write() with the correct size in bytes of your array -- that would be the number of elements times sizeof (long) in your case.

It would be better to have serialize/de-serialize functionality in your client /server program.
Whenever you want to send data, serialize the data into a byte buffer and send it over TCP with byte count.
When receiving data, de-serialize the data from buffer to your own interpretation .
You can interpret byte buffer in any form as you like. It can contain basic data type, objects etc.
Just make sure to take care of endianess and also alignment stuff.

Declare a character array. In each location of the array, store integer numbers, not characters.
Then you just send that.
For example:
char tcp[100];
tcp[0] = 0;
tcp[1] = 0xA;
tcp[2] = 0xB;
tcp[3] = 0xC;
// Send the character array
write(sock, tcp, sizeof(tcp));

I think what you need to come up with here is a protocol.
Suppose your integer array is:
100, 99, 98, 97
Instead of writing the ints directly to the buffer, I would "serialize" the array by turning it into a string representation. The string might be:
That's what would be sent over the wire. On the receiving end, you'd split the string by the commas and build the array back up.
This is more standardised, is human readable, and means people don't have to think about hi/lo byte orders and other silly things.
// Sarcasm
If you were working in .NET or Java, you'd probably encode it in XML, like this:


How to code ASCII Text Based protocol over RS-232 in C

I have to implement a relatively simple communication protocol on top of RS-232.
It's an ASCII based text protocol with a couple of frame types.
Each frame looks something like this:
* ___________________________________
* | | | | |
* | SOH | Data | CRC-16 | EOT |
* |_____|_________|_________|________|
* 1B nBytes 2B 1B
Start Of Header (1 Byte)
Data (n-Bytes)
CRC-16 (2 Bytes)
EOT (End Of Transmission)
Each data-field needs to be separated by semicolon ";":
for example, for HEADER type data (contains code,ver,time,date,src,id1,id2 values):
what is the most elegant way of implementing this in C is my question?
I have tried defining multiple structs for each type of frame, for example:
typedef struct {
uint8_t soh;
char code;
char ver;
Time_t time;
Date_t date;
char src; // Unsigned char
char id1[20]; // STRING_20
char id2[20]; // STRING_20
char crlf;
uint16_t crc;
uint8_t eot;
} stdHeader_t;
I have declared a global buffer:
I then have a function sendHeader() in which I want to use RS-232 send function to send everything byte by byte by casting the dataBuffer to header struct and filling out the struct:
static enum_status sendHeader(handle_t *handle)
uint16_t len;
enum_RETURN_VALUE rs232_err = OK;
enum_status err = STATUS_OK;
stdHeader_t *header = (stdHeader_t *)DATA_BUFF;
memset(DATA_BUFF, 0, size);
header ->soh= SOH,
header ->code= HEADER,
header ->ver= 10, // TODO
header ->time= handle->time,
header ->date= handle->date,
header ->src= handle->config->source,
memset(header ->id1,handle->config->id1, strlen(handle->config->id1));
memset(header ->id2,handle->config->id2, strlen(handle->config->id1));
header ->crlf = '\r\n',
header ->crc = calcCRC();
header ->eot = EOT;
len = sizeof(stdHeader_t );
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
rs232_err= rs232_tx_send(DATA_BUFF[i], 1); // Send one byte
if (rs232_err!= OK)
// Break do-while loop if there is an error
if (err == STATUS_ERR)
} while (conditions);
return err;
My problem is that I do not know how to approach the problem of handling ascii text based protocol,
the above principle would work very well for byte based protocols.
Also, I do not know how to implement semicolon ";" seperation of data in the above snippet, as everything is sent byte by byte, I would need aditional logic to know when it is needed to send ";" and with current implementation, that would not look very good.
For fields id1 and id2, I am receiveing string values as a part of handle->config, they can be of any lenght, but max is 20. Because of that, with current implementation, I would be sending more than needed in case actual lenght is less than 20, but I cannot use pointers to char inside the struct, because in that case, only the pointer value would get sent.
So to sumarize, the main question is:
How to implement the above described text based protocol for rs-232 in a nice and proper way?
what is the most elegant way of implementing this (ASCII Text Based protocol) in C is my question?
Since this is ASCII, avoid endian issues of trying to map a multi-byte integer. Simply send an integer (including char) as decimal text. Likewise for floating point, use exponential notation and sufficient precision. E.g. sprintf(buf, "%.*e", DBL_DECIMAL_DIG-1, some_double);. Allow "%a" notation.
Do not use the same code for SOH and EOT. Different values reduce receiver confusion.
Send date and time using ISO 8601 as your guide. E.g. "2022-11-10", "23:38:42".
Send string with a leading/trailing ". Escape non-printable ASCII characters, and ", \, ;. Example for 10 long string 123\\;\"\xFF456 --> "123\\\;\"\xFF456".
Error check, like crazy, the received data. Reject packets of data for all sorts of reasons: field count wrong, string too long, value outside field range, bad CRC, timeout, any non-ASCII character received.
Use ASCII hex characters for CRC: 4 hex characters instead of 2 bytes.
Consider a CRC 32 or 64.
Any out-of-band input, (bytes before receiving a SOF) are silently dropped. This nicely allows an optional LF after each command.
Consider the only characters between SOH/EOT should be printable ASCII: 32-126. Escape others as needed.
Since "it's an ASCII based text protocol with a couple of frame types.", I'd expect a type field.
See What type of framing to use in serial communication for more ideas.
First of all, structs are really not good for representing data protocols. The struct in your example will be filled to the brim with padding bytes everywhere, so it is not a proper nor portable representation of the protocol. In particular, forget all about casting a struct to/from a raw uint8_t array - that's problematic for even more reasons: the first address alignment and pointer aliasing.
In case you insist on using a struct, you must write serialization/deserialization routines that manually copy to/from each member into the raw uint8_t buffer, which is the one that must be used for the actual transmission.
(De)serialization routines might not be such a bad idea anyway, because of another issue not addressed by your post: network endianess. RS-232 protocols are by tradition almost always Big Endian, but don't count on it - endianess must be documented explicitly.
My problem is that I do not know how to approach the problem of handling ascii text based protocol, the above principle would work very well for byte based protocols.
That is a minor problem compared to the above. Often it is acceptable to have a mix of raw data (essentially everything but the data payload) and ASCII text. If you want a pure ASCII protocol you could consider something like "AT commands", but they don't have much in the way of error handling. You really should have a CRC16 as well as sync bytes. Hint: preferably pick the first sync byte as something that don't match 7 bit ASCII. That is something with MSB set. 0xAA is popular.
Once you've sorted out data serialization, endianess and protocol structure, you can start to worry about details such as string handling in the payload part.
And finally, RS232 is dinosaur stuff. There's not many reasons why one shouldn't use RS422/RS485. The last argument for using RS232, "computers come with RS232 COM ports", went obsolete some 15-20 years back.
One thing your struct implementation is missing is packing. For efficiency reasons, depending on which processor your code is running on, the compiler will add padding to the structure to align on certain byte boundaries. Normally this doesn't effect you code that much, but if you are sending this data across a serial stream where every byte matters, then you will be sending random zeros across as well.
This article explains padding well, and how to pack your structures for use cases like yours
Structure Padding

Why does dynamically allocated array does not update with the new data coming?

I am trying to receive a message from the socket server which sends a large file of around 7MB. Thus in the following code, I try to concatenate all data into one array s from buffer. But as I try the following, I see that the length of s does not change at all, although the total bytes received continue to increase.
char buffer[300];
char* s = calloc(1, sizeof(char));
size_t n = 1;
while ((b_recv = recv(socket_fd,
sizeof(buffer), 0)) > 0) {
char *temp = realloc(s, b_recv + n);
s = temp;
memcpy(s + n -1, buffer, b_recv);
n += b_recv;
s[n-1] = '\0';
printf("%s -- %zu",s, strlen(s));
Is this not the correct way to update receive data of varying sizes? Also when I try to print s, it gives some random question mark characters. What is the mistake that I am making?
Why does dynamically allocated array does not update with the new data coming?
You have not presented any reason to believe that the behavior is as the question characterizes it. You are receiving binary data and storing it in memory, which is fine, but you cannot expect sensible results from treating such data as if it were a C string. Not even when you replace the last byte with a string terminator.
Binary data can and generally does contain bytes with value 0. C strings use such bytes as terminators marking the end of the string data, so, for example, strlen will measure only the number of bytes before the first zero byte, regardless of how many additional bytes have been stored after it. Moreover, even if you do not receive any zero bytes at all, your particular code inserts them, clobbering some of the real bytes received.
You may attempt to print such data to the console as if it were text, but if in fact it does not consist of text encoded according to the runtime character encoding then there is no reason to expect the resulting display to convey useful information. Instead, examine it in memory via a debugger, or write the raw bytes to a file and examine the result with a hex editor, or write them (still raw) through a filter that converts to hexadecimal or some other text representation, or similar. And you have as many bytes to examine as you have copied to the allocated space. You're keeping track of that already, so you don't need strlen() to tell you how many that is.

Sending † character instead of Space character in Char array

I've migrated my project from XE5 to 10 Seattle. I'm still using ANSII codes to communicate with devices. With my new build, Seattle IDE is sending † character instead of space char (which is #32 in Ansii code) in Char array. I need to send space character data to text file but I can't.
I tried #32 (like before I used), #032 and #127 but it doesn't work. Any idea?
Here is how I use:
Method signature (var X; count:Integer; Value:Ordinal)
Despite its name, FillChar() fills bytes, not characters.
Char is an alias for WideChar (2 bytes) in Delphi 2009+, in prior versions it is an alias for AnsiChar (1 byte) instead.
So, if you have a 50-element array of WideChar elements, the array is 100 bytes in size. When you call fillChar(X,50,#32), it fills in the first 50 bytes with a value of $20 each. Thus the first 25 WideChar elements will have a value of $2020 (aka Unicode codepoint U+2020 DAGGER, †) and the second 25 elements will not have any meaningful value.
This issue is explained in the FillChar() documentation:
Fills contiguous bytes with a specified value.
In Delphi, FillChar fills Count contiguous bytes (referenced by X) with the value specified by Value (Value can be of type Byte or AnsiChar)
Note that if X is a UnicodeString, this may not work as expected, because FillChar expects a byte count, which is not the same as the character count.
In addition, the filling character is a single-byte character. Therefore, when Buf is a UnicodeString, the code FillChar(Buf, Length(Buf), #9); fills Buf with the code point $0909, not $09. In such cases, you should use the StringOfChar routine.
This is also explained in Embarcadero's Unicode Migration Resources white papers, for instance on page 28 of Delphi Unicode Migration for Mere Mortals: Stories and Advice from the Front Lines by Cary Jensen:
Actually, the complexity of this type of code is not related to pointers and buffers per se. The problem is due to Chars being used as pointers. So, now that the size of Strings and Chars in bytes has changed, one of the fundamental assumptions that much of this code embraces is no longer valid: That individual Chars are one byte in length.
Since this type of code is so problematic for Unicode conversion (and maintenance in general), and will require detailed examination, a good argument can be made for refactoring this code where possible. In short, remove the Char types from these operations, and switch to another, more appropriate data type. For example, Olaf Monien wrote, "I wouldn't recommend using byte oriented operations on Char (or String) types. If you need a byte-buffer, then use ‘Byte’ as [the] data type: buffer: array[0..255] of Byte;."
For example, in the past you might have done something like this:
Buffer: array[0..255] of AnsiChar;
FillChar(Buffer, Length(Buffer), 0);
If you merely want to convert to Unicode, you might make the following changes:
Buffer: array[0..255] of Char;
FillChar(Buffer, Length(buffer) * SizeOf(Char), 0);
On the other hand, a good argument could be made for dropping the use of an array of Char as your buffer, and switch to an array of Byte, as Olaf suggests. This may look like this (which is similar to the first segment, but not identical to the second, due to the size of the buffer):
Buffer: array[0..255] of Byte;
FillChar(Buffer, Length(buffer), 0);
Better yet, use this second argument to FillChar which works regardless of the data type of the array:
Buffer: array[0..255] of Byte;
FillChar(Buffer, Length(buffer) * SizeOf(Buffer[0]), 0);
The advantage of these last two examples is that you have what you really wanted in the first place, a buffer that can hold byte-sized values. (And Delphi will not try to apply any form of implicit string conversion since it's working with bytes and not code units.) And, if you want to do pointer math, you can use PByte. PByte is a pointer to a Byte.
The one place where changes like may not be possible is when you are interfacing with an external library that expects a pointer to a character or character array. In those cases, they really are asking for a buffer of characters, and these are normally AnsiChar types.
So, to address your issue, since you are interacting with an external device that expects Ansi data, you need to declare your array as using AnsiChar or Byte elements instead of (Wide)Char elements. Then your original FillChar() call will work correctly again.
If you want to use ANSI for communication with devices, you would define the array as
x: array[1..50] of AnsiChar;
In this case to fill it with space characters you use
FillChar(x, 50, #32);
Using an array of AnsiChar as communication buffer may become troublesome in a Unicode environment, so therefore I would suggest to use a byte array as communication buffer
x: array[1..50] of byte;
and intialize it with
FillChar(x, 50, 32);

Broadcasting (Sharing) an array in MPI

I am trying to share an array of characters among processes in MPI using MPI_Bcast(). Can anyone please let me know what must be passed as count and datatype in this case?
char * Var;
Broadcast function in MPI:
int MPI_Bcast( void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm )
You want the MPI_Datatype MPI_BYTE and int count should be strlen(Var) + 1
Here is the explanation why:
For the datatype you need something that resembles a char much like you would send MPI_INT to transport integer arrays. This is what MPI_BYTE is for:
This is an 8-bit positive integer betwee 0 and 255, i.e., a byte.
As for the length, that would have to be the size of the array. If I understand you correctly, this could vary depending on the length of the string you are sending. You therefore have to get the length of the string first by calling strlen(Var). As
The strlen() function calculates the length of the string s,
excluding the terminating null byte ('\0').
You have to add one byte for the null character terminator of the string.
Problem: The above code likely leads to memory leaks: Your problem is, that it lies in the nature of MPI_Broadcast that only one of the participating processes is aware of the message being transmitted. Therefore only this process is able to determine the correct count all other processes are at loss as they have nothing to call strlen on. So what can we do about this?
broadcast the length of the string determined by the root processor via strlen first and then broadcast the actual string
use MPI_Send in combination with MPI_Recv allowing you to poll for the message size on the receiving proceses.
I would suggest using the second alternative as this avoids unnecessary barriers. A good how-to on this topic can be found here.

write() bad address

I am trying to write out the size in bytes of a string that is defined as
#define PATHA "/tmp/matrix_a"
using the code
if(rtn < 0)
perror("Writing data_file 2 ");
I get back Writing data_file 2 : Bad address
What exactly about this is a bad address? The data file descriptor is open, and writes correctly immediately before and after the above code segment. The data to be written to the file data needs to be raw, and not ASCII.
I have also tried defining the string as a char[] with the same issue
The second argument to write() is the address of the bytes you want to write, but you are passing the bytes you want to write themselves. In order to get an address, you must store those bytes in a variable (you can't take the address of the result of an expression). For example:
size_t patha_len = strlen(PATHA);
rtn = write(data, &patha_len, sizeof patha_len);
The arguments to POSIX write() are:
#include <unistd.h>
ssize_t write(int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte);
That's a:
file descriptor
You've passed two sizes instead of an address and a size.
rtn = write(data, PATHA, sizeof(PATHA)-1);
rtn = write(data, PATHA, strlen(PATHA));
If you are seeking to write the size of the string as an int, then you need an int variable to pass to write(), like this:
int len = strlen(PATHA);
rtn = write(data, &len, sizeof(len));
Note that you can't just use a size_t variable unless you want to write a size_t; on 64-bit Unix systems, in particular, sizeof(size_t) != sizeof(int) in general, and you need to decide which size it is you want to write.
You also need to be aware that some systems are little-endian and others big-endian, and what you write using this mechanism on one type is not going to be readable on the other type (without mapping work done before or after I/O operations). You might choose to ignore this as a problem, or you might decide to use a portable format (usually, that's called 'network order', and is equivalent to big-endian), or you might decide to define that your code uses the opposite order. You can write the code so that the same logic is used on all platforms if you're careful (and all platforms get the same answers).
The second argument to write() is the buffer and third argument is the size:
ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
The posted code passes the length which is interpreted as an address which is incorrect. The compiler should have emitted a warning about this (don't ignore compiler warnings and compile with the warning level at the highest level).
Change to:
rtn=write(data, PATHA, strlen(PATHA));
Note sizeof(char) is guaranteed to be 1 so it can be omitted from the size calculation.
The Bad address error has already been answered. If you want to write the size of a string just use printf.
printf("Length: %d\n", strlen(data));
Either that, or you can write a function that will convert an integer to a string and print that out... I prefer printf :)
rtn = write(data, PATHA, strlen(PATHA));
is what you want I think. Arguments are supposed to be
file descriptor (data)
the source buffer (your string constant PATHA)
The number of bytes to pull from that buffer (measured using strlen() on the same PATHA constant)
Also, to be complete, you should always check rtn for how many characters you've written. You're not guaranteed that you write() all the bytes requested on all descriptor types. So sometimes you end up writing it in chunks, determined by the amount it answers that it wrote, vs how many you know you have yet to write still then.
