When to use a key-value data store vs. a more traditional relational DB? [closed] - database

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Closed 1 year ago.
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When would one choose a key-value data store over a relational DB? What considerations go into deciding one or the other? When is mix of both the best route? Please provide examples if you can.

Key-value, heirarchical, map-reduce, or graph database systems are much closer to implementation strategies, they are heavily tied to the physical representation. The primary reason to choose one of these is if there is a compelling performance argument and it fits your data processing strategy very closely. Beware, ad-hoc queries are usually not practical for these systems, and you're better off deciding on your queries ahead of time.
Relational database systems try to separate the logical, business-oriented model from the underlying physical representation and processing strategies. This separation is imperfect, but still quite good. Relational systems are great for handling facts and extracting reliable information from collections of facts. Relational systems are also great at ad-hoc queries, which the other systems are notoriously bad at. That's a great fit in the business world and many other places. That's why relational systems are so prevalent.
If it's a business application, a relational system is almost always the answer. For other systems, it's probably the answer. If you have more of a data processing problem, like some pipeline of things that need to happen and you have massive amounts of data, and you know all of your queries up front, another system may be right for you.

If your data is simply a list of things and you can derive a unique identifier for each item, then a KVS is a good match. They are close implementations of the simple data structures we learned in freshman computer science and do not allow for complex relationships.
A simple test: can you represent your data and all of its relationships as a linked list or hash table? If yes, a KVS may work. If no, you need an RDB.
You still need to find a KVS that will work in your environment. Support for KVSes, even the major ones, is nowhere near what it is for, say, PostgreSQL and MySQL/MariaDB.

IMO, Key value pair (e.g. NoSQL databases) works best when the underlying data is unstructured, unpredictable, or changing often. If you don't have structured data, a relational database is going to be more trouble than its worth because you will need to make lots of schema changes and/or jump through hoops to conform your data to the structure.
KVP / JSON / NoSql is great because changes to the data structure do not require completely refactoring the data model. Adding a field to your data object is simply a matter of adding it to the data. The other side of the coin is there are fewer constraints and validation checks in a KVP / Nosql database than a relational database so your data might get messy.
There are performance and space saving benefits for relational data models. Normalized relational data can make understanding and validating the data easier because there are table key relationships and constraints to help you out.
One of the worst patterns i've seen is trying to have it both ways. Trying to put a key-value pair into a relational database is often a recipe for disaster. I would recommend using the technology that suits your data foremost.

If you want O(1) lookups of values based on keys, then you want a KV store. Meaning, if you have data of the form k1={foo}, k2={bar}, etc, even when the values are larger/ nested structures, and want fast lookups, you want a KV store.
Even with proper indexing, you cannot achieve O(1) lookups in a relational DB for arbitrary keys. Sometimes this is referred to as "random lookups".
Alliteratively stated, if you only ever query by one column, a "primary key" if you will, to retrieve the rest of the data, then using that column as a keyspace and the rest of the data as a value in a KV store is the most efficient way to do lookups.
In contrast, if you often query the data by any of several columns, aka you support a richer query API for the data, then you may want a relational database.

A traditional relational database has problems scaling beyond a point. Where that point is depends a bit on what you are trying to do.
All (most?) of the suppliers of cloud computing are providing key-value data stores.
However, if you have a reasonably sized application with a complicated data structure, then the support that you get from using a relational database can reduce your development costs.

In my experience, if you're even asking the question whether to use traditional vs esoteric practices, then go traditional. While esoteric practices are sexy, challenging, and fun, 99.999% of applications call for a traditional approach.
With regards to relational vs KV, the question you should be asking is:
Why would I not want to use a relational model for this scenario: ...
Since you have not described the scenario, it's impossible for anyone to tell you why you shouldn't use it. The "catch all" reason for KV is scalability, which isn't a problem now. Do you know the rules of optimization?
Don't do it.
(for experts only) Don't do it now.
KV is a highly optimized solution to scalability that will most likely be completely unecessary for your application.


When NOT to use Cassandra? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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There has been a lot of talk related to Cassandra lately.
Twitter, Digg, Facebook, etc all use it.
When does it make sense to:
use Cassandra,
not use Cassandra, and
use a RDMS instead of Cassandra.
There is nothing like a silver bullet, everything is built to solve specific problems and has its own pros and cons. It is up to you, what problem statement you have and what is the best fitting solution for that problem.
I will try to answer your questions one by one in the same order you asked them. Since Cassandra is based on the NoSQL family of databases, it's important you understand why use a NoSQL database before I answer your questions.
Why use NoSQL
In the case of RDBMS, making a choice is quite easy because all the databases like MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL, PostgreSQL in this category offer almost the same kind of solutions oriented toward ACID properties. When it comes to NoSQL, the decision becomes difficult because every NoSQL database offers different solutions and you have to understand which one is best suited for your app/system requirements. For example, MongoDB is fit for use cases where your system demands a schema-less document store. HBase might be fit for search engines, analyzing log data, or any place where scanning huge, two-dimensional join-less tables is a requirement. Redis is built to provide In-Memory search for varieties of data structures like trees, queues, linked lists, etc and can be a good fit for making real-time leaderboards, pub-sub kind of system. Similarly there are other databases in this category (Including Cassandra) which are fit for different problem statements. Now lets move to the original questions, and answer them one by one.
When to use Cassandra
Being a part of the NoSQL family, Cassandra offers a solution for problems where one of your requirements is to have a very heavy write system and you want to have a quite responsive reporting system on top of that stored data. Consider the use case of Web analytics where log data is stored for each request and you want to built an analytical platform around it to count hits per hour, by browser, by IP, etc in a real time manner. You can refer to this blog post to understand more about the use cases where Cassandra fits in.
When to Use a RDMS instead of Cassandra
Cassandra is based on a NoSQL database and does not provide ACID and relational data properties. If you have a strong requirement for ACID properties (for example Financial data), Cassandra would not be a fit in that case. Obviously, you can make a workaround for that, however you will end up writing lots of application code to simulate ACID properties and will lose on time to market badly. Also managing that kind of system with Cassandra would be complex and tedious for you.
When not to use Cassandra
I don't think it needs to be answered if the above explanation makes sense.
When evaluating distributed data systems, you have to consider the CAP theorem - you can pick two of the following: consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.
Cassandra is an available, partition-tolerant system that supports eventual consistency. For more information see this blog post I wrote: Visual Guide to NoSQL Systems.
Cassandra is the answer to a particular problem: What do you do when you have so much data that it does not fit on one server ? How do you store all your data on many servers and do not break your bank account and not make your developers insane ? Facebook gets 4 Terabyte of new compressed data EVERY DAY. And this number most likely will grow more than twice within a year.
If you do not have this much data or if you have millions to pay for Enterprise Oracle/DB2 cluster installation and specialists required to set it up and maintain it, then you are fine with SQL database.
However Facebook no longer uses cassandra and now uses MySQL almost exclusively moving the partitioning up in the application stack for faster performance and better control.
The general idea of NoSQL is that you should use whichever data store is the best fit for your application. If you have a table of financial data, use SQL. If you have objects that would require complex/slow queries to map to a relational schema, use an object or key/value store.
Of course just about any real world problem you run into is somewhere in between those two extremes and neither solution will be perfect. You need to consider the capabilities of each store and the consequences of using one over the other, which will be very much specific to the problem you are trying to solve.
Besides the answers given above about when to use and when not to use Cassandra, if you do decide to use Cassandra you may want to consider not using Cassandra itself, but one of the its many cousins out there.
Some answers above already pointed to various "NoSQL" systems which share many properties with Cassandra, with some small or large differences, and may be better than Cassandra itself for your specific needs.
Additionally, recently (several years after this question was originally asked), a Cassandra clone called Scylla (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scylla_(database)) was released. Scylla is an open-source re-implementation of Cassandra in C++, which claims to have significantly higher throughput and lower latencies than the original Java Cassandra, while being mostly compatible with it (in features, APIs, and file formats). So if you're already considering Cassandra, you may want to consider Scylla as well.
I will focus here on some of the important aspects which can help you to decide if you really need Cassandra. The list is not exhaustive, just some of the points which I have at top of my mind-
Don't consider Cassandra as the first choice when you have a strict requirement on the relationship (across your dataset).
Cassandra by default is AP system (of CAP). But, it supports tunable consistency which means it can be configured to support as CP as well. So don't ignore it just because you read somewhere that it's AP and you are looking for CP systems. Cassandra is more accurately termed “tuneably consistent,” which means it allows you to easily decide the level of consistency you require, in balance with the level of availability.
Don't use Cassandra if your scale is not much or if you can deal with a non-distributed DB.
Think harder if your team thinks that all your problems will be solved if you use distributed DBs like Cassandra. To start with these DBs is very simple as it comes with many defaults but optimizing and mastering it for solving a specific problem would require a good (if not a lot) amount of engineering effort.
Cassandra is column-oriented but at the same time each row also has a unique key. So, it might be helpful to think of it as an indexed, row-oriented store. You can even use it as a document store.
Cassandra doesn't force you to define the fields beforehand. So, if you are in a startup mode or your features are evolving (as in agile) - Cassandra embraces it. So better, first think about queries and then think about data to answer them.
Cassandra is optimized for really high throughput on writes. If your use case is read-heavy (like cache) then Cassandra might not be an ideal choice.
Right. It makes sense to use Cassandra when you have a huge amount of data, a huge number of queries but very little variety of queries. Cassandra basically works by partitioning and replicating. If all your queries will be based on the same partition key, Cassandra is your best bet. If you get a query on an attribute that is not the partition key, Cassandra allows you to replicate the whole data with a new partition key. So now you have 2 replicas of the same data with 2 different partition keys.
Which brings me to your next question. When not to use Cassandra. As I mentioned, Cassandra scales by replicating the complete database for every new partitioning key. But you can't keep making new copies again and again. So when you have a high variety in queries i.e. each query has a different column in the where clause, Cassandra is not a good option.
Now for the third question. The whole point of using RDBMS is when you want the ACID properties. If you are building something like a payment service and want each transaction to be isolated, each transaction to either complete or not happen at all, changes to be persistent despite system failure, and the money to be consistent across bank accounts before and after the transaction completes, an RDBMS is the only option that will help you achieve this.
This article actually explains the whole thing, especially when to use Cassandra or not (as opposed to some other NoSQL option) part of the question -> Choosing the best Database. Do check it out.
EDIT: To answer the question in the comments by proximab, when we think of banking systems we immidiately think "ACID is the best solution". But even banking systems are made up of several subsystems that might not even be dealing with any transaction related data like account holder's personal information, account statements, credit card details, credit histories, etc.
All of this information needs to be stored in some database or the another. Now if you store the account related information like account balance, that is something that needs to be consistent at all times. For example, if you try to send money from account A to account B, then the money that disappears from account A should instantaneousy show up in account B, and it cannot be present in both accounts at the same time. This system cannot be inconsistant at any point. This is where ACID is of utmost importance.
On the other hand if you are saving credit card details or credit histories, that should not get into the wrong hands, then you need something that allows access only to authorised users. That I believe is supported by Cassandra. That said, data like credit history and credit card transactions, I think that is an ever increasing data. Also there is only so much yo can query on this data i.e. it has a very finite number of queries. These two conditions make Cassandra a perfect solution.
Talking with someone in the midst of deploying Cassandra, it doesn't handle the many-to-many well. They are doing a hack job to do their initial testing. I spoke with a Cassandra consultant about this and he said he wouldn't recommend it if you had this problem set.
You should ask your self the following questions:
(Volume, Velocity) Will you be writing and reading TONS of information , so much information that no one computer could handle the writes.
(Global) Will you need this writing and reading capability around the world so that the writes in one part of the world are accessible in another part of the world?
(Reliability) Do you need this database to be up and running all the time and never go down regardless of which Cloud, which country, whether it's VM , Container, or Bare metal?
(Scale-ability) Do you need this database to be able to continue to grow easily and scale linearly
(Consistency) Do you need TUNABLE consistency where some writes can happen asynchronously where as others need to be certified?
(Skill) Are you willing to do what it takes to learn this technology and the data modeling that goes with creating a globally distributed database that can be fast for everyone, everywhere?
If for any of these questions you thought "maybe" or "no," you should use something else. If you had "hell yes" as an answer to all of them, then you should use Cassandra.
Use RDBMS when you can do everything on one box. It's probably easier than most and anyone can work with it.
Heavy single query vs. gazillion light query load is another point to consider, in addition to other answers here. It's inherently harder to automatically optimize a single query in a NoSql-style DB. I've used MongoDB and ran into performance issues when trying to calculate a complex query. I haven't used Cassandra but I expect it to have the same issue.
On the other hand, if your load is expected to be that of very many small queries, and you want to be able to easily scale out, you could take advantage of eventual consistency that is offered by most NoSql DBs. Note that eventual consistency is not really a feature of a non-relational data model, but it is much easier to implement and to set up in a NoSql-based system.
For a single, very heavy query, any modern RDBMS engine can do a decent job parallelizing parts of the query and take advantage of as much CPU and memory you throw at it (on a single machine). NoSql databases don't have enough information about the structure of the data to be able to make assumptions that will allow truly intelligent parallelization of a big query. They do allow you to easily scale out more servers (or cores) but once the query hits a complexity level you are basically forced to split it apart manually to parts that the NoSql engine knows how to deal with intelligently.
In my experience with MongoDB, in the end because of the complexity of the query there wasn't much Mongo could do to optimize it and run parts of it on multiple data. Mongo parallelizes multiple queries but isn't so good at optimizing a single one.
Let's read some real world cases:
In this article: http://planetcassandra.org/blog/post/agentis-energy-stores-over-15-billion-records-of-time-series-usage-data-in-apache-cassandra
They elaborated the reason why they didn't choose MySql is because db synchronization is too slow.
(Also due to 2-phrase commit, FK, PK)
Cassandra is based on Amazon Dynamo paper
High availability
Backup performs well
Read and Write is better than HBase, (BigTable clone in java).
wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Cassandra
Their Conclusion is:
We looked at HBase, Dynamo, Mongo and Cassandra.
Cassandra was simply the best storage solution for the majority of our data.
As of 2018,
I would recommend using ScyllaDB to replace classic cassandra, if you need back support.
Postgres kv plugin is also quick than cassandra. How ever won't have multi-instance scalability.
another situation that makes the choice easier is when you want to use aggregate function like sum, min, max, etcetera and complex queries (like in the financial system mentioned above) then a relational database is probably more convenient then a nosql database since both are not possible on a nosql databse unless you use really a lot of Inverted indexes. When you do use nosql you would have to do the aggregate functions in code or store them seperatly in its own columnfamily but this makes it all quite complex and reduces the performance that you gained by using nosql.
Cassandra is a good choice if:
You don't require the ACID properties from your DB.
There would be massive and huge number of writes on the DB.
There is a requirement to integrate with Big Data, Hadoop, Hive and Spark.
There is a need of real time data analytics and report generations.
There is a requirement of impressive fault tolerant mechanism.
There is a requirement of homogenous system.
There is a requirement of lots of customisation for tuning.
If you need a fully consistent database with SQL semantics, Cassandra is NOT the solution for you. Cassandra supports key-value lookups. It does not support SQL queries. Data in Cassandra is "eventually consistent". Concurrent lookups of data may be inconsistent, but eventually lookups are consistent.
If you need strict semantics and need support for SQL queries, choose another solution such as MySQL, PostGres, or combine use of Cassandra with Solr.
Apache cassandra is a distributed database for managing large amounts of structured data across many commodity servers, while providing highly available service and no single point of failure.
The archichecture is purely based on the cap theorem, which is availability , and partition tolerance, and interestingly eventual consistently.
Dont Use it, if your not storing volumes of data across racks of clusters,
Dont use if you are not storing Time series data,
Dont Use if you not patitioning your servers,
Dont use if you require strong Consistency.
Mongodb has very powerful aggregate functions and an expressive aggregate framework. It has many of the features developers are accustomed to using from the relational database world. It's document data/storage structure allows for more complex data models than Cassandra, for example.
All this comes with trade-offs of course. So when you select your database (NoSQL, NewSQL, or RDBMS) look at what problem you are trying to solve and at your scalability needs. No one database does it all.
According to DataStax, Cassandra is not the best use case when there is a need for
1- High end hardware devices.
2- ACID compliant with no roll back (bank transaction)
It does not support complete transaction management across the
Secondary Index not supported.
Have to rely on Elastic search /Solr for Secondary index and the custom sync component has to be written.
Not ACID compliant system.
Query support is limited.

Good place to look for example Database Designs - Best practices [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have been given the task to design a database to store a lot of information for our company. Because the task is rather big and contains multiple modules where users should be able to do stuff, I'm worried about designing a good data model for this. I just don't want to end up with a badly designed database.
I want to have some decent examples of database structures for contracts / billing / orders etc to combine those in one nice relational database. Are there any resources out there that can help me with some examples regarding this?
Barry Williams has published a library of about six hundred data models for all sorts of applications. Almost certainly it will give you a "starter for ten" for all your subsystems. Access to this library is free so check it out.
It sounds like this is a big "enterprise-y" application your organisation wants, and you seem to be a bit of a beginner with databases. If at all possible you should start with a single sub-system - say, Orders - and get that working. Not just the database tables build but some skeleton front-end for it. Once that is good enough add another, related sub-system such as Billing. You don't want to end up with a sprawling monster.
Also make sure you have a decent data modelling tool. SQL Power Architect is nice enough for a free tool.
Before you start read up on normalization until you have no questions about it at all. If you only did this in school, you probably don't know enough about it to design yet.
Gather your requirements for each module carefully. You need to know:
Business rules (which are specific to applications and which must be enforced in the database because they must be enforced on all records no matter the source),
Are there legal or regulatory concerns (HIPAA for instance or Sarbanes-Oxley requirements)
security (does data need to be encrypted?)
What data do you need to store and why (is this data available anywhere else)
Which pieces of data will only have one row of data and which will need to have multiple rows?
How do you intend to enforce uniqueness of the the row in each table? Do you have a natural key or do you need a surrogate key (suggest a surrogate key in almost all cases)?
Do you need replication?
Do you need auditing?
How is the data going to be entered into the database? Will it come from the application one record at a time (or even from multiple applications)or will some of it come from bulk inserts from an ETL tool or from another database.
Do you need to know who entered the record and when (highly likely this will be necessary in an enterprise system.
What kind of lookup tables will you need? Data entry is much more accurate when you can use lookup tables and restrict the users to the values.
What kind of data validation do you need?
Roughly how many records will the system have? You need to have an idea to know how big to create your test data.
How are you going to query the data? Will you be using stored procs or an ORM or dynamic queries?
Some very basic things to remember in your design. Choose the right data type for your data. Do not store dates or numbers you intend to do math on in string fields. Do store numbers that are not candidates for math (part numbers, zip codes, phone numbers, etc) as string data as you may need leading zeros. Do not store more than one piece of information in a field. So no comma-concatenated lists (these indicate the need for a related table) and while you are at it if you find yourself doing something like phone1, phone2, phone 3, stop right away and design a related table. Do use foreign keys for data integrity purposes.
All the way through your design consider data integrity. Data that has no integrity is meaningless and useless. Do design for performance, this is critical in database design and is NOT premature optimization. Database do not refactor easily, so it is important to get the most critical parts of the performance equation right the first time. In fact all databases need to be designed for data integrity, performance and security.
Do not be afraid to have multiple joins, properly indexed these will perform just fine. Do not try to put everything into an entity value type table. Use these as sparingly as possible. Try to learn to think in terms of handling sets of data, it will help your design. Databases are optimized to do things in sets.
There's more but this is enough to start digesting.
Try to keep your concerns separate here. Users being able to update the database is more of an "application design" problem. If you get your database design right then it should be a case of developing a nice front end for it.
First thing to look at is Normalization. This is the process of eliminating any redundant data from your tables. This will help keep your database neat, and only store information that is relevant to your needs.
The Data Model Resource Book.
HEAVY stuff, but very well through out. 3 volumes all in all...
Has a lot of very well through out generic structures - but they are NOT easy, as they cover everything ;) Always a good starting point, though.
The database should not be the model. It is used to save informations between sessions of work.
You should not build your application upon a data model, but upon a good object oriented model that follows business logic.
Once your object model is done, then think about how you can save and load it, with all the database design that goes with it.
(but apparently your company just want you to design a database ? not an application ?)

When to use CouchDB vs RDBMS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking at CouchDB, which has a number of appealing features over relational databases including:
intuitive REST/HTTP interface
easy replication
data stored as documents, rather than normalised tables
I appreciate that this is not a mature product so should be adopted with caution, but am wondering whether it is actually a viable replacement for an RDBMS (in spite of the intro page saying otherwise - http://couchdb.apache.org/docs/intro.html).
Under what circumstances would CouchDB be a better choice of database than an RDBMS (e.g. MySQL), e.g. in terms of scalability, design + development time, reliability and maintenance.
Are there still cases where an RDBMS is still clearly the right choice?
Is this an either-or choice, or is a hybrid solution more likely to emerge as best practice?
I recently attended the NoSQL conference in London and think I have a better idea now how to answer the original question. I also wrote a blog post, and there are a couple of other good ones.
Key points:
We have accumulated probably 30 years knowledge of adminstering relational databases, so shouldn't replace them without careful consideration; non-relational data stores are less mature than relational ones, and so are inherently more risky to adopt
There are different types of non-relational data store; some are key-value stores, some are document stores, some are graph databases
You could use a hybrid approach, e.g. a combination of RDBMS and graph data store for a social software site
Document data stores (e.g. CouchDB and MongoDB) are probably the closest to relational databases and provide a JSON data structure with all the fields presented hierarchically which avoids having to do table joins, and (some might argue) is an improvement on the traditional object-relational mapping that most applications currently use
Non-relational databases support replication (including master-master); relational databases support replication too but it may not be as comprehensive as the non-relational option
Very large sites such as Twitter, Digg and Facebook use Cassandra, which is built from the ground up to support clustering
Relational databases are probably suitable for 90% of cases
In summary, consensus seems to be "proceed with caution".
Until someone gives a more in-depth answer, here are some pros and cons for CouchDB
you don't need to fit your data into one of those pesky higher-order normal forms
you can change the "schema" of your data at any time
your data will be indexed exactly for your queries, so you will get results in constant time.
you need to create views for each and every query, i.e. ad-hoc like queries (such as concatenating dynamic WHERE's and SORT's in an SQL) queries are not available.
you will either have redundant data, or you will end up implementing join and sort logic yourself on "client-side" (e.g. sorting a many-to-many relationship on multiple fields)
Pros or Cons:
creating your views are not as straightforward as in SQL, it's more like solving a puzzle. Depends on your type if this is a pro or a con :)
CouchDB is one of several available 'key/value stores', others include oldies like BDB, web-oriented ones like Persevere, MongoDB and CouchDB, new super-fast like memcached (RAM-only) and Tokyo Cabinet, and huge stores like Hadoop and Google's BigTable (MongoDB also claims to be on this space).
There's certainly space for both key/value stores and relational DBs. Traditionally, most RDBs are considered a layer above key/value. For example, MySQL used to use BDB as an optional backend for tables. In short, key/values know nothing about fields and relationships, which are the foundations of SQL.
Key/value stores typically are easier to scale, which makes them an attractive choice when growing explosively, like Twitter did. Of course, that means that any relationships between the stored values have to be managed on your code, instead of just declared in SQL. CouchDB's approach is to store big 'documents' in the value part, making them (mostly) self contained, so you can get most of the needed data in a single query. Many use cases fit on this idea, others don't.
The current theme I see is that after the "Rails doesn't scale!!" scare, now many people is realizing that it's not about your web framework; but about intelligent cacheing, to avoid hitting the database, and even the webapp when possible. The rising star there is memcached.
As always, it all depends on your needs.
This one is a hard question to answer. So I'll try to highlight the areas where CouchDB might work against you.
The two greatest sources of difficulty on the Couch Users and Dev mailing lists that people have are:
Complex Joins of Data.
Multi-Step Map/Reduce.
Couch Views are pretty much islands unto themselves. If you need to aggregate/merge/intersect a set of views you pretty much have to do so in the application layer for now. There are some tricks you can do with view collation and complex keys to help with joins but these only go so far for some types of data. This may or may not be livable for different applications. That being said many times this problem can reduced or eliminated by structuring your data differently.
The comments of the other folks on this question demonstrate some of the different types of data that are well suited to CouchDB.
One other thing to keep in mind is that a lot of times the data you might need to combine/merge/intersect would be data that you would do offline in an RDBMS database anyway so you might not lose anything by doing the same in CouchDB.
Short Answer: I think eventually CouchDB will be able to handle any kind of problem you want to throw at it. But the comfort level you have using it may differ from developer to developer. It's somewhat subjective I think. I happen to like using a turing complete language to query my data with and keeping more logic in the application layer. Your mileage may vary.
Sam you have to take another approch with CouchDB and in general with map or document based database. You can't define a constraint, such a unique, but you can query data to check if that email is used and if that login is used too. That's the right approch, you have to change your mind.
Correct me if I am wrong. Couchdb is useless for the cases when you need to validate uniqueness of docs over multiple fields. For example it's impossible to enforce validation rule like "both login and email required to be unique" and keep data in consustent state. You can check that before saving the doc, but someone can push before you and data becomes inconsistent.
If you are working with tabular data where there is only a shallow data hierarchy, than an RDBMS system is probably your best choice. This is the main use for RDBMS systems, and the documentation and tool support is very good.
For more nested data like xml, a document database should provide faster access to your data. Also, the storage model more closely resembles that of the data, so retrieval should be more straight forward.

What is NoSQL, how does it work, and what benefits does it provide? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've been hearing things about NoSQL and that it may eventually become the replacement for SQL DB storage methods due to the fact that DB interaction is often a bottle neck for speed on the web.
So I just have a few questions:
What exactly is it?
How does it work?
Why would it be better than using a SQL Database? And how much better is it?
Is the technology too new to start implementing yet or is it worth taking a look into?
There is no such thing as NoSQL!
NoSQL is a buzzword.
For decades, when people were talking about databases, they meant relational databases. And when people were talking about relational databases, they meant those you control with Edgar F. Codd's Structured Query Language. Storing data in some other way? Madness! Anything else is just flatfiles.
But in the past few years, people started to question this dogma. People wondered if tables with rows and columns are really the only way to represent data. People started thinking and coding, and came up with many new concepts how data could be organized. And they started to create new database systems designed for these new ways of working with data.
The philosophies of all these databases were different. But one thing all these databases had in common, was that the Structured Query Language was no longer a good fit for using them. So each database replaced SQL with their own query languages. And so the term NoSQL was born, as a label for all database technologies which defy the classic relational database model.
So what do NoSQL databases have in common?
Actually, not much.
You often hear phrases like:
NoSQL is scalable!
NoSQL is for BigData!
NoSQL violates ACID!
NoSQL is a glorified key/value store!
Is that true? Well, some of these statements might be true for some databases commonly called NoSQL, but every single one is also false for at least one other. Actually, the only thing NoSQL databases have in common, is that they are databases which do not use SQL. That's it. The only thing that defines them is what sets them apart from each other.
So what sets NoSQL databases apart?
So we made clear that all those databases commonly referred to as NoSQL are too different to evaluate them together. Each of them needs to be evaluated separately to decide if they are a good fit to solve a specific problem. But where do we begin? Thankfully, NoSQL databases can be grouped into certain categories, which are suitable for different use-cases:
Examples: MongoDB, CouchDB
Strengths: Heterogenous data, working object-oriented, agile development
Their advantage is that they do not require a consistent data structure. They are useful when your requirements and thus your database layout changes constantly, or when you are dealing with datasets which belong together but still look very differently. When you have a lot of tables with two columns called "key" and "value", then these might be worth looking into.
Graph databases
Examples: Neo4j, GiraffeDB.
Strengths: Data Mining
While most NoSQL databases abandon the concept of managing data relations, these databases embrace it even more than those so-called relational databases.
Their focus is at defining data by its relation to other data. When you have a lot of tables with primary keys which are the primary keys of two other tables (and maybe some data describing the relation between them), then these might be something for you.
Key-Value Stores
Examples: Redis, Cassandra, MemcacheDB
Strengths: Fast lookup of values by known keys
They are very simplistic, but that makes them fast and easy to use. When you have no need for stored procedures, constraints, triggers and all those advanced database features and you just want fast storage and retrieval of your data, then those are for you.
Unfortunately they assume that you know exactly what you are looking for. You need the profile of User157641? No problem, will only take microseconds. But what when you want the names of all users who are aged between 16 and 24, have "waffles" as their favorite food and logged in in the last 24 hours? Tough luck. When you don't have a definite and unique key for a specific result, you can't get it out of your K-V store that easily.
Is SQL obsolete?
Some NoSQL proponents claim that their favorite NoSQL database is the new way of doing things, and SQL is a thing of the past.
Are they right?
No, of course they aren't. While there are problems SQL isn't suitable for, it still got its strengths. Lots of data models are simply best represented as a collection of tables which reference each other. Especially because most database programmers were trained for decades to think of data in a relational way, and trying to press this mindset onto a new technology which wasn't made for it rarely ends well.
NoSQL databases aren't a replacement for SQL - they are an alternative.
Most software ecosystems around the different NoSQL databases aren't as mature yet. While there are advances, you still haven't got supplemental tools which are as mature and powerful as those available for popular SQL databases.
Also, there is much more know-how for SQL around. Generations of computer scientists have spent decades of their careers into research focusing on relational databases, and it shows: The literature written about SQL databases and relational data modelling, both practical and theoretical, could fill multiple libraries full of books. How to build a relational database for your data is a topic so well-researched it's hard to find a corner case where there isn't a generally accepted by-the-book best practice.
Most NoSQL databases, on the other hand, are still in their infancy. We are still figuring out the best way to use them.
What exactly is it?
On one hand, a specific system, but it has also become a generic word for a variety of new data storage backends that do not follow the relational DB model.
How does it work?
Each of the systems labelled with the generic name works differently, but the basic idea is to offer better scalability and performance by using DB models that don't support all the functionality of a generic RDBMS, but still enough functionality to be useful. In a way it's like MySQL, which at one time lacked support for transactions but, exactly because of that, managed to outperform other DB systems. If you could write your app in a way that didn't require transactions, it was great.
Why would it be better than using a SQL Database? And how much better is it?
It would be better when your site needs to scale so massively that the best RDBMS running on the best hardware you can afford and optimized as much as possible simply can't keep up with the load. How much better it is depends on the specific use case (lots of update activity combined with lots of joins is very hard on "traditional" RDBMSs) - could well be a factor of 1000 in extreme cases.
Is the technology too new to start implementing yet or is it worth taking a look into?
Depends mainly on what you're trying to achieve. It's certainly mature enough to use. But few applications really need to scale that massively. For most, a traditional RDBMS is sufficient. However, with internet usage becoming more ubiquitous all the time, it's quite likely that applications that do will become more common (though probably not dominant).
Since someone said that my previous post was off-topic, I'll try to compensate :-) NoSQL is not, and never was, intended to be a replacement for more mainstream SQL databases, but a couple of words are in order to get things in the right perspective.
At the very heart of the NoSQL philosophy lies the consideration that, possibly for commercial and portability reasons, SQL engines tend to disregard the tremendous power of the UNIX operating system and its derivatives.
With a filesystem-based database, you can take immediate advantage of the ever-increasing capabilities and power of the underlying operating system, which have been steadily increasing for many years now in accordance with Moore's law. With this approach, many operating-system commands become automatically also "database operators" (think of "ls" "sort", "find" and the other countless UNIX shell utilities).
With this in mind, and a bit of creativity, you can indeed devise a filesystem-based database that is able to overcome the limitations of many common SQL engines, at least for specific usage patterns, which is the whole point behind NoSQL's philosophy, the way I see it.
I run hundreds of web sites and they all use NoSQL to a greater or lesser extent. In fact, they do not host huge amounts of data, but even if some of them did I could probably think of a creative use of NoSQL and the filesystem to overcome any bottlenecks. Something that would likely be more difficult with traditional SQL "jails". I urge you to google for "unix", "manis" and "shaffer" to understand what I mean.
If I recall correctly, it refers to types of databases that don't necessarily follow the relational form. Document databases come to mind, databases without a specific structure, and which don't use SQL as a specific query language.
It's generally better suited to web applications that rely on performance of the database, and don't need more advanced features of Relation Database Engines. For example, a Key->Value store providing a simple query by id interface might be 10-100x faster than the corresponding SQL server implementation, with a lower developer maintenance cost.
One example is this paper for an OLTP Tuple Store, which sacrificed transactions for single threaded processing (no concurrency problem because no concurrency allowed), and kept all data in memory; achieving 10-100x better performance as compared to a similar RDBMS driven system. Basically, it's moving away from the 'One Size Fits All' view of SQL and database systems.
In practice, NoSQL is a database system which supports fast access to large binary objects (docs, jpgs etc) using a key based access strategy. This is a departure from the traditional SQL access which is only good enough for alphanumeric values. Not only the internal storage and access strategy but also the syntax and limitations on the display format restricts the traditional SQL. BLOB implementations of traditional relational databases too suffer from these restrictions.
Behind the scene it is an indirect admission of the failure of the SQL model to support any form of OLTP or support for new dataformats. "Support" means not just store but full access capabilities - programmatic and querywise using the standard model.
Relational enthusiasts were quick to modify the defnition of NoSQL from Not-SQL to Not-Only-SQL to keep SQL still in the picture! This is not good especially when we see that most Java programs today resort to ORM mapping of the underlying relational model. A new concept must have a clearcut definition. Else it will end up like SOA.
The basis of the NoSQL systems lies in the random key - value pair. But this is not new. Traditional database systems like IMS and IDMS did support hashed ramdom keys (without making use of any index) and they still do. In fact IDMS already has a keyword NONSQL where they support SQL access to their older network database which they termed as NONSQL.
It's like Jacuzzi: both a brand and a generic name. It's not just a specific technology, but rather a specific type of technology, in this case referring to large-scale (often sparse) "databases" like Google's BigTable or CouchDB.
NoSQL the actual program appears to be a relational database implemented in awk using flat files on the backend. Though they profess, "NoSQL essentially has no arbitrary limits, and can work where other products can't. For example there is no limit on data field size, the number of columns, or file size" , I don't think it is the large scale database of the future.
As Joel says, massively scalable databases like BigTable or HBase, are much more interesting. GQL is the query language associated with BigTable and App Engine. It's largely SQL tweaked to avoid features Google considers bottle-necks (like joins). However, I haven't heard this referred to as "NoSQL" before.
NoSQL is a database system which doesn't use string based SQL queries to fetch data.
Instead you build queries using an API they will provide, for example Amazon DynamoDB is a good example of a NoSQL database.
NoSQL databases are better for large applications where scalability is important.
Does NoSQL mean non-relational database?
Yes, NoSQL is different from RDBMS and OLAP. It uses looser consistency models than traditional relational databases.
Consistency models are used in distributed systems like distributed shared memory systems or distributed data store.
How it works internally?
NoSQL database systems are often highly optimized for retrieval and appending operations and often offer little functionality beyond record storage (e.g. key-value stores). The reduced run-time flexibility compared to full SQL systems is compensated by marked gains in scalability and performance for certain data models.
It can work on Structured and Unstructured Data. It uses Collections instead of Tables
How do you query such "database"?
Watch SQL vs NoSQL: Battle of the Backends; it explains it all.

What are the general guidelines and best practices to keep in mind while designing database for an application? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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My questions is regarding Database Modeling. I tried to look for this question amongst other Database Designing questions on SO but haven't found it and so here am asking about:
What are the general guidelines and best practices to keep in mind while designing database for an application ?
What are the best resources/books/University Lectures available on Database Design Concepts ?
Just some things I've learned from experience (I'm sure some will disagree, but I've been querying and designing and programming databases for 30+years and have seen the effects of stupid design up close and personal):
There are three critical things to consider in all database design - data integrity (without this you essentially have no data), security and performance. All other considerations take a back seat to these three.
Never create a table without a way to uniquely identify a record.
There really are very few true natural keys that really work as a primary key, if you don't have control over whether it will change, do not use it as a primary key (you don't really want to change the company name through 27 child tables do you?). Use a surrogate key instead. Using a surrogate key does not exempt you from the need to set unique indexes if you could have used a unique composite key. Always set these indexes if you can determine a way to have a unique composite. Duplicate records are the bane of an application's existance. It seems obvious but never ever consider name to be a key field, names are not and never will be unique.
Do not use a GUID as your primary key as it can kill performance. If you need a guid for replication also consider having an int or big int primary key.
Do not design as if you will be changing database backends unless you know up front you will be doing so. Virtually all the good techniques for performance tuning are database specific, don't harm your own ability to tune your database for a non-existant requirement.
Avoid value-entity table structures. They are miserable to query.
Add all things you need to ensure data integrity into your database design, things like defaults, constraints, triggers, etc. are necessary to avoid having useless data. Do not rely on the application code to do this or you will be sorry.
Others mentioned normalization, I agree you must understand this thoroughly even if you later decide to denormalize.
Do not stack views on top of views if you want any kind of performance at all. Every database I've seen that does this is eventually a huge performance problem.
Consider what data you will need to manage the database as well as what the application needs. If you are going to be serious about databases you need to understand database auditing and your database should implement ways to find out who made what change and when and what the old data was. You'll thank me the first time someone malicious changes the data or someone deletes all the records in a table accidentally.
Really think through how the data will be queried when designing. It can make a huge difference in the design.
Do not store more than one piece of information in a field. It might look cool to put a comma delimited list into one field rather than add a related table but it is a really bad idea.
Elegance is often the enemy of performance in databases. Pick performance over elegance every time and you won't go wrong.
Avoid the use of database keywords in the naming of objects. Your programmers will thank you. Pick a naming convention and be consistent in always using it. If a field is in mulitple tables make sure it is the same name (exception if an id field has two possible foreign keys in the same table use the id field name and a prefix to identify the differnce between say Sales_person_id and Customer_person_id), same datatype and length, if applicable in all of them. Fix misspellings right away, you really don't want to spend the next ten years remembering that in tablea it is the persnoid instead of personid.
Read about database refactoring (search on amazon for some good books) and consider how to be able to do this in your design. Few databases are designed to be refactored and being able to do so is critical towards being able to fix database problems that arise from badly thought out designs or changes to business requirements.
While you are reading, read about performance tuning, you'll learn a tremendous amount about what to avoid in designing the database.
I'm sure there's more but this is enough to start with.
One addtional thing I wanted to add. Do not design your database as if the data entry application page is the most critical thing. Data is often queried more often than it is written even in a transactional database. Really think about how easy it will be to to get data back out of the database (Oh so that's why the EAV model is so bad!) and what effect the design will have on reporting. This is espcially critical as I often see that the people doing the reporting are not the people who design the database or reporting tasks are later in the project than createing the data entry. Databases are not easy to refactor, consider the whole life cycle of the data when designing a database. Think about things like storing moment in time values as you can't find out how much an order was for two years later by multiplying the quantity ordered by the price in the products table as that wasn't the price at the time of the order. Reporting needs this type if information, but it often too late to get it by the time the reports are written when the design is done badly. Stuff that works fine when you are handling one record at a time can be a disaster when you need to look at thousands or millions of records. Not every application is going to create a separate reporting datbase, so really think about this.
this question is like saying "what is the best car to buy", it really depends on many factors including amount of data, number of concurrent users, what you are trying to do, etc. FYI, normalization is good for some database uses, but bad for others (data warehouse).
Give us a better idea of how you intend to use the data, and you'll get some better recommendations.
While I agree with others that your question right now is much too broad and can't really be answered (except for the "it depends" approach :-)), there is one book I would wholeheartedly recommend for anyone beginning database design in general:
Michael Hernandez: Database Design for Mere Mortals(R): A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design
It's a really hands-on, no-frills, down to earth book and introduces all the major and important concepts in a very understandable, very approachable fashion. Well written, interesting, very sound and useful - highly recommended!
your question is too broad. Normalization and denormalization are most used concepts.
The best thing to do is to start with a well normalized database. The wikipedia article has some good information on that along with some good references.
Typically you'll end up denormalizing parts of your database for better performance, but you almost always want to start with it in 4th normal form.
Look at wikipedia article about database normalization. There is also further reading section.
If you design a new database for brand new application you should try use ORM library (like JPA implementations in Java) that release you from database design, because these tools generate database from domain model. If you don't have any experience in this field - database generated with ORM tools will be much better of yours.
Consider all your use cases. Think about every single possible way someone might want to get to data, and plan for those. Wear your designer, developer, tester, and user hats.
Try to think of database tables as representing physical objects.
Normalize, as others have said.
