Getting non-UI objects to respond to WPF command bindings - wpf

I have a ViewModel class which i want to respond to the built in Refresh command whic is fired from a button but i'm not sure how to declare the CommandTarget.
Briefly, my code is as below
The ViewModel constructor and CanExecute and Executed event handlers -
public ViewModel()
CommandBinding binding = new CommandBinding(NavigationCommands.Refresh, CommandHandler);
binding.CanExecute += new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(binding_CanExecute);
binding.Executed += new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(binding_Executed);
CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(ViewModel), binding);
void binding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
void binding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = true;
The markup is -
<Button Command="Refresh">refresh</Button>
Now, I've tried setting the CommandTarget on this button to {Binding Source={StaticResource ViewModel}} but i get a runtime saying Cannot convert the value in attribute 'CommandTarget' to object of type 'System.Windows.IInputElement'.
I'm new to commands so it's entirely possible I'm all kinds of wrong here. Anyhelp would be appreciated.

RoutedCommands and MVVM do not mix. RoutedCommands are tied to the visual tree and to rely on WPF's CommandBindings collection. You should implement your own ICommand classes that work with the MVVM pattern. Take a look at Prism's implementations for starters.
In my own MVVM projects, I have a couple of command implementations:
DelegateCommand. Calls provided delegates to determine whether the command can execute, and to execute the command.
ActiveAwareCommand. Works in conjunction with an interface (IActiveAware) and sends command executions to the currently active item. Multiple active aware implementations register themselves with the command, and the command automatically routes CanExecute / Execute calls to the currently active item.


WPF Is there a simple way to update GUI from main thread [duplicate]

I'm a web and backend programmer by nature. Normally I try to avaoid making windows programs. Now I have to make a WPF client.
I have a background task that raises an event every often time. (It is working like a poller and when the criteria are met an event is raised). Noob as I am I wrote this code that was attached to the event to update the UI.
private void IsDisconnectedEvent()
UserWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
DisconnectWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
This gives an exception because I am not on the same thread. After some googling I found that I should change the code with:
private void IsDisconnectedEvent()
Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
UserWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
DisconnectWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
This works, but this is not the only event and thus makes my code horrible ugly. Are there better ways to do this?
Regarding this:
This works, but this is not the only event and thus makes my code
horrible ugly
Yes, your WPF-based code will definitely be extremely horrible unless you understand and embrace The WPF Mentality.
Basically, all interactions between your custom logic (AKA Business logic or Application Logic) and the WPF UI should manifest in the form of Declarative DataBinding as opposed to the traditional imperative approach.
This means that there should be nothing like this:
UserWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
anywhere in your code, simply because introducing things like that makes your code dependent on the UI and thus only executable on the UI thread.
Instead, the WPF approach to that would be to declaratively DataBind the Visibility propety of the UI element (IN XAML) to a relevant bool property that you can operate from the outside, like this:
<UserWindow Visibility="{Binding ShowUserWindow, Converter={my:BoolToVisibilityConverter}}">
<!-- ... -->
Then, you would need to create a relevant class that contains the properties the UI is expecting to bind to. This is called a ViewModel.
Notice that in order to properly support Two-Way WPF DataBinding, your ViewModels must Implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
When doing so, it is also convenient to have the PropertyChanged event from that interface marshalled to the UI thread, so that you no longer have to worry about setting the ViewModel's properties by using the Dispatcher.
Therefore our first step is to have all our ViewModels inherit from a class like this:
(taken from this answer):
public class PropertyChangedBase:INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
//Raise the PropertyChanged event on the UI Thread, with the relevant propertyName parameter:
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) (() =>
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Once we have our Property Change Notification Dispatch to the UI Thread in place, we can proceed to create a relevant ViewModel that suits, in this case, the UserWindow and it's DataBinding expectations:
public class UserViewModel: PropertyChangedBase
private bool _showUserWindow;
public bool ShowUserWindow
get {return _showUserWindow; }
_showUserWindow = value;
OnPropertyChanged("ShowUserWindow"); //This is important!!!
Finally, you would need to set the Window's DataContext to an instance of it's corresponding ViewModel. One simple way to do that is in the Window's constructor:
public UserWindow() //Window's Constructor
InitializeComponent(); //this is required.
DataContext = new UserViewModel(); //here we set the DataContext
As you can see in this example, there is literally no need to manipulate the UI element's properties in procedural code. This is good not only because it resolves the Thread Affinity issues (because now you can set the ShowUserWindow property from any thread), but also because it makes your ViewModels and logic completely decoupled from the UI and thus testable and more scalable.
This same concept applies to EVERYTHING in WPF.
One detail that I need to mention is that I'm making use of a technique of Combining MarkupExtension and IValueConverter in order to reduce the the XAML boilerplate involved in using Converters.
You can read more about that in the link and also the MSDN DataBinding page linked above.
Let me know if you need further details.

Double Click on a WPF ListView - how to fire a command and not use an event handler

I am a little confused on how to implement an event as a command in my particular situation. I want to honour MVVM, but don't get how in this case.
I have a WPF 'view' - viewCustomerSearch. This has some text boxes on it, and when the user clicks 'Search' the results are populated in ListView. viewCustomerSearch is bound to viewmodelCustomerSearch, and it works great.
viewCustomerSearch is hosted on viewCustomer.
I want to know have viewCustomerSearch expose a custom command - CustomerSelectedCommand - that is 'fired' whenever the ListView in viesCustomerSearch is double clicked, and then handled by the viewmodel behind viewCustomer (which is viewmodelCustomer). This seems the theoretical MVVM pattern implemented correctly.
I have broken down the main problem into three smaller problems, but hopefully you can see they are all components of the same challenge.
FIRST PROBLEM: in order to have viewCustomerSearch expose a custom command I seem to have to put this code in viewCustomerSearch - which seems to 'break' MVVM (no code in the view code behind).
public readonly DependencyProperty CustomerSelectedCommandProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("CustomerSelectedCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(viewCustomerSearch));
public ICommand CustomerSelectedCommand
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(CustomerSelectedCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(CustomerSelectedCommandProperty, value); }
SECOND PROBLEM (and this is the one that is really getting to me): Best explained by showing what I would do which breaks MVVM. I would have an event handler in the view:
private void lstResults_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (CustomerSelectedCommand != null) CustomerSelectedCommand.Execute(((ViewModels.viewmodelCustomerSearchResult)this.lstResults.SelectedItem).CustomerId);
Well ... I know that you shouldn't put this event handler here; rather it should have a Command to handle it in the viewmodelCustomerSearch. The two problems here are
because the 'CustomerSelectedCommand' ICommand is implemented in
viewCustomerSearch, viewmodelCustomerSearch can't see it to fire it.
I cannot see how to bind the MouseDoubleClick event to a command, instead of an event handler in the view code behind. I am reading about Attached Properties, but cannot see how they are to be applied here.
(Please note: I am using the common 'RelayCommand' elsewhere in the application; does this come into play here??)
THIRD PROBLEM: When I do use the non-MVVM way of firing the command in the code behind event handler, you can see that I am passing in the Selected Customer Id as an arguement into the command. How do I see that argument in the Command handler in viewCustomer? I create a new RelayCommand to handle it, but it seems the Execute method does not take arguments?
Given all of the above, I have to say that I do NOT personally subscribe to the 'MVVM means NO CODE IN THE VIEW'. That seems crazy to me; code that is entirely to do with the view, and the view only, should not - IMHO - go in the viewmodel. That said, though, this does seem like logic-y stuff (not view stuff).
Many thanks for some insight. Sorry for the long post; trying to balance enough information for you to help me with 'War and Peace'.
In your view you can add a "Command" property in xaml and bind it to your ViewModel's command
Command="{Binding CustomerSelectedCommand}"
Parameters can be passed in multiple ways. Most of the time, I just have other items bound to my ViewModel and I can just use them directly. However there is also a property called CommandParameter, here's an example of specifying it in XAML.
CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=txtPassword}"
then in my ViewModel the definition of my Command looks like this
private void UserLogonCommandExecute(object parameter)
var password_box = parameter as PasswordBox;
It sounds like you already know how to set up a RelayCommand in your ViewModel so I won't go into that. I found How Do I: Build Data-driven WPF Application using the MVVM pattern helpful when I was getting started.
Per Comment Request Command Property Example
I'm just going to grab some working code, here's how you add a Command property to a button in XAML.
<Button Command="{Binding ConnectCommand}">
//Your button content and closing </Button> here
This assume you have set your DataContext to a ViewModel that has a Command called ConnectCommand. Here's an example for ConnectCommand. You'll need to replace the contents of ConnectCommandCanExecute and ConnectCommandExecute with whatever work you want done.
public ICommand ConnectCommand
if (_connectCommand == null)
_connectCommand = new RelayCommand(param => ConnectCommandExecute(),
param => ConnectCommandCanExecute);
return _connectCommand;
private bool ConnectCommandCanExecute
get { return !_instrumentModel.IsConnected; }
private void ConnectCommandExecute()
if (TcpSettingsChanged()) SaveTcpSettings();
One part of making this simple is the RelayClass I have in one of my core library .dlls. I probably got this from one of the videos I watched. This can be cut and pasted in it's entirety, there is nothing here you need to customize, except you'll probably want to change the namespace this is in.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace Syncor.MvvmLib
public class RelayCommand : ICommand
private readonly Action<object> _execute;
private readonly Predicate<object> _canExecute;
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value;
CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value;
public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute)
: this(execute, (Predicate<object>) null)
this._execute = execute;
public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute)
if (execute == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("execute");
this._execute = execute;
this._canExecute = canExecute;
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
if (this._canExecute != null)
return this._canExecute(parameter);
return true;
public void Execute(object parameter)
Why don't you name it "DoubleClickCommand" that way you don't put business logic in your control. And then bind this command to your viewmodel, Like Tod explained.
Regarding your code behind, there is a pure xaml solution, to be more precise it involves attached behaviors, but does not need to override a WPF class(which i like to avoid), search for "fire command on event" for example this.
One final thing: Code Behind does NOT break MVVM in any way, i wonder where this myth came from. Code behind is perfectly fine! MVVM is to separate view and logic, not telling you where to put your code. Design principles should help, not hinder you.

Silverlight MVVM: where did my (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) go?

I am using commanding in my viewmodel to handle events. like for example I am handling a button click event like this:
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding mvvmButtonclick}" />
Viewmodel Code
public ICommand mvvmButtonclick
private set;
Viewmodel Constructor code to wireup the command
this.mvvmButtonclick = new ActionCommand(this.ButtonClickedEvent);
Actual method in the viewmodel that gets called on button click
private void ButtonClickedEvent()
This works. So my questions are:
Is this the correct way?
Is there a way I can propogate the (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) parameters into my viewmodel and should I care if its not there?
Suppose if this were a listbox selection changed event and not a button click. How do I get the value of the selected item without the object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e parameters?
I think you may be missing the point of the separation between view and view-model that the interaction triggers are designed to provide.
The purpose of the interaction triggers is to allow the designer (typically using Blend) to invoke a command on the view model. Which UI element and which event on the UI element might invoke such a command is the designers choice.
If the ViewModel though did require that a specific derivative of the EventArgs be provided during such a call to a command then that would tie the designers hands a little. It would create the sort of coupling between the view and view-model that interaction triggers aspires to eliminate.
As to your final question, the way to determine the currently selected item in a list box and be notified when it changes would be to create a property on the view model that is the bound to the SelectedItem of the ListBox. There is no need to employee interaction triggers or commands for this sort of thing.
There are some frameworks (such as Catel), that allow the forwarding of the EventArgs. For example, see this implementation:
The class is compatible with both Silverlight and WPF.
If you don't want to use the EventArgs, you will need to create a SelectedObject property on the ViewModel and bind it to the SelectedItem of the listbox.
Catel includes 2 example applications (both in WPF and Silverlight) that use MVVM and the EventToCommand class to edit a selected item in a listbox. I think that is what you are looking for!

Binding SelectionChanged to ViewModel using Caliburn.Micro

We've using Caliburn.Micro on a new Silverlight project and everythings working great. The inbuilt conventions bind buttons click events to the viewModel, but I'm not sure what the best way to handle the selectionChanged event on datagrids and comboboxes is.
At the moment, I'm binding to the selected item and calling custom logic, but I feel like this is a bit of a code smell and that I should seperate the setting of the property and the selectedChange event. But if I seperate these, how do I bind the selection changed event to my viewModel, by commands? or an EventTrigger? Or is the code below acceptable? Its a small change but I do this logic everywhere.
private Foo _selectedFoo;
public Foo SelectedFoo
return _Foo;
if (_Foo != null && _Foo.Equals(value)) return;
_Foo = value;
I use this technique regularly and I feel very comfortable with it.
I find perfectly fine that the VM reacts to its own state change, without the need for the external actor (which incidentally is the View, but could be another component, too) to set the new state, THEN signal the VM that the state is changed.
If you really want to, however, you can use the Message.Attach attached property to hook an event in the View to an action in the VM:
cal:Message.Attach="[Event SelectionChanged] = [OnSelectionChangedAction]"
(see also
Here is a sample for MVVM and Caliburn.Micro using. Some actions like SelectionChanged should get an explicit a event arguments, so you should set it in caliburn event action part. Freqently first argument is passing $this (The actual ui element to which the action is attached.) and you gets in handler a datacontext for the row but to get to the Grid you should pass $source, as the first argument ($source - is the actual FrameworkElement that triggered the ActionMessage to be sent). According to the manual Caliburn manual.
cal:Message.Attach="[Event SelectionChanged]=[Action DataGrid_JobTypesSelectionChanged($source,$eventArgs)];"
public void DataGrid_JobTypesSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var grid = sender as DataGrid;
JobTypesSelectedCollection = grid.SelectedItems.Cast<JobComplexModel>().ToList();

Custom WPF command pattern example

I've done some WPF programing and one thing I never got was the command pattern. Every example seems to be for built in ones, edit, cut, paste. Anyone have an example or suggestion of best practice for custom commands?
Ah ha! A question I can answer! Firstly, I should mention that I have personally found it easier to define and hook up commands in code rather than in XAML. It allows me to hook up the handlers for the commands a little more flexibly than an all XAML approach does.
You should work out what commands you want to have and what they relate to. In my application, I currently have a class for defining important application commands like so:
public static class CommandBank
/// Command definition for Closing a window
public static RoutedUICommand CloseWindow { get; private set; }
/// Static private constructor, sets up all application wide commands.
static CommandBank()
CloseWindow = new RoutedUICommand();
CloseWindow.InputGestures.Add(new KeyGesture(Key.F4, ModifierKeys.Alt));
// ...
Now, because I wanted to keep the code all together, using a code only approach to Commands lets me put the following methods in the class above:
/// Closes the window provided as a parameter
public static void CloseWindowExecute(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
/// Allows a Command to execute if the CommandParameter is not a null value
public static void CanExecuteIfParameterIsNotNull(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = e.Parameter != null;
e.Handled = true;
The second method there can even be shared with other Commands without me having to repeat it all over the place.
Once you have defined the commands like this, you can add them to any piece of UI. In the following, once the Window has Loaded, I add command bindings to both the Window and MenuItem and then add an input binding to the Window using a loop to do this for all command bindings. The parameter that is passed is the Window its self so the code above knows what Window to try and close.
public partial class SimpleWindow : Window
private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// ...
new CommandBinding(
foreach (CommandBinding binding in this.CommandBindings)
RoutedCommand command = (RoutedCommand)binding.Command;
if (command.InputGestures.Count > 0)
foreach (InputGesture gesture in command.InputGestures)
var iBind = new InputBinding(command, gesture);
iBind.CommandParameter = this;
// menuItemExit is defined in XAML
menuItemExit.Command = CommandBank.CloseWindow;
menuItemExit.CommandParameter = this;
// ...
// ....
I then also later have event handlers for the WindowClosing and WindowClosed events, I do recommend you make the actual implementation of commands as small and generic as possible. As in this case, I didn't try to put code that tries to stop the Window closing if there is unsaved data, I kept that code firmly inside the WindowClosing event.
Let me know if you have any follow up questions. :)
I blogged about a bunch of resources on WPF Commands along with an example last year at
Pasting here:
Adam Nathan’s sample chapter on Important New Concepts in WPF: Commands
MSDN article: The Command Pattern In WPF
Keyvan Nayyeri: How to Add Commands to Custom WPF Control
Ian Griffiths: Avalon Input, Commands, and Handlers
Wikipedia: Command Pattern
MSDN Library: Commanding Overview
MSDN Library: CommandBinding Class
MSDN Library: Input and Commands How-to Topics
MSDN Library: EditingCommands Class
MSDN Library: MediaCommands Class
MSDN Library: ApplicationCommands Class
MSDN Library: NavigationCommands Class
MSDN Library: ComponentCommands Class
Also buried in the WPF SDK samples, there's a nice sample on RichTextBox editing which I've extended. You can find it here:
In the September 2008 edition of the MSDN magazine, Brian Noyes has a excellent article about the RoutedCommand/RoutedEvents!!!
Here is the link:
The thing about XAML is that it is fine for 'simple' programs, but sadly, it doesn't work well when you want to do things like share functions. Say you have several classes and UI's all of which had commands that were never disabled, you'd have to write a 'CanAlwaysExecute' method for each Window or UserControl! That's just not very DRY.
Having read several blogs and through trying several things, I've made the choice to make XAML purely about looks, styles, animation and triggers. All my hooking up of event handlers and commanding is now down in the code-behind. :)
Another gotcha by the way is Input binding, in order for them to be caught, focus must be on the object that contains the Input bindings. For example, to have a short cut you can use at any time (say, F1 to open help), that input binding must be set on the Window object, since that always has focus when your app is Active. Using the code method should make that easier, even when you start using UserControls which might want to add input bindings to their parent Window.
