A Developers guide to SQL Server Analysis Services and OLAP [closed] - sql-server

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This post from SqlBatman describes a situation similar to my current client and, in reality, indicative of many companies that rely on tons of reports which have been shifted to over-night processing because of their performance impact.
How do I get started using Analysis Services in general and OLAP Cubes in particular to help my clients?

I really like Analysis Services Step by Step to get up to speed on all that SSAS can do.
In short, SSAS gives you quick access to pre-aggregated data. The real power of OLAP is not in being able to generate reports quickly, though; it's in being able to interact with the data. Slicing, dicing, drilling down, up, and through. It's a dataphile's dream.
That being said, if you just want to get static reports out of this, or you want to build out cubes, you really, really, really need to get up to speed on data warehousing. Grab a copy of The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit for this. Kimball's the authority on this, especially if you'd like to use SSAS on top of it.
The warehouse is the cake, the cube is the icing. Bake the cake, first, and the cube just gets put on top to make it that much better.


Are there any databases that focus on query and read performance? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are there any databases that focus more on insanely fast read/querying performance? I am looking for a good nosql document database that I don't plan for any significance writes (updating the database is only done by me on a weekly schedule). The type of query I will be doing are keyword searches that will search multiple string fields and interval searching that will look for elements within/overlap an interval.
I was looking at Redis initially, but I needed something a bit more extensive than key/value to store my data. MongoDB looks like a good choice?
There are many possible solutions for your problem, the right solution depends mostly on the scale and the actual use case.
Redis does quite a bit more than simple key/value storage, but I doubt that it's what you need right now.
For mostly read only storage and these type of searches I would recommend taking a look at Elasticsearch and/or Solr, should do what you need and more.
Basically... fast to read, slow to write means lots of denormalisation. You can do that yourself, you can (with some apps) let the database take care of it. But it's always a trade off.

Choosing Correct Database For Delphi Project [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing with Delphi XE2.
I am planning a software for primary and secondary school. This school have 1,500 students. The database model is relational and we plan to keep the whole history of each student as the years move on. (well at some point it will be archived, but mostly all the relationships will be maintained for a good time)
I used to write Delphi apps using DBISAM V4 from Elevate Software. I hold a licence of it, so it is still a possibility for use it.
However I had contact with many companies using Firebird recently, some using Postgres and many websites with MySQL.
I don`t see a need to go paid databases, since this type of customer is sensitive in investment. So any database that is free for such use, plus the option of keep using DBISAM. I like it but it is getting old.
I prefer to put the business logic on the software, not in the database, so no need to intricate logic or procedures on the database side.
My questions is: What I need to consider to choose the correct database?
This Wiki post can help you. Besides that, you have to decide for using OLE-DB, ODBC or DBX as middleware technology. Depending on which one you will find or not support for Delphi.
Another criteria include know-how on the database options and rectrictions/requirements on security and scalability.
However, no matter what DBMS you choose, my best advice for you is to isolate the access to it in a dedicated service layer so most of your application won't be directly dependent of it.
In your place I would model the application in terms of domain classes and would invest in a persistence layer. If you have to go for another DBMS in the future, most of you code will be preserved.
DBISAM will work here, and you can even write a webservice in Delphi, to provide access to tablets and such. You need to start thinking about the things that really matter here, such as what platform the users are on, how many users total, how many users will be using the database simultaneously (average and peak), how many rows are kept per student, how many add/delete/updated rows daily, etc.. DBISAM has limited SQL. It does a lot, but not everything that you can do in other databases. Their newer product, ElevateDB, addresses most shortfalls, including Unicode.

Where to find practical well-designed database schema examples to learn from? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to database schema design and I want to learn more about how a well-designed database scheme is implemented in the real world?
Is there any places to find those schemes? Or is there any book focused on explanation over examples.
DatabaseAnswers.org (unfortunately now defunct) but well-preserved in the Wayback Machine is a great source of example database schemas.
I can also recommend Beginning Database Design, published by Apress. I own this book and can confirm that it is of high quality. The book looks at a number of real world scenarios and explains the impact a certain design decision could have on the way the database works and the quality of the data and its output.
Finally I would advise building some small databases (E.G. contact management, Task list etc). Start by specifying some basic requirements and create some tables and queries. You WILL make some mistakes which is the best way of learning.
Here is a nice library of schemas to browse through.

Flash game data storage [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm storing a variety of variables containing statistics, items weapons, etc in a flash based game. Currently I'm using PHP and AMFPHP as a backend, calling services to pull the data. This is fine for my own machine, even my own website, however if I want to deploy the game to a site such as Kongregate or ArmorGames, what storage method can I use at that point?
I have a small preference of continuing to use a database such as MySQL because I spent some time designing the ER diagram and schema, but if I have to store in a flat file, I can do that too. I'm especially interested in others who have deployed games which have data storage (such as inventory, characters, classes, items, mobs) external to their game.
Edit: Looking for answers as to whether people use remote services or another solution for deploying their games to sites such as this.
Perhaps you should peruse the documentation of the respective providers:
Not sure if armor games has any of that type.
I asked within Kongregate's developers, the answer is yes, I can use remote web services. The API unfortunately had nothing in it dealing with this issue.
You could use our backend Flox http://gamua.com/flox/. It allows you to store your inventories, characters, etc. It's not MySQL but based on a NoSQL database. However, since you'd be using the AS3 SDK, you would not get in touch with the DB anyway.
Also, I should mention that I am the lead developer of Flox, which may make me a bit biased. ;-)

What are some good Oracle Db maintenance Tools [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have grown from a small time of 2-3 developers to about 30 developers very quickly. We supposedly never needed Source Control, or Db Monitoring or Schema diagrams.
Now we see more and more terrible code being moved to the Production. Is there an off the shelf product for oracle that will help manage version control and deployment management from Test, to UAT, to Prod?
Also nice to have would be Schema diagrams, Documentation Tools, some amount of performance profiling capabilities. But primarily would like to a tool to manage code source control and Migration for oracle scripts, DDL, DMLs etc.
I srongly recommend getting Oracle'e SQL Developer. This integrates with Subversion, provides an overview of the entire database, including procedures, schema changes and so on. This will make your life easier.
have you considered SVN for your source control and management of scripts, DDLs and etc? Our ORACLE DBAs use it here and they swear by it.
I know I am very late to this party, however, I wanted to draw your attention to our product, dbMaestro TeamWork for Oracle, which provides exactly the functionality required here. We offer the functionality equivalent to source control tools for Oracle artifacts. Many companies use SCM by proxy (as suggested above by northpole, re using SVN), our solution is "in touch' with the database as required by Reuben on the original post. To read more please visit our site at http://www.dbmaestro.com or e-mail us at info#go-esi.com.
Disclosure - My company represents this product in the US.
TOAD (by Quest Software) is fantastic and includes most of what you want including source control.
