What is a good reverse db engineer tool for NHibernate? - database

Does anyone know of a good tool to reverse engineer mappings and business classes for NHibernate? NHibernate is best for greenfield development, but we also need to work with large legacy databases. I've tried NGen, which does ok, but it does the entire DB and you cannot select individual tables or map to sprocs and it maps a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER to a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER(should have been to a GUID).
We do have a corporate budget, so the tool doesn't have to be free. I understand that Frans has said the next version of LLBLGen will provide support for NHibernate and other 3rd parties (Is LL to be the one generator to rule them all?), but that's 4th quarter or later.

We use LLBLGen exclusively and LOVE it. Since we utilize legacy databases as well it was a perfect fit. Maybe an alpha or beta will be available earlier?

I've used MyGeneration with NHibernate before. Unfortunately, I can't say much about the setup/configuration process because I inherited the files from another developer. I do know that you tell it which database to run against and then it comes back with a list of database objects (for sure tables and views, not sure about stored procedures). Then you select which objects you want to generate mappings for and click a button which generates mappings and/or classes with a template engine.


advice on hyperfile db

At my work, my co-workers are considering using hyperfile as a database server for a windev project. I don't even know that kind of database, it's from PCSOFT, the company that develops windev.
Since windev can also work with microsoft sql server, I'm looking for advice on that kind of database (performance, stability, etc) from people who already used it.
It depends on the size of your project. Actually, Windev works well with HyperFileSQL. It has been designed for it ! By using another DBMS, you cut yourself some feature such as direct-reading/modifying/deleting in your tables.
Your performances will decrease significantly as soon as you have a nice amount of records in a table (> 100'000). Your database management will become a nightmare since you can't execute several SQL requests at the same time. In example, i'm using another tool developped by a french guy to manage my databases and execute some updates.
Despite of this, it's stable and provides an easy way to interact with Windev's fields.
In my opinion, Hyperfile SQL should be used with small applications with a small amount of features and datas.
Adding upon what Samuël Tremblay already wrote, I would say that after 2+ years of using Windev with HFSQL (old name is HyperFile SQL), here are my conclusions (I have used Windev versions 20 and 22):
replication of a database to another server is rather easy to setup. You can choose to replicate a whole database or a selection of tables. But DBMS like PostgreSQL are actually offering advanced replication setups (https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/resources/pglogical/).
easy export to a Microsoft Excel file of a query/table
create and change the schema/structure of your database through a graphical user interface (GUI)
When you use the database server provided by Windev (i.e. HFSQL), you must use Windev (that is imposed upon you). You cannot interact with your database with another language/framework other than Windev, you are forced to use Windev to query a HFSQL database. If you use instead a DBMS like PostgreSQL, mySQL/MariaDB, etc. you can (and will be able) to query the database with some other language : C++, Java, JavaScript, etc.
Say that you wanted now to open your data to customers through a web app, you will actually need to use their other software Webdev from their software suite (and buy it actually).
Or say, some day, you want to develop a simple app for smartphone with Qt or else. Well, if your database runs on HFSQL, then you will not be able to query your database unless you use Windev (actually Windev Mobile that you also need to purchase).
UNIQUE constraints are not working with the presence of NULL (two rows containing NULL would be considered to violate the UNIQUE constraint).
(almost) every time you update your "analyse/analysis" (basically the database schema), you will also need to update your binary executable. You will need to recompile your software and distribute it again to the users. For example, say you modify a table by adding a column, or modifying the type of a column, then you need to recompile. The executable that the users have will not run, it will say that the version of the "analysis" (schema) on the database is not the same as the one in the executable, and will stop. BAM !
the HyperFile SQL (HFSQL) server is not so stable, it will crash (often) when executing slightly advanced queries with not so many rows...
You cannot create scripts to query the HFSQL database : you must create a binary executable (a new project) with Windev. Say you want to quickly modify something --> you need to recompile (and have a Windev IDE with you).
Say you are on the go, on some trip, and you forgot to bring your computer with the Windev Dongle key (a license cryptographic USB key : it you don't have it, you cannot run Windev), and you need to do some work on the database. PCSoft provides a software called HFSQL Control Center (a GUI software) that can interact with the database, but unfortunately it cannot be downloaded from the internet. You actually obtain it when you buy Windev, and you are allowed to distribute it to whom you want, but it cannot be downloaded from PCSOFT website.
Whereas if your database engine is another one, say PostgreSQL or MariaDB, you can simply download PGAdmin or the equivalent, and boom you can interact with your data.
It seems to me that HFSQL is not a real/genuine DBMS, let me explain myself : the constraints you can set in the analysis (UNIQUE for example), are not always respected. For example, after adding a UNIQUE constraint in the schema (analysis) and compiling the program, I have seen that if I would insert some data in a table from the executable, it would detect the violation of the UNIQUE constraint when it should happen. However if I would insert the same set of data through the HFSQL Control Center, the constraint would not be enforced and the duplicates would be insterted.
There would be more to say ...
Bottom line: From my own experience, I would strongly encourage anybody, who wants to develop a reliable and dependable software that "must" be developed with Windev (and that needs data persistence), not to use their database HFSQL. You would be much better off using a RDBMS such as PostgreSQL or MariaDB. We are actually going to port our databases from HFSQL to PostgreSQL this Summer.
You should carefully consider what sql functions you will use. For example deg2rad, rad2deg, ... not working correctly.
Also if you want to use it on a mobile device (Windev Mobile for iOS or Android) you should use SQLLite. Because HyperFile uses a lot of memory and it will be a problem on mobile.
If you want a free database, use PostgreSQL, the Windev connector for PostgreSQL is free to download and install on your windev as a replacement for HFSQL, it will be way more powerful while using the usual hFunctions like you would with HFSQL, plus you will find a ton of docs on the web to do powerful stuff.
HFSQL is in fact the same as an old ISAM DBASE database so it requires re-indexations and things like that of those older DB systems era.
PostgreSQL is like having a free Oracle DB with all the powerful features and reliability, we dropped HFSQL for this and performance has increased tenfold plus all the other benefits while keeping our code pretty much the same, every day feels like we discover freebies and gifts from ProsgreSQL since our migration :)
Free VS Free... You gotta go with power and sheer size of web documentation and poeple available to help .
In WinDev Mobile 18 and up, you can use Hyperfile on the device. And it is recommended from me, because it is faster and SQLLite restrict blob-size to 1MB!!
#Spek memory usage of HyperFile on the phone? Can you give me any values? I think if you want to make a full feature APP you cannot ignore the benefits of HyperFile...
FYI: New in Windev version 19: Hyperfile SQL is ACID.

Database Agnostic Application

The database for one the application that I am working on is not confirmed yet by the business.
Best guess is Oracle and DB2.
What I've heard is initially the project will go live with DB2 V9 and then to Oracle 11g.
We are using Spring 3.0.5, Hibernate 3.5, JPA2 and JBoss 5 for this project
So what are the best practices here going into the build phase and test phase?
Shall I build using DB2 first and worry about Oracle later (this
doesn't sound right)?
Or, shall I write using JPA (Hibernate) and
then generate the database schema?
Or something else?
PS: I've no control over the choice of the DB, what and when, as these are strategic decision made by people sitting in nice rooms getting fat cheques and big bonuses.
Obviously you are loosing the access to specific features of the database if you are writing your application database agnostic. The database is, except for automatic optimizations done by JPA and Hibernate, reduced to common features. You have to set some things to automatic and trust JPA/Hibernate to do it right that you could set specifically if you knew the database (e.g. id generator strategies).
But it seems that the specific developer features of the database are not relevant for the decision so they can't be relevant to the application. What other reasons may influence the decision (like price, money, cash, personal relations, management tools, hardware requirements, existing knowledge and personell) can only be speculated about.
So IMHO you don't have a choice. Strictly avoid anything database specific. That includes letting the JPA/Hibernate generate the schema (your point #2). In this project setup you shouldn't tinker with the database manually.
Well... sadly there ARE some hidden traps in JPA/Hibernate developement that make it database dependent (e.g. logarithmic functions are not mapped consistenly). So you should run all your tests against all possible databases from day one. As you write "Best guess is..." you should just grab any database available and test against it. Should be easly setup with the given stack.
And you should try to accelerate the decision about the database used, if possible.
Just "write using JPA (Hibernate)" develop it to be de database agnostic. Put all you business logic in java code not stored procedures.
If you are using spring you don't need jboss you could use just tomcat, about a quarter of the foot print, and much simpler imho.
Spring vs Jboss and jboss represents all that is bad, while spring represents all that is good in Java enterprise development
We have add this issue and had to migrate late in the project, leading to a lot of extra works, frustrations and delays.
My advise is to define an abstract layer. Go to the point you may have a data model without any database, say with tables or text files.
Then when you have to switch to some database, you can optimize for it, while staying free to continue application development on any already developped model. So you don't delay the developpers on the app while one is tuning the DB2 layer. When everything is duly validated, the team can switch on it.
I will disagree with the currently accepted answer suggesting avoiding database specific things. From a performance perspective, that would be a pity, and it's definitely doable.
JPA/Hibernate and also jOOQ can abstract over a lot of things and if you're using the query builder APIs of either technology (criteria query in JPA, or jOOQ for more advanced SQL), you can get very far in a vendor agnostic way without removing all the vendor specific stuff. For example, you can easily create a vendor specific predicate like this:
.where(oracle ? oracleCondition() : db2Condition())
What you should do from the very beginning of such a project, once you know you'll have to support both dialects is to run integration tests on both database products. For this, I recommend testcontainers, which makes running such tests quite simple. If you have to add support for another dialect, and if you're using one of the above abstractions, you can simply add another testcontainers configuration, check if your application still works, tweak 2-3 things, and you're set.
Disclaimer: I work for the company behind jOOQ.

What considerations should be made when creating a reporting framework for a business?

It's a pretty classic problem. The company I work for has numerous business reports that are used to track sales, data feeds, and various other metrics. Of course this also means that there is a conglomerate of disparate frameworks, ASP.net pages, and areas where these reports can be found. There have been some attempts at consolidating these into a single entity, but nothing has stuck yet.
Since this is a common problem, and I am sure solved innumerable times, I wanted to see what others have done. For the most part these can be boiled down to the following pieces:
A SQL query against our database to gather data
A presentation of data, generally in a data grid
Filtering that can vary based on data types and the business needs
Some way to organize the reports, a single drop down gets long and unmanageable quickly
A method to download data to alter further, perhaps a csv file
My first thought was to create a framework in Silverlight with Linq to Sql. Mainly just because I like it and want to play with it which probably is not the best reason. I also thought the controls grant a lot of functionality like sorting, dragging columns, etc. I was also curious about the printing in Silverlight 4.
Which brings me around to my original question, what is the best way to do this? Is there a package out there I can just buy that will do it for me? The Silverlight approach seems pretty easy, after it's setup and templated, but maybe it's a bad idea and I can learn from someone else?
It may sound contrived, but we just used SSRS. Once it is installed, the /ReportServer web site does a decent job of managing and organizing reports, permissions, etc. You can also make wrappers in front of SSRS via ASP.Net controls or via SharePoint, etc. Cost = free. It works nicely via SQL Developer edition too.
If your SQL service is MS SQL Server 2005+ then I would definitely recommend SQL Service Reporting Services. It covers all the cases you outlined very well and is very easy to get into for someone already familiar with SQL.
myDBR reporting tool might be suitable for you. With myDBR you can create reports quite easily using the built in Query Builder. Once your reports are done you can organize them in categories and also specify access rights for users and user groups.
You can fully concentrate on creating your report content (using SQL) and myDBR will take care of the data presentation. For example creating charts from data is just a matter of adding one extra line to your stored procedure.
myDBR also provides Single-Sign-On Integration so that your users can continue to log in with their already existing username/password.
The tool is also very affordable, community version is free of charge and premium version is only 129 EUR / year.
We use FastReport .NET. It supports SQL Query, presentation of data in datagrid, filtering, export in many popular formats (PDF, DOC, XLS, CSV, DBF, etc.).

Is an ORM applicable for a non-CRUD database?

I'm pretty new to database development in general and I've never used ORM before. I'm interested in the benefits of using one, specifically saving time writing boilerplate SQL queries. I'd like to use ORM for a project that I'm working on right now, but I'm not sure it's applicable.
This project is more akin to change tracking for very small (<= 500 characters) documents. I need to track edits and categorizations made by multiple users. Not really to see the specific changes they make, but more to see if the users agree with each other. I am using a SQL database for this (as opposed to actual document control) for a few reasons:
The documents are really small; and I'm only interested in the strings, not really in files.
I wanted the ability to perform ad-hoc queries against the data for development purposes, and didn't want an unpleasantly surprised halfway through that a particular document control package couldn't do what I wanted.
From most of what I've read it seems like you need a direct mapping from columns to data fields in an object to use ORM. What I have now does not even come close to this. To create objects representing documents in different stages of editing I have to cobble together data from columns in different tables, in different combinations.
So my question is: Does an ORM like Hibernate apply to this type of project? And if it does can one be added to an existing application/database?
If it makes a difference: I'm using Java, MySQL, and JDBC. The web app users have access to for edits is made with GWT and hosted via Tomcat6. If I need it, I have complete control of the webserver.
Does an ORM like Hibernate apply to
this type of project?
And if it does can one be added to an
existing application/database?
My opinion is that an ORM tool could be useful for you but you really need to delve into it to see for yourself. Remember when you use an ORM tool you are not forced to use only that to connect to your database. ORM tools in general make the most sense for applications that store data in a very object like structure. For instance your user code might be the place to start. Usually you only create 1 user at a time, you edit 1 user at a time, you check if 1 user is logged into. It also makes sense for things where you would return a list of results like Order Lines. Where I have run into issues with ORM tools is when you have complex data that requires multiple joins especially back to the table you started in. For those cases you might want to keep doing what you are doing. Overall, ORM tools are great but they are like a lot of other things in software development. Try them out on a small part of your code and use them where they work and don't where they don't. Ultimately, you are the one that will have to deal with and maintain whatever you make. Just educate yourself on Hibernate and I am sure you will know what to do!
I think that ORM (I would suggest using the JPA standard, probably with Hibernate as the provider) could suit your project.
It is fairly traditional, as you say, for database columns to map directly onto object fields. If you need to keep your existing database structure (which apparently doesn't map at all well to your objects), then you might find that its more trouble than it's worth to use ORM.
While it's certainly possible to use ORM to map to a specific database schema - perhaps because it's used by other systems - my view is that one of the biggest advantages of ORM is that you can almost ignore the schema. Once you design your objects, and tell hibernate about them, hibernate will create whatever tables it needs.

Generating database tables from object definitions

I know that there are a few (automatic) ways to create a data access layer to manipulate an existing database (LINQ to SQL, Hibernate, etc...). But I'm getting kind of tired (and I believe that there should be a better way of doing things) of stuff like:
Creating/altering tables in Visio
Using Visio's "Update Database" to create/alter the database
Importing the tables into a "LINQ to SQL classes" object
Changing the code accordingly
What about a way to generate the database schema from the objects/entities definition? I can't seem to find good references for tools like this (and I would expect some kind of built-in support in at least some frameworks).
It would be perfect if I could just:
Change the object definition
Change the code that manipulates the object
Compile (the database changes are done auto-magically)
Check out DataObjects.Net - is is designed to support exactly this case. Code only, and nothing else. Its schema upgrade layer is probably the most featured one you can find, and it really fully abstracts schema upgrade SQL.
Check out product video - you'll notice nothing additional is made to sync the schema. Schema upgrade sample shows the intended usage of this feature.
You may be looking for an Object Database.
I believe this is the problem that the Microsofy Entity Framework is trying to address. Whilst not specifically designed to "Compile (the database changes are done auto-magically)" it does address the issue of handling changes to the domain model without a huge dependance on the underlying data model.
As Jason suggested, object db might be a good choice. Take a look at db4objects.
What you described is GORM. It is part of the Grails framework and is built to work with Hibernate (maybe JPA in the future). When I was first using Grails it seemed backwards. I was more comfortable with a Rails style workflow of making the tables and letting the framework generate scaffolding from the database schema. GORM persists your domain objects for you so you create and change the objects, it manages database create/update. This makes more sense now that I have gotten used to it. Sorry to tease you if you aren't looking for a new framework but it is on the roadmap for release 1.1 to make GORM available standalone.
When we built the first version of our own framework (Inon Datamanager) I had it read pre-existing SQL tables and autogenerate Java objects from them.
When my colleagues who came from a Smalltalkish background built the second version, they started from the objects and then autogenerated the tables.
Actually, they forgot about the SQL part altogether until I came back in and added it. But nowadays we just run a trigger on application startup which iterates over the object model, checks if the tables and all the right columns exist, and creates them if not. Very convenient.
This turned out to be a lot easier than you might expect - if your favourite tool doesn't support a similar process, you could probably write it in a couple of hours - assuming the relational to object mapping is relatively simple.
But the point is, it seems to depend on whether you're culturally an object person or a database person - you can regard either one as the authoritative source.
Some of the really big dogs, such as ERwin Data Modeler, will go object to DB. You need to have the big bucks to afford the product though.
I kept digging around some of the "major" frameworks and it seems that Django does exactly what I was talking about. Or so it seems from this screencast.
Does anyone have any remark to make about this? Does it work well?
Yes, Django works well.
yes, it will generate your SQL tables from your data model definitions (written in python)
It won't always alter existing tables if you update your structure, you might have to run an ALTER table manually
Ruby on Rails has an even more advanced version of these features (Rails migrations), but I don't like the framework as much, I find ruby and rails pretty idiosyncratic
Kind of a late answer, but here it goes:
I faced the exact same problem and ended up writing my own solution for it, working with .NET and SQL Server only however. It basicaly does implement the process you describe:
All DB objects are kept as embedded CREATE scripts as part of the source code
DB Objects are set up automatically (or on request) when using the data access functionality
All non-table changes are also performed automatically (or on request) at the same time
Table changes, which may require special attention to migrate data, are performend via (manually created) change scripts also upon upgrading the database
Even manual changes made to any databse object can be detected, so that schema integrity can be verified and rectified
An optional lightweight ORM can map stored procedures and objects as well as result sets (even multiple)
A command-line application helps keeping the SQL source files in sync with a development database
The library including the database are free under a LGPL license.
