Adding NAPDEF on Nokia - mobile

I am trying to add a new access point on a Nokia S60 device, but I am a little bitt puzzled on how to do it.
According to the spec a node should be added at the following root:
Whenever I try to add a node I get a status code 404 meaning that it could not be found. If I try to create an AP that already exists instead I get a status code 418 - it already exists.
The generated xml looks like this:
Using funambol I have also queried the whole ./AP tree and there exists a lot of access point already, all with names like APId00X.
I have tried using other names for my AP on the form APId00X with no luck either.
Does anyone know what it takes to create an AP on a S60 device?

It's not exactly an answer to your question but you might want to run some Symbian C++ code on the device to add the access point, if you can't find a way to do it successfully with OMA-DM.
If that works better, you may still be able to work around the problem by using OMA-DM to install the .sis file containing your code, run it and uninstall it.
It's ugly but there is a higher probability that Nokia actually tests each steps before releasing phones.

Got the answer in a post at Nokia Forum.
When trying to add an access point using a command ./AP/, it will fail with error 404 if some of the mandatory nodes are missing.
So when adding an AP, it works fine as long as you remember to add all mandatory fields.
I'm not sure about which ones are the mandatory fields. I have succefully created an AP without Bearer, but I have not experimented with this.


ADNStoreFront Multistore AddtoCartForm function crashing page

I am trying to modify an existing XML package of Aspdotnetstorefront Multistore. It's an internal XML package to show the variants of a certain product. What I did to start with was to copy-paste the whole code as is and throw it into a new custom XML package. The problem is that it works fine in the original package but not in the copied package. When I try to run it the function "AddtoCartForm" crashes the page and show the following error while display in red the line that contains the function call:
An HtmlHelper is required for this method. Make sure to specify one when you call the RunXmlPackage method
The format of the function is:
<xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AddtoCartForm(ProductID, VariantID, 1, 1, $SelectedSize, $SelectedColor)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
I removed the line with the function just to be sure and then everything else works fine. I have no idea what's wrong here. Everything is identical unless by the structure of the url which calls the package:
For the internal package it is: \product\123456
For the custom package it is: \topic\packagename?ProductID=123456
I checked the XML produced by the SPs, the runtime and requested data and it's basically the same in both cases. The ProductID and VariantID values are there. SelectedColor and SelectedSize are not in the XML (not even in the internal package) so it may be just providing null value and probably it's not necessary anyway.
And there is more. If I supress the productid value from the url like this:
It won't crash the page (but also won't render because there will be not be any value to process).
In any way I cannot see why it wouldn't work just passing the variable in the querystring (that is basically what it does in the original package even in a different format) and the var value (productid) it getting there. However it seems that it is indeed the url format that is not pleasing the package but it doesn't make too much sense to me. I am over this for several days already and nothing I do seem to produce any positive result. :-(
I looked up online for some documentation but didn't get lucky and didn't find absolutely anything. In extreme cases I try to reach the Vortx support (and they usually answers me giving some valueable clue) but this time it seems that for this specific issue there will not be any help unless I pay an obscene hour fee and unfortunately it's out of question... LoL!
Any idea?
UPDATE: We don't use Multistore regular search tool. Due to the nature of our products (recycled car parts) we have a custom search tool that will try to find 'similar' items that MAY fit the user needs when we don't have the EXACT part. I don't know if you are ware of but several mechanical car parts are interchangeable among different models and makes (like alternators, AC compressors, battery, suspension, cooling system, etc), so when one of our customers needs a part to fix his car he won't tell us the part code; instead he will tell us the car model, year, and generic name of the part so we will try to find the part for him. It does mean that a certain Corolla part will fit perfectly in a Honda Accord and so on. Some times we have some parts in stock that MAY fit his car but we are not absolutely sure. When it happens we will show those parts for the customer and he will decide if he can take his chances. For the sake of customer comfort we want to show all these parts in the same page, but since they normally are variants of different products we cannot use the regular product page for this purpose (because the product page will only show variants of ONE product at time). For this reason I am going to write a package - a modified version of the product page - that will do that but I am struggling with the AddtoCartForm function. In fact I JUST found a workaround by adding the item to the cart accessing directly the /shoppingcart/addtocart script and now my problem is being to force it return to a specific url after to add the item to the shopping cart...
The error has to do with the topic token able to properly get html helper filled out.
I do question why testing is being done on a topic. To test a new product xmlpackage I normally change change the xmlpackage for just one product in a testing environment.
If chaning the product xmlpackage isn't possible then I suggest using the XmlPackageController/engine instead. Which is documented on page under the heading of "Invoking XML Packages by Themselves". If using the XmlPackageController make certain that the allowengine attribute is set to true in the xmlpackage otherwise that will throw an error as well.

max-pool-size is invalid in combination with derive-size

For the last couple of days I’ve been battling with an issue which I believe is derived from a change in the source code in Thorntail and unfortunately this code doesn’t appear to be publically available.
The error I’ve been receiving is this:
"WFLYCTL0105: max-pool-size is invalid in combination with derive-size".
Previously you could just leave a “derive-size” out of the configuration and there wasn’t an issue however now anytime I’ve included the “max-pool-size” no matter what the combination with “derive-size” it fails with the above mentioned error.
From the latest Thorntail dococumentation:
Specifies if and what the max pool size should be derived from. An
undefined value (or the deprecated value 'none' which is converted to
undefined) indicates that the explicit value of max-pool-size should
be used.
This is what I had previously in WildFly project-defaults.yml which worked perfectly fine:
default-resource-adapter-name: activemq-rar.rar
default-mdb-instance-pool: mdb-strict-max-pool
max-pool-size: 1
Any ideas or examples would be greatly appreciated.
More information added in response to questions:
The project was updated from using WildFly Swarm 2018.4.1 to use Thorntail 2.2.0.Final.
The code that appears to have changed in Thorntail is below:
OLD code:
.strictMaxBeanInstancePool(new StrictMaxBeanInstancePool("mdb-strict-max-pool").maxPoolSize(20).timeout(5L).timeoutUnit(StrictMaxBeanInstancePool.TimeoutUnit.MINUTES))
New Code:
.strictMaxBeanInstancePool(new StrictMaxBeanInstancePool("mdb-strict-max-pool").deriveSize(StrictMaxBeanInstancePool.DeriveSize.FROM_CPU_COUNT).timeout(5L).timeoutUnit(StrictMaxBeanInstancePool.TimeoutUnit.MINUTES))
If anyone has a link to the above source code that would be great. The only links I can find appear to be from JBOSS so the code looks like it was ported accross and not made publicly avaiable.
After the question update: the default configuration of a couple of fractions was changed to better align with default configuration in WildFly 11. You can configure derive-size: null and then the max-pool-size should take effect.
Something like:
default-resource-adapter-name: activemq-rar.rar
default-mdb-instance-pool: mdb-strict-max-pool
derive-size: null
max-pool-size: 1
(Note: previously, this answer recommended setting derive-size: none, but that doesn't work. After the discussion in comments, I changed the answer to recommend derive-size: null, which does work.)

Add CSS to whitelist - border-radius, opacity, text-shadow

Starting off, I have very little understanding of the PHP or how HTMLPurifier itself works and am completely learning on the go. I've got a fair understanding of HTML and CSS from teaching myself, but I wouldn't call myself anything more than a novice at this point.
I run a myBB forum via hostgator wherein my users want HTML allowed to make fancy tables for their posts. Since we only opened shop a month ago and have a very small userbase so far of people I know and trust, I enabled HTML. About a week ago I used a plugin plus the current library to install HTMLPurifier into my forum. It works great. Thing is, it eats up a majority of the code my users are using to make their posts look good.
I tried to plug this code which I found here into my CSSDefinition.php file between the border-color and border-width codes to try to fix the border-radius issue.
// border-radius
$border_radius =
$this->info['border-top-left-radius'] =
$this->info['border-top-right-radius'] =
$this->info['border-bottom-left-radius'] =
$this->info['border-bottom-right-radius'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite(array
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length('0'),
new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage(true)
$this->info['border-radius'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple($border_radius);
That did absolutely nothing, I assume because his is out of date. I haven't been able to find any information on adding text-shadow to my whitelist, nor how to allow opacity, either through opacity:#; or rbga(#,#,#,0.5), though I did find a hack for the latter that I couldn't make heads or tails of for what to actually do with the file.
I don't know how to run my Config.php file because looking at the code I can see there is information there, but trying to visit the page through various means gets me nowhere.

Could not insert new outlet connection [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Xcode 4: Creating a UIView xib, not properly connecting
(33 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information for the class and not showing any class named "ViewController"
Solutions I have done :
- Restarted XCode
- Restarted System
- Deleted the Deriveddata contents from /Library/developer/xcode
But nothing worked for me
Here is the screenshot for the error
I got the same problem as you today... I think this is a bug of Xcode, below is the way to fix the issue:
Close the project you are working on with.
Delete your project's【DerivedData】folder. (This folder may inside your project's folder, or inside ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/(your project)/ ) or somewhere else that was setup by you.
restart your project.
After these steps, the problem should be solved. And from my experience, these steps can solve many Xcode problems, so if you got some problem with Xcode again, try these steps first.
Removing(removing reference, not deleting) and then adding the appropriate file(the file of class you want to add the outlet to) is actually enough.
Edit 1 I found that after unchecking (in XCode 6.3.1) I had to wait a few seconds for the Indexing to appear and complete in the project name box. Same for the way backwards. This increased chances to fix the issue in almost all (but not all) cases.
Edit 2
Removing reference means that You do not delete the file completely but just remove it from the project (it still exist in the folder of your project, you add it later).
That's most often a problem of file indexing.
To fix it try to clean your target and if this doesn't work, go to your Derived Datafolder and delete your application there.
This will force xCode to reindex the files
Just got the same issue on Xcode 4.6.2.
Tried solutions presented in different answers/comments, but it still didn't work.
Then all I did was to just:
save all my work;
just quit Xcode & load it again;
then I was able to insert the new outlet connection successfully.
Hope this will save some time/frustration for somebody else.
Personally, I had the same problem: "could not insert new outlet connection" AND when I was starting typing something like "UI..." XCode wasn't doing anything.
I searched for answers, I tried several things... but it was just an unchecked box. When I was creating a new class, XCode unchecked the box linking the class to the project (I guess).
I can't post a screen shot because I don't have 10 reputations but when you create your class, XCode asks you where you want to save it. Down the finder window, you have 'Targets' and two boxes: 'YouProjectName' and 'YouProjectNameTests'. You should check the first one (at least).
Hope this will help. I saw different discussions about the subject.
I recently came across this problem. I soon realized that the cause had been my own doing. I had previously disabled XCode indexing (which used to take forever & eat up my RAM), using the below code in a terminal window:
defaults write IDEIndexDisable 1
To revert XCode to its default state, i used the following line in a terminal window:
defaults write IDEIndexDisable 0
Voila! All's well again..
If you've imported the Class into your Xcode Project you have to manually add the Class (.m file) to your 'Compile Sources'.
Select project icon > TARGETS > Build Phases > Compile Sources
Click the + button and add your *.m file.
Finally I did it by removing the xcode completely from my mac and reinstall the xocde.dmg file and then install MobileDevice.pkg and MobileDeviceDevelopment.pkg residing on /Applications/
make sure that your source have had been included in the "Build Phases" place.
This do fix my problem. But I think Xcode is still really buggy and annoying.

Difficulty with filename and filemime when using Migrate module

I am using the Drupal 7 Migrate module to create a series of nodes from JPG and EPS files. I can get them to import just fine. But I notice that when I am done importing them if I look at the nodes it creates, none of the attached filefield and thumbnail files contain filename information.
Upon inspecting the file_managed table I see that both the filename and filemime fields are empty for ONLY the files that I attached via the migrate module. This also creates an issue with downloading the files.
Now I think the problem has to do with the fact that I am using "file_link" instead of "file_copy" as the file operation I specify. The problem is I am importing around 2TB (thats Terabytes) of image files. We had to put in a special request with Rackspace just to get access to that much disk space on our server. So I can't go around copying from one directory to the next because of space issues. So "file_link" seems like the obvious choice.
Now you probably want to see how I am doing this exactly, so here is the code snippet:
$jpg_arguments = MigrateFileFieldHandler::arguments(NULL,
'file_link', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME, 'en', array('source_field' => 'jpg_name'),
array('source_field' => 'jpg_filename'), array('source_field' => 'jpg_filename'));
$this->addFieldMapping('field_image', 'jpg_uri')
As you can see I am specifying no base path (just like the example file does). I have set file_link, the language, and the source fields for the description, title, and alt.
It is able to generate thumbnails from the JPGs. But still missing those columns of data in the db table. I traced through the functions the best I could but I don't see what is causing this. I tried running the uri in the table through the functions that generate the filename and the filemime and they output just fine. It is like something is removing just those segments of data.
Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I am using the Drupal 7 Migrate module version 2.2. It is running on Drupal 7.8.
Ok, so I have found the answer to yet another question of mine. This is actually an issue with the migrate module itself. The issue is documented here. I will be repealing this bounty (as soon as I figure out how).
