Fastest way to bulk insert rows into sql server - sql-server

Via a web service, remote computers will be sending a set of rows to insert into our central sql server.
What is the best way (performance wise) to insert these rows? There could be anywhere from 50-500 rows to insert each time.
I know I can do a bulk insert or format the data as XML that insert it that way, but I've never done this in an enterprise setting before.
using wcf web services (or maybe wse not sure yet) and SQL Server 2008 standard.

Unless you're running on a 10 year-old computer, 50-500 rows isn't very many; you could literally send over SQL statements and pipe them directly into the database and get great performance. Assuming you trust the services sending you data, of course :-)
If performance really is an issue sending over a bcp file is absolutely the fastest way to jam data in the database. It sounds from your question that you already know how to do this.

A mere 50-500 records does not constitute a "bulk insert". The bulk insert mechanism is designed for really massive import of data which is to be immediately followed up with a back up.
In web service I would simply pass the XML into SQL server. The specifics would be version dependent.

What kind of web service is this?
If it's .Net, usually the best way is to load the input into a DataTable, then shoot it up to the SQL server using the SqlBulkCopy class

50-500 rows shouldn't be a problem! There is no need to do performance tuning! Do normal (prepared) SQL Statements in your application.
Don't kill it with complexity and overengineering.
When you should insert more than 250.000 rows, you should think about scaling!
Don't turn of the constraints, you might kill the DB.

To echo all other answers, 500 rows is no issue for SQL server. If you do need to insert a large number of records, the fastest way is with a built-in stored proc called BulkInsert,
which (I Believe) is an entry point to a SQL Server utility designed specifically for doing this called bcp.exe


Move data from SQL Server to MS Access mdb

I need to transfer certain information out of our SQL Server database into an MS Access database. I've already got the access table structure setup. I'm looking for a pure sql solution; something I could run straight from ssms and not have to code anything in c# or vb.
I know this is possible if I were to setup an odbc datasource first. I'm wondering if this is possible to do without the odbc datasource?
If you want a 'pure' SQL solution, my proposal would be to connect from your SQL server to your Access database making use of OPENDATASOURCE.
You can then write your INSERT instructions using T-SQL. It will look like:
INSERT INTO OPENDATASOURCE('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source=myDatabaseName.mdb')...[myTableName] (insert instructions here)
The complexity of your INSERTs will depend on the differences between SQL and ACCESS databases. If tables and fields have the same names, it will be very easy. If models are different, you might have to build specific queries in order to 'shape' your data, before being able to insert it into your MS-Access tables and fields. But even if it gets complex, it can be treated through 'pure SQL'.
Consider setting up your Access db as a linked server in SQL Server. I found instructions and posted them in an answer to another SO question. I haven't tried them myself, so don't know what challenges you may encounter.
But if you can link the Access db, I think you may then be able to execute an insert statement from within SQL Server to add your selected SQL Server data to the Access table.
Here's a nice solution for ur question

SQL Server database remote transfer - best method

I have two databases, one on a remote server the other local. (SQL Server 2008)
The database on my local server has the entire structure setup but no data. I would like to copy the data from the remote server to my server and I am wondering the best method in which to do this.
The main issue I am experiencing is the user that I have to the remote database has limited permissions. I cannot read the stored procedures, user defined functions so when I use Import/Export wizard I do not get the schema etc. So a regular dump/restore is not working for me as it restores the tables without the Primary Keys/Foreign Keys and the stored procedures.
I'd like to do this,
INSERT INTO localtable SELECT * FROM remotedb.table
I was having issues because of the IDENTITY fields and I had to explicitly name all of the columns. Also I am not sure if SQL Server Management Studio allows you to use two different databases, remote and local, so I was looking for any advice.
I have also tried applications like SQL FTP and Backup and it fails because it runs out of memory (I have 16GB of memory on the machine and the DB is like 4GB). I also can use the SQL Server import/export wizard but then I don't get the schema information. I also tried SQL Compare from Red Gate and it runs into issues with the permissions. Unfortunately I do not have the time to request and gain access to a new user so I was hoping someone had a creative idea.
You can definitely use SQL Server Backups for this. It will not run out of memory. If it does please tell us the message (because likely you are misinterpreting it). This is the fastest possible and the most complete solution.
You can tell the export wizard to also script the schema. It is hidden under "advanced" somewhere (terrible UI). But the script will be extremely big and I know of no way to execute it.
You can drop all schema objects except PKs in the target database. Then you can use remote queries to copy all the data over. You will not get any problems with foreign keys and identity columns if you drop the beforehand. After you are done you can recreate all those objects. It is probably best if you use a transaction for all of this because that way you get consistent source data from a point-in-time.

Fast batch insert/update with SQL Server 2008 and BCP

I'm not a good SQL programmer, I've got only the basics, but I've heard of some BCP thing for fast data loading. I've searched the internet and it seems to be a command-line only utility, and not something you can use in code.
The thing is, I want to be able to make very fast inserts and updates in a SQL Server 2008 database. I would like to have a function in the database that would accept:
The name of the table I want to execute an insert/update operation against
The names of the columns I'll be feeding data to
The data in a CSV format or something that SQL can read stupid-fast
A flag indicating weather the function should perform an insert or update operation
This function would then read this CSV string and genarate the necessary code for inserting/updating the table.
I would then write code in C# to call that function passing it the table name, column names, a list of objects serialized as a CSV string and the insert/update flag.
As you can see, this is intended to be both fast and generic, suitable for any project dealing with large amounts of data, and thus a candidate to my company's framework.
Am I thinking right? Is this a good idea? Can I use that BCP thing, and is it suitable to every case?
As you can see, I need some directions on this... thanks in advance for any help!
In C#, look at SQLBulkCopy. It's what SSIS uses in the background.
For true bcp/BULK INSERT, you'd need bulkadmin rights which may not be allowed
Have you considered using SQL Server Integrated Services (SSIS). It's designed to do exactly what you describe. It is very fast. You can insert data on a transactional basis. And you can set it up to run on a schedule. And much more.

Best way to migrate export/import from SQL Server to oracle

I'm faced with needing access for reporting to some data that lives in Oracle and other data that lives in a SQL Server 2000 database. For various reasons these live on different sides of a firewall. Now we're looking at doing an export/import from sql server to oracle and I'd like some advice on the best way to go about it... The procedure will need to be fully automated and run nightly, so that excludes using the SQL developer tools. I also can't make a live link between databases from our (oracle) side as the firewall is in the way. The data needs to be transformed in the process from a star schema to a de-normalised table ready for reporting.
What I'm thinking about is writing a monster query for SQL Server (which I mostly have already) that will denormalise and read out the data from SQL Server into a flat file using the sql server equivalent of sqlplus as a scheduled task, dump into a Well Known Location, then on the oracle side have a cron job that copies down the file and loads it with sql loader and rebuilds indexes etc.
This is all doable, but very manual. Is there one or a combination of FOSS or standard oracle/SQL Server tools that could automate this for me? the Irreducible complexity is the query on one side and building indexes on the other, but I would love to not have to write the CSV dumping detail or the SQL loader script, just say dump this view out to CSV on one side, and on the other truncate and insert into this table from CSV and not worry about mapping column names and all other arcane sqlldr voodoo...
best practices? thoughts? comments?
edit: I have about 50+ columns all of varying types and lengths in my dataset, which is why I'd prefer to not have to write out how to generate and map each single column...
"The data needs to be transformed in the process from a star schema to a de-normalised table ready for reporting."
You are really looking for an ETL tool. If you have no money in the till, I suggest you check out the Open Source Talend and Pentaho offerings.

MaxDB Data and Schema Export to SQL Server 2005/8

I am tasked with exporting the data contained inside a MaxDB database to SQL Server 200x. I was wondering if anyone has gone through this before and what your process was.
Here is my idea but its not automated.
1) Export data from MaxDB for each table as a CSV.
2) Clean the CSV to remove ? (which it uses for nulls) and fix the date strings.
3) Use SSIS to import the data into tables in SQL Server.
I was wondering if anyone has tried linking MaxDB to SQL Server or what other suggestions or ideas you have for automating this.
I managed to find a solution to this. There is an open source MaxDB library that will allow you to connect to it through .Net much like the SQL provider. You can use that to get schema information and data, then write a little code to generate scripts to run in SQL Server to create tables and insert the data.
MaxDb Data Provider for ADO.NET
If this is a one time thing, you don't have to have it all automated.
I'd pull the CSVs into SQL Server tables, and keep them forever, will help with any questions a year from now. You can prefix them all the same, "Conversion_" or whatever. There are no constraints or FKs on these tables. You might consider using varchar for every column (or the ones that cause problems, or not at all if the data is clean), just to be sure there are no data type conversion issues.
pull the data from these conversion tables into the proper final tables. I'd use a single conversion stored procedure to do everything (but I like tsql). If the data isn't that large millions and millions of rows or less, just loop through and build out all the tables, printing log info as necessary, or inserting into exception/bad data tables as necessary.
