how is 65 translated to 'A' character? - c

In ASCII, i wonder how is 65 translated to 'A' character?
As far as my knowledge goes, 65 can be represented in binary but 'A' is not. So how could this conversion happen?

Everything in a computer is binary. So a string in C is a sequence of binary values. Obviously that is not much use to humans, so various standards developed, where people decided what numerical values would represent certain letters. In ASCII the value 65 represents the letter A. So the value stored is 65, but everyone knows (because they have read the ASCII spec) that value corresponds to the letter A.
For example, if I am writing the code to display text on the screen, and I receive the value 65, I know to set certain pixels and delete other pixels, so that pixels are arranged like:
# #
# #
# #
At no point does my code "really know" that is an "A". It just knows that 65 is displayed as that pattern. Because, as you say, you cannot store letters directly, only binary numbers.

It is just a 'definition'. ASCII defines the relationships between integer values and characters. For implementation, there is a table (you can't see it) that does this translation.
Computers just 0/1. A stream of characters is just a bunch of 0/1 streams: 0110010101... There is a contract between human and computer: 8 bits are represented as a character (okay, there are Unicode, UTF-8 and etc). And, 'A' is 65 and so on.
In C/C++ and any other languages, strings are just handled like integer arrays. Only when you need to display strings, that numbers are 'translated' into character. This translation is done by either hardware or software:
If you write a function that draws character, you're responsible to draw 'A' when the input is 65.
In the past, say that we're in DOS, the computer draws 'A' on the number 65. That relationship is usually stored in the memory. (At that time where no graphics, only text, this table can be tweaked to extend characters. I remember Norton DOS utilities such as NDD/NCD changed this table to draw some special characters that were not in the regular ASCII code.)
You may see this sort of contract or definition in everywhere. For example, assembly code. Your program will be eventually translated into machine code: that is also just a bunch of 0 and 1. But, it is extremely hard to understand when only 0 and 1 are shown. So, there is a rule: say 101010 means "add", 1100 means "mov". That's why we can program like "add eax, 1", and it'll be ultimately decoded into 0/1s.

'A' IS 65. It's just that your display device knows that it should display the value 65 as an A when it renders that value as a character.

The ASCII table is just an agreed upon map of values and characters.
When the computer is instructed to write a character represented by a number to the screen it just finds the numbers corresponding image. The image doesn't make any sense to the computer, it could be an image that looks like an 'A' or a snowman to the user.

So how could this conversion happen?
This conversion is merely called character encoding. The computer only understands bytes and humans (on average =) ) only understands characters. The computer has roughly said a mapping of all bytes and all characters which belongs to those bytes so that it can present the data in a human friendly manner. It's all software based (thus not hardware based). The operating system is usually the one who takes care about this.
ASCII is one of the oldest character encodings. Nowadays we should be all on UTF-8 to avoid Mojibake.

Everything in a computer is stored as a number. It's how software interprets those numbers that's important.
ASCII is a standard that maps the number 65 to the letter 'A'. They could have chosen 66 or 14 to represent 'A', but they didn't. It's almost arbitrary.
So if you have the number 65 sitting in computer memory somewhere, a piece of code that treats that piece of memory as ASCII will map the 65 to 'A'. Another piece of code that treats that memory as an entirely different format may translate it to something else entirely.

The code for converting the ASCII value entered to corresponding character is
int a;
printf("enter the ASCII value : ");
printf("%d is the ASCII of %c",a,a);

Its based on a lookup table invented back in the 60's.


How does C language transform char literal to number and vice versa

I've been diving into C/low-level programming/system design recently. As a seasoned Java developer I still remember my attemtps to pass SUN Java Certification and questions if char type in Java can be cast to Integer and how can that be done. That is what I know and remember - numbers up to 255 can be treated both like numbers or characters depending on casting.
Getting to know C I want to know more but I find it hard to find proper answer (tried googling but I usually get gazilion results how just to convert char to int in the code) how does EXACTLY it work, that C compiler/system calls transform number to character and vice versa.
AFAIK in the memory numbers are being stored. So let's assume in the memory cell we store value 65 (which is letter 'A'). So there is a value stored and suddenly C code wants to get it and store into char variable. So far so good. And then we issue printf procedure with %c formatting for given char parameter.
And here is where the magic happens - HOW EXACTLY printf knows that character with value 65 is letter 'A' (and should display it as a letter). It is a base sign from raw ASCII range (not some funny emoji-style UTF sign). Does it call external STD/libraries/system calls to consult encoding system? I would love some nitty-gritty, low-level explanation or at least link to trusted source.
The C language is largely agnostic about the actual encoding of characters. It has a source character set which defines how the compiler treats characters in the source code. So, for instance on an old IBM system the source character set might be EBCDIC where 65 does not represent 'A'.
C also has an execution character set which defines the meaning of characters in the running program. This is the one that seems more pertinent to your question. But it doesn't really affect the behavior of I/O functions like printf. Instead it affects the results of ctype.h functions like isalpha and toupper. printf just treats it as a char sized value which it receives as an int due to variadic functions using default argument promotions (any type smaller than int is promoted to int, and float is promoted to double). printf then shuffles off the same value to the stdout file and then it's somebody else's problem.
If the source character set and execution character set are different, then the compiler will perform the appropriate conversion so the source token 'A' will be manipulated in the running program as the corresponding A from the execution character set. The choice of actual encoding for the two character sets, ie. whether it's ASCII or EBCDIC or something else is implementation defined.
With a console application it is the console or terminal which receives the character value that has to look it up in a font's glyph table to display the correct image of the character.
Character constants are of type int. Except for the fact that it is implementation defined whether char is signed or unsigned, a char can mostly be treated as a narrow integer. The only conversion needed between the two is narrowing or widening (and possibly sign extension).
"HOW EXACTLY printf knows that character with value 65 is letter 'A' (and should display it as a letter)."
It usually doesn't, and it does not even need to. Even the compiler does not see characters ', A and ' in the C language fragment
char a = 'A';
printf("%c", c);
If the source and execution character sets are both ASCII or ASCII-compatible, as is usually the case nowadays, the compiler will have among the stream of bytes the triplet 39, 65, 39 - or rather 00100111 01000001 00100111. And its parser has been programmed with a rule that something between two 00100111s is a character literal, and since 01000001 is not a magic value it is translated as is to the final program.
The C program, at runtime, then handles 01000001 all the time (though from time to time it might be 01000001 zero-extended to an int, e.g. 00000000 00000000 00000000 01000001 on 32-bit systems; adding leading zeroes does not change its numerical value). On some systems, printf - or rather the underlying internal file routines - might translate the character value 01000001 to something else. But on most systems, 01000001 will be passed to the operating system as is. Then on the operating system - or possibly in a GUI program receiving the output from the operating system - will want to display that character, and then the display font is consulted for the glyph that corresponds to 01000001, and usually the glyph for letter 01000001 looks something like
And that will be displayed to the user.
At no point does the system really operate with glyphs or characters but just binary numbers. The system in itself is a Chinese room.
The real magic of printf is not how it handles characters, but how it handles numbers, as these are converted to more characters. While %c passes values as-is, %d will convert such a simple integer value as 0b101111000110000101001110 to stream of bytes 0b00110001 0b00110010 0b00110011 0b00110100 0b00110101 0b00110110 0b00110111 0b00111000 so that the display routine will correctly display it as
char in C is just an integer CHAR_BIT bits long. Usually it is 8 bits long.
HOW EXACTLY printf knows that character with value 65 is letter 'A'
The implementation knows what characters encoding it uses and pritnf function code takes the appropriate action do output the letter 'A'

Would a C compiler actually have an ascii look up table

I know there are a few similar questions around relating to this, but it's still not completely clear.
For example: If in my C source file, I have lots of defined string literals, as the compiler is translating this source file, does it go through each character of strings and use a look-up table to get the ascii number for each character?
I'd guess that if entering characters dynamically into a a running C program from standard input, it is the terminal that is translating actual characters to numbers, but then if we have in the code for example :
if (ch == 'c'){//.. do something}
the compiler must have its own way of understanding and mapping the characters to numbers?
Thanks in advance for some help with my confusion.
The C standard talks about the source character set, which the set of characters it expects to find in the source files, and the execution character set, which is set of characters used natively by the target platform.
For most modern computers that you're likely to encounter, the source and execution character sets will be the same.
A line like if (ch == 'c') will be stored in the source file as a sequence of values from the source character set. For the 'c' part, the representation is likely 0x27 0x63 0x27, where the 0x27s represent the single quote marks and the 0x63 represents the letter c.
If the execution character set of the platform is the same as the source character set, then there's no need to translate the 0x63 to some other value. It can just use it directly.
If, however, the execution character set of the target is different (e.g., maybe you're cross-compiling for an IBM mainframe that still uses EBCDIC), then, yes, it will need a way to look up the 0x63 it finds in the source file to map it to the actual value for a c used in the target character set.
Outside the scope of what's defined by the standard, there's the distinction between character set and encoding. While a character set tells you what characters can be represented (and what their values are), the encoding tells you how those values are stored in a file.
For "plain ASCII" text, the encoding is typically the identity function: A c has the value 0x63, and it's encoded in the file simply as a byte with the value of 0x63.
Once you get beyond ASCII, though, there can be more complex encodings. For example, if your character set is Unicode, the encoding might be UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32, which represent different ways to store a sequence of Unicode values (code points) in a file.
So if your source file uses a non-trivial encoding, the compiler will have to have an algorithm and/or a lookup table to convert the values it reads from the source file into the source character set before it actually does any parsing.
On most modern systems, the source character set is typically Unicode (or a subset of Unicode). On Unix-derived systems, the source file encoding is typically UTF-8. On Windows, the source encoding might be based on a code page, UTF-8, or UTF-16, depending on the code editor used to create the source file.
On many modern systems, the execution character set is also Unicode, but, on an older or less powerful computer (e.g., an embedded system), it might be restricted to ASCII or the characters within a particular code page.
Edited to address follow-on question in the comments
Any tool that reads text files (e.g., an editor or a compiler) has three options: (1) assume the encoding, (2) take an educated guess, or (3) require the user to specify it.
Most unix utilities assume UTF-8 because UTF-8 is ubiquitous in that world.
Windows tools usually check for a Unicode byte-order mark (BOM), which can indicate UTF-16 or UTF-8. If there's no BOM, it might apply some heuristics (IsTextUnicode) to guess the encoding, or it might just assume the file is in the user's current code page.
For files that have only characters from ASCII, guessing wrong usually isn't fatal. UTF-8 was designed to be compatible with plain ASCII files. (In fact, every ASCII file is a valid UTF-8 file.) Also many common code pages are supersets of ASCII, so a plain ASCII file will be interpreted correctly. It would be bad to guess UTF-16 or UTF-32 for plain ASCII, but that's unlikely given how the heuristics work.
Regular compilers don't expend much code dealing with all of this. The host environment can handle many of the details. A cross-compiler (one that runs on one platform to make a binary that runs on a different platform) might have to deal with mapping between character sets and encodings.
Sort of. Except you can drop the ASCII bit, in full generality at least.
The mapping used between int literals like 'c' and the numeric equivalent is a function of the encoding used by the architecture that the compiler is targeting. ASCII is one such encoding, but there are others, and the C standard places only minimal requirements on the encoding, an important one being that '0' through to '9' must be consecutive, in one block, positive and able to fit into a char. Another requirement is that 'A' to 'Z' and 'a' to 'z' must be positive values that can fit into a char.
No, the compiler is not required to have such a thing. Think a minute about a pre-C11 compiler, reading EBCDIC source and translating for an EBCDIC machine. What use would have an ASCII look-up table in such a compiler?
Also think another minute about how such ASCII look-up table(s) would look like in such a compiler!

Converting a Letter to a Number in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Converting Letters to Numbers in C
(10 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Alright so pretty simple, I want to convert a letter to a number so that a = 0, b = 1, etc. Now I know I can do
number = letter + '0';
so when I input the letter 'a' it gives me the number 145. My question is, if I am to run this on a different computer or OS, would it still give me the same number 145 for when I input the letter 'a'?
It depends on what character encoding you are using. If you're using the same encoding and compiler on both the computers, yes, it will be the same. But if you're using another encoding like EBCDIC on one computer and ASCII on another, you cannot guarantee them to be the same.
Also, you can use atoi.
If you do not want to use atoi, see: Converting Letters to Numbers in C
It depends on what character encoding you are using.
It is also important to note that if you use ASCII the value will fit in a byte.
If you are using UTF-8 for example, the value wont fit a byte but you will require two bytes (int16) at least.
Now, lets assume you are making sure you use one specific character encoding then, the value will be the same no matter the system.
Yes, the number used to represent a is defined in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This is the standard that C compilers use by default, so on all other OSs you will get the same result.

C binary file versus text file efficiency

i'm quite new in C and i would like some help.
lets say i need to store in a file only 6 digit numbers. (lets assume the size of int equals 4)
what would be more efficient (in terms of memory) using a text file or binary file? i am not really sure how to confront this problem, any help will be welcome
Most people classify files in two categories: binary files and ASCII (text) files. You've actually worked with both. Any program you write (C/C++/Perl/HTML) is almost surely an ASCII file.
An ASCII file is defined as a file that consists of ASCII characters. It's usually created by using a text editor like emacs, pico, vi, Notepad, etc. There are fancier editors out there for writing code, but they may not always save it as ASCII. ASCII is international standard.
Computer science is all about creating good abstractions. Sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it doesn't. Good abstractions are all about presenting a view of the world that the user can use. One of the most successful abstractions is the text editor.
When you're writing a program, and typing in comments, it's hard to imagine that this information is not being stored as characters. ASCII/text files are really stored as 0's and 1's.
Files are stored on disks, and disks have some way to represent 1's and 0's. We merely call them 1's and 0's because that's also an abstraction. Whatever way is used to store the 0's and 1's on a disk, we don't care, provided we can think of them that way.
In effect, ASCII files are basically binary files, because they store binary numbers. That is, ASCII files store 0's and 1's.
The Difference between ASCII and Binary Files?
An ASCII file is a binary file that stores ASCII codes. Recall that an ASCII code is a 7-bit code stored in a byte. To be more specific, there are 128 different ASCII codes, which means that only 7 bits are needed to represent an ASCII character.
However, since the minimum workable size is 1 byte, those 7 bits are the low 7 bits of any byte. The most significant bit is 0. That means, in any ASCII file, you're wasting 1/8 of the bits. In particular, the most significant bit of each byte is not being used.
Although ASCII files are binary files, some people treat them as different kinds of files. I like to think of ASCII files as special kinds of binary files. They're binary files where each byte is written in ASCII code.
A full, general binary file has no such restrictions. Any of the 256 bit patterns can be used in any byte of a binary file.
We work with binary files all the time. Executables, object files, image files, sound files, and many file formats are binary files. What makes them binary is merely the fact that each byte of a binary file can be one of 256 bit patterns. They're not restricted to the ASCII codes.
Example of ASCII files
Suppose you're editing a text file with a text editor. Because you're using a text editor, you're pretty much editing an ASCII file. In this brand new file, you type in "cat". That is, the letters 'c', then 'a', then 't'. Then, you save the file and quit.
What happens? For the time being, we won't worry about the mechanism of what it means to open a file, modify it, and close it. Instead, we're concerned with the ASCII encoding.
If you look up an ASCII table, you will discover the ASCII code for 0x63, 0x61, 0x74 (the 0x merely indicates the values are in hexadecimal, instead of decimal/base 10).
Here's how it looks:
ASCII 'c' 'a' 't'
Hex 63 61 74
Binary 0110 0011 0110 0001 0111 1000
Each time you type in an ASCII character and save it, an entire byte is written which corresponds to that character. This includes punctuations, spaces, and so forth.
Thus, when you type a 'c', it's being saved as 0110 0011 to a file.
Now sometimes a text editor throws in characters you may not expect. For example, some editors "insist" that each line end with a newline character.
The only place a file can be missing a newline at the end of the line is the very last line. Some editors allow the very last line to end in something besides a newline character. Some editors add a newline at the end of every file.
Unfortunately, even the newline character is not that universally standard. It's common to use newline characters on UNIX files, but in Windows, it's common to use two characters to end each line (carriage return, newline, which is \r and \n, I believe). Why two characters when only one is necessary?
This dates back to printers. In the old days, the time it took for a printer to return back to the beginning of a line was equal to the time it took to type two characters. So, two characters were placed in the file to give the printer time to move the printer ball back to the beginning of the line.
This fact isn't all that important. It's mostly trivia. The reason I bring it up is just in case you've wondered why transferring files to UNIX from Windows sometimes generates funny characters.
Editing Binary Files
Now that you know that each character typed in an ASCII file corresponds to one byte in a file, you might understand why it's difficult to edit a binary file.
If you want to edit a binary file, you really would like to edit individual bits. For example, suppose you want to write the binary pattern 1100 0011. How would you do this?
You might be naive, and type in the following in a file:
But you should know, by now, that this is not editing individual bits of a file. If you type in '1' and '0', you are really entering in 0x49 and 0x48. That is, you're entering in 0100 1001 and 0100 1000 into the files. You're actually (indirectly) typing 8 bits at a time.
There are some programs that allow you type in 49, and it translates this to a single byte, 0100 1001, instead of the ASCII code for '4' and '9'. You can call these programs hex editors. Unfortunately, these may not be so readily available. It's not too hard to write a program that reads in an ASCII file that looks like hex pairs, but then converts it to a true binary file with the corresponding bit patterns.
That is, it takes a file that looks like:
63 a0 de
and converts this ASCII file to a binary file that begins 0110 0011 (which is 63 in binary). Notice that this file is ASCII, which means what's really stored is the ASCII code for '6', '3', ' ' (space), 'a', '0', and so forth. A program can read this ASCII file then generate the appropriate binary code and write that to a file.
Thus, the ASCII file might contain 8 bytes (6 for the characters, 2 for the spaces), and the output binary file would contain 3 bytes, one byte per hex pair.
Writing Binary Files
Why do people use binary files anyway? One reason is compactness. For example, suppose you wanted to write the number 100000. If you type it in ASCII, this would take 6 characters (which is 6 bytes). However, if you represent it as unsigned binary, you can write it out using 4 bytes.
ASCII is convenient, because it tends to be human-readable, but it can use up a lot of space. You can represent information more compactly by using binary files.
For example, one thing you can do is to save an object to a file. This is a kind of serialization. To dump it to a file, you use a write() method. Usually, you pass in a pointer to the object and the number of bytes used to represent the object (use the sizeof operator to determine this) to the write() method. The method then dumps out the bytes as it appears in memory into a file.
You can then recover the information from the file and place it into the object by using a corresponding read() method which typically takes a pointer to an object (and it should point to an object that has memory allocated, whether it be statically or dynamically allocated) and the number of bytes for the object, and copies the bytes from the file into the object.
Of course, you must be careful. If you use two different compilers, or transfer the file from one kind of machine to another, this process may not work. In particular, the object may be laid out differently. This can be as simple as endianness, or there may be issues with padding.
This way of saving objects to a file is nice and simple, but it may not be all that portable. Furthermore, it does the equivalent of a shallow copy. If your object contains pointers, it will write out the addresses to the file. Those addresses are likely to be totally meaningless. Addresses may make sense at the time a program is running, but if you quit and restart, those addresses may change.
This is why some people invent their own format for storing objects: to increase portability.
But if you know you aren't storing objects that contain pointers, and you are reading the file in on the same kind of computer system you wrote it on, and you're using the same compiler, it should work.
This is one reason people sometimes prefer to write out ints, chars, etc. instead of entire objects. They tend to be somewhat more portable.
An ASCII file is a binary file that consists of ASCII characters. ASCII characters are 7-bit encodings stored in a byte. Thus, each byte of an ASCII file has its most significant bit set to 0. Think of an ASCII file as a special kind of binary file.
A generic binary file uses all 8-bits. Each byte of a binary file can have the full 256 bitstring patterns (as opposed to an ASCII file which only has 128 bitstring patterns).
There may be a time where Unicode text files becomes more prevalent. But for now, ASCII files are the standard format for text files.
A binary file is basically any file that is not "line-oriented". Any file where besides the actual written characters and newlines there are other symbols as well.
Usually when you write a file in text mode, any new line \n will be translated to a carriage return + line feed \r\n.
There isn't any memory efficiency that can be achieved by using a binary file as apposed to text files, files are stored on disk and not in memory. It all depends on what you want to do with the file and how you wish to format it.
Since you are working with pure integers (regardless of what the int size is) using a text or binary file will have the same impact on performance (meaning that it wont make any difference which type you choose to work with).
If you want to later modify or read the file in a text editor, it is best to use the text mode to write the file.

Convert the integer value to hex value

I have this function in xilinx for giving output to Seven segment.
int result;
The function gets the int result and puts the output to seven segment as a hex value. So basicly, if i give result = 11; I would see A as a result in seven segment. To see a decimal value on sseg, one approach is to change the verilog code behind this and change the whole concept of the sseg. Another approach is to write a function that changes decimal value into a hex value. I've been searching for a good code block for this but it seems that every one of them, prints the values digit by digit with a loop. I need the whole value as a block. Unfortunately i cannot use the C++ libraries so i have primitive C code. Is there any known algorithms for converting?
Apparently, you want to convert symbol codes from ASCII to the ones from the 7-segment display character set. If so, you may create a simple mapping, maybe an array of codes indexed by ASCII character id. Then, you'll be able to call your function like:
Be careful to implement the mapping table for the whole ASCII range.
Sorry, I've got your question wrong. You'll have to manually convert hexadecimal number to an array of decimal symbols. You may do it by dividing your number by increasing powers of 10 (10^0, 10^1, 10^2, etc) and thus get an array of remainders, which is a decimal representation of your number. You may use snprintf as H2CO3 recommends, but I would recommend against it in some of the embedded applications where RAM is limited; you may even be unable to use sprintf-like functions at all.
