Composite WPF Visual Studio Style Interface - wpf

I am looking to design an interface in the style of the Visual Studio interface with WPF Composite Application Guidance (PRISM). I would like to have a tree on the left with the different views that can be opened. When some one clicks on a node in the tree, have the view open on the right in a tab. If the view is already opened in the tab, bring it to the front. I would also like the tree to be in sync with the active tab.
I've tried searching for some articles on this with no luck. Does anyone have any links or information on how to implement this?

I think you should start with MVVM first.

Infragistics has a xamDockManager control that will do a lot of the work for you. I have not used this particular control, but I have used some of their other WPF controls with varied success.


dragable controls in runtime Similar to a toolbox in wpf

I want to create a project in WPF for designing a custom report.
For this, I need a library to add controls to a panel, canvas, etc. with drag and drop at runtime.
Controls should be resizable and moveable with the mouse. Finally I want to print this.
Telerik's WPF controls contain the Diagram Control which supports the features you mention out of the box. I use it for a very similar scenario as you describe and it works well. The might be a counterpart offered by Infragistics as well.
With .NET framework's built in features and/or free libraries you will able to cover the drag&drop part. You will have to implement the rest yourself which is possible but too much to ask for one question.
Late reply, but I came across this. Take a look at this
There are 4 parts that show how to do a toolbox with what you're looking for.

WPF & MVVM: Visual Studio like interface

I would like to create an application using WPF and MVVM Light but i don't know how to organize my application layout for a MVVM application. The idea is to have something similar to Visual Studio:
A main Window with tabs, toolbox and menu that can be docked and moved to different locations. I had been able to easily create this layout using Telerik WPF controls and their sample but all in a simple XAML file with it's code behind, I have no idea how to transform it into a MVVM application.
I would like each pane/window/toolbox to be a different view with its own View Model. I checked tutorials but I didn't find how to have one single application displaying simultaneously multiple views/viewmodels in the same "main window".
Have I do define each view in a specific user control? Have I to use ContentControl to organize my layout? Should I use data template? How to handle binding on multiple view/viewmodels within the same window ?
Thanks a lot for your help!
look at using to get a layout like visual studio. Then you could put usercontrols in the LayoutPanes for your views, and have those binded to your viewmodels.
Thanks for your replies! Now i understand, I think I was searching way too far and made it more complex than it should...
Avalon seems a very nice solution, but I have a Telerik licence then I will go for it. If anybody is having the same issue, just take a look at this answer from Laurent Bugnon:

Custom Wpf ListBox Control

I'm new to wpf and have just been given a project to create a set of custom controls which will be used to make a previous windows forms application more manageable and current. However I cannot seem to find much info with regards to customising the built in Listbox, this would involve preferably replacing the scroll bar and the +/- buttons with custom images etc..
Just wondered if anyone knows how to get at these ?
Thanks in advance.
Check here for the default control template of the listbox.You can customize the scrollviewer there to do what you are looking for.Check the below article to get started
Using Templates to Customize WPF Controls
Learn about WPF styling and templating. Other than that, the question is too generic for SO. Read the article (and perhaps google some more articles on the topic), try to style the listbox and come back with specific issues. WPF is not easy to get into, but it is definitely worth the time.

Wpf template gallery

Does anybody know of a gallery of controltemplates, that I could use to learn more about what is possible with the different control types?
look at :
I've forked the Theming Package from Codeplex and switched to .Net 4.0
I'm not familiar with a gallery of control templates, though there are lots of examples on the internet. If you have a specific control you'd like to template (e.g. a ListBox or a Button), I would search for specific control templates that relate to that control. You will find countless options.
If you want to learn about what is possible with control templates, I'd suggest picking up one of the many great WPF books. A few I'd recommend are:
WPF Unleashed (by Adam Nathan)
Applications = Code + Markup by (Charles Petzold)
WPF Control Development Unleashed (by Pavan Podila and Kevin Hoffman)
You can completely recreate the visual tree of an element with a control template, so the possibilities are limitless. You can also check out the MSDN Help Topics on control styles and templates:
Control Styles and Templates
Using Templates to Customize WPF Controls
Hope that helps.
There's this one
There's this one
There's this one
As a word of warning, all templates are not created equal - and not all templates will work across all XAML frameworks. For example if it is written for SL it may not work for WinRT. The same for WPF. But this list will get you started. In the end, you will probably create your own.

How to create a control like Solution Explorer in Visual Studio?

I want to create control that seems and works like the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio.
I mean not the functionality of solution explorer, the control should be seems like that control. That means, server explorer, toolbox, error List,... All these controls will pop-out when we put mouse and pop-in when we leave. We can lock and unlock those controls also.
So can anyone help me, to get the solution for this problem.
I am assuming you are using C#/VB.NET for development. The dockpanel suite will provide a docking framework for an application. Basically in terms of dockpanel, it is the forms which can be docked on the application using drag and drop like visual studio.
So create a treeview control in the form and dock it to the parent. You can populate the treeview control based on file directories or any specific needs of your project. Please note in dockpanel you create a form by not inheriting from Form class but from DockContent class. Documentation will give you more insight of how to create applications. It has a good example along with the source code in which it simulates the all the visual studio panes. It also provides and option to save the position of various docks which can act as a user preference. For eg, you may like to position solution explorer on left side whereas i may want it on right side. this get stored in a conf file which gets read next time when you start the application.
Incase you using MFC, then visual studio 2008 SP1 provides you with docking framwork and within that use the treeview control.
XAML also provides a docking framework. But i am not sure, you need to verify.
Win32 API does not have any native docking framework.
