Mature standard library for C [closed] - c

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a library for C that gives me at least some of the things I really miss from C++ and the STL/Boost. (I have to use C, so please no "use C++" posts)
I need
dynamic strings (that grow and shrink automatically)
some sort of list (std::vector replacement)
something like stringstream (for type conversations & buffers)
Furthermore, it has to have a mature and Open Source implementation and it has to be platform independant (Windows, Linux and Mac are required to be supported).
Any recommendations?

What about the GLib from GTK?

I'd recommend the Apache Portable Runtime. It's reasonably small, portable, and powerful - powers the Apache httpd across multiple platforms, at least.

You could always consider embedding a dynamic language runtime in your application. The Lua core is not large at all, provides data types that meet your requirements, is open source, and MIT licensed so it is compatible with both FOSS and commercial projects.
You wouldn't necessarily need to use code written in Lua to benefit, as its C API provides complete access to its data types and their values. However, you could later move some of the logic of your application into Lua, for the improved clarity of expression and other benefits of coding in a dynamic language with functions as first-class values.

Take a look at Gnulib


What is a good embedded TLS library? (Cyassl vs Polarssl vs Matrixssl) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have looked around for good SSL/TLS libraries that support TLS 1.2
I also want to use this library on an embedded platform so it should be small, easy, secure and free. It should be a c/c++ library.
So far i have come across Cyassl, Polarssl Matrixssl a lot so i think that one of these should be a good choice (Openssl is way too big).
Now i would like to know why people use one over the other.
Ok.. Just for starters they all do the same. All three can run on embedded platforms. The difference is where their focus is.
From my personal experience:
PolarSSL has loads of documentation, an understandable API, examples, and gives you the ability to actually delve into the code and understand what is happening. In my experience this is a great plus in case you need to debug a specific issue. They only provide Makefile / CMake / MSVC project files, so the task to include it in your embedded environment is yours.
Cyassl's code is harder to understand and tweak. But they have more pre-made Makefiles for specific development platforms. Depending on your environment this might weigh in (for me it rarely does). In a number of comparisons I did as a subcontractor, they are pricier than PolarSSL though.
Pick MatrixSSL if you don't have budget constraints ;) Definitely the priciest of all and I found no specific reasons to actually use it though in comparison to the alternatives..
With the whole NSA / PRISM thing around: If you want something specifically built in the US, then Cyassl is the best choice. If you want something non-US, PolarSSL is the only sane choice.
So if by free you mean: I'm going to use it in an Open Source project, then price does not matter. The verdict from the community: PolarSSL has good adoption in OpenVPN, Cyassl in MySQL.

What are the common libraries for C? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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C++ has STL and Boost and C# has the .net Framework library. Similarly, what are the most common libraries useful to a C programmer? (Other than the C standard library.)
I am looking for most of the capabilities available in the STL: containers (vectors, linked lists, trees, hash table), algorithms (sorting, searching), file IO and strings.
Ideally, the library should be open-source, work on Windows (cross-platform is fine) and is being used actively.
If you want general-purpose data-structures like STL has, glib is probably the answer to your question. But a better question might be why are you writing your program in C? C's potential to shine comes when you don't use overly-general code to perform tasks that could be better performed in ways specific to your particular task at hand. glib just gives you "C++ with ugly syntax" (and less ability for the compiler to optimize).
The closest I know if is glib from GTK, see
Yes. GLib is the closest thing to STL in C. If you find it quite complex to use, try Vala. It is much easier.

What open source C projects are worth studying for learning good design? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What small open source projects in C are interesting for learning good design?
The project should be:
Not too large (like the linux kernel)
Well documented
Perhaps still under active development
I've just started learning C, and while the language itself is not too difficult, i'm struggling how to design larger applications, so i thought checking out other open source projects would be a good starting point.
Redis (nosql db) is:
under active development
a manageable size
portable and robust
has no external dependancies
very well written, understandable code
In my opinion, good examples of moderately sized projects written in C are:
GNU Scientific Library (besides the source code, don't miss their design document)
Posix threads are a perfect example of good C design
I like gnucash:
No too large like Linux kernel, but still big I think.
You can start learning from small and well structured applications like
It all depends what kind of projects you are interested in. And what aspect of it (specific algorithms, UI, networking, etc, etc...)
Head over to freshmeat, sourceforge or ohloh and browse the projects for your area of interest.
Alternatively if you want to look at projects that were chosen for a particular reason google summer of code might be interesting for you - even though these rarely include full projects.
Also alternatively, you might take something like linux kernel, but instead of trying to understand everything try to
get the big picture
then concentrate on one tiny piece of it and inspect how the code changed over time (and for what reasons - it should be quite well documented)

What would be a good open source lightweight c library with basic utility functionality to use in an embedded system [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm thinking of something like glib, but possibly a slim version with a minimal foot print. It would need basic utilities such as linked lists, vectors and hash tables. It should also have a minimal runtime footprint.
Not exactly a library, but a tested, optimized and documented piece of code: sys/queue.h on *BSD and Linux systems has macros for various kinds of intrusive linked lists and queues.
uthash is a nice hash table library (made entirely of macros), it also comes with a linked list, dynamic string and dynamic array macros.
I also highly recommend sys/queue.h (suggested by larsmans) for simple and well tested linked lists.

Good STL-like library for C [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What are good libraries for C with datastructures like vectors, deques, stacks, hashmaps, treemaps, sets, etc.? Plain C, please, and platform-independent.
The Glib library used on the Gnome project may also be some use. Moreover it is pretty well tested.
IBM developer works has a good tutorial on its use: Manage C data using the GLib collections
As always, Google is your friend:
There's some stuff in the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) that I'd expect to be very solid.
Maybe if you want an easy to use, very fast, macro based library.
If hash tables, extensible strings and dynamic vector are enough for your needs, please have a look at the library I put toghether:
I also would welcome any feedback!
