How to limit SQL queries CPU utilization? - sql-server

After a large SQL Query is run that is built through my ASPX Pages I see the following two items listed in sql profiler.
Event Class TextData ApplicationName CPU Reads Writes
SQL:BatchCompleted Select N'Testing Connection...' SQLAgent - Alert Engine 1609 0 0
SQL:BatchCompleted EXECUTE msdb.sbo.sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters SQLAgent - Alert Engine 1609 96 0
These CPU is the same as the query so does that query actually take 1609*3=4827?
Same thing happens with case :
Audit Logout
Can I limit this? I am using sql server 2005.

First of all, some of what you see in the SQL Profiler is cumulative, so you can't always just add the numbers up. For example, a SPCompleted event will show the total time of all the SPStatementCompleted events that make it up. Not sure if that's your issue here.
The only way to improve the CPU is to actually improve your query. Make sure its using indexes, minimize the number of rows read, etc. Work with an experienced DBA on some of these techniques, or read a book.
Only other mitigation I can think of is to limit the number of CPUs the query runs on (this is called Degree of Parallelism, or DOP). You can set this at the server level, or specify it at the query level. If you have a multiple processor server, this can ensure that a single long-running query doesn't take over all processors on the box--it will leave one or more processors free for other queries to run.

No, it takes 1609 milliseconds of CPU in total. What is the duration?
I bet the same or slighty more because I doubt SQL Agent queries use parallelism.
Are you trying to reduce background processes using CPU? If so, then you reduce functionality by disabling SQL Agent (no backups then for example) and restarting SQL Server with switch -x
You also can not stop "Audit logout" events... this is what happens when you disconnect or close a connection.
However, are you maxing the processors? If so, you'll need to differentiate between "user" memory for queries and "system" memory used for paging or (god forbid) generating your parity on RAID 5 disks.
High CPU can often be solved by more RAM and a better disk config.

SQL Server 2008 has a new "Resource Governor" that may help. I don't know if you're using SQL Server 2008 or not but you may want to take a look here

This is an issue of connection string. If audit logout takes too much of your cpu then try to play with different connection string.


SQL Server CXPACKET timeout

We've got SQL Server 2016 (v13.0.4206.0), by default there is no restrictions for parallelism - any count SQL wants. And it didn't lead any problems... Till now.
For another feature there were written query that unexpectedly raised timeout exception in our application. I was deeply surprised when it was successfully executed with setting up maximum threads per query to 1. Yes, 6 seconds for query is not so good, even accounting to most of time was spent for fetching, but it's far away from 3 minutes timeout!
By the way, executing this query with SQL Server Management Studio works all the time despite of parallelism settings. It seems that something wrong with connection to database, but all other queries works fine, even which much harder then that one.
Our application is built on ASP.NET Core 3.0 (don't know if it matters), database connection is made using System.Data.SqlClient v4.8.0. All I could determine is that there are so much tasks created for this query:
I've tried to watch for execution in sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks (thanks google). I'm not sure I got it right, but it seems that tasks with context_id 0-8 is blocked with those who have context_id 9-16 and vise versa. Obvious example of deadlock, isn't it? But how can SQL Server manage threads to make it without my "help"? Or what am I doing wrong?
Just in case some inappropriate answers:
I won't turn parallelism off (set maximum threads per query to 1) as solution because of some heavy queries in our application;
I don't want to raise Cost Threshold for Parallelism setting because I'm afraid of same problem with another query (guess, a heavier one). So I just want to determine real cause;
Optimizing the query isn't considered (anymore), as according to actual execution plan I can't make it faster - there are enough indexes for it. But I'm ready to rethink after some really weighty arguments.
So, my question is: why does parallelism that I didn't ask for spoil the query execution? And how can I avoid that?
It's true sometimes the engine chooses to use parallel execution (or not to use) which leads to worse performance.
You do not want to control the server option and the cost as you are not sure how this will reflect to other queries, which is understandable.
If you are sure, your query will be execute better without being handle in parallel, you can specify the option just for it using query hints - MAXDOP like this:
FROM ...
It's easy and you can rollback if needed. Also, you are not affecting other queries.
You are saying that:
Optimizing query isn't considered (anymore), as according to actual execution plan...
The execution plan is sometimes misleading. As a start - you can save your execution plan and open it with SentryOne Plan Explorer - it's free and can give you a better look of what's going on.
Also, if a query is execute for either 3 seconds or 6 minutes, there must be something wrong with it or may be the activity of your database. If it is executed fast in the SSMS always, maybe the engine is using the correct cache plan. I thing it's better to share the query itself and to attach the two plans (serial and parallel) and spend more time tuning it.

Generate SQL Server CPU usage for last 7 days

I have a requirement to generate CPU usage reports for my SQL server for previous 7 days. I will use a graph to represent it.
Also, I have to keep track of top 10 queries which consumed maximum CPU each day.
I got one post below but I have few doubts.
CPU utilization by database?
How I will know that, how was the overall CPU usage yesterday? Do I have to add all the AvgCPU time for distinct queries ran yesterday?
There is no reliable way in Getting cpu usage per day/last 5 days..I see SQLServer has below columns..
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats
And those reported below on my test instance..
As you can see from Screenshot above..
We can't reliably get ,count of instances a particular query got executed on a particular day..And moreover you will see this entire data gets reset if you restart SQLServer
If you really want to show data on daily basis,you could use perfmon..Here are some tutorials which may help you..
1.Collecting Performance Data into a SQL Server Table
2.Using PerfMon for SQL Server Reporting Services Performance Management
You may also take a look on MS SQL Data collection sets. Easy to deploy, easy to keep necessary data (as long it stored on dedicated DB), and at least its really fits your requirements for top 10 CPU-expensive queries.
You can also slightly modify t-sql for collector agent and target tables on collector server in order to obtain some extra CPU info if you need it.

Is it possible to set a timeout for a SQL query on Microsoft SQL Server?

I've got a scenario when sometimes a user selects the right parameters and makes a query which takes several minutes or more to execute. I cannot prevent him to select such a combination of parameters (it's quite legal), so I'd like to set a timeout on the query.
Note that I really want to stop the query execution itself and rollback any transactions, because otherwise it hogs up most of server resources. Add an impatient user who restarts the application and tries the combination again, and you've got a recipe for a disaster (read: SQL Server DoS).
Can this be done and how?
As far as I know, apart from setting the command or connection timeouts in the client, there is no way to change timeouts on a query by query basis in the server.
You can indeed change the default 600 seconds using sp_configure, but these are server scoped.
did you try LOCK_TIMEOUT
Note down what it was orginally before running the query
set it for your query
after running your query set it back to original value
I might suggest 2 things.
If your query takes a lot of time because it´s using several tables that might involve locks, a quite fast solution is to run your queries with the "NoLock" hint.
Simply add Select * from YourTable WITH (NOLOCK) in all your table references an that will prevent your query to block for concurrent transactions.
2) if you want to be sure that all of your queries runs in (let´s say) less than 5 seconds, then you could add what #talha proposed, that worked sweet for me
Just add at the top of your execution
SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 5000; --5 seconds.
And that will cause that your query takes less than 5 or fail. Then you should catch the exception and rollback if needed.
Hope it helps.
In management studio you can set the timeout in seconds.
menu Tools => Options set the field and then Ok
It sounds like more of an architectual issue, and any timeout/disconnect you can do would be more or less a band-aid. This has to be solved on SQL server side, by the way of read-only replica, transaction log shipping (to give you a read-only server to connect to), replication and such. Basically you give the DMZ sql server that heavy read can go to without killing stuff. This is very common. A well-designed SQL system won't be taken down by DDoS - that'd be like a car that dies if you step on the gas.
That said, if you are at the liberty to change the code, you could guesstimate if the query is too heavy and you could either reject or return only X rows in your stored procedure. If you are mated to some reporting tool and such and can't control the SELECT it generates, you could point it to a view and then do the safety valve in the view.
Also, if up-to-the-minute freshness isn't critical and you could compromise on that, like monthly sales data, then compiling a physical table of complex joins by job to avoid complex joins might do the trick - that way everything would be sub-second per query.
It entirely depends on what you are doing, but there is always a solution. Sometimes it takes extra coding to optimize it, sometimes it takes extra money to get you the secondary read-only DB, sometimes it needs time and attention in index tuning.
So it entirely depends, but I'd start with "what can I compromise? what can I change?" and go from there.
You can set Execution time-out in seconds.
If you have just one query I don't know how to set timeout on T-SQL level.
However if you have a few queries (i.e. collecting data into temporary tables) inside stored procedure you can just control time of execution with GETDATE(), DATEDIFF() and a few INT variables storing time of execution of each part.
You can specify the connection timeout within the SQL connection string, when you connect to the database, like so:
"Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=database;Connect Timeout=15"
On the server level, use MSSQLMS to view the server properties, and on the Connections page you can specify the default query timeout.
I'm not quite sure that queries keep on running after the client connection has closed. Queries should not take that long either, MSSQL can handle large databases, I've worked with GB's of data on it before. Run a performance profile on the queries, prehaps some well-placed indexes could speed it up, or rewriting the query could too.
According to this list, SQL timeouts happen when waiting for attention acknowledgement from server:
Suppose you execute a command, then the command times out. When this happens the SqlClient driver sends a special 8 byte packet to the server called an attention packet. This tells the server to stop executing the current command. When we send the attention packet, we have to wait for the attention acknowledgement from the server and this can in theory take a long time and time out. You can also send this packet by calling SqlCommand.Cancel on an asynchronous SqlCommand object. This one is a special case where we use a 5 second timeout. In most cases you will never hit this one, the server is usually very responsive to attention packets because these are handled very low in the network layer.
So it seems that after the client connection times out, a signal is sent to the server to cancel the running query too.

SQL Server Performance Problem

Our primary database server is an 8 core box with 8GB of RAM. The CPU is a Xeon E7330 # 2.4GHz. It runs Windows Server 2003 R2 (x64 edition) and SQL Server 2005
I wanted to do some testing so I set up SQL Server 2005 on another brand-new server which is an 8 core box with 4 GB of RAM. It has a Xeon X5460 # 3.16GHz and runs Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard. I Installed SQL Server 2005 out of the box and restored a backup of the primary database on to it, and did an UPDATE STATISTICS on all the tables.
The process I was testing executes the same stored proc many times. I was astounded to find from the profiler that this proc which executes with duration=0 or 1 on the primary server, was consistently executing with durations in excess of 130. This essentially makes the secondary server useless for testing, because it's just too slow.
No other apps run on either of these two boxes, just SQL server. And unlike the primary database server, the test server only had me accessing it.
I can't believe the difference in spec between these two machines explains this colossal difference in performance. Can anybody suggest any settings I may need to change?
Updates in answers to questions:
Second server is 32 bit Windows
I'm inquiring now about the disk arrays and how comparable they are
On the primary server, the data and logs are on the same drive (!) and it works fine
Looking in task manager on the test server, the CPU is running at like 10%, only one core even showing activity
Task manager on the test server (4GB RAM) shows "PF Usage 2.01GB" with SQL Server running. On the primary server (8GB RAM) it shows "PF Usage 6.67GB". How would I make SQL Server on the test box use more of the RAM? Maybe that would make a difference
Another update:
The primary server has a RAID-5 with 15,000 RPM drives. The test box has a RAID-5 with 10,000 RPM drives.
32 bit OS means 2 GB Virtual Address Space for your processes. Standard edition OS mean no AWE extensions either. So your test machine will be severely RAM deprived compared with the production one. Your buffer pool will suffer from premature eviction of the pages, your execution plans will not have the option to choose hash-joins for a lot of queries and so on and so forth. I doubt this explains the entire difference, I'm sure there must be something more at play. You say only 10 CPU usage during the query, is your MAXDOP setting 1 by any chance on the test server? Have you compared the output of sp_configure on the two machines? (make sure you enable 'advanced options' too).
Can you run the same problem query on the two machines, from a SSMS query window, with SET STATISTICS IO ON and SET STATISTICS TIME ON? Run it 2-3 times on each and write down the results. Does it show the same number of logical reads but vastly different number of physical reads? This would point to the RAM being insufficient to cache the needed pages. IS the number of logical reads very different? It probably means you get a bad execution plan on test.
Is the query write intensive by any chance? If so did you pre-grow the test database or is your execution blocked by log growth and database growth events?
There are plenty of places to look at to narrow down the issue, like SQL performance counters, sys.dm_os_wait_stats, check the sys.dm_exec_requests wait_type and wait_resource.
was the data in the memory cache yet? or was it all read from disk
You either have a different plan being generated or some hardware differences. For hardware you can check the disk seconds/[read,write] (edit to clarify - you do this in perfmon) and see if you have some massive differences from caching (e.g. high perf raid controller).
For the plan difference just check out the execution plans.
Also do set statistics io on and see if you are getting physical reads instead of logical reads. Maybe the mem difference is keeping your dataset from fitting in memory in secondary but not primary machine.
Although you may not be able to use AWE on your 32-bit server, you can provide SQL Server with a little more memory by adding the /3GB switch to the boot.ini file. Check out Books Online, it should give you more information.

Whats the best way to profile a sqlserver 2005 database for performance?

What techinques do you use? How do you find out which jobs take the longest to run? Is there a way to find out the offending applications?
Step 1:
Install the SQL Server Performance Dashboard.
Seriously, you do want to start with a look at that dashboard. More about installing and using it can be found here and/or here
To identify problematic queries start the Profiler, select following Events:
filter output for example by
Duration > x ms (for example 100ms, depends mainly on your needs and type of system)
CPU > y ms
Reads > r
Writes > w
Depending on what you want to optimize.
Be sure to filter the output enough to not having thousands of datarows scrolling through your window, because that will impact your server performance!
Its helpful to log output to a database table to analyse it afterwards.
Its also helpful to run Windows system monitor in parallel to view cpu load, disk io and some sql server performance counters. Configure sysmon to save the data to a file.
Than you have to get production typical query load and data volumne on your database to see meaningfull values with profiler.
After getting some output from profiler, you can stop profiling.
Then load the stored data from the profiling table again into profiler, and use importmenu to import the output from systemmonitor and the profiler will correlate the sysmon output to your sql profiler data. Thats a very nice feature.
In that view you can immediately identifiy bootlenecks regarding to your memory, disk or cpu sytem.
When you have identified some queries you want to omtimize, go to query analyzer and watch the execution plan and try to omtimize index usage and query design.
I have had good sucess with the Database Tuning tools provided inside SSMS or SQL Profiler when working on SQL Server 2000.
The key is to work with a GOOD sample set, track a portion of TRUE production workload for analsys, that will get the best overall bang for the buck.
I use the SQL Profiler that comes with SQL Server. Most of the poorly performing queries I've found are not using a lot of CPU but are generating a ton of disk IO.
I tend to put in filters on disk reads and look for queries that tend to do more than 20,000 or so reads. Then I look at the execution plan for those queries which usually gives you the information you need to optimize either the query or the indexes on the tables involved.
I use a few different techniques.
If you're trying to optimize a specific query, use Query Analyzer. Use the tools in there like displaying the execution plan, etc.
For your situation where you're not sure WHICH query is running slowly, one of the most powerful tools you can use is SQL Profiler.
Just pick the database you want to profile, and let it do its thing.
You need to let it run for a decent amount of time (this varies on traffic to your application) and then you can dump the results in a table and start analyzing them.
You are going to want to look at queries that have a lot of reads, or take up a lot of CPU time, etc.
Optimization is a bear, but keep going at it, and most importantly, don't assume you know where the bottleneck is, find proof of where it is and fix it.
