Parallel query execution on multiple database servers (running Microsoft SQL Server) - sql-server

Is it possible to configure multiple database servers (all hosting the same database) to execute a single query simultaneously?
I'm not asking about executing queries using multiple CPUs simultaneously - I know this it possible.
What I mean is something like this:
There are two 2 servers: Server1 and Server2
Both server host database Foo and both instances of Foo are identical
I connect to Server1 and submit a complicated (lots of joins, many calculations) query
Server1 decides that some calculations should be made on Server2 and some data should be read from that server, too - appropriate parts of the query are sent to Server2
Both servers read data and perform necessary calculations
Finally, results from Server1 and Server2 are merged and returned to the client
All this should happen automatically, without need to explicitly reference Server1 or Server2. I mean such parallel query execution - is it possible?
Thanks for the tips, John and wuputah.
I am researching alternatives of increasing both availability and capacity of MOSS database backend. So what I'm looking for is some kind out-of-the-box SQL Server load balancing solution that would be transparent to the application, because I cannot modify the application in any way. I guess SQL Server has no such feature (and Oracle, as far as I understand it, does - it is RAC mentioned by wuputah).
A quote from the Top Tips for SQL Server Clustering article:
Let's start by debunking a common
misconception. You use MSCS clustering
for high availability, not for load
balancing. Also, SQL Server does not
have any built-in, automatic
load-balancing capability. You have to
load balance through your
application's physical design.

What you're really talking about is a clustering solution. It looks like SQL Server and Oracle have solutions to this, but I don't know anything about them. I can guess they would be very costly to buy and implement.
Possible alternate suggestions would be as follows:
Use master-slave replication, and do your complex read queries from the slave. All writes must go to the master, which are then sent to the slave, so things stay in sync. This helps things go faster because the slave only has to worry about the writes coming from the master, which are already predetermined on behalf of the slave (no deadlocks etc). If you're looking to utilize multiple servers, this is the first place I would start.
Use master-master replication. This means that all writes from both servers go to each other, so they stay in sync (at least theoretically). This has some of the benefits as master-slave but you don't have to worry about writes going to one server instead of the other. The more common use of master-master replication is for failover support; master-slave is really better suited to performance.
Use the feature John Sansom talked about. I don't know much about it, but it seems its basis is splitting your database into tables on different servers, which will have some benefits as well as drawbacks. The big issue is that since the two systems can't share memory, they will have to share a lot of data over the network to compute complex joins.
Hope this helps!
RE Update 1:
If you can't modify the application, there is hope, but it might be a bit complicated. If you were to set up master-slave replication, you can then set up a proxy to send read queries to the slave(s) and write queries to the master(s). I've seen this done with MySQL, but not SQLServer. That's a bit of a problem unless you want to write the proxy yourself.
This has been discussed on SO previously, so you can find more information there.
RE Update 2:
Microsoft's clustering might not be designed for performance, but that's Microsoft fault. That's still the level of complexity you're talking about here. If they say it won't help, then your options are limited to those above and by what you do with your application (like sharding, splitting into multiple databases, etc).

Yes I believe it is possible, well sort of, let me explain.
You need to look into and research the use of Distributed Queries. A distributed query runs across multiple servers and is typically used to reference data that is not stored locally.
For example, Server A may hold my Customers table and Server B holds my Orders table. It is possible using distributed queries to run a query that references both Server A and Server B, with each server managing the processing of its local data (which could incorporate the use of parallelism).
Now in theory you could store the exact same data on each server and design your queries specifically so that only certain table were referenced on certain servers, thereby distributing the query load. This is not true parallel processing however, in terms of CPU.
If your intended goal is to distribute the processing load of your application then the typical approach with SQL Server is to use Replication to distribute data processing across multiple servers. This method is also not to be confused with parallel processing.
I hope this helps but of course please feel free to pose any questions you may have.

Interesting question, but I'm struggling to get my head around this being beneficial for a multi-user system.
If I'm the only user having half my query done on Server1 and the other half on Server2 sounds cool :)
If there are two concurrent users (lets say with queries of identical difficulty) then I'm struggling to see that this helps :(
I could have identical data on both servers and load balancing - so I get Server1, my mate gets Server2 - or I could have half the data on Server1 and the other half on Server2, and each will be optimised, and cache, just their own data - spreading the load. But whenever you have to do a merge to complete a query the limiting factor becomes the pipe-size between them.
Which is basically Federated Database Servers. Instead of having all my Customers on one server and all my Orders on the other I could, say, have my USA customers and their orders on one, and my European customers/orders on the other, and only if my query spans both is there any need for a merge step.


SQL Server replication/redirection for heavy jobs

Need some sanity check.
Imagine having 1 SQL Server instance, a beefy system (i.e 48GB of RAM and tons of storage). Obviously there comes a point where it gets hammered in a situation where there are lots of jobs running.
These jobs/DB are part of an external piece of software and cannot be controlled or modified by us directly.
Now, when these jobs run, besides the queries probably being inefficient, do bring the DB down - they become very slow so any "regular" users are having slow responses.
The immediate thing I can think of is replication of some kind where maybe, the "secondary" DB would be the one where these jobs point to and do their hammering, still leaving the primary available and active but would receive any updates from secondary for data consistency/integrity.
Would this be the right thing to do? Ultimately I want the load to be elsewhere but have the primary be aware of updates and update itself without bringing it down or being very slow.
What is this called in MS SQL Server? Does such a thing exist? The jobs will be doing a read-write FYI.
There are numerous approaches to this, all of which are native to SQL Server, but I think you should look into Transactional Replication:
It effectively creates a read-only replica based on log shipping that, for reporting purposes, is practically real time.
From the documentation:
"By default, Subscribers to transactional publications should be treated as read-only, because changes are not propagated back to the Publisher. However, transactional replication does offer options that allow updates at the Subscriber."
Your scenario likely has nuances I don't know about, but you can use various flavors of SQL Replication, custom triggers, linked servers, 3-part queries, etc. to fill in the holes.

Transactional Replication For Write Heavy Medium Sized Database

We have a decent sized, write-heavy database that is about 426 GB (including indexes) and about 300 million rows . We currently collect location data from devices that report to our server every couple of minutes, and we serve about 10,000 devices - so lots of writes every second. The location table that stores the location of each device has about 223 million rows. The data is currently archived by year.
Problems occur when users run large reports on this database, the whole database grinds down almost to a stop.
I understand I need a reporting database, but my question is if anyone has experience of using SQL Server Transactional Replication on a database of equivalent size, and their experience of using this technology?
My rough plan is to point all the reports in our application to the Reporting Database, use Transactional Replication to replicate the data over from the master to the slave (Reporting Database).
Anyone have any thoughts on this strategy and the problems I may encounter?
Many thanks!
Transactional replication should work well in this scenario (the only effect the size of the database will have is the time taken to generate the initial snapshot). However, it may not solve your problem.
I think the issue you'll have if you choose transactional replication is that the slave server is going to be under the same load as the master machine as changes are applied - it will still crawl when users run large reports (assuming it's of a similar spec).
Depending on the acceptable latency of reporting data to the live data, this may or may not be OK for your users.
If some latency is acceptable you may get better performance from log shipping, since changes are applied in batches.
Before acquiring a reporting server, another approach would be to investigate the queries that your users are running and look at modifying either their code or the indexing strategy to better match what they're trying to do.
Transactional Replication could work well for you. The things to consider:
The target database tables must be read-only.
The server containing the target database should be stout enough to handle the SELECT traffic from the reporting applications.
Depending on the INSERT/UPDATE traffic, you may need to have a third server act as the Distribution server.
You also have to consider the size of the Distribution database.
Based on what I read here, I'd use a pull subscription from the Reporting server to offload traffic from the OLTP server.
You can skip the torment of a snapshot by initializing the reporting database from a backup of the OLTP database. See
There will be INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE traffic from the Replication into both the Distribution and the Subscriber databases. That requires consideration, but lock/block issues should be no worse (and probably better) than running those reports off of OLTP.
I am running multiple publications on a 2.6TB database with 2.5GB/day of growth, using both pure transactional to drive reports (to two reporting servers) and Peer-to-Peer Transactional to replicate data in a scale-out for a SaaS offering (to three more servers). Because of this, we have a separate distributor.
Hope this helps.

SQL server 2005 replication to many slave servers - hardware replication or change the strategy

we have a 500gb database that performs about 10,000 writes per minute.
This database has a requirements for real time reporting. To service this need we have 10 reporting databases hanging off the main server.
The 10 reporting databases are all fed from the 1 master database using transactional replication.
The issue is that the server and replication is starting to fail with PAGEIOLATCH_SH errors - these seem to be caused by the master database being overworked. We are upgrading the server to a quad proc / quad core machine.
As this database and the need for reporting is only going to grow (20% growth per month) I wanted to know if we should start looking at hardware (or other 3rd party application) to manage the replication (what should we use) OR should we change the replication from the master database replicating to each of the reporting databases to the Master replicating to reporting server 1, reporting server 1 replicating to reporting server 2
Ideally the solution will cover us to a 1.5tb database, with 100,000 writes per minute
Any help greatly appreciated
One common model is to have your main database replicate to 1 other node, then have that other node deal with replicating the data out from there. It takes the load off your main server and also has the benefit that if, heaven forbid, your reporting system's replication does max out it won't affect your live database at all.
I haven't gone much further than a handful of replicated hosts, but if you add enough nodes that your distribution node can't replicate it all it's probably sensible to expand the hierarchy so that your distributor is actually replicated to other distributors which then replicate to the nodes you report from.
How many databases you can have replicated off a single node will depend on how up-to-date your reporting data needs to be (EG: Whether it's fine to have it only replicate once a day or whether you need to the second) and how much data you're replicating at a time. Might be worth some experimentation to find out exactly how many nodes 1 distributor could power if it didn't have the overhead of actually running your main services.
Depending on what you're inserting, a load of 100,000 writes/min is pretty light for SQL Server. In my book, I show an example that generates 40,000 writes/sec (2.4M/min) on a machine with simple hardware. So one approach might be to see what you can do to improve the write performance of your primary DB, using techniques such as batch updates, multiple writes per transaction, table valued parameters, optimized disk configuration for your log drive, etc.
If you've already done as much as you can on that front, the next question I have is what kind of queries are you doing that require 10 reporting servers? Seems unusual, even for pretty large sites. There may be a bunch you can do to optimize on that front, too, such as offloading aggregation queries to Analysis Services, or improving disk throughput. While you can, scaling-up is usually a better way to go than scaling-out.
I tend to view replication as a "solution of last resort." Once you've done as much optimization as you can, I would look into horizontal or vertical partitioning for your reporting requirements. One reason is that partitioning tends to result in better cache utilization, and therefore higher total throughput.
If you finally get to the point where you can't escape replication, then the hierarchical approach suggested by fyjham is definitely a reasonable one.
In case it helps, I cover most of these issues in depth in my book:
Ultra-Fast ASP.NET.
Check that your publisher and distributor's transaction log files don't have too many VLFs (Virtual Log Files) as detailed here (step 8):
If your distribution database is co-located with you publisher database, consider moving it to its own dedicated server.

Would it ever be wise to have a SQL server per web server?

I'm wondering if, under the circumstances that
You get lots more reads than writes
Your SQL server of choice is cheap/free and offers a fast mirroring/replication service
Your database isn't insanely large
rather than having separate SQL servers it would be better to have an instance of SQL on each machine getting instant updates from the master. This way there would be no network latency when doing all the read queries, but there would be a per box performance hit as the SQL instance has to execute. Would this be better overall for performance? Are there any other pros/cons that might come up?
Your SQL Server should always be on a different box to the webserver, of that there is no question.
How many DB servers and webservers you have, and how they mirror (or otherwise) is up to how you scale your application.
You have SQL Server on a different machine because it needs (and deserves) a lot of RAM.
It's quite a common architectural pattern to have read-only replicas of a database. We accept some degree of stalesness in them, perhaps they are even only updated once a day.
The general rule will be that multiple copies will introduce complexity in terms of operations and management and tend to introduce the possibilities of inconsistency of data - almost inevitably the copies will not be perfectly is step (or the costs of making them soo will be too high.)
An example: what happens if your replication processing breaks a bit. So that some, but not all copies become stale. Now your users start to see radically different views of the world. How much might that matter to you? If it's a site with low value data (eg. celebrity sightings in London suberbs) then perhaps that's fine. If it's on hand inventory, and being out of date means that your customers can't place orders, then maybe you care rather more.
My advice: things that sound simple at a boxed on paper sort of level don't always work out that way when you're sitting in an operations room at 3AM. Be very sure that you can easily operate your solution.
How would your SQL Server be cheap/free? I should have said the licensing costs for this setup would be crippling. At retail prices you're looking at $6000 per server. See also Jeff's comments about costs. Scale out the web servers by all means, but not your SQL Server until it's pretty much on its' knees.
You might instead want to think about a distributed cache like Velocity or NCache.
Either way, run your site first with one SQL server and see how it copes with the load, then think about mirroring/replication across servers, otherwise you're just optimising prematurely. Measure first!
An immediate con is that there is no distributed lock co-ordinator in SQL Server so you can get merge conflicts as updates can change the same row on two different servers at the same time.
Depending on the size of the database and the disks in the web servers, you will find your network latency is smaller than the disk latency you will start suffering as the web server disks will not usually be as performant as the disk array you give to the database. If you wanted that kind of performance, you would be buying it per web server.
Replication performance is not without latency either, the distribution of the transactions isn't 'free' and careful maintenance of the transaction log would have to be planned to ensure you did not get log fragmentation (too many vlog's wthin the transaction log) which kills replication performance.

SQL Server Replication, Distributor

I need to implement a SQL Server replication solution. Very simple need for now. I just need to replicate one pretty simple table from 200 remote sites or so to one central server. The data is not really transactional in nature. I just need it moved up to the central server once a day. I can't decide if I should use push or pull, and I'm not sure if the distributor should live on the server side, or on all the clients.
The server and all the remote sites all live on a fairly decent VPN. The server is 2005, and it's not being pushed very hard at the moment. Just a few jobs here and there collecting data (which I want to get away from) and pushing reports/exports to various vendors once a day. The sites are a mix of 2000/2005.
I'd recommend you do some scalability tests first. Replication is very verbose in terms of agent jobs and T-SQL connections for reading and writing data. 200 publications you're talking 200 publisher agents, 200 subscription agents, plus the distributor maintenance. Most sites complain about maintenance problems of having 1 publisher and 1 subscriber... Say you manage to pull this off and operate it successfully, what is going to be your upgrade story? And how are you going to implement a schema change?
The largest replication deployment I heard of (some years ago) had I believe 450 publishers and was implemented by an army of Microsoft field consultants sweating for months to bend the behemoth into shape. Your 200 replication sites project is way more ambitious than you realize.
I suggest you explore some alternatives too. If you need a periodic table snapshot then SSIS can be a good match. If you need a continuous stream of changes then Service Broker can scale way way easier than replication.
If there is need to adjust the replication down the road, having the central server initiate a pull will be much easier to administrate than adjusting 200 sites to accomplish the same thing. Also, that would naturally manage the load, rather than some scheme to prevent, say, 100 remote sites all connecting at once.
Push subscriptions are the way to go here if you wish to centrally manage the data distribution of your application platform.
From what you have described you will need to make a choice between Snapshot Replication and Transactional Replication for your architecture.
Dependent on how much data you are looking to push and also the schedule of your updates will determine the most appropriate Replication Method for you to use. For example, if you looking to update all Subscriptions at the same time then dependent on how much data you need to push Snapshot Replication may not be suitable and you may be better off using Transactional Replication, perhaps pushed at specific determined intervals. Your network may even be able to support near real-time replication however conducting a small test of your environment will determine this for you. For example, setup the Publisher, local Distributor and a handful of Subscribers at geographically different locations on your network in order to test network transfer times and Replication Latency.
Things to consider:
How much data is to be moved across
the network? Size in Kb and record
Consider the physical location of
your sites
What is the suitability of your
network? Seed, capacity etc.
You may wish to consider using a
dedicated Distributor.
