What is the Pumping Lemma in Layman's terms? - theory

I saw this question, and was curious as to what the pumping lemma was (Wikipedia didn't help much).
I understand that it's basically a theoretical proof that must be true in order for a language to be in a certain class, but beyond that I don't really get it.
Anyone care to try to explain it at a fairly granular level in a way understandable by non mathematicians/comp sci doctorates?

The pumping lemma is a simple proof to show that a language is not regular, meaning that a Finite State Machine cannot be built for it. The canonical example is the language (a^n)(b^n). This is the simple language which is just any number of as, followed by the same number of bs. So the strings
etc. are in the language, but
etc. are not.
It's simple enough to build a FSM for these examples:
This one will work all the way up to n=4. The problem is that our language didn't put any constraint on n, and Finite State Machines have to be, well, finite. No matter how many states I add to this machine, someone can give me an input where n equals the number of states plus one and my machine will fail. So if there can be a machine built to read this language, there must be a loop somewhere in there to keep the number of states finite. With these loops added:
all of the strings in our language will be accepted, but there is a problem. After the first four as, the machine loses count of how many as have been input because it stays in the same state. That means that after four, I can add as many as as I want to the string, without adding any bs, and still get the same return value. This means that the strings:
with (a*) representing any number of as, will all be accepted by the machine even though they obviously aren't all in the language. In this context, we would say that the part of the string (a*) can be pumped. The fact that the Finite State Machine is finite and n is not bounded, guarantees that any machine which accepts all strings in the language MUST have this property. The machine must loop at some point, and at the point that it loops the language can be pumped. Therefore no Finite State Machine can be built for this language, and the language is not regular.
Remember that Regular Expressions and Finite State Machines are equivalent, then replace a and b with opening and closing Html tags which can be embedded within each other, and you can see why it is not possible to use regular expressions to parse Html

It's a device intended to prove that a given language cannot be of a certain class.
Let's consider the language of balanced parentheses (meaning symbols '(' and ')', and including all strings that are balanced in the usual meaning, and none that aren't). We can use the pumping lemma to show this isn't regular.
(A language is a set of possible strings. A parser is some sort of mechanism we can use to see if a string is in the language, so it has to be able to tell the difference between a string in the language or a string outside the language. A language is "regular" (or "context-free" or "context-sensitive" or whatever) if there is a regular (or whatever) parser that can recognize it, distinguishing between strings in the language and strings not in the language.)
LFSR Consulting has provided a good description. We can draw a parser for a regular language as a finite collection of boxes and arrows, with the arrows representing characters and the boxes connecting them (acting as "states"). (If it's more complicated than that, it isn't a regular language.) If we can get a string longer than the number of boxes, it means we went through one box more than once. That means we had a loop, and we can go through the loop as many times as we want.
Therefore, for a regular language, if we can create an arbitrarily long string, we can divide it into xyz, where x is the characters we need to get to the start of the loop, y is the actual loop, and z is whatever we need to make the string valid after the loop. The important thing is that the total lengths of x and y are limited. After all, if the length is greater than the number of boxes, we've obviously gone through another box while doing this, and so there's a loop.
So, in our balanced language, we can start by writing any number of left parentheses. In particular, for any given parser, we can write more left parens than there are boxes, and so the parser can't tell how many left parens there are. Therefore, x is some amount of left parens, and this is fixed. y is also some number of left parens, and this can increase indefinitely. We can say that z is some number of right parens.
This means that we might have a string of 43 left parens and 43 right parens recognized by our parser, but the parser can't tell that from a string of 44 left parens and 43 right parens, which isn't in our language, so the parser can't parse our language.
Since any possible regular parser has a fixed number of boxes, we can always write more left parens than that, and by the pumping lemma we can then add more left parens in a way that the parser can't tell. Therefore, the balanced parenthesis language can't be parsed by a regular parser, and therefore isn't a regular expression.

Its a difficult thing to get in layman's terms, but basically regular expressions should have a non-empty substring within it that can be repeated as many times as you wish while the entire new word remains valid for the language.
In practice, pumping lemmas are not sufficient to PROVE a language correct, but rather as a way to do a proof by contradiction and show a language does not fit in the class of languages (Regular or Context-Free) by showing the pumping lemma does not work for it.

Basically, you have a definition of a language (like XML), which is a way to tell whether a given string of characters (a "word") is a member of that language or not.
The pumping lemma establishes a method by which you can pick a "word" from the language, and then apply some changes to it. The theorem states that if the language is regular, these changes should yield a "word" that is still from the same language. If the word you come up with isn't in the language, then the language could not have been regular in the first place.

The simple pumping lemma is the one for regular languages, which are the sets of strings described by finite automata, among other things. The main characteristic of a finite automation is that it only has a finite amount of memory, described by its states.
Now suppose you have a string, which is recognized by a finite automaton, and which is long enough to "exceed" the memory of the automation, i.e. in which states must repeat. Then there is a substring where the state of the automaton at the beginning of the substring is the same as the state at the end of the substring. Since reading the substring doesn't change the state it may be removed or duplicated an arbitrary number of times, without the automaton being the wiser. So these modified strings must also be accepted.
There is also a somewhat more complicated pumping lemma for context-free languages, where you can remove/insert what may intuitively be viewed as matching parentheses at two places in the string.

By definition regular languages are those recognized by a finite state automaton. Think of it as a labyrinth : states are rooms, transitions are one-way corridors between rooms, there's an initial room, and an exit (final) room. As the name 'finite state automaton' says, there is a finite number of rooms. Each time you travel along a corridor, you jot down the letter written on its wall. A word can be recognized if you can find a path from the initial to the final room, going through corridors labelled with its letters, in the correct order.
The pumping lemma says that there is a maximum length (the pumping length) for which you can wander through the labyrinth without ever going back to a room through which you have gone before. The idea is that since there are only so many distinct rooms you can walk in, past a certain point, you have to either exit the labyrinth or cross over your tracks. If you manage to walk a longer path than this pumping length in the labyrinth, then you are taking a detour : you are inserting a(t least one) cycle in your path that could be removed (if you want your crossing of the labyrinth to recognize a smaller word) or repeated (pumped) indefinitely (allowing to recognize a super-long word).
There is a similar lemma for context-free languages. Those languages can be represented as word accepted by pushdown automata, which are finite state automata that can make use of a stack to decide which transitions to perform. Nonetheless, since there is stilla finite number of states, the intuition explained above carries over, even through the formal expression of the property may be slightly more complex.

In laymans terms, I think you have it almost right. It's a proof technique (two actually) for proving that a language is NOT in a certain class.
Fer example, consider a regular language (regexp, automata, etc) with an infinite number of strings in it. At a certain point, as starblue said, you run out of memory because the string is too long for the automaton. This means that there has to be a chunk of the string that the automaton can't tell how many copies of it you have (you're in a loop). So, any number of copies of that substring in the middle of the string, and you still are in the language.
This means that if you have a language that does NOT have this property, ie, there is a sufficiently long string with NO substring that you can repeat any number of times and still be in the language, then the language isn't regular.

For example, take this language L = anbn.
Now try to visualize finite automaton for the above language for some n's.
if n = 1, the string w = ab. Here we can make a finite automaton with out looping
if n = 2, the string w = a2b2. Here we can make a finite automaton with out looping
if n = p, the string w = apbp. Essentially a finite automaton can be assumed with 3 stages.
First stage, it takes a series of inputs and enter second stage. Similarly from stage 2 to stage 3. Let us call these stages as x, y and z.
There are some observations
Definitely x will contain 'a' and z will contain 'b'.
Now we have to be clear about y:
case a: y may contain 'a' only
case b: y may contain 'b' only
case c: y may contain a combination of 'a' and 'b'
So the finite automaton states for stage y should be able to take inputs 'a' and 'b' and also it should not take more a's and b's which cannot be countable.
If stage y is taking only one 'a' and one 'b', then there are two states required
If it is taking two 'a' and one 'b', three states are required with out loops
and so on....
So the design of stage y is purely infinite. We can only make it finite by putting some loops and if we put loops, the finite automaton can accept languages beyond L = anbn. So for this language we can't construct a finite automaton. Hence it is not regular.

This is not an explanation as such but it is simple.
For a^n b^n our FSM should be built in such a way that b must know the number of a's already parsed and will accept the same n number of b's. A FSM can not simply do stuff like that.


constructing a non deterministic turing machine

Draw the diagram of a two tape Non deterministic Turing Machine M that decides the language
L={w∈Σ* | w=uuu ∈Σ* }
if i could get help explaining the steps how to construct the NDTM (linguistically), I believe I could draw the diagram but I couldnt come out with an answer..
thank you
By u*u*u (viewed in the edit history), I presume what you intend is the language of all words of the form u^3 (u repeated three times) where u is any string over the alphabet.
Our NDTM needs to accept strings in the language in at least one way, and it must never accept anything not in the language. In particular, the key is that an NDTM can reject strings in the language, as long as some path through the NDTM does accept every string in the language.
Given that, our first step can be do guess about the length of u. The NDTM can mark three tape symbols (say, by writing versions of the symbols that are underlined) by nondeterministically transitioning from state q0 to q1 then q2 at arbitrary points while scanning right. Then, we can reset the tape head and use a deterministic TM to answer the question: did the split we guessed in the first step result in a string of the form u^3?
This is deterministic since we know the delineation of parts. We can check the first two parts (say, by bouncing back ad forth and marking symbols we've already processed), and then the second two parts (using the same technique, but applied to the 2nd and 3rd parts).
We have reduced the problem to that of checking whether a string is of the form w|w where we know the split. This deterministic TM is easier to come up with. When we put it after the NDTM that guesses about how to split up the initial input, we get a NDTM that can (and for exactly one guess, does) accept any string of the form u^3, but cannot possibly accept anything else. This is what we were after and we are done.

Is there a known O(nm)-time/O(1)-space algorithm for POSIX filename matching (fnmatch)?

Edit: WHOOPS! Big admission, I screwed up the definition of the ? in fnmatch pattern syntax and seem to have proposed (and possibly solved) a much harder problem where it behaves like .? in regular expressions. Of course it actually is supposed to behave like . in regular expressions (matching exactly one character, not zero or one). Which in turn means my initial problem-reduction work was sufficient to solve the (now rather boring) original problem. Solving the harder problem is rather interesting still though; I might write it up sometime.
On the plus side, this means there's a much greater chance that something like 2way/SMOA needle factorization might be applicable to these patterns, which in turn could yield the better-than-originally-desired O(n) or even O(n/m) performance.
In the question title, let m be the length of the pattern/needle and n be the length of the string being matched against it.
This question is of interest to me because all the algorithms I've seen/used have either pathologically bad performance and possible stack overflow exploits due to backtracking, or required dynamic memory allocation (e.g. for a DFA approach or just avoiding doing backtracking on the call stack) and thus have failure cases that could also be dangerous if a program is using fnmatch to grant/deny access rights of some sort.
I'm willing to believe that no such algorithm exists for regular expression matching, but the filename pattern language is much simpler than regular expressions. I've already simplified the problem to the point where one can assume the pattern does not use the * character, and in this modified problem you're not matching the whole string but searching for an occurrence of the pattern in the string (like the substring match problem). If you further simplify the language and remove the ? character, the language is just composed of concatenations of fixed strings and bracket expressions, and this can easily be matched in O(mn) time and O(1) space, which perhaps can be improved to O(n) if the needle factorization techniques used in 2way and SMOA substring search can be extended to such bracket patterns. However, naively each ? requires trials with or without the ? consuming a character, bringing in a time factor of 2^q where q is the number of ? characters in the pattern.
Anyone know if this problem has already been solved, or have ideas for solving it?
Note: In defining O(1) space, I'm using the Transdichotomous_model.
Note 2: This site has details on the 2way and SMOA algorithms I referenced: http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/index.html
Have you looked into the re2 regular expression engine by Russ Cox (of Google)?
It's a regular expression matching engine based on deterministic finite automata, which is different than the usual implementations (Perl, PCRE) using backtracking to simulate a non-deterministic finite automaton. One of the specific design goals was to eliminate the catastrophic backtracking behaviour you mention.
It disallows some of the Perl extensions like backreferences in the search pattern, but you don't need that for glob matching.
I'm not sure if it guarantees O(mn) time and O(1) memory constraints specifically, but it was good enough to run the Google Code Search service while it existed.
At the very least it should be cool to look inside and see how it works. Russ Cox has written three articles about re2 - one, two, three - and the re2 code is open source.
Edit: WHOOPS! Big admission, I screwed up the definition of the ? in fnmatch pattern syntax and seem to have solved a much harder problem where it behaves like .? in regular expressions. Of course it actually is supposed to behave like . in regular expressions (matching exactly one character, not zero or one). Which in turn means my initial problem-reduction work was sufficient to solve the (now rather boring) original problem. Solving the harder problem is rather interesting still though; I might write it up sometime.
Possible solution to the harder problem follows below.
I have worked out what seems to be a solution in O(log q) space (where q is the number of question marks in the pattern, and thus q < m) and uncertain but seemingly better-than-exponential time.
First of all, a quick explanation of the problem reduction. First break the pattern at each *; it decomposes as a (possibly zero length) initial and final component, and a number of internal components flanked on both sided by a *. This means once we've determined if the initial/final components match up, we can apply the following algorithm for internal matches: Starting with the last component, search for the match in the string that starts at the latest offset. This leaves the most possible "haystack" characters free to match earlier components; if they're not all needed, it's no problem, because the fact that a * intervenes allows us to later throw away as many as needed, so it's not beneficial to try "using more ? marks" of the last component or finding an earlier occurrence of it. This procedure can then be repeated for every component. Note that here I'm strongly taking advantage of the fact that the only "repetition operator" in the fnmatch expression is the * that matches zero or more occurrences of any character. The same reduction would not work with regular expressions.
With that out of the way, I began looking for how to match a single component efficiently. I'm allowing a time factor of n, so that means it's okay to start trying at every possible position in the string, and give up and move to the next position if we fail. This is the general procedure we'll take (no Boyer-Moore-like tricks yet; perhaps they can be brought in later).
For a given component (which contains no *, only literal characters, brackets that match exactly one character from a given set, and ?), it has a minimum and maximum length string it could match. The minimum is the length if you omit all ? characters and count bracket expressions as one character, and the maximum is the length if you include ? characters. At each position, we will try each possible length the pattern component could match. This means we perform q+1 trials. For the following explanation, assume the length remains fixed (it's the outermost loop, outside the recursion that's about to be introduced). This also fixes a length (in characters) from the string that we will be comparing to the pattern at this point.
Now here's the fun part. I don't want to iterate over all possible combinations of which ? characters do/don't get used. The iterator is too big to store. So I cheat. I break the pattern component into two "halves", L and R, where each contains half of the ? characters. Then I simply iterate over all the possibilities of how many ? characters are used in L (from 0 to the total number that will be used based on the length that was fixed above) and then the number of ? characters used in R is determined as well. This also partitions the string we're trying to match into part that will be matched against pattern L and pattern R.
Now we've reduced the problem of checking if a pattern component with q ? characters matches a particular fixed-length string to two instances of checking if a pattern component with q/2 ? characters matches a particular smaller fixed-length string. Apply recursion. And since each step halves the number of ? characters involved, the number of levels of recursion is bounded by log q.
You can create a hash of both strings and then compare these. The hash computation will be done in O(m) while the search in O(m + n)
You can use something like this for calculating the hash of the string where s[i] is a character
s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
As you said this is for file-name matching and you can't use this where you have wildcards in the strings. Good luck!
My feeling is that this is not possible.
Though I can't provide a bullet-proof argument, my intuition is that you will always be able to construct patterns containing q=Theta(m) ? characters where it will be necessary for the algorithm to, in some sense, account for all 2^q possibilities. This will then require O(q)=O(m) space to keep track of which of the possibilities you're currently looking at. For example, the NFA algorithm uses this space to keep track of the set of states it's currently in; the brute-force backtracking approach uses the space as stack (and to add insult to injury, it uses O(2^q) time in addition to the O(q) of space).
OK, here's how I solved the problem.
Attempt to match the initial part of the pattern up to the first * against the string. If this fails, bail out. If it succeeds, throw away this initial part of both the pattern and the string; we're done with them. (And if we hit the end of pattern before hitting a *, we have a match iff we also reached the end of the string.)
Skip all the way to end end of the pattern (everything after the last *, which might be a zero-length pattern if the pattern ends with a *). Count the number of characters needed to match it, and examine that many characters from the end of the string. If they fail to match, we're done. If they match, throw away this component of the pattern and string.
Now, we're left with a (possibly empty) sequence of subpatterns, all of which are flanked on both sides by *'s. We try searching for them sequentially in what remains of the string, taking the first match for each and discarding the beginning of the string up through the match. If we find a match for each component in this manner, we have a match for the whole pattern. If any component search fails, the whole pattern fails to match.
This alogorithm has no recursion and only stores a finite number of offsets in the string/pattern, so in the transdichotomous model it's O(1) space. Step 1 was O(m) in time, step 2 was O(n+m) in time (or O(m) if we assume the input string length is already known, but I'm assuming a C string), and step 3 is (using a naive search algorithm) O(nm). Thus the algorithm overall is O(nm) in time. It may be possible to improve step 3 to be O(n) but I haven't yet tried.
Finally, note that the original harder problem is perhaps still useful to solve. That's because I didn't account for multi-character collating elements, which most people implementing regex and such tend to ignore because they're ugly to get right and there's no standard API to interface with the system locale and obtain the necessary info to get them. But with that said, here's an example: Suppose ch is a multi-character collating element. Then [c[.ch.]] could consume either 1 or 2 characters. And we're back to needing the more advanced algorithm I described in my original answer, which I think needs O(log m) space and perhaps somewhat more than O(nm) time (I'm guessing O(n²m) at best). At the moment I have no interest in implementing multi-character collating element support, but it does leave a nice open problem...

A detail on the Pumping Lemma for regular languages

I have one small question about the pumping lemma for regular languages - is it good enough to show that if a specific string belonging to a language L can't be pumped, then the language is irregular? For example - if I choose language L1 being of the form a^nb^n (ab, aabb, aaabbb ...) and I show that the string aabb can't be pumped and still be a part of L1, then is it valid for me to immediately conclude that L1 is irregular?
Yes, that's how the pumping lemma works. It's only useful for proving languages to not be regular. Satisfying the pumping lemma is only a necessary but not a sufficient condition for a language being regular.
(Nota bene: Likewise for context-free languages and the respective pumping lemma there)
It's not quite sufficient to demonstrate that a single, finite-length string does not pump. For a rigorous argument, you'd also have to prove that length of your example string is greater than the pumping length of the language. Usually you assume that some pumping length
p exists, then construct a string longer than p that cannot be pumped.
Yes, this is how it works, but be careful in showing how a string "cannot be pumped"
To do that you have to break a string w in L, into substrings xyz and show that some versions of xy^1z, for int i i>=0 lead to strings not in L, but are still accepted by DFA M (for M built to accept L), arriving at a contradiction.
Note that you cannot pick the location of y and therefore must consider 3 possible positions of it. That's the key, in my opinion.
The pumping lemma says:
If a language A is regular => there is a number p (pumping length) where, if s is any string in L such that |s| >= p, then s may be divided into three pieces s=xyz, satisfying the following condition:
xyiz is in L for each i>=0
The right way to show that a certain language L is not regular is to suppose L regular and try to reach a contradiction.
Lets try to demonstrate that L = {0n1n}|n>=0} is not regular.
We start assuming to the contrary that L is regular.
You can think about this kind of demonstration as a game:
Challenger: He choose the pumping length p. You cannot do any presumption on it.
You: Now it is your turn: choose the "kind" of string that represents the irregularity of the language.
Lets say that the string is in the form 0p1p.
A good tip in this step is to try to limit the adversary next move.
Challenger: He presents to you a string s in the form 0p1p.
You: It's time to pump! If you chose correctly the form of the string in your previous move, you can do some assumption. In our case, for example, we know that the substring y consists only of 0s (at least one 0 because |y|>0), because |xy|<=p and first p-elements are 0s.
Now we show that it exists i>=0 such that xyiz is not in L. For example, for i=2 the string xyyz has more 0s than 1s and so is not a member of L. This case is a contradiction. => L is not regular.
Never forget to demonstrate why the pumped string cannot be a member of L.
Probably it is late to help you, but someone else may need this kind of explanation...maybe ^^

Parsing a stream of data for control strings

I feel like this is a pretty common problem but I wasn't really sure what to search for.
I have a large file (so I don't want to load it all into memory) that I need to parse control strings out of and then stream that data to another computer. I'm currently reading in the file in 1000 byte chunks.
So for example if I have a string that contains ASCII codes escaped with ('$' some number of digits ';') and the data looked like this... "quick $33;brown $126;fox $a $12a". The string going to the other computer would be "quick brown! ~fox $a $12a".
In my current approach I have the following problems:
What happens when the control strings falls on a buffer boundary?
If the string is '$' followed by anything but digits and a ';' I want to ignore it. So I need to read ahead until the full control string is found.
I'm writing this in straight C so I don't have streams to help me.
Would an alternating double buffer approach work and if so how does one manage the current locations etc.
If I've followed what you are asking about it is called lexical analysis or tokenization or regular expressions. For regular languages you can construct a finite state machine which will recognize your input. In practice you can use a tool that understands regular expressions to recognize and perform different actions for the input.
Depending on different requirements you might go about this differently. For more complicated languages you might want to use a tool like lex to help you generate an input processor, but for this, as I understand it, you can use a much more simple approach, after we fix your buffer problem.
You should use a circular buffer for your input, so that indexing off the end wraps around to the front again. Whenever half of the data that the buffer can hold has been processed you should do another read to refill that. Your buffer size should be at least twice as large as the largest "word" you need to recognize. The indexing into this buffer will use the modulus (remainder) operator % to perform the wrapping (if you choose a buffer size that is a power of 2, such as 4096, then you can use bitwise & instead).
Now you just look at the characters until you read a $, output what you've looked at up until that point, and then knowing that you are in a different state because you saw a $ you look at more characters until you see another character that ends the current state (the ;) and perform some other action on the data that you had read in. How to handle the case where the $ is seen without a well formatted number followed by an ; wasn't entirely clear in your question -- what to do if there are a million numbers before you see ;, for instance.
The regular expressions would be:
Any non-dollar sign character. This could be augmented with a closure ([^$]* or [^$]+) to recognize a string of non$ characters at a time, but that could get very long.
This would recognize a dollar sign followed by up 1 to 3 digits followed by a semicolon.
This would recognize just a dollar sign. It is in the brackets because $ is special in many regular expression representations when it is at the end of a symbol (which it is in this case) and means "match only if at the end of line".
Anyway, in this case it would recognize a dollar sign in the case where it is not recognized by the other, longer, pattern that recognizes dollar signs.
In lex you might have
[^$]{1,1024} { write_string(yytext); }
$[0-9]{1,3}; { write_char(atoi(yytext)); }
[$] { write_char(*yytext); }
and it would generate a .c file that will function as a filter similar to what you are asking for. You will need to read up a little more on how to use lex though.
The "f" family of functions in <stdio.h> can take care of the streaming for you. Specifically, you're looking for fopen(), fgets(), fread(), etc.
Nategoose's answer about using lex (and I'll add yacc, depending on the complexity of your input) is also worth considering. They generate lexers and parsers that work, and after you've used them you'll never write one by hand again.

parsing of mathematical expressions

(in c90) (linux)
sqrt(2 - sin(3*A/B)^2.5) + 0.5*(C*~(D) + 3.11 +B)
b /*there are values for a,b,c,d */
cos(2 - asin(3*A/B)^2.5) +cos(0.5*(C*~(D)) + 3.11 +B)
b /*there are values for a,b,c,d */
sqrt(2 - sin(3*A/B)^2.5)/(0.5*(C*~(D)) + sin(3.11) +ln(B))
/*max lenght of formula is 250 characters*/
b /*there are values for a,b,c,d */
c /*each variable with set of floating numbers*/
As you can see infix formula in the input depends on user.
My program will take a formula and n-tuples value.
Then it calculate the results for each value of a,b,c and d.
If you wonder I am saying ;outcome of program is graph.
/sometimes,I think i will take input and store in string.
then another idea is arise " I should store formula in the struct"
but ı don't know how I can construct
the code on the base of structure./
really, I don't know way how to store the formula in program code so that
I can do my job.
can you show me?
/* a,b,c,d is letters
cos,sin,sqrt,ln is function*/
You need to write a lexical analyzer to tokenize the input (break it into its component parts--operators, punctuators, identifiers, etc.). Inevitably, you'll end up with some sequence of tokens.
After that, there are a number of ways to evaluate the input. One of the easiest ways to do this is to convert the expression to postfix using the shunting yard algorithm (evaluation of a postfix expression is Easy with a capital E).
You should look up "abstract syntax trees" and "expression trees" as well as "lexical analysis", "syntax", "parse", and "compiler theory". Reading text input and getting meaning from it is quite difficult for most things (though we often try to make sure we have simple input).
The first step in generating a parser is to write down the grammar for your input language. In this case your input language is some Mathematical expressions, so you would do something like:
expr => <function_identifier> ( stmt )
( stmt )
stmt => expr <operator> stmt
(I haven't written a grammar like this {look up BNF and EBNF} in a few years so I've probably made some glaring errors that someone else will kindly point out)
This can get a lot more complicated depending on how you handle operator precedence (multiply and device before add and subtract type stuff), but the point of the grammar in this case is to help you to write a parser.
There are tools that will help you do this (yacc, bison, antlr, and others) but you can do it by hand as well. There are many many ways to go about doing this, but they all have one thing in common -- a stack. Processing a language such as this requires something called a push down automaton, which is just a fancy way of saying something that can make decisions based on new input, a current state, and the top item of the stack. The decisions that it can make include pushing, popping, changing state, and combining (turning 2+3 into 5 is a form of combining). Combining is usually referred to as a production because it produces a result.
Of the various common types of parsers you will almost certainly start out with a recursive decent parser. They are usually written directly in a general purpose programming language, such as C. This type of parser is made up of several (often many) functions that call each other, and they end up using the system stack as the push down automaton stack.
Another thing you will need to do is to write down the different types of words and operators that make up your language. These words and operators are called lexemes and represent the tokens of your language. I represented these tokens in the grammar <like_this>, except for the parenthesis which represented themselves.
You will most likely want to describe your lexemes with a set of regular expressions. You should be familiar with these if you use grep, sed, awk, or perl. They are a way of describing what is known as a regular language which can be processed by something known as a Finite State Automaton. That is just a fancy way of saying that it is a program that can make a decision about changing state by considering only its current state and the next input (the next character of input). For example part of your lexical description might be:
[A-Z] variable-identifier
sqrt function-identifier
log function-identifier
[0-9]+ unsigned-literal
+ operator
- operator
There are also tools which can generate code for this. lex which is one of these is highly integrated with the parser generating program yacc, but since you are trying to learn you can also write your own tokenizer/lexical analysis code in C.
After you have done all of this (it will probably take you quite a while) you will need to have your parser build a tree to represent the expressions and grammar of the input. In the simple case of expression evaluation (like writing a simple command line calculator program) you could have your parser evaluate the formula as it processed the input, but for your case, as I understand it, you will need to make a tree (or Reverse Polish representation, but trees are easier in my opinion).
Then after you have read the values for the variables you can traverse the tree and calculate an actual number.
Possibly the easiest thing to do is use an embedded language like Lua or Python, for both of which the interpreter is written in C. Unfortunately, if you go the Lua route you'll have to convert the binary operations to function calls, in which case it's likely easier to use Python. So I'll go down that path.
If you just want to output the result to the console this is really easy and you won't even have to delve too deep in Python embedding. Since, then you only have to write a single line program in Python to output the value.
Here is the Python code you could use:
exec "import math;A=<vala>;B=<valb>;C=<valc>;D=<vald>;print <formula>".replace("^", "**").replace("log","math.log").replace("ln", "math.log").replace("sin","math.sin").replace("sqrt", "math.sqrt").replace("cos","math.cos")
Note the replaces are done in Python, since I'm quite sure it's easier to do this in Python and not C. Also note, that if you want to use xor('^') you'll have to remove .replace("^","**") and use ** for powering.
I don't know enough C to be able to tell you how to generate this string in C, but after you have, you can use the following program to run it:
#include <Python.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char* progstr = "...";
return 0;
You can look up more information about embedding Python in C here: Python Extension and Embedding Documentation
If you need to use the result of the calculation in your program there are ways to read this value from Python, but you'll have to read up on them yourself.
Also, you should review your posts to SO and other posts regarding Binary Trees. Implement this using a tree structure. Traverse as infix to evaluate. There have been some excellent answers to tree questions.
If you need to store this (for persistance as in a file), I suggest XML. Parsing XML should make you really appreciate how easy your assignment is.
Check out this post:
It uses ANTLR library for parsing math expression, this one specifically uses JavaScript output but ANTLR has many outputs such as Java, Ruby, C++, C# and you should be able to use the grammar in the post for any output language.
