We need to generate UUIDs for every single entry we store in the
backend. As I read in Wikipedia: Uuid Java implementation, there are 3 available UUID
- Standard Java UUID generator(which only support version 3 and 4)
- JUG which support all the version but 2
- UUID which only support version 1 (MAC address based)
Please advise on which generator we should use, assuming
the licenses are compatible ?
Version 3 will not solve your problem of generating fresh UUID for each entry. If you have no other requirements (security for example) Version 1 is usually enough.
If you want to hide every possible information (MAC address and time of generation) use Version 4.
The UUID generator used by Windows is a Version 4 generator by default.
The standard Java generator using v4 UUIDs would work just fine.
Since Mac OS 11 Big Sur release Apple allows installation of kext drivers in the Recovery mode only.
It also prohibits installation of kext drivers from Apple store. Which I guess is the end of macFuse, at least for virtual/cloud file systems.
What would be the migration path and how to build virtual file systems for Mac OS 11+, in particular for document management and cloud storage, similar to OneDrive, DropBox, etc.
I can also guess that a similar issue may appear on Windows too. I can imagine that Microsoft will follow Apple's path and will prohibit file system drivers and filters on Windows for these purposes in future releases.
Any hint for future migration if such a situation happens would be appreciated.
Since macOS 11, Apple has updated documentation of the File Provider API which can be used to sync files between client and server and may serve as a replacement for file system drivers. Until this day Apple has not officially announced that functionality on macOS.
The API is similar to the File Provider API that Apple has provided for iOS 11 some time ago but still it has some differences in mostly how main FileProvider class extension works and which abilities it has. There is no examples at this moment that I’ve seen but it looks like this functionality works at least on basic level. Based on what people say on the forums.
On Windows, Microsoft has introduced the Cloud Storage Provider (Cloud Sync Engine) API for Windows 10 in the year 2018 (Windows Creators update). It is used in One Drive for Windows. Here are some examples on GitHub in C++ and in C#.
From my research on embedded SIM (eSIM) technology, it's a SIM card that the consumer owns and is capable of downloading and switching between 3rd party subscriptions. I've also read it's expected that most eSIMs will run a Java Runtime and support Java applets [1].
Is it possible to program Java applets onto eSIMs, similar to programming a Java smart card?
[1] "EUICC45", https://www.gsma.com/newsroom/wp-content/uploads/SGP.21_v2.1.pdf
Yes. The active specification. Java Card packages An eUICC supporting Java CardTM SHALL support the Java Packages listed below. The implementation of each
Package SHALL as a minimum be according to the given Package version
and Specification version
Then a list of the supported packages
The repository 'https://packagecloud.io/realm/realm/linuxmint serena Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
We don't support Linux Mint at this time.
Edit regarding the comment:
We support Linux. It's the only platform we support in production.
We support Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 6 & 7 (as indicated on the website). You can trivially create a docker container or VM using one of these base images on Linux Mint. We have a number of issues requesting Debian support, Fedora support, native Docker image, but none formally requesting Linux Mint support.
We obviously want to make the experience as painless as possible for everyone, but we also have to be very strategic when deciding to add a new platform as officially supported. Our CI has to build and test every single change on this new platform. We have to be able to support our users, etc. For example, we already have some bugs that only appear on CentOS 6, but not on 7 nor Ubuntu, so we want to make sure we stabilise things before moving ahead.
Feel free to submit a feature request to support Linux Mint. That way you will have a place where you can ask us directly about progress.
I have a software compiled and running on centos 5, Now i am intrested in running it on Centos 6, unmodified without compilation on new machine.
Here is the challenge:-
My process requires certain lib say libcap.so.1 but centos 6 has newer version say libcap.so.2
I am able to make old software work with any of below hacks
create a symlink(libcap.so.1) to libcap.so.2
copy libcap.so.1 to new machine(centos 6)
What is recommended between two and are there any known issues with this approach, compiling on centos6 would be my last option.
Creating a sym link like that will sometimes work, depending on what exactly the changes were that led to the new version - they would have to be minimal changes that especially did not remove access to any routines/variables that the old library had or drastically change the signature of any of the routines/variables that remain. If the library uses symbol versioning (like the gcc standard C library does), it's possible the .2 version still contains the full API the previous version provided, but I don't know off the top of my head if libpcap does that...
If the new library does not encapsulate the old API, your safest bet is to recompile. If your application is not mission-critical, and/or you can deal with crashes and the possibility of corrupted data, it shouldn't hurt (much) to just try the sym link route...
Are there any differences between these two java versions. If there are any differences how can I have the version java version "1.4.2" because that is what I have in server.
java version "1.4.2_06"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_06-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_06-b03, mixed mode)
java version "1.4.2"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2)
Classic VM (build 1.4.2, J2RE 1.4.2 IBM AIX
They are very different from the implementation point of view as the first one is from Sun and the second from IBM. Since they are from different vendors, the patch level means nothing (the _06 on the Sun JDK).
From a behaviour point of view, they should be the same. Having said that, I remember some issues in the past with the IBM jdk, in which it would perform really poorly.
If you want to use IBM's version of java, you can get it from here.
I suggest that you carefully compare the "bugs fixed" sections of the respective release notes for the respective versions.
Note that the release date for the 1.4.2_06 version is 2004-12-10 (according to the release notes), while the IBM version name is "20090307" which implies that it was built ~5 years later. While there is no guarantee that the IBM version has tracked all of the fixes to that date, it is a fair assumption that they will have (at least) tracked the security-related patches.
Reason why I posted this because when I tried to do some deployment to server from command line, I am having few issues so wonder this could be difference in java versions.
Possibly, but (IMO) it is more likely that the problem is nothing to do with the version of Java. Either way, I think that an enumeration of the differences is unlikely to help you isolate your problem.
I suggest that you ask a new Question in which you describe your actual problems. We may or may not be able to help ... but I think your chance of success is greater than with your current approach.