Scaling out SQL Server for the web (Single Writer Multiple Readers) - sql-server

Has anyone had any experience scaling out SQL Server in a multi reader single writer fashion. If not can anyone suggest a suitable alternative for a read intensive web application, that they have experience with

It depends on probably 2 things:
How big each single write is?
Do readers need real time data?
A write will block readers when writing, but if each write is small and fast then readers won't notice.
If you offload, say, end of day reporting then you batch your load onto a separate server because readers do not require real time data. This makes sense
A write on your primary server must be synched to your offload secondary server... which will block there as part of the synch process anyway + you add an overhead load to manage the synch.
Most apps are 95%+ read anyway all the time. For example, an update or delete is a read followed by a write.
My choice would be (probably, based on the low write volume and it's a web app) to scale up and stuff as much RAM as I could in the DB server with separate disk paths for the data and log files of the database.

I don't have any experience with scaling out SQL Server for your scenario.
However for a Read-Intensive application, I would be looking at reducing the load on the database and employ a Cache Strategy using something like Memcache or MS Velocity
There are two approaches that I'm aware of:
Have the entire database loaded into the Cache and manage Adding and Updating of items in the cache.
Add items to the cache only when they are requested and remove them when a write operation is performed.

Some kind of replication would do the trick.
You of course need to change your app code.
Some people use partitioned tables, with different row ranges being stored on different servers - united with views. This would be invisible to the app. Federation for this practice, I think.
By designing your database, application and server configuration (SQL particulars - location of data/log/system/sql binaries/tempdb), you should be able to handle a pretty good load. Try not to complicate things if you don't have to.


What happens when an application's database server reaches storage capacity?

Let's say I had a web application where users could store up to a gigabyte of their own data. The pages and code are stored on an application server, and the data is stored on a database server. The user requests a page from the application server, and the application server gets the data for the page from the database server.
Simple enough, but what happens when the database server gets full but the amount of users my application has keeps growing? Say the database server had a terabyte hard drive, and 1000 users were using all their available space. The physical disk space left is dwindling fast and new users have nowhere to put their data.
I imagine this is a fairly common occurrence for nearly every web application ever, so how is this remedied? How do designers of highly scalable web applications overcome the requirement for massive data storage?
How can you remedy a full disk? You can stop service, or delete data or provision more storage.
This situation is very undesirable because there is no good alternative at the moment this happens. Stopping service is very expensive and not a solution at all. Deleting data should have happened when there was some headroom left. It should not happen at the last possible moment. Provisioning more storage can take a long time. It should have happened before the disk became full.
The way this is dealt with is to not let the disk become full in the first place. Monitor storage utilization and always keep enough of it available.
If it turns out that storing all data is too expensive you have a problem with the business model. This is not a technical issue. Decide what data is profitable to keep and automatically remove the rest.
I imagine this is a fairly common occurrence for nearly every web application ever
It is common to have to decide what to do with data. It is very uncommon, and a failure of operations, to let a disk become full.
How do designers of highly scalable web applications overcome the requirement for massive data storage?
They either do not overcome the requirement and store everything, or they decide what to delete.

Should I keep this "GlobalConnection" or create connection for every query?

I have inherited a legacy Delphi application that uses ADO to connect to SQL Server.
The application has a notion of a "Global Connection" -- that is a single connection that it opens at the start, and then keeps open all throughout the running of the application (which can be days, weeks, or longer....)
So my question is this: Should I keep this way of doing things or should I switch to a "connect-query-disconnect" mode of doing things? Does it matter?
Switching would be a non-trivial task, but I'll do it if it means better performance, data management, etc.
Well, it depends on what you're expecting to get out of it, and what kind of application it is.
There's nothing in particular wrong with using a single long-running connection, as long as the application can gracefully handle disconnections and recover or log/notify when it can't reconnect.
The problem with a connect-query-disconnect setup is that you're adding the overhead of connecting and disconnecting on every query. That's going to slow things down, and in an interactive GUI application users may notice the additional overhead. You also have to make sure that authorization is transparently handled if it isn't already.
At the same time, there may be interactive performance gains to be had if you can push all the queries off onto background threads and asynchronously update the GUI. If contention appears because the queries are serialized, you can migrate to a connection-pool system fairly readily as well and improve things even more. This has a fairly high complexity cost to it though, so now you're looking to balancing what the gains are compared to the work involved.
Right now, my ultimate response is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Changes along the lines you propose are a lot of work -- how much do the users of this application stand to gain? Are there other problems to solve that might benefit them more?
Edit: Okay, so it's broke. Well, slow at least, which is all the same to me. If you've ruled out problems with the SQL Server itself, and the queries are performing as fast as they can (i.e. DB schema is sane, the right indexes are available, queries aren't completely braindead, server has enough RAM and fast enough I/O, network isn't flaky, etc.), then yes, it's time to find ways to improve the performance of the app itself.
Simply moving to a connect-query-disconnect is going to make things worse, and the more queries you're issuing the bigger the drop off is going to be. It sounds like you're going to need to rearchitect the app so that you can run fewer queries, run them in the background, cache more aggressively on the client, or some combination of all 3.
Don't forget the making the clients perform better means that server side performance gets more important since it's probably going to be handling a higher load if clients start making multiple connections and issuing multiple queries in parallel.
As mr Frazier told before - the one global connection is not bad per se.
If you intend to change, first detect WHAT is the problem. Let's see some scenarios:
Some screens(IOW: an set of 1..n forms to operate in a business entity) are slow. Possible causes:
insuficient filtering resulting in a pletora of records being pulled from database without necessity.
the number of records are ok, but takes too much to render it. Solution: faster controls or intelligent rendering (ex.: Virtual list views)
too much queries each time you open an screen. Possible solutions: use TClientDatasets (or any in-memory dataset) to hold infrequently modified lookup tables. An more sophisticated cache for more extensive tables or opening those datasets in other threads can improve response times.
Scrolling on datasets with controls bound can be slow (just to remember, because those little details can be easily forgotten).
Whole app simply slows down. Checklist:
Network cards are ok? An few net cards mal-functioning can wreak havoc even on good structured networks as they create unnecessary noise on the line.
[MSSQL DBA HAT ON] The next on the line of attack is SQL Server. Ask the DBA to trace blocks and deadlocks. Register slow queries and work on them speed up. This relate directly to #1.1 and #1.3
Detect if some naive developer have done SELECT inside transactions. In read committed isolation, it's just overhead, as it'll create more network traffic. Open the query, retrieve the data and close the dataset.
Review the database schema, if you can.
Are any data-bound operations on a bulk of records (let's say, remarking the price of some/majority/all products) being done on the app? Make an SP or refactor the operation on an query, it'll be much faster and will reduce the load of the entire server.
Extensive operations on a group of records? Learn how to do that operations at once on the server instead of one-by-one record. See an examination of most used alternatives on the MSSQL MVP Erland Sommarskog's article on array and list on MSSQL.
Beware of queries with WHERE like : WHERE SomeFunction(table1.blabla) = #SomeParam . Most of time, that ones will not use an index causing to read the entire table to select the desired data. If is a big table.... Indexing on a persisted computed columns can make miracles...[MSSQL HAT OFF]
That's what I can think of without a little more detail... ;-)
Database connections are time consuming resources to create and the rule of thumb should be create as little as possible and reuse as much as possible. That's why some other technologies have database connection pools, which are typically established at application/service startup and then kept as long as possible and shared among threads.
From your comment, the application has performances issues, but it's difficult without more details to make any recommendation.
Should try to nail down what is slow - are all queries slow or just some specific ones?
If just some specific ones is there some correlation.
My 2 cents.

Caching database table on a high-performance application

I have a high-performance application I'm considering making distributed (using rabbitMQ as the MQ). The application uses a database (currently SQLServer, but I can still switch to something else) and caches most of it in the RAM to increase performance.
This causes a problem because when one of the applications writes to the database, the others' cached database becomes out-of-date.
I figured it is something that happens a lot in the High-Availability community, however I couldn't find anything useful. I guess I'm not searching for the right thing.
Is there an out-of-the-box solution?
PS: I'm sorry if this belongs to serverfault - Since this a development issue I figured it belongs here
The application reads and writes to the database. Since I'm changing the application to be distributed - Now more than one application reads and writes to the database. The caching is done in each of the distributed applications, which are not aware to DB changes from another application.
I mean - How can one know if the DB was updated, if he wasn't the one to update it?
So you have one database and many applications on various servers. Each application has its own cache and all the applications are reading and writing to the database.
Look at a distributed cache instead of caching locally. Check out memcached or AppFabric. I've had success using AppFabric to cache things in a Microsoft stack. You can simply add new nodes to AppFabric and it will automatically distribute the objects for high availability.
If you move to a shared cache, then you can put expiration times on objects in the cache. Try to resist the temptation to proactively evict items when things change. It becomes a very difficult problem.
I would recommend isolating your critical items and only cache them once. As an example, when working on an auction site, we cached very aggressively. We only cached an auction listing's price once. That way when someone else bid on it, we only had to do one eviction. We didn't have to go through the entire cache and ask "Where does the price appear? Change it!"
For 95% of your data, the reads will expire on their own and writes won't affect them immediately. 5% of your data needs to be evicted when a new write comes in. This is what I called your "critical items". Things that always need to be up to date.
Hope that gives you ideas!

Managing high-volume writes to SQL Server database

I have a web service that is used to manage files on a filesystem that are also tracked in a Microsoft SQL Server database. We have a .NET system service that watches for files that are added using the FileSystemWatcher class. When a file-added callback comes from FileSystemWatcher, metadata about the file is added to our database, and it works fairly well.
I've now come to a bit of a scalability problem. I'm adding large quantities of files to the filesystem in rapid succession, and this ends up hammering the database with file adds which results in locking up my web front-end.
I have yet to work on database scability issues, so I'm trying to come up with mitigate tactics. I was thinking of perhaps caching file adds and only writing them off to the database every five minutes or so, but I'm not sure how practical that is. This is data that needs to find its way into our database at some point anyway, and so it's going to have to get hammered at some point. Maybe I could limit the number of file db entries written per second to a certain amount, but then I risk having that amount be less than the rate at which files are added. How can I best tackle this?
Have you thought about using something like SQL Server Service Broker? That way you could push through tons of entries in a burst and it would level out the inserts into your database.
Basically you'd be pushing messages onto a queue which would then be consumed by a receiver stored procedure that would perform the insert for you. You could limit the maximum number of receivers executing to help with the responsiveness issues in your web interface.
There's a nice intro paper here. Although it's for 2005, not much has changed between 2005 and the newer versions of SQL Server.
You have a performance problem and you should approach it with a performance investigation methodology like Waits and Queues. Once you identify the actual problem, we can discuss solutions.
This is just a guess but, assuming the notification 'update metadata' code is a stright forward insert, the likely problem is that you're generating one transaction per notification. This results in commit flush waits, see Diagnosing Transaction Log Performance . Batch commit (aggregate multiple notifications before committing) is the canonical solution.
first option is using Caching to handle high-volume data. or using clusters for analysis high volume data. please click here for more information.

performance of web app with high number of inserts

What is the best IO strategy for a high traffic web app that logs user behaviour on a website and where ALL of the traffic will result in an IO write? Would it be to write to a file and overnight do batch inserts to the database? Or to simply do an INSERT (or INSERT DELAYED) per request? I understand that to consider this problem properly much more detail about the architecture would be needed, but a nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated.
By writing to the DB, you allow the RDBMS to decide when disk IO should happen - if you have enough RAM, for instance, it may be effectively caching all those inserts in memory, writing them to disk when there's a lighter load, or on some other scheduling mechanism.
Writing directly to the filesystem is going to be bandwidth-limited more-so than writing to a DB which then writes, expressly because the DB can - theoretically - write in more efficient sizes, contiguously, and at "convenient" times.
I've done this on a recent app. Inserts are generally pretty cheap (esp if you put them into an unindexed hopper table). I think that you have a couple of options.
As above, write data to a hopper table, if what ever application framework supports batched inserts, then use these, it will speed it up. Then every x requests, do a merge (via an SP call) into a master table, where you can normalize off data that has low entropy. For example if you are storing if the HTTP type of the request (get/post/etc), this can only ever be a couple of types, and better to store as an Int, and get improved I/O + query performance. Your master tables can also be indexed as you would normally do.
If this isn't good enough, then you can stream the requests to files on the local file system, and then have an out of band (i.e seperate process from the webserver) suck these files up and BCP them into the database. This will be at the expense of more moving parts, and potentially, a greater delay between receiving requests and them finding their way into the database
Hope this helps, Ace
When working with an RDBMS the most important thing is optimizing write operations to disk. Something somewhere has got to flush() to persistant storage (disk drives) to complete each transaction which is VERY expensive and time consuming. Minimizing the number of transactions and maximizing the number of sequential pages written is key to performance.
If you are doing inserts sending them in bulk within a single transaction will lead to more effecient write behavior on disk reducing the number of flush operations.
My recommendation is to queue the messages and periodically .. say every 15 seconds or so start a transaction ... send all queued inserts ... commit the transaction.
If your database supports sending multiple log entries in a single request/command doing so can have a noticable effect on performance when there is some network latency between the application and RDBMS by reducing the number of round trips.
Some systems support bulk operations (BCP) providing a very effecient method for bulk loading data which can be faster than the use of "insert" queries.
Sparing use of indexes and selection of sequential primary keys help.
Making sure multiple instances either coordinate write operations or write to separate tables can improve throughput in some instances by reducing concurrency management overhead in the database.
Write to a file and then load later. It's safer to be coupled to a filesystem than to a database. And the database is more likely to fail than the your filesystem.
The only problem with using the filesystem to back writes is how you extend the log.
A poorly implemented logger will have to open the entire file to append a line to the end of it. I witnessed one such example case where the person logged to a file in reverse order, being the most recent entries came out first, which required loading the entire file into memory, writing 1 line out to the new file, and then writing the original file contents after it.
This log eventually exceeded phps memory limit, and as such, bottlenecked the entire project.
If you do it properly however, the filesystem reads/writes will go directly into the system cache, and will only be flushed to disk every 10 or more seconds, ( depending on FS/OS settings ) which has a negligible performance hit compared to writing to arbitrary memory addresses.
Oh yes, and whatever system you use, you'll need to think about concurrent log appending. If you use a database, a high insert load can cause you to have deadlock conditions, and on files, you need to make sure that you're not going to have 2 concurrent writes cancel each other out.
The insertions will generally impact the (read/update) performance of the table. Perhaps you can do the writes to another table (or database) and have batch job that processes this data. The advantages of the database approach is that you can query/report on the data and all the data is logically in a relational database and may be easier to work with. Depending on how the data is logged to text file, you could open up more possibilities for corruption.
My instinct would be to only use the database, avoiding direct filesystem IO at all costs. If you need to produce some filesystem artifact, then I'd use a nightly cron job (or something like it) to read DB records and write to the filesystem.
ALSO: Only use "INSERT DELAYED" in cases where you don't mind losing a few records in the event of a server crash or restart, because some records almost certainly WILL be lost.
There's an easier way to answer this. Profile the performance of the two solutions.
Create one page that performs the DB insert, another that writes to a file, and another that does neither. Otherwise, the pages should be identical. Hit each page with a load tester (JMeter for example) and see what the performance impact is.
If you don't like the performance numbers, you can easily tweak each page to try and optimize performance a bit or try new solutions... everything from using MSMQ backed by MSSQL to delayed inserts to shared logs to individual files with a DB background worker.
That will give you a solid basis to make this decision rather than depending on speculation from others. It may turn out that none of the proposed solutions are viable or that all of them are viable...
Hello from left field, but no one asked (and you didn't specify) how important is it that you never, ever lose data?
If speed is the problem, leave it all in memory, and dump to the database in batches.
Do you log more than what would be available in the webserver logs? It can be quite a lot, see Apache 2.0 log information for example.
If not, then you can use the good old technique of buffering then batch writing. You can buffer at different places: in memory on your server, then batch insert them in db or batch write them in a file every X requests, and/or every X seconds.
If you use MySQL there are several different options/techniques to load efficiently a lot of data: LOAD DATA INFILE, INSERT DELAYED and so on.
Lots of details on insertion speeds.
Some other tips include:
splitting data into different tables per period of time (ie: per day or per week)
using multiple db connections
using multiple db servers
have good hardware (SSD/multicore)
Depending on the scale and resources available, it is possible to go different ways. So if you give more details, i can give more specific advices.
If you do not need to wait for a response such as a generated ID, you may want to adopt an asynchronous strategy using either a message queue or a thread manager.
