How to change a column without dropping a table in SQL 2008 - sql-server

Why does SQL 2008 all of a sudden want to drop my tables when I go to change the column type from say int to real? This never happened in SQL 2005 to my knowledge. Any insight would be helpful please.

I can't believe the top answer has been sitting here for so long - it is very dangerous advice!
There are few operations that you can do inplace without dropping your table:
Expand a varchar column
Make a column nullable (but not vice-versa)
Renaming columns using sp_rename
If you find yourself in the situation where altering a column is not possible without dropping the table, you can usually use a SELECT INTO query to project your data into a new table, then drop the old table (temporarily disabling constraints) and then renaming the projected table. You will need to take your database offline for maintenance in this case though.

In SQL Server 2008, go to Tools >> Options. In the little window, click "Designer". Uncheck "Prevent saving changes that require ..."
Edited on Sept 4th, 2015.
I have added this answer here a long, long time ago describing the way I would solve the situation described on the question above. Since then, users on the threads below have exposed several concerns on doing things the way I recommended at the time. Basically, the solution I described could be problematic on some scenarios. I then suggest you to keep on reading to check other users' comments and pick the best solution for you.

Here is what I use:
-- Add new column
ADD Description2 VARCHAR(MAX)
-- Copy data to new column (probably with modifications)
Update MyTable
SET Description2 = Description
-- Drop old column
DROP COLUMN Description
-- Rename new column to the original column's name.
sp_RENAME 'MyTable.Description2' , 'Description', 'COLUMN'
Copy the data into a new column.
Drop the old column.
Rename the new column to the old column's name.

I have the same issue. Athough my account has sa rights if I try using another sa account it works. It seems that somehow my account does not have the ability to alter. still investigating, but it is a permission issue.
I cannot expain it. but this is what I did. there two domain groups my account belonged to. One was a new AD domain group and the other was an NT legay domain group. Once I removed the legacy domain group I was able to alter the table successfully. Mind you both groups had "sa" priviliges.
The behavior was that the alter commands would result in success, but nothing changed on the table. Then when I manually tried to change the fields through the designer it complained that I was not allowed to make change if it required to drop and recreate the table. I found the setting in tools and I was able to turn that off. But this table is huge and not a good idea to do this. I woud advise others against it.
so it was a permission issue. I can't explain how, but I hope it helps someone else

Another way to this without totally dropping the table is
Take a backup of the column values.
Make the column nullable if it does not already allow nulls. Set the column values to be null by
update tablename set columnname = null
Delete the column
Insert a new column with the same name as the deleted column and the type which you want
Insert the saved data into this column


Rename table or column in SQL server without breaking existing apps

I have an existing database in MS SQL server and want to rename some tables and columns because the names currently used aren't accurate to what it represents.
I have multiple web and desktop applications that access the database, using Entity Framework (code first). Too many to update in one go and cannot afford for all apps to start working.
I was thinking it was nice is SQL server allowed a 'permanent' alias for tables and columns but I don't think this feature exists.
Or I was wondering if there was a way in EF to have two names for the same property?
For the tables, you could rename them and then create a synonym with the old name pointing to the new name.
For the columns, changing their name will break your application.You could create computed columns with the old name as well, that simply display the value of the new named column though (but this seems a little silly).
Note, however, that a computed column cannot reference another computed column, so you would have to duplicate the column in its entirety. That could lead to problems down the line if you don't update the definition of both columns.
A view containing a simple select statement acts exactly like a table. You really need to fix this properly across the database and applications. However if you want to go the view route, I suggest you do this:
Say you have a table called MyTable that you rename TheTable and with a column called MyColumn that you want to rename to TheColumn
Create a schema, say, new
Move the original table into it with this ALTER SCHEMA new TRANSFER MyTable
Rename the table and column.
Now you have a table called new.TheTable with a column called TheColumn. Everything is broken
Lastly, create a view that looks just like the old table
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3, TheColumn As MyColumn
FROM new.TheTable;
Now everything works again.
All your fixed 'new' tables are in the new schema
However now everything is extra complicated
This is basically an illustration that you should just fix it properly across the whole app one at a time with careful change management. Definitely don't complicate it with triggers
Since you are using code first with multiple web and desktop applications, you are likely managing database changes from one place through migrations and ignoring changes other places.
You can create an empty migration and add code that will change the table name and column names to what you want. The migration should then create a view that will select from that table with the original table and column names. When you apply this migration, everything should still be working as normal from all applications. There are no model changes since you didn’t touch the model classes. Inserts, updates, and deletes will still happen through the view. There is no need for potentially buggy triggers or synonyms on the table in this option.
Now that you have the table changed, you can focus on the application code. If it helps, you can add annotations over the column and table names and start refactoring the code. You need to make sure you don’t make model changes that will break the other apps. If apps ignore model changes, you can get away with adding annotations over the columns and classes on all the apps before refactoring. You can get rid of the view sooner this way.

DACPAC package with complex changes

I'm looking to switch to DACPACs for our database changes, but I'm a bit at a loss about what to do when it comes to more complex database updates. To illustrate what I mean, let me use a simple example that has the same problem.
Say I have a Customer table that is currently live and I want to add a new CustomerType table with a foreign key from Customer to CustomerType. The new column in Customer should be required (not nullable), but should not have a default value.
I want to use some arbitrary formula to setup the initial type for the existing customers upon upgrading. How would I accomplish this using a DACPAC?
The DACPAC will only know there's a new column and will try to add it to the Customer table, which will of course fail because it is required. Setting a default value is undesirable, as is allowing null values.
Since the DACPAC should be usable to upgrade from every state to the latest, I don't see what kind of configuration or pre/post scripts I should setup to make this work.
Various searches have produced a disappointing lack of useful results :(
I hope there's someone here that can help out. Thanks in advance.
The answer will vary a bit depending on how you're planning to deploy the dacpac(s). One common case is having the dacpac replace some collection of T-SQL update scripts that are executed in sequence to update a database schema from one version to the next. In this case you might choose to have one dacpac file for each schema-version of your database and to update a database you would plan to publish the dacpacs in sequence to update a database to the latest version.
In that case, it's possible to use a post-deploy script to fix up the schema as appropriate. For your example scenario, you can model the database in the database project with the new column specified as NULL and without the FK relationship with the new table. Then, in a post-deploy script you can author the T-SQL necessary to execute an UPDATE statement to fill the new table and the new column, an ALTER statement to change the column's type from NULL to NOT NULL, and finally to add the foreign key relationship.
Then moving forward you can remove the post-deploy script and model the new column and table with the proper column type and FK relationship.

Audit fields(CreatedBy, UpdatedBy) in tables. Is it good idea?

I was working with one product where almost every table had those columns. As developers we constantly had to join to Users table to get Id of who created record and it's just a mess in a code.
I'm designing new product and thinking about this again. Does it have to be like this? Obviously, it is good to know who created record and when. But having 300+ tables reference same User table doesn't seem to be very good..
How do you handle things like this? Should I create CreatedBy column only on major entities where it's most likely needed on UI and than deal with joining? Or should I go and put it everywhere? Or maybe have another "Audit" table where I store all this and look it up only on demand(not every time entity displayed on UI)
I'm just worrying about performance aspect where every UI query will hit User table..
EDIT: This is going to be SQL Server 2008 R2 database
The problem with that approach is that you only know who created the row and who changed the row last. What if the last person to update the row was correcting the previous updater's mistake?
If you're interested in doing full auditing for compliance or accountability reasons, you should probably look into SQL Server Audit. You can dictate which tables you're auditing, can change those on the fly without having to mess with your schema, and you can write queries against this data specifically instead of mixing the auditing logic with your normal application query logic (never mind widening every row of the table itself). This will also allow you to audit SELECT queries, which other potential solutions (triggers, CDC, Change Tracking - all of which are either more work or not complete for true auditing purposes) won't let you do that.
I know that this is an older post, but one way to avoid the lookup on the user table is to de-normalize the audit fields.
So instead of a userid in the CreatedBy field you insert a username itself. This will allow for a review of the table without the user look and also allow for any changes in your user table not reflect in the audit fields. Such as deleted users.
I usually add the following to the end of a table
IsDeleted bit default 0
CreatedBy varchar(20)
CreatedOn datetime2 default getdate()
UpdatedBy varchar(20)
UpdatedOn datetime2 default getdate()

Unable to change Identity Specification to Yes in Sql Server table

This may be a dumb question, but why can't I change the Identity Specification or (Is Identity) from 'No' to 'Yes'?
Check your column data type.
If it is varchar then you can't change identity column.
To change identity column, it should have int data type.
You can disable the Option "prevent saving changes that require table re-creation"
but this is strongly unrecommended by msdn.
to do so go to:
Tools -> Options -> Designers
There uncheck: "prevent saving changes that require table re-creation"
You cannot change the IDENTITY property of a column on an existing table. What you can do is add a new column with the IDENTITY property, delete the old column, and rename the new column with the old columns name.
Of course, what happens then (for some people) is that they don't like the fact that the new column appears "at the end" of the list of columns (even though you shouldn't care about the positions of columns - you should always be using their names). In that case, you need to do the same trick, but at a higher level - create a new table (with the column definition altered), copy data from the old table to the new, drop the old table, and rename the new one.
I thought SSMS still tried to pretend that it was possible, by doing the second trick behind the scenes.
Also check to make sure that there isn't a default value or binding on the column.
Remove Default Value or Binding.
Following on from Damien_The_Unbeliever's comment above, you can edit the column order in Visual Studio's design interface.
I've managed to do this successfully. To confirm, the steps are:
Add a new column with the IDENTITY property
delete the old column,
Rename the new column with the old columns name.
(Optional) Re-order columns to have the IDENTITY column from Visual Studio.
The solution that worked for me was to change the Data Type to int from its default nchar. Additionally, I had to refresh my database server connection to get it working.
As you can see the yes value for the identity specification is disabled so the other answers above is not applicable for me but following Joy's answer, I saw that I really had a Default Value or Binding. I just omitted the default value and everything i neede was enabled.
Took me a while to find the solution to this, at first I was trying to find a way to change a value from here (it's yes cause I was able to change it using the next way)
But then by right-clicking -> properties -> Table designer -> Choose Identity column
Doing this made the "Identity Specifiacation" to "Yes"
I think Firstly you have to check the (isIdentity) checkbox after that you can able to check the Identity Specification Checkbox

Can I logically reorder columns in a table?

If I'm adding a column to a table in Microsoft SQL Server, can I control where the column is displayed logically in queries?
I don't want to mess with the physical layout of columns on disk, but I would like to logically group columns together when possible so that tools like SQL Server Management Studio list the contents of the table in a convenient way.
I know that I can do this through SQL Management Studio by going into their "design" mode for tables and dragging the order of columns around, but I'd like to be able to do it in raw SQL so that I can perform the ordering scripted from the command line.
You can not do this programatically (in a safe way that is) without creating a new table.
What Enterprise Manager does when you commit a reordering is to create a new table, move the data and then delete the old table and rename the new table to the existing name.
If you want your columns in a particular order/grouping without altering their physical order, you can create a view which can be whatever you desire.
I think what everyone here is missing is that although not everyone has to deal with 10's, 20's, or 1000's instances of the same software system installed throughout the country and world, those of us that design commercially sold software do so. As a result, we expand systems over time, expand tables by adding fields as new capability is needed, and as those fields are identified do belong in an existing table, and as such, over a decade of expanding, growing, adding fields, etc to tables, and then having to work with those tables from design, to support, to sometimes digging into raw data/troubleshooting to debug new functionality bugs, it is incredibly aggravating to not have the primary information you want to see within the first handful of fields, when you may have tables with 30, 40, 50, or even 90 fields, and yes, in a strictly normalized database.
I've often wished I could do this, for this exact reason. But short of doing exactly what SQL does, building a Create Script for a new Table the way I want it, writing the Insert to it, then dropping all existing constraints, relationships, keys, index, etc etc from the existing table and renaming the "new" table back to the old name, and then reading all those keys, relationships, index, etc etc ....
It's not only tedious, time-consuming, but ... in five more years, it will need to happen again.
It's so close to worth that massive amount of work, however the point is, it won't be the last time we need this ability, since our systems will continue to grow, expand, and get fields in a wacked ordered driven by need/design additions.
A majority of developers think from a single system standpoint that serves a single company or very specific hard box market.
The "off-the-shelf" but significantly progressive designers and leaders of development in their market space will always have to deal with this problem, over and over, and would love a creative solution if anyone has one. This could easily save my company a dozen hours a week, just not having to scroll over, or remember where "that" field is in the source data table.
When Management Studio does it, it's creating a temporary table, copying everything across, dropping your original table and renaming the temporary table. There's no simple equivalent T-SQL statement.
If you don't fancy doing that, you could always create a view of the table with the columns in the order you'd like and use that?
Edit: beaten!
If I understand your question, you want to affect what columns are returned first, second, third, etc in existing queries, right?
If all of your queries are written with SELECT * FROM TABLE - then they will show up in the output as they are laid out in SQL.
If your queries are written with SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM TABLE - then the order they are laid out in SQL does not matter.
There is one way, but its only temporarily for the query itself. For example,
Lets say you have 5 tables.
Table is called T_Testing
FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Email, and Member_ID
you want it to list their ID, then Last Name, then FirstName, then Phone then Email.
You can do it as per the Select.
Select Member_ID, LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, Email
From T_Testing
Other than that, if you just want the LastName to Show before first name for some reason, you can do it also as follows:
Select LastName, *
From T_Testing
The only thing you wanna be sure that you do is that the OrderBy or Where Function needs to be denoted as Table.Column if you are going to be using a Where or OrderBy
Select LastName, *
From T_Testing
Order By T_Testing.LastName Desc
I hope this helps, I figured it out because I needed to do this myself.
Script your existing table to a query window.
Run this script against a Test database (remove the Use statement)
Use SSMS to make the column changes you need
Click Generate Change Script (left most and bottommost icon on the
buttonbar, by default)
Use this script against your real table
All the script really does is create a second table table with the desired column orders, copies all your data into it, drops the original table and then renames the secondary table to take its place. This does save you writing it yourself though should you want a deploy script.
It is not possible to change the order of the columns without recreating the whole table. If you have a few instances of the database only, you can use SSMS for this (Select the table and click "design").
In case you have too many instances for a manual process, you should try this script:
It can be done using SQL, by modifying the system tables directly. For example, look here:
Alter table - Add new column in between
However, I would not recommend playing with system tables, unless it's absolutely necessary.
Open your table in SSMS in design mode:
Reorder your columns:
It is important to not save your change.
Click the "Generate Change Script" button:
Now a window will open that contains the script to apply this change:
Copy the text from the window.
In this instance, it generated the following code:
/* To prevent any potential data loss issues, you should review this script in detail before running it outside the context of the database designer.*/
CREATE TABLE dbo.Tmp_MyTable
Id int NOT NULL,
Name nvarchar(30) NULL,
Country nvarchar(50) NOT NULL
EXEC('INSERT INTO dbo.Tmp_MyTable (Id, Name, Country)
DROP TABLE dbo.MyTable
EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.Tmp_MyTable', N'MyTable', 'OBJECT'
As you can see, what it does is 1) create a new temporary table, 2) copy the data over to the temporary table, 3) delete the original table and 4) rename the temporary table to the original table's name.
