Zend Framework: Getting started using SQLite - database

Sorry if this is overly simplistic.
I've decided that I want to use an SQLite database instead of a MySQL database. I'm trying to wrap my head around how simple SQLite is and would like a simple, one answer tutorial on how to use SQLite with the Zend Framework, where to put my SQLite database in my directory structure, how to create the database, etc.

#tuinstoel is correct, attaching to an SQLite database implicitly creates it if it does not exist.
SQLite also supports a command-line client that is more or less like MySQL's command shell, allowing you to issue ad hoc commands or run SQL scripts. See documentation here: http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite.html
Of course you need to change the Zend_Db adapter in your ZF application. ZF supports only an adapter to the PDO SQLite extension. SQLite doesn't support user/password credentials. Also since SQLite is an embedded database instead of client/server, the "host" parameter is meaningless.
$db = Zend_Db::factory("pdo_sqlite", array("dbname"=>"/path/to/mydatabase.db"));
One more caveat: when you get query results in associative-array format, some versions of SQLite insist on using "tablename.columnname" as the keys in the array, whereas other brands of database return keys as simply "columnname". There's an outstanding bug in ZF about this, to try to compensate and make SQLite behave consistently with the other adapters, but the bug is unresolved.

If you make a connection to a not existing database, a database is created on the fly. (You can turn this behavour off)

This is now covered in the Zend Framework quickstart tutorial (version 1.9.5 as of this writing). Just make a new project (with zf command line tool. look here for a great tutorial on setting it up), add these lines to your config.ini file and you're good to go:
; application/configs/application.ini
resources.db.adapter = "PDO_SQLITE"
resources.db.params.dbname = APPLICATION_PATH "/../data/db/databaseName.db"
Now when you ask for your default database adapter, it will use this one. I would also recommend downloading the quickstart tutorial source code and making use of the load.sqlite.php script. You can create a schema and data file and load the database with these tables/columns/values. It's very helpful! Just check out the tutorial. It's all in there.
This answer was moved out of the question into a CW answer to disavow ownership over the content.


what is difference between installing sqlite3 and making .sqlite file?

I'm trying to learn apollo and following the docs and this documentation using sqlite to show how to connect local database to server.
i didn't install sqlite3 but the .sqlite file is in given source.
Even though it was out of the lecture but i got curious how this works though i didn't install it.
i have searched to find why it works and what is difference between these but i couldn't find it so i reached here to ask question about what are the differences and what is better to use.
SQLite is a library extensively used in different programming languages like python, javascript, php etc. This library is made using C-language which implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. ".sqlite" is a database file which contains all the data stored. This file can be made by executing some code based on syntax of that particular language. For you to work on SQLite, you need to have installed it on your local machine.

Server communication with database

I'm creating an online game and the client is going to be made using unity as well as the server and I'm wondering whether it's okay for the server to communicate with mysql database via PHP
For simple tasks, there is actually nothing wrong with that.
There is also a example of using this method in the wiki here: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=Server_Side_Highscores
But be aware: that is not the fastest solution.
You could make a faster direct connection with a plugin like this one:
And for native unity support on Android and iOS support i would go with a sqlite database plugin: https://github.com/rizasif/sqlite-unity-plugin

TinyVirtuoso: where is the documentation?

I found this NuGet package interesting: a embedded rdf database in C# based on OpenLink Virtuoso, with MIT licensing...
But, when I tried to find any instruction about usage, or the API reference, I couldn't find it...
I installed TinyVirtuoso.win v 7.2.1 from NuGet ...
Why doesn't the sample code in "First Steps" work?
It does not recognize VirtuosoConnection() nor IStore
using Semiodesk.TinyVirtuoso;
using Semiodesk.VirtuosoInstrumentation;
// Create a new Virtuoso store in a directory named 'Data', located in your app folder.
var virtuoso = new TinyVirtuoso("Data");
// You can have multiple separate database instances which contain different data.
// This will create a directory "Data/ExampleProject" in your app directory.
var instance = virtuoso.GetOrCreateInstance("ExampleProject");
// Start the embedded database server instance.
// a) You can access the store using the Semiodesk Trinity graph database API.
// Please refer to our Trinity documentation and examples for more information.
IStore store = StoreFactory.CreateStore(instance.GetTrinityConnectionString());
// b) Alternatively, you can use it with plain ADO.Net to use the relational
// database features and SQL (make sure to install OpenLink.Data.Virtuoso).
var connection = new VirtuosoConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = instance.GetAdoNetConnectionString();
// When you are done, stop the embedded database server instance.
Looking it over quickly, I think TinyVirtuoso is not an "embedded RDF database in C#" (which is not surprising, as that would require portation of the entire C-based VOS (Virtuoso Open Source) project). Note that their wiki says —
TinyVirtuoso does not link against OpenLink Virtuoso in any way. It just provides a way to start, stop and configure the software.
Elsewhere in that wiki, they say they depend on the Open Source Virtuoso project, but it's not clear whether they fully install Virtuoso, just install the ADO.NET client library, or somewhere in between.
I did notice this advice --
The software is supported by Semiodesk. If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to tell us in which projects you are using the library, don't hesitate to hello#semiodesk.com.
-- which led me to a somewhat more informative (and I think more recently updated) page on Semiodesk's website, which suggests that they do indeed intend bundling the main Virtuoso binary, among other things, which I don't think you've installed yet.
Documentation of Virtuoso itself, and its ADO.NET Provider (both Installation/Configuration and Programming/API), are found on the OpenLink website.
I hope this is helpful...

Generate Data Change Scripts from VSTS Database Edition

I'm using the GDR release of VSTS Database edition source control the DB and generate deployment scripts. It works pretty well but the problem is that it only seems to handle scripting and deploying the schema. It stops short of handling scripting and deployment of the actual data itself (i.e. the lookup and standing data which also deployed with the DB).
I know it's easy enough to write the deployment scripts by hand, but is this what every one does? Is there a recommended way of deploying data with the VSTS deployment engine? Is there some tooling that help with this - I don't mean a full product like SQLCompare, just something that fills the gap with VSTS DB.
Thanks in advance.
The VSTS: DB best practices blog advocates using post-deployment scripts to insert reference data into temporary tables, then update the target tables based on the delta (ie update x inner join temp where x.something <> temp.something)
There's some suggestions floating around that this might make a powertool, and at least one MVP has written a tool to generate those scripts.
(NB: I haven't tried this - I only just found out about it myself)
Personally I would still stick with RedGate if I had any choice in the matter.
GDR comes with a data comparison engine, but as far as I've been able to tell so far a data comparison can't even be stored in a project (let alone be properly supported by it) - so it's pretty ad-hoc. Unlike a Schema Compare, there is no File \ Save As.
The comparison engine can be automated via DDE but that's automation within the Visual Studio IDE, and not really suitable for some kind of scripted installation process. As much as anything there's no way I could see to specify which tables to include in the comparison (since all you get to do via DDE is open the wizard for the user to select)
Alternatively all the functionality appears to reside in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamSystem.DataPackage.dll , but since the API documentation hasn't been written yet (the help doco that comes with GDR is full of errors as it is) it's going to be a bit of a hit-and-miss adventure to work out where to start.
As someone who's used RedGate's SqlCompare, SqlDataCompare and their respective APIs to do this before, much of the GDR functionality seems a bit half-baked to me.
What I will probably do this time round is sync the data with a SSIS package (export to CSV at build time / import from CSV at install time), but I'd far rather be using the SqlDataCompare API (or SqlPackager) right now.

Transfering User Names from One Forum to Another?

How do I transfer the users of a vBulletin forum to a new installation of IceBB?
Presumably, they both have a database back-end of some sort, right? SQL dump, followed by patching stuff up in your favorite scripting language, followed by SQL load, seems do-able.
There is a tool called ImpEx for vBulletin to do exactly this. It imports and exports users and data. Doing the SQL yourself can be error prone and difficult compared to using ImpEx.
