LZO Decompression Buffer Size - c

I am using MiniLZO on a project for some really simple compression tasks. I am compressing with one program, and decompressing with another. I'd like to know how much space to allocate for the decompression buffer. I am fine with over-allocating space, if it can save me the trouble of having to annotate my output file with an integer declaring how much space the decompressed data should take. How would I figure out how much space it could possibly take?
After some consideration, I think this question boils down to the following: What is the maximum compression ratio of lzo1x compression?

Since you control both the compressor and the decompressor, I suggest you compress the input in fixed-sized blocks. In my application I compress up to 64KB in each block, then emit the size of the compressed block and the compressed data itself, so the compressed stream actually looks like a series of compressed blocks:
The decompressor just reads each compressed block and decompresses it into a 64KB buffer, since I know the block was produced by compressing a 64KB block.
Hope that helps,
Eric Melski

The max size of the decompressed data is clearly the same as the max size of the data you compressed in the first place.
If there is an upper bound on your input size then I guess you can use it, but I have to say the usual way of doing this is to add a header to your compressed buffer which specifies the uncompressed size.


zlib get gzip-file-size before compressing

I have the following problem:
I'm using zlib in C to gzip files. The compressing (using z_stream, deflateInit2...) is no problem, but I need to know the size of the gziped file before I compress it. Is this possible or is the only option I have to count the bytes while compressing?
Thanks in advance!
but I need to know the size of the gziped file before I compress it
If you mean that you need it to compress (perhaps to allocate a buffer to hold the data), then you are mistaking, the whole point of z_stream is to let you compress input chunks in output chunks.
is the only option I have to count the bytes while compressing
Yes, you need to apply the compression algorithm to know the resulting size.

Is Minecraft missing zlib uncompressed size in it's chunk/region data?

Info on minecraft's region files
Minecraft's region files are stored in 3 sections, the first two giving information about where the chunks are stored, and information about the chunks themselves. In the final section, chunks are given as a 4-byte number length, the type of compression it uses, (almost always is zlib, RFC1950)
Here's more (probably better) information: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Region_file_format
The problem
I have a program that successfully loads chunk data. However, I'm not able to find how big the chunks will be when decompressed, and so I just use a maximum amount it could take when allocating space.
In the player data files, they do give the size that it takes when decompressed, and (I think) it uses the same type of compression.
The end of a player.dat file giving the size of the decompressed data (in little-endian):
This is the start of the chunk data, first 4 bytes giving how many bytes is in the following compressed data:
Mystery data
However, if I look where the compressed data specifically "ends", there's still a lot of data after it. This data doesn't seem to have a use, but if I try to decompress any of it with the rest of the chunk, I get an error.
Highlighted chunk data, and unhighlighted mystery data:
Missing decompressed size (header?)
And there's no decompressed size (or header? I could be wrong here) given.
The final size of this example chunks is 32,562 bytes, and this number (or any close neighbours) is nowhere to be found within the chunk data or mystery data. (Checked both big-endian, and little-endian)
Decompressed data terminating at index 32562, (Visual Studio locals watch):
Final Questions
Is there something I'm missing? Is this compression actually different from the player data compression? What's the mystery data? And am I stuck loading in 1<<20 bytes every time I want to load a chunk from a region file?
Thank you for any answers or suggestions
Files used
Isolated chunk data: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n3Ix8V8DAgR9v0rkUCXMUuW4LJjT1L8B/view?usp=sharing
Full region data: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15aVdyyKazySaw9ZpXATR4dyvhVtrL6ZW/view?usp=sharing
(Not linking player data for possible security reasons)
In the region data, the chunk data starts at index 1208320 (or 0x127000)
The format information you linked is quite helpful. Have you read it?
In there it says: "The remainder of the file consists of data for up to 1024 chunks, interspersed with unused space." Furthermore, "Minecraft always pads the last chunk's data to be a multiple-of-4096B in length" (Italics mine.) Everything is in multiples of 4K, so the end of every chunk is padded to the next 4K boundary.
So your "mystery" data is not a mystery at all, as it is entirely expected per the format documentation. That data is simply junk to be ignored.
Note that, from the documentation, that the data "length" in the first three bytes of the chunk is actually one more than the number of bytes of data in the chunk (following the five-byte header).
Also from the documentation, there is indeed no uncompressed size provided in the format.
zlib was designed for streaming data, where you don't know ahead of time how much there will be. You can use inflate() to decompress into whatever buffer size you like. If there's not enough room to finish, you can either do something with that data and then repeat into the same buffer, or you can grow the buffer with realloc() in C, or the equivalent for whatever language you're using. (Not noted in the question or tags.)

Zlib minimum deflate size

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to calculate a minimum required size for an output buffer, based on the size of the input buffer.
This question is similar to zlib, deflate: How much memory to allocate?, but not the same. I am asking about each chunk in isolation, rather than the entire stream.
So suppose we have two buffers: INPUT and OUTPUT, and we have a BUFFER_SIZE, which is - say, 4096 bytes. (Just a convenient number, no particular reason I choose this size.)
If I deflate using:
deflate(stream, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH)
so that each chunk is compressed, and immediately flushed to the output buffer, is there a way I can guarantee I'll have enough storage in the output buffer without needing to reallocate?
Superficially, we'd assume that the DEFLATED data will always be larger than the uncompressed input data (assuming we use a compression level that is greater than 0.)
Of course, that's not always the case - especially for small values. For example, if we deflate a single byte, the deflated data will obviously be larger than the uncompressed data, due to the overhead of things like headers and dictionaries in the LZW stream.
Thinking about how LZW works, it would seem if our input data is at least 256 bytes (meaning that worst case scenario, every single byte is different and we can't really compress anything), we should realize that input size LESS than 256 bytes + zlib headers could potentially require a LARGER output buffer.
But, generally, realworld applications aren't going to be compressing small sizes like that. So assuming an input/output buffer of something more like 4K, is there some way to GUARANTEE that the output compressed data will be SMALLER than the input data?
(Also, I know about deflateBound, but would rather avoid it because of the overhead.)
Or, to put it another way, is there some minimum buffer size that I can use for input/output buffers that will guarantee that the output data (the compressed stream) will be smaller than the input data? Or is there always some pathological case that can cause the output stream to be larger than the input stream, regardless of size?
Though I can't quite make heads or tails out of your question, I can comment on parts of the question in isolation.
is there some way to GUARANTEE that the output compressed data will be
SMALLER than the input data?
Absolutely not. It will always be possible for the compressed output to be larger than some input. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to compress other input.
(Also, I know about deflateBound, but would rather avoid it because of
the overhead.)
Almost no overhead. We're talking a fraction of a percent larger than the input buffer for reasonable sizes.
By the way, deflateBound() provides a bound on the size of the entire output stream as a function of the size of the entire input stream. It can't help you when you are in the middle of a bunch of deflate() calls with incomplete input and insufficient output space. For example, you may still have deflate output pending and delivered by the next deflate() call, without providing any new input at all. Then the expansion ratio is infinite for that isolated call.
due to the overhead of things like headers and dictionaries in the LZW
deflate is not LZW. The approach it uses is called LZ77. It is very different from LZW, which is now obsolete. There are no "dictionaries" stored in compressed deflate data. The "dictionary" is simply the uncompressed data that precedes the data currently being compressed or decompressed.
Or, to put it another way, is there some minimum buffer size that I
can use for input/output buffers ...
The whole idea behind the zlib interface is for you to not have to worry about what will fit in the buffers. You just keep calling deflate() or inflate() with more input data and more output space until you're done, and all will be well. It does not matter if you need to make more than one call to consume one buffer of input, or more than one call to fill one buffer of output. You just have loops to make more calls, provide more input when needed, and disposition the output when needed and provide fresh output space.
Information theory dictates that there must always be pathological cases which "compress" to something larger.
This page starts off with the worst case encoding sizes for zlib - looks like the worst case growth is 6 bytes, plus 5 bytes per started 16KB block. So if you always flush after less than 16KB, having buffers which are 11 bytes plus your flush interval should be safe.
Unless you have tight control over the type of data you're compressing, finding pathological cases isn't hard. Any random number generator will find you some pretty quickly.

In what situation would compressed data be larger than input?

I need to handle compression of data that's largely UTF-8 HTML content in a utility I'm working on. The utility uses zLib and the deflate algorithm to compress data. Is it safe to assume that if the input data size is over 1 kB, compressed data will always be smaller than uncompressed input? (Input data below 1 kB will not be compressed.)
I'm trying to see situations where this assumption would break but apart from near-perfect random input, it seems a safe assumption to me.
Edit: the reason I'm wondering about this assumption is because I already have a buffer allocated that's as big as the input data. If my assumption holds, I can reuse this same buffer and avoid another memory allocation.
No. You can never assume that the compressed data will always be smaller. In fact, if any sequence is compressed by the algorithm, then you are guaranteed that some other sequence is expanded.
You can use zlib's deflate() function to compress as much as it can into your 1K buffer. Do whatever you need to with that result, then continue with another deflate() call writing into that same buffer.
Alternatively you can allocate a buffer big enough for the largest expansion. The deflateBound() or compressBound() functions will tell you how much that is. It's only a small amount more.
As far as I know, a sequence of 128 bytes with values 0, 1, 2, ..., 127 will not be compressed by zLib. Technically, it's possible to intentionally create an HTML page that will break your compression scheme, but with normal innocent HTML data you should be almost perfectly safe.
But almost perfectly is not perfectly. If you already have a buffer of that size, I'd advise to attempt the compression with this buffer, and if it turns out that the buffer is not enough (I suppose zLib has means of indicating that), then allocate a larger buffer or simply store an uncompressed version. And make sure you are writing these cases into some log so you could see if it ever fires :)

How to use RtlDecompressBuffer without knowing the size of the uncompressed data?

I would like to use the WINAPI RtlDecompressBuffer in User Mode to decompress a buffer previously compressed using RtlCompressBuffer. I have the code for compression but it seems that in order to decompress I need to know the size of the uncompressed data as the function needs it as a parameter.
How can I do this without knowing the size of the uncompressed data?
Perhaps I should use RtlDecompressFragment.
A code sample would be great!
Thanks in advance.
You don't need to know the size of the uncompressed data. All you have to do is reserve enough memory to hold all the uncompressed data and pass that to the API.
If your buffer isn't big enough, the API will return STATUS_BAD_COMPRESSION_BUFFER and you then have to allocate a bigger buffer for the uncompressed data.
Why not adding (while compressing) a simple header (first 4 bytes) to the buffer with the uncompressed size?

