If you were trying to create a domain object in a database schema, and in your code said domain object has a hashtable/list member, like so:
public class SpaceQuadrant : PersistentObject
public SpaceQuadrant()
public virtual Dictionary<SpaceCoordinate, SpaceObject> Space
A Dictionary is just a hashtable/list mapping object keys to value keys, I've come up with multiple ways to do this, creating various join tables or loading techniques, but they all kind of suck in terms of getting that O(1) access time that you get in a hashtable.
How would you represent the SpaceQuadrant, SpaceCoordinate, and Space Object in a database schema?
A simple schema code description would be nice,
table SpaceQuadrant
ID int not null primary key,
EntryName varchar(255) not null,
SpaceQuadrantJoinTableId int not null
foreign key references ...anothertable...
but any thoughts at all would be nice as well, thanks for reading!
More Information:
Thanks for the great answers, already, I've only skimmed them, and I want to take some time thinking about each before I respond.
If you think there is a better way to define these classes, then by all means show me an example, any language your comfortable with is cool
Relations are not hash tables; they are sets.
I wouldn't organize the database using the coordinates as the key. What if an object changes location? Instead, I would probably treat coordinates as attributes of an object.
Also, I assume there is a fixed number of dimensions, for example, three. If so, then you can store these attributes of an object in fixed columns:
CREATE TABLE SpaceQuadrant (
quadrant_name VARCHAR(20)
-- other attributes
CREATE TABLE SpaceObject (
object_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
-- other attributes
quadrant_id INT NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (quadrant_id) REFERENCES SpaceQuadrant(quadrant_id)
In your object-oriented class, it's not clear why your objects are in a dictionary. You mention accessing them in O(1) time, but why do you do that by coordinate?
If you're using that to optimize finding objects that are near a certain point (the player's spaceship, for instance), you could also build into your SQL query that populates this SpaceQuadrant a calculation of every object's distance from that given point, and sort the results by distance.
I don't know enough about your program to know if these suggestions are relevant. But are they at least making you think of different ways of organizing the data?
In the simplest case, the dictionary has a key which would map to the primary key of a table - so that when you specify the values of the key, you can immediately find the matching data via a simple lookup.
In this case, you would need a table SpaceQuadrant with any general (single-valued) attributes that describe or characterize a space quadrant. The SpaceQuadrant table would have a primary key, possibly a generated ID, possibly a natural value. The hashtable would then consist of a table with the primary key value for cross-referencing the SpaceQuadrant, with the position (a SpaceCoordinate) and the attributes of the quadrant and coordinate.
Now, if you have an extensible DBMS, you can define a user-defined type for the SpaceCoordinate; failing that, you can use a trio of columns - x, y, z or r, theta, rho, for example - to represent the position (SpaceCoordinate).
In general terms, the structure I'm describing is quite similar to Bill Karwin's; the key (pun not intended until after I was rereading the message) difference is that it is perfectly OK in my book to have the position as part of the primary key of the sub-ordinate table if you are sure that's the best way to organize it. You might also have an object ID column that is an alternative candidate key. Alternatively, if objects have an existence independent of the space quadrant they happen to be in at the moment (or can exist in multiple positions - because they aren't points but are space stations or something), then you might have the SpaceObject in a separate table. What is best depends on information that we don't have available to us.
You should be aware of the limitations of using a SpaceCoordinate as part of the primary key:
no two objects can occupy the same position (that's called a collision in a hash table, as well as in 3D space),
if the position changes, then you have to update the key data, which is more expensive than an update up non-key data,
proximity lookups will be hard - exact lookups are easy enough.
The same is true of your dictionary in memory; if you change the coordinates, you have to remove the record from the old location and place it in the new location in the dictionary (or the language has to do that for you behind the scenes).
A dictionary is a table. The hash is a question of what kind of index is used. Most RDBMS assume that tables are big and densely packed, making a hashed index not appropriate.
table SpaceQuadrant {
ID Primary Key,
-- whatever other attributes are relevant
table Space {
SpaceCoordinate Primary Key,
Quadrant Foreign Key SpaceQuadrant(ID),
SpaceObject -- whatever the object is
Your Space objects have FK references to the Quadrant in which they're located.
Depending on your RDBMS, you might be able to find a hash-based index that gets you the performance you're hoping for. For example MySQL, using the HEAP storage engine supports HASH indexes.
First, dedicated support for geo-located data exists in many databases - different algorithms can be used (a spatial version of a B-Tree exists for instance), and support for proximity searches probably will exist.
Since you have a different hash table for each SpaceQuadrant, you'd need something like (edited from S.Lott's post):
table Space {
Quadrant Foreign Key SpaceQuadrant(ID),
SpaceObject -- whatever the object is (by ID)
Primary Key(SpaceCoordinate, Quadrant)
This is a (SpaceCoordinate, Quadrant) -> SpaceObjectId dictionary.
Now, about your O(1) performance concern, there is a lot of reasons why it's wrongly addressed.
You can use in many DB's a hash index for memory-based tables, as somebody told you. But if you need persistent storage, you'd need to update two tables (the memory one and the persistent one) instead of one (if there is no built-in support for this). To discover whether that's worth, you'd need to benchmark on the actual data (with actual data sizes).
Also, forcing a table into memory can have worse implications.
If something ever gets swapped, you're dead - if you had used a B-Tree (i.e. normal disk-based index), its algorithms would have minimized the needed I/O. Otherwise, all DBMS's would use hash tables and rely on swapping, instead of B-Trees. You can try to anticipate whether you'll fit in memory, but...
Moreover, B-Trees are not O(1) but they are O(log_512(N)), or stuff like that (I know that collapses to O(log N), but bear me on this). You'd need (2^9)^4 = 2^36 = 64GiB for that to be 4, and if you have so much data you'd need a big iron server anyway for that to fit in memory. So, it's almost O(1), and the constant factors are what actually matters.
Ever heard about low-asymptotic-complexity, big-constant-factor algorithms, that would be faster than simple ones just on unpractical data sizes?
Finally, I think DB authors are smarter than me and you. Especially given the declarative nature of SQL, hand-optimizing it this way isn't gonna pay. If an index fits in memory, I guess they could choose to build and use a hashtable version of the disk index, as needed, if it was worth it. Investigate your docs for that.
But the bottom line is that, premature optimization is evil, especially when it's of this kind (weird optimizations we're thinking on our own, as opposed as standard SQL optimizations), and with a declarative language.
In docs for various ORMs they always provide a way to create indexes, etc. They always mention to be sure to create the appropriate indexes for efficiency, as if that is inherent knowledge to a non-hand-written-SQLer who needs to use an ORM. My understanding of indexes (outside of PK) is basically: If you plan to do LIKE queries (ie, search) based on the contents of a column, you should use a full text index for that column. What else should I know regarding indexes (mostly pertaining to efficiency)? I feel like there is a world of knowledge at my door step, but there's a huge folded mouse pad jammed up under it, so I can't get through (I don't know why I felt like I needed to say that, but thanks for providing the couch).
Think of an index very roughly like the index in the back of a book. It's a totally separate area from the content of the book, where if you are seeking some specific value, you can go to the index and look it up (indexes are ordered, so finding things there is much quicker than scanning every page of the book).
The index entry has a page number, so you can then quickly go to the page seeking your topic. A database index is very similar; it is an ordered list of the relevant information in your database (the field(s) included in the index), with information for the database to find the records which match.
So... you would create an index when you have information that you need to search on frequently. Normal indexes don't help you for 'partial' seeks like LIKE queries, but any time you need to get a set of results where field X has certain value(s), they keep the DBMS from needing to 'scan' the whole table, looking for matching values.
They also help when you need to sort on a column.
Another thing to keep in mind; If the DBMS allows you to create single indexes that have multiple fields, be sure to investigate the effects of doing so, specific to your DBMS. An index that includes multiple fields is likely only to be fully (or at all) useful if all those fields are being used in a query. Conversely, having multiple indexes for a single table, with one field per index, may not be of much (or any) help for queries that are filtering/sorting by multiple fields.
You mentioned Full Text indexes and PKs (Primary Keys). These are different than regular indexes, though they often serve similar purposes.
First, note that a Primary Key is usually an index (in MSSQL, a 'Clustered Index', in fact), but this does not need to be the case specifically. As an example, an MSSQL PK is a Clustered Index by default; clustered indexes are special in that they are not a separate bit of data stored elsewhere, but the data itself is arranged in the table in order by the Clustered Index. This is why a popular PK is an int value that is auto-generated with sequential, increasing values. So, a Clustered Index sorts the data in the table specifically by the field's value. Compare this to a traditional dictionary; the entries themselves are ordered by the 'key', which is the word being defined.
But in MSSQL (check your DBMS documentation for your information), you can change the Clustered Index to be a different field, if you like. Sometimes this is done on datetime based fields.
Full Text indexes are different kinds of beasts entirely. They use some of the same principles, but what they are doing isn't exactly the same as normal indexes, which I am describing. Also: in some DBMS's, LIKE queries do not use the full text index; special query operators are required.
These indexes are different because their intent is not to find/sort on the whole value of the column (a number, a date, a short bit of char data), but instead to find individual words/phrases within the text field(s) being indexed.
They can also often enable searching for similar words, different tenses, common misspellings and the like, and typically ignore noise words. The different way in which they work is why they also may need different operators to use them. (again, check your local documentation for your DBMS!)
This answer is Oracle-specific, but the main points in the answers apply to most relational database systems
How to choose and optimize oracle indexes?
I have a column in a table that will store an enum value. E.g. Large, Medium, Small or the days of the week. This will correspond to displayed text on a web page or user selection from a droplist. What is the best design?
Store the values as an int and then perhaps have a table that has the enums/int corresponding string in it.
Just store the values in the column as a string, to make queries a little more self-explanatory.
At what point/quantity of values is it best to use ints or strings.
Assuming your RDBMS of choice doesn't have an ENUM type (which handles this for you), I think best to use ids instead of strings directly when the values can change (either in value or in quantity.)
You might think that days of the week won't change, but what if your application needs to add internationalization support? (or an evil multinational corporation decides to rename them after taking control of the world?)
Also, that Large, Medium and Small categorization is probably changing after a while. Most values you think cannot change, can change after a while.
So, mainly for anticipating change reasons, I think it's best to use ids, you just need to change the translation table and everything works painlessly. For i18n, you can just expand the translation table and pull the proper records automatically.
Most likely (it'll depend on various factors) ints are going to perform better, at the very least in the amount of required storage. But I wouldn't do ints for performance reasons, I'd do ints for flexibility reasons.
this is an interesting question. Definitely you have to take in consideration performance targets here. If you wan't to go for speed, int is a must. A Database can index integers a bit better than Strings although I must say its not at all a bad performance loss.
On example is Oracle database itself where they have the luxury of doing large caps enum as strings on their system tables. Things like USER_ALLOCATION_TYPE or things like that are the norm. Its like you say, Strings can be more "extensible" and more readable, but in any case in the code you will end up with:
in place of
Static final int USER_ALLOCATION_TYPE=5;
Because you either do this you will end up with all this string literals that are just aching for someone to go there and misplace a char! :)
In my company we use tables with integers primary keys; all the tables have a serial primary key, because even if you don't think you need one, sooner or later you'll regret that.
In the case you are describing what we do is that we have a table with (PK Int, Description String) and then we do Views over the master tables with joins to get the descriptions, that way we get to see the joined fields descriptions if we must and we keep the performance up.
Also, with a separate description table you can have EXTRA information about those ids you would never think about. For example, lets say a user can have access to some fields in the combo box if and only if they have such property and so. You could use extra fields in the description table to store that in place of ad-hoc code.
My two cents.
Going with your first example. Lets say you create a Look up table: Sizes. It has the following columns:
Id - primary key + identity
Name - varchar / nvarchar
You'd have three rows in the table, Small, Medium and Large with values 1, 2, 3 if you inserted them in that order.
If you have another table that uses those values you can use the identity value as the foreign key...or you could create a third column which is a short hand value for the three values. It would have the values S, M & L. You could use that as the foreign key instead. You'd have to create a unique constraint on the column.
As far as the dropdown, you could use either one as the value behind the scenes.
You could also create S/M/L value as the primary key as well.
For your other question about when its best to use the ints vs strings. There is probably a lot of debate on the subject. A lot of people only like using identity values as their primary keys. Other people say that it's better to use a natural key. If you are not using an identity as the primary key then it's just important to make sure you have a good candidate for the primary key (making sure it will always be unique and that the value does not change).
I too would be interested in people's thinking regarding this, I've always gone the route of storing the enum in a look up table and then in any data tables that referenced the enum I would store the ID and using FK relationship. In a certain way, I still like this approach, but there is something plain and simple about putting the string value directly in the table.
Going purely by size, an int is 4 bytes, where as the string is n btyes (where n is number of characters). Shortest value in your look up is 5 characters, longest is 6, so storing the actual value would use up more space eventually (if that was a problem).
Going by performance, I'm not sure if an index on an int or on a varchar would return any difference in speed / optimisation / index size?
We are trying to come up with a numbering system for the asset system that we are creating, there has been a few heated discussions on this topic in the office so I decided to ask the experts of SO.
Considering the database design below what would be the better option.
Example 1: Using auto surrogate keys.
================= ==================
Road_Number(PK) Segment_Number(PK)
================= ==================
1 1
Example 2: Using program generated PK
================= ==================
Road_Number(PK) Segment_Number(PK)
================= ==================
"RD00000001WCK" "00000001.1"
(the 00000001.1 means it's the first segment of the road. This increases everytime you add a new segment e.g. 00000001.2)
Example 3: Using a bit of both(adding a new column)
======================= ==========================
ID(PK) Road_Number(UK) ID(PK) Segment_Number(UK)
======================= ==========================
1 "RD00000001WCK" 1 "00000001.1"
Just a bit of background information, we will be using the Road Number and Segment Number in reports and other documents, so they have to be unique.
I have always liked keeping things simple so I prefer example 1, but I have been reading that you should not expose your primary keys in reports/documents. So now I'm thinking more along the lines of example 3.
I am also leaning towards example 3 because if we decide to change how our asset numbering is generated it won't have to do cascade updates on a primary key.
What do you think we should do?
EDIT: Thanks everyone for the great answers, has help me a lot.
This is really a discussion about surrogate (also called technical or synthetic) vs natural primary keys, a subject that has been extensively covered. I covered this in Database Development Mistakes Made by AppDevelopers.
Natural keys are keys based on
externally meaningful data that is
(ostensibly) unique. Common examples
are product codes, two-letter state
codes (US), social security numbers
and so on. Surrogate or technical
primary keys are those that have
absolutely no meaning outside the
system. They are invented purely for
identifying the entity and are
typically auto-incrementing fields
(SQL Server, MySQL, others) or
sequences (most notably Oracle).
In my opinion you should always
use surrogate keys. This issue has
come up in these questions:
How do you like your primary keys?
What’s the best practice for Primary Keys in tables?
Which format of primary key would you use in this situation.
Surrogate Vs. Natural/Business Keys
Should I have a dedicated primary key field?
Auto number fields are the way to go. If your keys have meaning outside your database (like asset numbers) those will quite possibly change and changing keys is problematic. Just use indexes for those things into the relevant tables.
I would personally say keep it simple and stay with an autoincremented primary key. If you need something more "Readable" in terms of display in the program, then possibly one of your other ideas, but I think that is just adding unneeded complexity to the primary key field.
I'm also very strongly in the "don't use primary keys as meaningful data" camp. Every time I have contravened that policy it has ended in tears. Sooner or later the meaningful data needs to change and if that means you have to change a primary key it can get painful. The primary key will probably be used in foreign key constraints and you can spend ages trying to sort it all out just to make a simple data change.
I always use GUIDs/UUIDs for my primary keys in every table I ever create but that's just personal preference serials or such are also good.
Don't put meaning into your PK fields unless...
It is 100% completely impossible that
the value will never change and that
No two people would ever reasonably
argue about which value should be
used for a particular row.
Go with option one and format the value in the app to look like option two or three when it is displayed.
I think the important thing to remember here is that each table in your database/design might have multiple keys. These are the Candidate Keys.
See wikipedia entry for Candidate Keys
By definition, all Candidate Keys are created equal. They are each unique identifiers for the table in question.
Your job then is to select the best candidate from the pool of Candidate Keys to serve as the Primary Key. The Primary Key will be used by other tables to establish the relational constraints, but you are free to continue using Candidate Keys to query the table.
Because Primary Keys are referenced by other structures, and therefore used in join operations, the criteria for Primary Key selection boils down to the following for me (in order of importance):
Immutable/Stable - Primary Key values should not change. If they do, you run the risk of introducing update anomolies
Not Null - most DBMS platforms require that the Primary Key attribute(s) are not null
Simple - simple datatypes and values for physical storage and performance. Integer values work well here, and this is the datatype of choice for most surrogate/auto-gen keys
Once you've identified the Candidate Keys, the criteria above can be used to select the Primary Key. If there is not a "Natural" Candidate Key meets the criteria, then a Surrogate Key that does meet the criteria can be created and used as mentioned in other answers.
Follow the Don't Use policy.
Some problems you can run into:
You need to generate keys from more than one host.
Someone will want to reserve contiguous numbers to use together.
How meaningful will people want it to be? Wars are fought over this, and you're in the first skirmish of one already. "It's already meaningful, and if we just add two more digits we can ..." i.e. you're establishing a design style that will (should) be extensible.
If you are concatenating the two, you're doing typecasts which can mess up your query Optimizer.
You'll need to reclassify roads, and redefine their boundaries (i.e. move the roads), which implies changing the primary key and maybe losing links.
There are workarounds for all this, but this is the kind of issue where workarounds proliferate and get out of control. And it doesn't take more than a couple to get beyond "Simple".
As mentioned before, keep your internal primary keys as just keys, whatever the most optimal datatype is on your platform.
However you do need to let the numbering system argument be fought out, as this is actually a business requirement, and perhaps let's call it an identification system for the asset.
If there is only going to be one identifier, then add it as a column to the main table. If there are likely to be many identification systems (and assets usually have many), you'll need two more tables
Identifier-type table Identifier-cross-ref table
type-id ------------> type-id (unique
type-name identifier-string key)
That way different people who need to access the asset can identify in their own way. For example the server team will identify a server differently from the network team and different again from project management, accounts, etc.
Plus, you get to go to all the meetings where everyone argues with each other.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you're importing alot of data into this system, you may find out that things like Road_Number are not as unique as you thought, and there may be operational roadblocks to fixing the problem (repainting road signs, etc.) .
While natural keys may have great meaning to the business users, if you do not have the agreement that those keys are sacred and should not be altered, you will more than likely be pulling your hair out while maintaining a database where the "product codes have to be changed to accommodate the new product line the company acquired." You need to protect the RI of your data, and integers as primary keys with auto-increment are the best way to go. Performance is also better when indexing and traversing integers than char columns.
While not appropriate as primary keys, natural keys are very appropriate for user consumption and you can enforce uniques via an index. They bring a context to the data that will make it easier for all parties to understand. Also, in the advent that you need to reload data, the natural keys can help verify that your lookups are still valid.
I would go with the surrogate key, but you may want to have a computed column that "formats" the surrogate key into a more "readable" value if that improves your reporting. The computed colum could produce example 2 from the surrogate key for instance for display purposes.
I think the surrogate key route is the way to go and the only exceptions that I make for it are join tables, where the primary key could be composed of the foreign key references. Even in these cases I'm finding that having a surrogate primary key is more useful than not.
I suspect that you really should use option #3, as many here have already said. Surrogate PKs (either Integers or GUIDs) are good practice, even if there are adequate business keys. Surrogates will reduce maintenance headaches (as you yourself have already noted).
That being said, something you may want to consider is whether or not your database is:
focused on data maintenance and transactional processing (i.e. Create/Update/Delete operations)
geared towards analysis and reporting (i.e. Queries)
In other words, are the users concerned with maintaining active data or querying largely static data to find answers?
If you are heavily focused on building an analysis and reporting DB (e.g. a data warehouse/mart) that is exposed to technical business users (e.g. report designers) who have a good grasp of the business vocabulary, then you might want to consider using natural keys based on meaningful business values. They help reduce query complexity by eliminating the need for complex joins and help the user focus on their task, not fighting the database structure.
Otherwise you're probably focused on a full CRUD DB that has to cover all the bases to some degree - this is the vast majority of situations. In which case, go with your option #3. You can always optimize for queryability in the future but you'll be hard pressed to retrofit for maintainability.
I hope you will agree with me that every design element should have single purpose.
Question is what do you think is purpose of PK? If it is to identify unique record in a table, then surrogate keys wins without much trouble. This is simple and straight.
As far as new columns in option 3 are concerned, you should check if these can be calculated (best would be to do calculation in model layer so that they can be changed easily than if calculation done in RDBMS) without too much of performance penalty from other elements. For example, you can store segment number and road number in corresponding tables and then use them to generate "00000001.1". This will allow to change asset numbering on-the-fly.
First off, option 2 is the absolute worst option. As an Index, it's a string, and that makes it slow. And it's generated based on business rules - which can change and cause a rather large headache.
Personally, I always use a separate primary key column; and I always use a GUID. Some developers prefer a simple INT over a GUID for reasons of hard-drive space. However, if the situation arises where you need to merge two databases, GUIDs will almost never collide (whereas INTs are guaranteed to collide).
Primary Keys should NEVER be seen by the user. Making it readable to the user should not be a concern. Primary Keys SHOULD be used to link with Foreign Keys. This is their purpose. The value should be machine readable and, once created, never changed.
Is there a performance gain or best practice when it comes to using unique, numeric ID fields in a database table compared to using character-based ones?
For instance, if I had two tables:
id ... 17, name ... Rickey Henderson, teamid ... 28
teamid ... 28, teamname ... Oakland
The athlete table, with thousands of players, would be easier to read if the teamid was, say, "OAK" or "SD" instead of "28" or "31". Let's take for granted the teamid values would remain unique and consistent in character form.
I know you CAN use characters, but is it a bad idea for indexing, filtering, etc for any reason?
Please ignore the normalization argument as these tables are more complicated than the example.
I find primary keys that are meaningless numbers cause less headaches in the long run.
Text is fine, for all the reasons you mentioned.
If the string is only a few characters, then it will be nearly as small an an integer anyway. The biggest potential drawback to using strings is the size: database performance is related to how many disk accesses are needed. Making the index twice as big, for example, could create disk-cache pressure, and increase the number of disk seeks.
I'd stay away from using text as your key - what happens in the future when you want to change the team ID for some team? You'd have to cascade that key change all through your data, when it's the exact thing a primary key can avoid. Also, though I don't have any emperical evidence, I'd think the INT key would be significantly faster than the text one.
Perhaps you can create views for your data that make it easier to consume, while still using a numeric primary key.
I'm just going to roll with your example. Doug is correct when he says that text is fine. Even for a medium sized (~50gig) database having a 3 letter code be a primary key won't kill the database. If it makes development easier, reduces joins on the other table and it's a field that users would be typing in...I say go for it. Don't do it if it's just an abbreviation that you show on a page or because it makes the athletes table look pretty. I think the key is the question "Is this a code that the user will type in and not just pick from a list?"
Let me give you an example of when I used a text column for a key. I was making software for processing medical claims. After the claim got all digitized a human had to look at the claim and then pick a code for it that designated what kind of claim it was. There were hundreds of codes...and these guys had them all memorized or crib sheets to help them. They'd been using these same codes for years. Using a 3 letter key let them just fly through the claims processing.
I recommend using ints or bigints for primary keys. Benefits include:
This allows for faster joins.
Having no semantic meaning in your primary key allows you to change the fields with semantic meaning without affecting relationships to other tables.
You can always have another column to hold team_code or something for "OAK" and "SD". Also
The standard answer is to use numbers because they are faster to index; no need to compute a hash or whatever.
If you use a meaningful value as a primary key you'll have to update it all through you're database if the team name changes.
To satisfy the above, but still make the database directly readable,
use a number field as the primary key
immediately create a view Athlete_And_Team that joins the Athlete and Team tables
Then you can use the view when you're going through the data by hand.
Are you talking about your primary key or your clustered index? Your clustered index should be the column which you will use to uniquely identify that row by most often. It also defines the logical ordering of the rows in your table. The clustered index will almost always be your primary key, but there are circumstances where they can be differant.
I've worked on a number of database systems in the past where moving entries between databases would have been made a lot easier if all the database keys had been GUID / UUID values. I've considered going down this path a few times, but there's always a bit of uncertainty, especially around performance and un-read-out-over-the-phone-able URLs.
Has anyone worked extensively with GUIDs in a database? What advantages would I get by going that way, and what are the likely pitfalls?
Can generate them offline.
Makes replication trivial (as opposed to int's, which makes it REALLY hard)
ORM's usually like them
Unique across applications. So We can use the PK's from our CMS (guid) in our app (also guid) and know we are NEVER going to get a clash.
Larger space use, but space is cheap(er)
Can't order by ID to get the insert order.
Can look ugly in a URL, but really, WTF are you doing putting a REAL DB key in a URL!? (This point disputed in comments below)
Harder to do manual debugging, but not that hard.
Personally, I use them for most PK's in any system of a decent size, but I got "trained" on a system which was replicated all over the place, so we HAD to have them. YMMV.
I think the duplicate data thing is rubbish - you can get duplicate data however you do it. Surrogate keys are usually frowned upon where ever I've been working. We DO use the WordPress-like system though:
unique ID for the row (GUID/whatever). Never visible to the user.
public ID is generated ONCE from some field (e.g. the title - make it the-title-of-the-article)
So this one gets +1'ed a lot, and I thought I should point out a big downside of GUID PK's: Clustered Indexes.
If you have a lot of records, and a clustered index on a GUID, your insert performance will SUCK, as you get inserts in random places in the list of items (that's the point), not at the end (which is quick).
So if you need insert performance, maybe use a auto-inc INT, and generate a GUID if you want to share it with someone else (e.g., showing it to a user in a URL).
Why doesn't anyone mention performance? When you have multiple joins, all based on these nasty GUIDs the performance will go through the floor, been there :(
#Matt Sheppard:
Say you have a table of customers. Surely you don't want a customer to exist in the table more than once, or lots of confusion will happen throughout your sales and logistics departments (especially if the multiple rows about the customer contain different information).
So you have a customer identifier which uniquely identifies the customer and you make sure that the identifier is known by the customer (in invoices), so that the customer and the customer service people have a common reference in case they need to communicate. To guarantee no duplicated customer records, you add a uniqueness-constraint to the table, either through a primary key on the customer identifier or via a NOT NULL + UNIQUE constraint on the customer identifier column.
Next, for some reason (which I can't think of), you are asked to add a GUID column to the customer table and make that the primary key. If the customer identifier column is now left without a uniqueness-guarantee, you are asking for future trouble throughout the organization because the GUIDs will always be unique.
Some "architect" might tell you that "oh, but we handle the real customer uniqueness constraint in our app tier!". Right. Fashion regarding that general purpose programming languages and (especially) middle tier frameworks changes all the time, and will generally never out-live your database. And there is a very good chance that you will at some point need to access the database without going through the present application. == Trouble. (But fortunately, you and the "architect" are long gone, so you will not be there to clean up the mess.) In other words: Do maintain obvious constraints in the database (and in other tiers, as well, if you have the time).
In other words: There may be good reasons to add GUID columns to tables, but please don't fall for the temptation to make that lower your ambitions for consistency within the real (==non-GUID) information.
The main advantages are that you can create unique id's without connecting to the database. And id's are globally unique so you can easilly combine data from different databases. These seem like small advantages but have saved me a lot of work in the past.
The main disadvantages are a bit more storage needed (not a problem on modern systems) and the id's are not really human readable. This can be a problem when debugging.
There are some performance problems like index fragmentation. But those are easilly solvable (comb guids by jimmy nillson: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=25862 )
Edit merged my two answers to this question
#Matt Sheppard I think he means that you can duplicate rows with different GUIDs as primary keys. This is an issue with any kind of surrogate key, not just GUIDs. And like he said it is easilly solved by adding meaningfull unique constraints to non-key columns. The alternative is to use a natural key and those have real problems..
GUIDs may cause you a lot of trouble in the future if they are used as "uniqifiers", letting duplicated data get into your tables. If you want to use GUIDs, please consider still maintaining UNIQUE-constraints on other column(s).
One other small issue to consider with using GUIDS as primary keys if you are also using that column as a clustered index (a relatively common practice). You are going to take a hit on insert because of the nature of a guid not begin sequential in anyway, thus their will be page splits, etc when you insert. Just something to consider if the system is going to have high IO...
The Cost of GUIDs as Primary Keys (SQL Server 2000)
Myths, GUID vs. Autoincrement (MySQL 5)
This is realy what you want.
Unique across every table, every database, every server
Allows easy merging of records from different databases
Allows easy distribution of databases across multiple servers
You can generate IDs anywhere, instead of having to roundtrip to the database
Most replication scenarios require GUID columns anyway
It is a whopping 4 times larger than the traditional 4-byte index value; this can have serious performance and storage implications if you're not careful
Cumbersome to debug (where userid='{BAE7DF4-DDF-3RG-5TY3E3RF456AS10}')
The generated GUIDs should be partially sequential for best performance (eg, newsequentialid() on SQL 2005) and to enable use of clustered indexes
There is one thing that is not really addressed, namely using random (UUIDv4) IDs as primary keys will harm the performance of the primary key index. It will happen whether or not your table is clustered around the key.
RDBMs usually ensure the uniqueness of the primary keys, and ensure the lookups by a key, in a structure called BTree, which is a search tree with a large branching factor (a binary search tree has branching factor of 2). Now, a sequential integer ID would cause the inserts to occur just one side of the tree, leaving most of the leaf nodes untouched. Adding random UUIDs will cause the insertions to split leaf nodes all over the index.
Likewise if the data stored is mostly temporal, it is often the case that the most recent data needs to be accessed and joined against the most. With random UUIDs the patterns will not benefit from this, and will hit more index rows, thereby needing more of the index pages in memory. With sequential IDs if the most-recent data is needed the most, the hot index pages would require less RAM.
UUID values are unique between tables and databases. Thats why it can be merge rows between two databases or distributed databases.
UUID is more safer to pass through url than integer type data.
If one pass UUID through url, attackers can't guess the next id.But if we pass Integer type such as 10, then attackers can guess the next id is 11 then 12 etc.
UUID can generate offline.
One thing not mentioned so far: UUIDs make it much harder to profile data
For web apps at least, it's common to access a resource with the id in the url, like stackoverflow.com/questions/45399. If the id is an integer, this both
provides information about the number of questions (ie September 5th, 2008, the 45,399th question was asked)
provides a leverage point to iterate through questions (what happens when I increment that by 1? I open the next asked question)
From the first point, I can combine the timestamp from the question and the number to profile how frequently questions are asked and how that changes over time. this matters less on a site like Stack Overflow, with publicly available information, but, depending on context, this may expose sensitive information.
For example, I am a company that offers customers a permissions gated portal. the address is portal.com/profile/{customerId}. If the id is an integer, you could profile the number of customers regardless of being able to see their information by querying for lastKnownCustomerCount + 1 regularly, and checking if the result is 404 - NotFound (customer does not exist) or 403 - Forbidden (customer does exist, but you do not have access to view).
UUIDs non-sequential nature mitigate these issues. This isn't a garunted to prevent profiling, but it's a start.