Is there a way to optimize the query given below - sql-server

I have the following Query and i need the query to fetch data from SomeTable based on the filter criteria present in the Someothertable. If there is nothing present in SomeOtherTable Query should return me all the data present in SomeTable
SomeOtherTable does not have any indexes or any constraint all fields are char(50)
The Following Query work fine for my requirements but it causes performance problems when i have lots of parameters.
Due to some requirement of Client, We have to keep all the Where clause data in SomeOtherTable. depending on subid data will be joined with one of the columns in SomeTable.
For example the Query can can be
SomeTable.ID in (SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM SomeOtherTable WHERE Name = 'ABC' and subid = 'EF')
0=(SELECT Count(1) FROM SomeOtherTable WHERE spName = 'ABC' and subid = 'EF')
( =(SELECT date FROM SomeOtherTable WHERE Name = 'ABC' and subid = 'Date')
0=(SELECT Count(1) FROM SomeOtherTable WHERE spName = 'ABC' and subid = 'Date')
I think i might have to explain my problem in detail:
We have developed an application that is used to invoke parametrize crystal reports, parameters to the crystal reports are not passed using the default crystal reports method.
In application we have created wizards which are used to pass the parameters to the Reports, These parameters are not directly consumed by the crystal report but are consumed by the Query embedded inside the crystal report or the Stored procedure used in the Crystal report.
This is achieved using a table (SomeOtherTable) which holds parameter data as long as report is running after which the data is deleted, as such we can assume that SomeOtherTable has max 2 to 3 rows at any given point of time.
So if we look at the above query initial part of the Query can be assumed as the Report Query and the where clause is used to get the user input from the SomeOtherTable table.
So i don't think it will be useful to create indexes etc (May be i am wrong).

SomeOtherTable does not have any
indexes or any constraint all fields
are char(50)
Well, there's your problem. There's nothing you can do to a query like this which will improve its performance if you create it like this.
You need a proper primary or other candidate key designated on all of your tables. That is to say, you need at least ONE unique index on the table. You can do this by designating one or more fields as the PK, or you can add a UNIQUE constraint or index.
You need to define your fields properly. Does the field store integers? Well then, an INT field may just be a better bet than a CHAR(50).
You can't "optimize" a query that is based on an unsound schema.

LEFT JOIN SomeOtherTable ON SomeTable.ID=SomeOtherTable.ID AND Name = 'ABC'
SomeOtherTable.ID IS NOT NULL
0=(SELECT Count(1) FROM SomeOtherTable WHERE spName = 'ABC')

also put 'with (nolock)' after each table name to improve performance

The following might speed you up
FROM SomeTable
SomeTable.ID in
(SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM SomeOtherTable Where Name = 'ABC')
FROM SomeTable
NOT EXISTS (Select spName From SomeOtherTable Where spName = 'ABC')
The UNION will effectivly split this into two simpler queries which can be optiomised separately (depends very much on DBMS, table size etc whether this will actually improve performance -- but its always worth a try).
The "EXISTS" key word is more efficient than the "SELECT COUNT(1)" as it will return true as soon as the first row is encountered.

Or check if the value exists in db first
And you can remove the distinct keyword in your query, it is useless here.
if EXISTS (Select spName From SomeOtherTable Where spName = 'ABC')
FROM SomeTable
SomeTable.ID in
(SELECT ID FROM SomeOtherTable Where Name = 'ABC')
FROM SomeTable

select t.* from SomeTable t
left outer join SomeOtherTable o
on =
where (not exists (select id from SomeOtherTable where spname = 'adbc')
OR spname = 'adbc')

change all your select statements in the where part to inner jons.
the OR conditions should be union all-ed.
also make sure your indexing is ok.
sometimes it pays to have an intermediate table for temp results to which you can join to.

It seems to me that there is no need for the "1=1 AND" in your query. 1=1 will always evaluate to be true, leaving the software to evaluate the next part... why not just skip the 1=1 and evaluate the juicy part?

I am going to stick to my original Query.


Query tuning required for expensive query

Can someone help me to optimize the code? I have other way to optimize it by using compute column but we can not change the schema on prod as we are not sure how many API's are used to push data into this table. This table has millions of rows and adding a non-clustered index is not helping due to the query cost and it's going for a scan.
create table testcts(
name varchar(100)
insert into testcts(
select ''
select ''
DECLARE #list varchar(100) = 'VK,GK'
select * from testcts where replace(replace(name,'',''),'','') in (select value from string_split(#list,','))
drop table testcts
One possibility might be to strip off the and subdomain/domain endings before you insert or store the name data in your table. Then, use the following query instead:
FROM testcts
WHERE name IN (SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(#list, ','));
Now SQL Server should be able to use an index on the name column.
If your values are always suffixed by or you could add that to the search pattern:
SELECT {YourColumns} --Don't use *
FROM dbo.testcts t
JOIN (SELECT CONCAT(SS.[value], V.Suffix) AS [value]
('')) V (Suffix) ) L ON t.[name] = L.[value];

What is the "lifespan" of a postgres CTE expression? e.g. WITH... AS

I have a CTE I am using to pull some data from two tables then stick in an intermediate table called cte_list, something like
with cte_list as (
select pl.col_val from prune_list pl join employees.employee emp on pl.col_val::uuid =
where pl.col_nm = 'employee_ref_id' limit 100
Then, I am doing an insert to move records from the cte_list to another archive table (if they don't exist) called employee_arch_test
insert into employees.employee_arch_test (
select * from employees.employee where id in (select col_val::uuid from cte_list)
and not exists (select 1 from employees.employee_arch_test where
This seems to work fine. The problem is when I add another statement after, to do some deletions from the main employee table using this aforementioned cte_list - the cte_list apparently no longer exists?
SQL Error [42P01]: ERROR: relation "cte_list" does not exist
the actual delete query:
delete from employees.employee where id in (select col_val::uuid from cte_list);
Can the cte_list CTE table only be used once or something? I'm running these statements in a LOOP and I need to run the exact same calls for about 2 or 3 other tables but hit a sticking point here.
A CTE only exists for the duration of the statement of which it's a part. I gather you have an INSERT statement with the CTE preceding it:
with cte_list
as (select pl.col_val
from prune_list pl
join employees.employee emp
on pl.col_val::uuid =
where pl.col_nm = 'employee_ref_id'
limit 100
insert into employees.employee_arch_test
(select *
from employees.employee
where id in (select col_val::uuid from cte_list)
and not exists (select 1
from employees.employee_arch_test
where =
The CTE is part of the INSERT statement - it is not a separate statement by itself. It only exists for the duration of the INSERT statement.
If you need something which lasts longer your options are:
Add the same CTE to each of your following statements. Note that because data may be changing in your database each invocation of the CTE may return different data.
Create a view which performs the same operations as the CTE, then use the view in place of the CTE. Note that because data may be changing in your database each invocation of the view may return different data.
Create a temporary table to hold the data from your CTE query, then use the temporary table in place of the CTE. This has the advantage of providing a consistent set of data to all operations.

What is easiest and optimize way to find specific value from database tables?

As per my requirement, I have to find if some words like value exists in which tables of columns. The database size is very huge and more than 2500 tables.
Can anyone please provide an optimal way to find this type of value from the database. I've created a loop query which took around almost more than 9 hrs to run.
9 hours is clearly a long time. Furthermore, 2,500 tables seems close to insanity for me.
Here is one approach that will run 1 query per table, not one per column. Now I have no idea how this will perform against 2,500 tables. I suspect it may be horrible. That said I would strongly suggest a test filter first like Table_Name like 'OD%'
Declare #Search varchar(max) = 'cappelletti' -- Exact match '"cappelletti"'
Create Table #Temp (TableName varchar(500),RecordData xml)
Declare #SQL varchar(max) = ''
Select #SQL = #SQL+ ';Insert Into #Temp Select TableName='''+concat(quotename(Table_Schema),'.',quotename(table_name))+''',RecordData = (Select A.* for XML RAW) From '+concat(quotename(Table_Schema),'.',quotename(table_name))+' A Where (Select A.* for XML RAW) like ''%'+#Search+'%'''+char(10)
Where Table_Type ='BASE TABLE'
and Table_Name like 'OD%' -- **** Would REALLY Recommend a REASONABLE Filter *** --
Select A.TableName
From #Temp A
Cross Apply (
Select ColumnName = a.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)')
,Value = a.value('.','varchar(max)')
From A.RecordData.nodes('/row') as C1(n)
Cross Apply C1.n.nodes('./#*') as C2(a)
Where a.value('.','varchar(max)') Like '%'+#Search+'%'
) B
Drop Table #Temp
If it Helps, the individual queries would look like this
Select TableName='[dbo].[OD]'
,RecordData= (Select A.* for XML RAW)
From [dbo].[OD] A
Where (Select A.* for XML RAW) like '%cappelletti%'
On a side-note, you can search numeric data and even dates.
Make a procedure with VARCHAR datatype of column with table name and store into the temp table from system tables.
Now make one dynamic Query with executing a LOOP on each record with = condition with input parameter of email address.
If condition is matched in any statement using IF EXISTS statement, then store that table name and column name in another temp table. and retrieve the list of those records from temp table at end of the execution.

T-SQL filtering on dynamic name-value pairs

I'll describe what I am trying to achieve:
I am passing down to a SP an xml with name value pairs that I put into a table variable, let's say #nameValuePairs.
I need to retrieve a list of IDs for expressions (a table) with those exact match of name-value pairs (attributes, another table) associated.
This is my schema:
Expressions table --> (expressionId, attributeId)
Attributes table --> (attributeId, attributeName, attributeValue)
After trying complicated stuff with dynamic SQL and evil cursors (which works but it's painfully slow) this is what I've got now:
--do the magic plz!
-- retrieve number of name-value pairs
SET #noOfAttributes = select count(*) from #nameValuePairs
select distinct
e.expressionId, a.attributeName, a.attributeValue
expressions e
attributes a
e.attributeId = a.attributeId
join --> this join does the filtering
#nameValuePairs nvp
a.attributeName = and a.attributeValue = nvp.value
group by
e.expressionId, a.attributeName, a.attributeValue
-- now select the IDs I need
-- since I did a select distinct above if the number of matches
-- for a given ID is the same as noOfAttributes then BINGO!
select distinct
group by expressionId
having count(*) = #noOfAttributes
Can people please review and see if they can spot any problems? Is there a better way of doing this?
Any help appreciated!
I belive that this would satisfy the requirement you're trying to meet. I'm not sure how much prettier it is, but it should work and wouldn't require a temp table:
SET #noOfAttributes = select count(*) from #nameValuePairs
SELECT e.expressionid
FROM expression e
SELECT attributeid
FROM attributes a
JOIN #nameValuePairs nvp ON = a.Name AND nvp.Value = a.value
) t ON t.attributeid = e.attributeid
GROUP BY e.expressionid
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN t.attributeid IS NULL THEN (#noOfAttributes + 1) ELSE 1 END) = #noOfAttributes
EDIT: After doing some more evaluation, I found an issue where certain expressions would be included that shouldn't have been. I've modified my query to take that in to account.
One error I see is that you have no table with an alias of b, yet you are using: a.attributeId = b.attributeId.
Try fixing that and see if it works, unless I am missing something.
EDIT: I think you just fixed this in your edit, but is it supposed to be a.attributeId = e.attributeId?
This is not a bad approach, depending on the sizes and indexes of the tables, including #nameValuePairs. If it these row counts are high or it otherwise becomes slow, you may do better to put #namValuePairs into a temp table instead, add appropriate indexes, and use a single query instead of two separate ones.
I do notice that you are putting columns into #temp that you are not using, would be faster to exclude them (though it would mean duplicate rows in #temp). Also, you second query has both a "distinct" and a "group by" on the same columns. You don't need both so I would drop the "distinct" (probably won't affect performance, because the optimizer already figured this out).
Finally, #temp would probably be faster with a clustered non-unique index on expressionid (I am assuming that this is SQL 2005). You could add it after the SELECT..INTO, but it is usually as fast or faster to add it before you load. This would require you to CREATE #temp first, add the clustered and then use INSERT..SELECT to load it instead.
I'll add an example of merging the queries in a mintue... Ok, here's one way to merge them into a single query (this should be 2000-compatible also):
-- retrieve number of name-value pairs
SET #noOfAttributes = select count(*) from #nameValuePairs
-- now select the IDs I need
-- since I did a select distinct above if the number of matches
-- for a given ID is the same as noOfAttributes then BINGO!
select distinct
e.expressionId, a.attributeName, a.attributeValue
expressions e
attributes a
e.attributeId = a.attributeId
join --> this join does the filtering
#nameValuePairs nvp
a.attributeName = and a.attributeValue = nvp.value
) as Temp
group by expressionId
having count(*) = #noOfAttributes

Is recursion good in SQL Server?

I have a table in SQL server that has the normal tree structure of Item_ID, Item_ParentID.
Suppose I want to iterate and get all CHILDREN of a particular Item_ID (at any level).
Recursion seems an intuitive candidate for this problem and I can write an SQL Server function to do this.
Will this affect performance if my table has many many records?
How do I avoid recursion and simply query the table? Please any suggestions?
With the new MS SQL 2005 you could use the WITHkeyword
Check out this question and particularly this answer.
With Oracle you could use CONNECT BY keyword to generate hierarchical queries (syntax).
AFAIK with MySQL you'll have to use the recursion.
Alternatively you could always build a cache table for your records parent->child relationships
As a general answer, it is possible to do some pretty sophisticated stuff in SQL Server that normally needs recursion, simply by using an iterative algorithm. I managed to do an XHTML parser in Transact SQL that worked surprisingly well. The the code prettifier I wrote was done in a stored procedure. It aint elegant, it is rather like watching buffalo doing Ballet. but it works .
Are you using SQL 2005?
If so you can use Common Table Expressions for this. Something along these lines:
with CTE (Some, Columns, ItemId, ParentId) as
select Some, Columns, ItemId, ParentId
from myTable
where ItemId = #itemID
union all
select a.Some, a.Columns, a.ItemId, a.ParentId
from myTable as a
inner join CTE as b on a.ParentId = b.ItemId
where a.ItemId <> b.ItemId
select * from CTE
The problem you will face with recursion and performance is how many times it will have to recurse to return the results. Each recursive call is another separate call that will have to be joined into the total results.
In SQL 2k5 you can use a common table expression to handle this recursion:
WITH Managers AS
SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, ReportsTo
FROM Employees
--recursive execution
SELECT e.employeeID,e.LastName, e.ReportsTo
FROM Employees e INNER JOIN Managers m
ON e.ReportsTo = m.employeeID
SELECT * FROM Managers
or another solution is to flatten the hierarchy into a another table
ManagerId (PK, FK to Employee table)
EmployeeId (PK, FK to Employee table)
All the parent child relation ships would be stored in this table, so if Manager 1 manages Manager 2 manages employee 3, the table would look like:
ManagerId EmployeeId
1 2
1 3
2 1
This allows the hierarchy to be easily queried:
select * from employee_managers em
inner join employee e on e.employeeid = em.employeeid and em.managerid = 42
Which would return all employees that have manager 42. The upside will be greater performance, but downside is going to be maintaining the hierarchy
Joe Celko has a book (<- link to Amazon) specifically on tree structures in SQL databases. While you would need recursion for your model and there would definitely be a potential for performance issues there, there are alternative ways to model a tree structure depending on what your specific problem involves which could avoid recursion and give better performance.
Perhaps some more detail is in order.
If you have a master-detail relationship as you describe, then won't a simple JOIN get what you need?
As in:
You shouldn't need recursion for children - you're only looking at the level directly below (i.e. select * from T where ParentId = #parent) - you only need recursion for all descendants.
In SQL2005 you can get the descendants with:
with AllDescendants (ItemId, ItemText) as (
select t.ItemId, t.ItemText
from [TableName] t
where t.ItemId = #ancestorId
select sub.ItemId, sub.ItemText
from [TableName] sub
inner join [TableName] tree
on tree.ItemId = sub.ParentItemId
You don't need recursion at all....
Note, I changed columns to ItemID and ItemParentID for ease of typing...
SET #intLevel = 1
INSERT INTO TempTable(ItemID, ItemParentID, Level)
SELECT ItemID, ItemParentID, #intLevel
WHILE #intLevel < #TargetLevel
SET #intLevel = #intLevel + 1
INSERT INTO TempTable(ItemID, ItemParentID, Level)
SELECt ItemID, ItemParentID, #intLevel
WHERE ItemParentID IN (SELECT ItemID FROM TempTable WHERE Level = #intLevel-1)
-- If no rows are inserted then there are no children
SELECt ItemID FROM TempTable WHERE Level = #TargetLevel
