WPF Organization Tree/Chart Control or hookup? - wpf

Q1. Which would be the best resource or tutorial to setup a simple WPF Organization Chart or Tree for an organization object (self referencing).I would like to have a button when clicked which would show an organization chart (hierarchical) tree of the various departments and sub-department.I'm looking for a base to start code + control.
Q2.Are there any report software like Crystal Report or WPF that could render something like that?

Q1: 1 link from a blog Archived Version of above from Wayback
Another one from code project
Q2: Commercial printing control

You could take a look at Family.Show which has a very nice genealogical diagram. It's not an out of the box solution for making an organizational chart, but it's a good example how to do it. The source code is available on CodePlex.

A few years late but, Infragistics has an org chart WPF control as well.
Infragistics Org Chart


Silverlight control for visualizing events over time?

We are looking at implementing a Silverlight project to provide users with visualization of events over time and so I have started to look for a control that will let me do so. The inspiration for our project is a visualization The Guardian has done: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2011/mar/22/middle-east-protest-interactive-timeline
So, can anyone think of a control/project that will allow us to do something like this?
Not quite as visually impressive as the Guardian example, but there's a WPF & Silverlight Timeline Control on Codeplex.
The Microsoft Expression Gallery might also have some additional examples.

How to implement a Silverlight Control for time table(scheduler)

My company is going to development drag and drop feature in Silverlight. We are very new to Silverlight and just learnt SL for a week ago. But I believe the feature that my company wants can be done in Silverlight. The control about is about the time table in which the resource will be shifted around.
Here is the feature detail. We have one list box on left (resource list) and one table on the right. What we want to do is drag an item from the list onto the table then may have some data manipulation on table. I think it’s simple and but for me I don’t know how to create the table which is I think there is no built in control like this. Please take a look my screenshot below.
My questions are:
How can we approach to achieve this
What is the best way to implement
this control?
How we can handle the event such as
drop, reload, bind and so on?
How can we select and drag cell on
Yes, Silverlight can do that. It has drag-drop and rich support for creating custom user controls.
The Telerik RadControls for Silverlight have a control that does some of what you need. They also make source available.
You might want to research all the available third party controls first to save development cost.
There are too many questions in your question to answer. Best do your research and then ask specific questions.
The Telerik control is called RadScheduleView and can be seen here: http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#ScheduleView/FirstLook. It has nice performance and a lot of features.
We are also using Telerik RadScheduleView .It is simple and lot of demos for you to start.

Is there a document highlighting WPF and Silverlight controls available in the framework?

I'm looking for something like a pdf or anything else that would show a chart of available controls in SL and/or WPF.
Ideally, the chart should have a drawing of the control, some succinct description and the hierarchy if possible.
Has anyone seen such a thing? Freeware or Payware, can even be from a book I could buy.
The following MSDN link lists the controls within the Silverlight SDK:
You can try the sdk controls live following this link:
The controls within the Silverlight Toolkit can be found here:
Also, there are plenty of third party controls for Silverlight. The following link contains a list to some of them (free or not):
The controls that are shipped with the platform are fairly straightforward, so I'm not sure that would even make sense - i.e. the basic buttons, input box, text block, etc.
As for the controls that are shipped with the Toolkit, which is the richer feature set released out of band in relation to the Silverlight trunk, you can preview everything you asked for here:
What's more, the source code for the preview is included with the tool kit so it's very easy to see how any of those controls were used.

WPF Prism and Ribbon samples/tutorials

I'm looking for a WPF prism with ribbon application samples and tutorials. I have found many that cover prism or ribbon but only a few sources provide any information about implementating those two together in one application. No course code usually in available tough. An example with a few simple modules and a classical ribbon tab control would be perfect for me to start.
Thanks for any help.
I should add that by combining the two I want to be able to load different modules depending on the ribbon tab selected by user.
You can find some info on a customized region adapter for the WPF Ribbon Preview here.
Regarding the loading of modules on demand in Prism, here is another link to MSDN, covering the topic.
David Veeneman wrote a nice article about Ribbon & Prism on CodeProject
It includes RegionAdapter for Ribbon .
There is "Southridge Hands-On Labs" on Codeplex (download on WPF futures page). It is quite extensive, but documentation and source code are not in sync (it looks they updated labs source, but not accompanying documentation), so it can be a pain sometimes to get what is going on.
It is based on Microsoft's WPF Ribbon Preview library.
I am not aware about any tutorial that covers both. You can check series of videos on Prism and Silverlight by Mike Taulty. There is also source code for application made in last video.
Then you can combine knowledge from Southridge labs and this Prism tutorial.
I ran into a similar problem this weekend and after much reading and searching came up with this code that I posted for review

WPF TreeView similar to Organizational chart with connecting lines

I have modified my treeview to look like an Org chart using the example shown in the Code Project website (Author Josh Smith). I need connecting lines in the treeview to make it look exact to org chart. I found references pointing to the below site
But I am not able to view the content. Probably the webpage has been moved. Can anybody help?
Using the Way Back Machine web.archive.org I found this.
