Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. DotNetNuke 4.5.1 Repository - dotnetnuke

I received this error "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow." when trying to upload any file in the Repository module of DotNetNuke. I'm using dotnetnuke version 4.5.1.

What is the size of the file? What version of the repository module are you using?
Otherwise, a few general recommendations....
Try to upgrade to the most current supported version of Repository and/or DotNetNuke. There are many security and performance related fixes in the versions between 4.5.1 and 4.9.0 (The most current).
You might also post over on as I am not sure how many DotNetNuke people really frequent this site, I haven't gotten much response in my attempts to get DNN discussions going here.


Upgrade from ExtJS 3.4.1 to 7.5.0

Apparently, the ExtJS' forum isn't working anymore, so asking the question here.
I am trying to upgrade ExtJS integrated in a big application. Currently, it's using version 3.4.1 and I have to upgrade it to 7.5.0, so a lot of changes are expected. It's my first time working with ExtJS. I've been reading their documentation & examples for a while now, but I'm having issues understanding some things.
If someone's experienced with ExtJS, could you tell how big is the difference between these versions? What kind of effort is expected for this upgrade? Will I have to rewrite everything, or just changing files and API calls would be enough?
Another thing is that the folder structure in the new version looks quite different from the older version. Ours using 3.4.1 looks like this -
ext-js 3.4.1 image
There are no new adapter or resources folders in the new verion. Are these folders not required anymore, or is it possible to get the same folder structure with the new version?
Is it possible to download older versions of ExtJS like 4.x, 5.x etc.? I tried but couldn't find it, I was able to download the older documentation though.
Downloaded the latest ExtJS version from here.
Referring this Sencha ExtJS documentation.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You should download the version from There you can find all versions.
To access the download page, you need to log in. If you have lost your login, you can contact Sencha's licensing department.
Make sure you have a valid license.
If you are new to Sencha, you should not do the work yourself. Between version 3 and 7, there are at least two new coding paradigms and you'll have to rewrite everything. Unfortunately, there is no easy upgrade process from 3 to 7. If you had to upgrade from 5 to 7, it would be possible to ignore all the cool new features, but if you are starting from 3, you will have to rewrite everything.
Building process
In your screenshot, I can see that you are using the full ExtJS file. But are you really building the application? That means you end up with a single js file and a single css file.
Are you building your application?
Are you using SCSS?
You should definitely contact someone with experience. I've done quite a few upgrades in ExtJS to know that you need help with this.

how to upgrade eclipse codename one version from 6.0 to 6.5 (then to 6.5.1)?

TWO very related questions in this post.
How to install 6.5 & 6.5.1 in eclipse(more detail below)
Intellij Toolbox last version supported is 2019.2.4 but looks like codeone plugin doesn't support it?
In intellij, codenameone 6.5.1 simulator is not working(font is way too small) but it's working in 6.0.0 with my eclipse(from when I played with it 6 months ago). I am trying to test out each version to see what the latest version is that is not broken for me(hopefully at least 6.5). When I go to eclipse marketplace, there is no upgrade and it just shows this for codename one (eclipse verison 2020-06 as I clicked update all)
I don't see a way to download a zip file and install it in eclipse and only see the install from marketplace method here
Is there a zip download for eclipse somewhere I can try of 6.5, then 6.5.1?
I also want to try to downgrade my intellij version but we also need the latest so I grabbed the new intellij toolbox but this only goes back to version 2019.2.4. The compatibility list on codenameone plugin is such
I wonder about that first line for 6.5.1. A dot release and they added support all the way back to 2016 version which 6.5 didn't have? Seems like a type. Also, 6.5.1 did not work with latest intellij and honestly getting worn down in playing the version mismatch game of uninstall/install to see what works and doesn't work (it's just takes quite a bit of time).
If anyone can post a STABLE list of IDE version / plugin version they are using, I would LOVE to know that <- If I know that, I will just jump to that. I can cope with eclipse or intellij. In fact, eclipse debugging is way better and intellij refactoring is way better so I am always torn between each.
Trying 2019.1.4 with many versions next.
Figure this out finally. Not sure exactly but this repo
now works with latest intelij 2020.1.3 !!

Google Eclipse Plugin is Gone?

This morning, I tried to get a coop student up and running on an older version of the Google App Engine for Eclipse plugin.
The following website and all related links appear to have been wiped off the face of the earth:
Is this just down at the moment?
Is it possible to get older versions of the plugin?
While it is correct that the Google Plugin for Eclipse has been removed from Google's documentation, it is still available.
To install it, in Eclipse Neon, click "Install new Software" and add in this URL.
Next, click through the dialogues to allow the installation, and restart Eclipse.
While Google has chosen to stop supporting this, I personally feel that the new Cloud Tools for Eclipse plugin is just not ready. Also, in the early days, JDO was what many people were using on top of the data layer, and since GAE has been around for 10+ years, many of us have a lot of infrastructure built on top of this that is costly to change. While it's still possible, in theory, to run the DataNucleus enhancer manually, it's a huge pain that requires in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of GAE and DataNucleus and knowledge of which dependencies go together. It may have been well-documented in the past, but today it is not.
But be warned, one of our engineers recently lost the ability to deploy the project to Google App Engine using the GPE and was forced to use the gcloud tool, which doesn't seem to have sensible defaults, like deploying to a non-default version and instead will deploy straight to default, well, by default. So we're writing a script around that command that will pass in --no-promote so it doesn't immediately start migrating traffic... Visit the gcloud reference for app deploy for more details. Good luck!
For more information on the install process, please see How to install Google Plugin for Eclipse on
GPE is indeed gone. It was not up to date and many parts of it no longer functioned. Over the coming year, even more core functionality was going to break. We wouldn't be doing anyone any favors by letting them invest their time in a broken tool. This is doubly true for new users such as your students. There are some old GPE snapshots floating around here and there, but those don't really work with GCP in 2018.
That official documentation is most likely gone for good, the plugin was deprecated in favour of the Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse. From Migrating from the Google Plugin for Eclipse:
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is deprecated and will not be supported
beyond Eclipse 4.6 (Neon). It will be removed in early 2018.
This document describes how to migrate a project that uses the Google
Plugin for Eclipse to the supported tooling.
You can check the snapshots of the docs on the Wayback Machine, and maybe still find the matching code repositories, if they haven't been removed as well.
But it's probably a good idea to switch to the supported tools sooner than later, especially since they're just getting started.
Related: Migrating GAE project to Java 8 - get XML validation error after adding runtime property to appengine-web.xml

Selenium2 WebDriver release notes

I've been looking around to find the release notes for the latest releases but I couldn't find it. Anyone have a link?
Different parts of the project have different logs of the changes between versions. The most comprehensive changelog for the project is the one for the Java language bindings, and it can be found here. Other portions of the project may have their own changelogs, but they are usually limited to changes only within that part of the project. Examples include the changelogs for the .NET language bindings and for the IE driver standalone server.

Deploying ODP.NET WPF application

Background: I developed a small .NET 3.5 WPF application that connects to an Oracle 9i database. Thinking that the ODP.NET version had to match the database, I downloaded and used an [older version][1] (9i, release 2, to be more specific) of the Oracle Data Access tools.
I'm basically done the application now and need to deploy it. Then I looked at the deployment story for ODP.NET, thinking it would be included as a prerequisite by ClickOnce and I wouldn't have to do anything. Lesson. Learned.
Everything I've read about deployment for ODP.NET talks about using XCOPY with a newer version of the Oracle tools than what I have used to this point. Not much is actually said about 9i in the documentation I've read to this point.
So what should I do?
Thanks for the help!
Here is a similar post where the answer was to change to use a 3rd party library:
ODP.NET and ClickOnce possible?
I think you area in trouble as changing libraries may involve you doing a full retest of your application - this may of course be easier done than said if it is a small app or you have good automated test coverage. Of course it depends how many computers you are deploying to. Personally I would be more inclined to stick with oracle odp and move to the latest version. If you deploy odp "the hard way" you still get the benefit of click once for future redeployments.
