Array of Matrices in MATLAB - arrays

I am looking for a way to store a large variable number of matrixes in an array in MATLAB.
Are there any ways to achieve this?
for i: 1:unknown
myArray(i) = zeros(500,800);
Where unknown is the varied length of the array, I can revise with additional info if needed.
Performance is the main reason I am trying to accomplish this. I had it before where it would grab the data as a single matrix, show it in real time and then proceed to process the next set of data.
I attempted it using multidimensional arrays as suggested below by Rocco, however my data is so large that I ran out of Memory, I might have to look into another alternative for my case. Will update as I attempt other suggestions.
Update 2:
Thank you all for suggestions, however I should have specified beforehand, precision AND speed are both an integral factor here, I may have to look into going back to my original method before trying 3-d arrays and re-evaluate the method for importing the data.

Use cell arrays. This has an advantage over 3D arrays in that it does not require a contiguous memory space to store all the matrices. In fact, each matrix can be stored in a different space in memory, which will save you from Out-of-Memory errors if your free memory is fragmented. Here is a sample function to create your matrices in a cell array:
function result = createArrays(nArrays, arraySize)
result = cell(1, nArrays);
for i = 1 : nArrays
result{i} = zeros(arraySize);
To use it:
myArray = createArrays(requiredNumberOfArrays, [500 800]);
And to access your elements:
myArray{1}(2,3) = 10;
If you can't know the number of matrices in advance, you could simply use MATLAB's dynamic indexing to make the array as large as you need. The performance overhead will be proportional to the size of the cell array, and is not affected by the size of the matrices themselves. For example:
myArray{1} = zeros(500, 800);
if twoRequired, myArray{2} = zeros(500, 800); end

If all of the matrices are going to be the same size (i.e. 500x800), then you can just make a 3D array:
nUnknown; % The number of unknown arrays
myArray = zeros(500,800,nUnknown);
To access one array, you would use the following syntax:
subMatrix = myArray(:,:,3); % Gets the third matrix
You can add more matrices to myArray in a couple of ways:
myArray = cat(3,myArray,zeros(500,800));
% OR
myArray(:,:,nUnknown+1) = zeros(500,800);
If each matrix is not going to be the same size, you would need to use cell arrays like Hosam suggested.
EDIT: I missed the part about running out of memory. I'm guessing your nUnknown is fairly large. You may have to switch the data type of the matrices (single or even a uintXX type if you are using integers). You can do this in the call to zeros:
myArray = zeros(500,800,nUnknown,'single');

myArrayOfMatrices = zeros(unknown,500,800);
If you're running out of memory throw more RAM in your system, and make sure you're running a 64 bit OS. Also try reducing your precision (do you really need doubles or can you get by with singles?):
myArrayOfMatrices = zeros(unknown,500,800,'single');
To append to that array try:
myArrayOfMatrices(unknown+1,:,:) = zeros(500,800);

I was doing some volume rendering in octave (matlab clone) and building my 3D arrays (ie an array of 2d slices) using
Memory consumption seemed to be efficient. (can't say the same for the subsequent speed of computations :^)

if you know what unknown is,
you can do something like
myArray = zeros(2,2);
for i: 1:unknown
myArray(:,i) = zeros(x,y);
However it has been a while since I last used matlab.
so this page might shed some light on the matter :

just do it like this
for i=1:100
for j=1:200
x(i,j)=input('enter the number');


How to efficiently append items to large arrays in Swift?

I am working on a Swift project the involves very large dynamically changing arrays. I am running into a problem where each successive operation take longer than the former. I am reasonably sure this problem is caused by appending to the arrays, as I get the same problem with a simple test that just appends to a large array.
My Test Code:
import Foundation
func measureExecution(elements: Int, appendedValue: Int) -> Void {
var array = Array(0...elements)
let start =
let end =
print(Double(end.uptimeNanoseconds - start.uptimeNanoseconds) / 1_000_000_000)
for i in 0...100 {
measureExecution(elements: i*10000, appendedValue: 1)
This tries for a 100 different array sizes between 10000 and 1000000, timing how long it take to append one item to the end of the array. As I understand it, Swift arrays are dynamic arrays that will reallocate memory geometrically (it allocates more and more memory each time it needs to reallocate), which Apple's documentation says should mean appending a single element to an array is an O(1) operation when averaged over many calls to the append(_:) method (source). As such, I don't think memory allocation is causing the issue.
However, there is a linear relationship between the length of the array and the time it takes to append an element. I graphed the times for a bunch of array lengths, and baring some outliers it is pretty clearly O(n). I also ran the same test with reserved capacity (commented out in the code block) to confirm that memory allocation was not the issue, and I got nearly identical results:
How do I efficiently append to the end of massive arrays (preferably without using reserveCapacity)?
From what I've read, Swift arrays pre-allocate storage. Each time you fill an Array's allocated storage, it doubles the space allocated. That way you don't do a new memory allocation that often, and also don't allocate a bunch of space you don't need.
The Array class does have a reserveCapacity(_:). If you know how many elements you are going to store you might want to try that.

How to blit from a 1D array along a dimension of a 2D array?

I have a 2D array, and have computed necessary updates along a given dimension of it using a 1D array (said updates can't be computed in place as earlier calculations would override values needed in later calculations). I thus want to copy the updates into my 2D array. The most obvious way to do this would, at first glance, appear to be to use Array slicing and Array.blit.
I have tried the approach of extracting the relevant dimension using array slicing, and then blitting across to that, but that doesn't update the values inside the 2D array. I think what is happening is that a new, separate, 1D array is being created when I make the slice, and the values are being blitted into that new array, which of course is dropped a moment later when it goes back out of scope.
I suppose you could say that I was expecting the slicing to return a view into the 2D array which would work for the blit function call, but instead the slicing actually returns a new array with the values copied into it (which, thinking about it, is what slicing does otherwise, I believe).
Currently I am using a workaround whereby I create a 2D array, where one of the dimensions is only 1 element wide (thus effectively re-creating a 1D array), and then using Array2D.blit. I would prefer to do it directly though, both because I find this ugly, and moreover because it would be quite useful elsewhere in my program where I can't just declare a 1D array as 2D.
My first approach:
let srcArray = Array.zeroCreate srcArrayLength
... // do relevant computation
srcArray.[index] <- result
... // finish computation
Array.blit srcArray 0 destArray.[index, *] 0 srcArrayLength
My current approach:
let srcArray = Array2D.zeroCreate 1 srcArrayLength
... // do relevant computation
srcArray.[0,index] <- result
... // finish computation
Array2D.blit srcArray 0 0 destArray index 0 1 srcArrayLength
The former approach has no effect on my destination 2D array. The latter approach works where I use it, but as I said above it isn't nice, and cannot be used in another situation, where I have a jagged 2D array (i.e. 'a[][]) that I would like to blit across from.
How might I go about achieiving my aim? I thought of Span/Memory, but it wasn't clear to me if and how they could be used here. Alternatively, if you can spot a better way to do this that doesn't involve blit, I'm all-virtual-ears.
I figured out a fairly good solution to this, with the help of someone over in the F# Foundation Slack. Since nobody else has posted an answer, I'll put this one up.
Both Array.Copy (note that that is the .NET Array.Copy method, not the F#-specific Array.copy) and Buffer.BlockCopy were suggested to me. Array.Copy still complains about mismatching array types, but Buffer.BlockCopy ignores the dimensionality of the supplied array, and merely copies the specified number of bytes from one location to another. Using this and relying on the fact that 2D arrays are really stored as 1D arrays in row-major order (the same as C, I believe), it is quite possible to overwrite the last dimension of a multi-dimensional array reasonably cleanly.
I updated the code from the 'current approach' in my question to the below:
let srcArray = Array.zeroCreate srcArrayLength
... //do relevant computation
srcArray.[index] <- result
... //finish computation
Buffer.BlockCopy(srcArray, 0, destArray, firstDimIndex * lengthOfSecondDim * sizeof<'a>, lengthOfSecondDim * sizeof<'a>
Not only does it do the job in a way which I personally find a bit tidier, but it has a side-benefit in that it is noticeably faster than the second approach described in the question - I haven't yet run a benchmark to quantify the difference though.

One large array from multiple arrays Matlab

I'v multiple arrays of [1x3], however I named them array1 array2 array3 and so on. What I want to create one array from all arrays such that array=array1(i,1:3) array=array2(i,4:6) and so on. How I can done this by looping or any suggestions regarding my approach, I actually want to access multiple arrays dynamic so that I'm going with this approach, any other suggestions are welcomed as I thought there will be slow computations and processing speed when my array size increases.
My Code:
for i=1:10
The easiest way is use cat function:
array = cat(2,array_1,array_2,array_3);
If you want to access array_i (i=1,2,3,...)
array_i = array((i-1)*3+1:i*3);
The jth index (j=1,2,3) of the array_i (i=1,2,3,4,...) can be accessed:
jth_index_of_array_i = array((i-1)*3+j)

Making a for-loop in Matlab faster by using arrayfun?

currently I have the following portion of code:
for i = 2:N-1
res(i) = k(i)/m(i)*x(i-1) -(c(i)+c(i+1))/m(i)*x(N+i) +e(i+1)/m(i)*x(i+1);
where as the variables k, m, c and e are vectors of size N and x is a vector of size 2*N. Is there any way to do this a lot faster using something like arrayfun!? I couldn't figure this out :( I especially want to make it faster by running on the GPU later and thus, arrayfun would be also helpfull since matlab doesn't support parallelizing for-loops and I don't want to buy the jacket package...
Thanks a lot!
You don't have to use arrayfun. It works if use use some smart indexing:
clear all
% for-based implementation
%Watch out, you are not filling the first element of forres!
forres=zeros(N-1,1); %Initialize array first to gain some speed.
for i = 2:N-1
forres(i) = k(i)/m(i)*x(i-1) -(c(i)+c(i+1))/m(i)*x(N+i) +e(i+1)/m(i)*x(i+1);
%vectorized implementation
parres=k(2:N-1)./m(2:N-1).*x(1:N-2) -(c(2:N-1)+c(3:N))./m(2:N-1).*x(N+2:2*N-1) +e(3:N)./m(2:N-1).*x(3:N);
%compare results; strip the first element from forres
difference=forres(2:end)-parres %#ok<NOPTS>
Firstly, MATLAB does support parallel for loops via PARFOR. However, that doesn't have much chance of speeding up this sort of computation since the amount of computation is small compared to the amount of data you're reading and writing.
To restructure things for GPUArray "arrayfun", you need to make all the array references in the loop body refer to the loop iterate, and have the loop run across the full range. You should be able to do this by offsetting some of the arrays, and padding with dummy values. For example, you could prepend all your arrays with NaN, and replace x(i-1) with a new variable x_1 = [x(2:N) NaN]

Preallocating arrays in Matlab?

I am using a simple for loop to crop a large amount of images and then storing them in a cell array. I keep getting the message:
The variable croppedSag appears to change size on every loop iteration. Consider preallocating for speed.
I have seen this several times before while coding in MATLAB. I have always ignored it and am curious how much preallocating will increase the runtime if I have, say, 10,000 images or a larger number?
Also, I have read about preallocating in the documentation and it says to use zeros() for that purpose. How would I use that for the code below?
croppedSag = {};
for i = 1:sagNum
croppedSag{end+1} = imcrop(SagArray{i},rect);
I didn't quite follow the examples in the documentation.
Pre-allocating an array is always a good idea in Matlab. The alternative is to have an array which grows during each iteration through a loop. Each time an element is added to the end of the array, Matlab must produce a totally new array, copy the contents of the old array into the new one, and then, finally, add the new element at the end. Pre-allocating eliminates the need to allocate a new array and spend time copying the existing contents of the array into the new memory.
However, in your case, you might not see as much benefit as you might expect. When copying the cell array to a new, enlarged cell array, Matlab doesn't actually have to copy the contents of the cell array (the image data), but only pointers to that data.
Nonetheless, there is no reason not to pre-allocate (unless you actually don't know the final size in advance). Here's a pre-allocated version of your loop:
croppedSag = cell(1, sagNum);
for ii = 1:sagNum
croppedSag{ii} = imcrop(SagArray{ii}, rect);
I also changed the index variable "i" to "ii" so that it doesn't over-write the imaginary unit.
You can also re-write this loop in one line using the cellfun function:
croppedSag = cellfun(#(im) imcrop(im, rect), SagArray);
Here's a blog entry that might be informative:
Matlab - Speed up your Code by Preallocating the size of Arrays, Cells, and Structures
